CS-Lancwtw Farming, Saturday, August 27, 1994 Master Mix Recognizes Feed Dealers MOUNT JOY (Lancaster Co.) Master Mix Feeds recognized 13 area dealers from Pennsylvania and Maryland at its annual 5-star dealer banquet held in Arlington, Va. recently. The 5-star dealer banquet cap ped off another successful year for Master Mix Feeds and for the dealers. Highlights of the 1993-94 fiscal year included the introduc tion of the Momentum Fast Start System for swine. Masterzyme digestive aid for dairy cows, and Mastergain minerals for beef cat tle. i t ’ tM I Dealers recognized in clude, left to right, Greg Hill, DSM Master Mix; Mike and Nancy Sensenlg - Sensenlg’s Feed Mill, New Holland, PA. On right Is Bob Callaway. \ i U i t o»v> m> »« Feed dealers were recently recognized. From left, Rick Ruppert • DSM Master Mix; Ron and Jeanne Hoke • Hoke Mills Inc., Abbotstown, PA. On right is Bob Callaway. White Oak Technical Services Director ELIZABETHTOWN (Lancas ter Co.) White Oak Mills, in its continuing effort to provide the best quality dairy feed service, is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. P.V. Reddy D.V.M..PH.D., to the dairy technical services director position. Responsible for technical sup port and nutritional training of White Oak Mills’ growing dairy department staff, Reddy also will be formulating dairy rations and fine-tuning them according to each dairy farmer’s available re sources. In addition, Reddy will assist with troubleshooting by working and consulting with individual dairy fanners. Previously working as director, technical services for Vets Plus, Inc. in Knapp, Wise., he assisted with specialty nutritional product development and provided techni cal support to customers and sales staff. ness News »>t I > K i. i Ik !i \ < I » kXVt • •<> j'.K »•> It * ii'Hvf liiK v From left, Greg Hill • Dis trict Sales Manager, Master Mix Feeds; Reggie Rohrer, Mlmml Rohrer, Ross A. Rohr er & Son, and Bob Callaway, eastern regional director of operations. *w J«U Left to right, Rick Ruppert, DSM, Master Mix Feeds; Marilyn & Loy Flaherty, Ser vice Feeds, Cardiff, Md. Right Is Bob Callaway. •w*. Master Mix Feed dealers are recognized. From left, Rick Ruppert, DSM Master Mix; Bill and Phyllis Snider. Sniders Mill, Lemasters, PA. On right Is Bob GaHaway. Announces Dr. P.V. Reddy Kinze Honors Binkley & LITITZ (Lancaster Co.) Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc., re ceived a Service Excellence Award during a national sales meeting conducted earlier this month at the headquarters of Kinze Manufacturing, Inc., in Williamsburg, lowa. The award is presented annual ly to five Kinze dealers (one from each North American Sales dis trict) for excellence in establishing top-rated service programs. Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc., sells and services Kinze farm Spreader Holds Up To 400 Cubic Feet MORGANTOWN (Berks Co.) Stoltzfus Spreaders introduces a new larger sized poultry litter spreader (PLS) which holds up to 400 cubic feet of litter, reducing the number of trips fanners make to Helds. 4T- The Stoltzfus PLS can apply 6000 pounds of poultry litter per acre. It is built of heavy gauge “Cor-Ten” steel for durability and longer life, and is capable of Magnum Tractor Reaches Milestone RACINE, Wis. Case Corpo ration recently added another entry to the farm history books when it built and shipped the 50,000 th Case International Mag num™ tractor. _ The production milestone will be celebrated with a limited series of Magnum Mark SO Edition trac tors to be sold throughout the U.S., Canada and select interna tional markets. The commemora tive tractors will carry unique Mark SO graphics inside and out and special paint scheme. “If you think about it, only a few high points have made a revo lutionary mark on the evolution of the modem tractor,” said Rich mm JHL * Farm Credit LEWISBURO (Union Co.) Second-quarter 1994 earnings for Northeastern Farm Credit, ACA were reported at $677,000, an in crease of 10.6 percent over the same period of 1993, according to quarterly financial statements. Net earnings on the $l9B mil lion loan portfolio of the associa tion increased by $95,000 in the second quarter over the same per iod of 1993. Association officials attributed this increase to improv ed net interest income. A reversal in the provision for loan losses in the second quarter of 1994 also contributed toward unproved earnings, and reflects gains in overall loan portfolio credit quality this year. Adversely f Dan Hoover, right, Binkley & Hurst Bros., Inc., LltHz, re ceives a special custom-de signed trophy commemorat ing the Service Excellence Award from Kinze Manufac turing. Kinze District Man ager Jim McGee and Presi dent Jon Klnzenbaw, left, present the trophy. The New Stoltzfus poultry litter spreader Is large enough for spreading low density poultry litter yet built strong enough to spread stockpiled lime. Case Corporation is pro ducing a limited number of this “Magnum™ Mark 50 to commemorate the 50,000 th Case International Magnum tractor. Earnings Up classified loans dropped to 7.4 percent of trhe total loan portfolio at June 30, 1994, as compared to 7.9 percent at year-end 1993. Loan volume, at June 30,1994, was up $600,000, or 0.3 percent from March 31, 1994. However, loan volume has declined $3.8 million, or 1.9 percent, from year end 1993. The trend toward sta bilization in lending activity was attributed primarily to the resolu tion of distressed loans. Dauberman Attends Manager Meeting LANDIS VILLE (Lancaster Co.) Gary Dauberman, of Bel lefonte, recently attended a four day district manager conference conducted by Hoffman Seeds in Raleigh, N.C. The meetings informed district managers about industry trends, new product developments, sales programs, and production goals. The event also included a tour of Ciba Seeds research facilities in Research Triangle Park, N.C. and Ciba’s Crop Protection research facility in Greensboro where dis trict managers were familiarized with the latest research tech niques. Biotechnological develop ments were also discussed, parti cularly as they related to European Com Borer resistance. Hurst Bros. equipment in District 4, which in cludes Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania. New York, Maryland, and Ontario, Canada. Binkley & Hurst's Don Hoover accepted the honor while partici pating in the day-long session which featured demonstrations on new Kinze products, product im provements. plus an update on new trends and techniques in planting, mechanical crop cultiva tion, and harvesting equipment and practices. spreading a variety of materials normally difficult to spread, such as stockpiled lime. The Stoltzfus PLS can also spread compost, shavings, and is precise enough to spread fertilizer with accuracy. For more information, contact Gary Lake, Stoltzfus Spreaders, PO Box 527, Morgantown, PA 19543, (800) 843-8731. Christman, Case Corporation senior vice president, sales and marketing-North America. “Until we introduced the 7100 Series Magnum tractors, tractor design had stayed basically the same for A handful of over 20 years. . nandfui >. pivot al changes like shift-on-the-go transmissions and hydraulics were separated by long stretches of relatively minor product innova tion. Magnum represents the last great revolution in tractor technology.” Hess To Head National Trade Group WILLOW STREET (Lancaster Co.) Lloyd E. Hess, Hess Meats, Inc., was elected to serve as president of the American As sociation of Meat Processors (AAMP) for the 1994-1995 term. Hess has been involved in his family’s meat business since 1978 and is currently vice president and treasurer of die operation. Hess has served AAMP as a board member for two years and was on the 1994 Convention Committee. He has been active with numerous other association committees and acdvides as well as serving the Pennsylvania Asso ciation of Meat Processors in vari ous capacities. Dauberman joined Hoffman Seeds in May and is responsible for Hoffman’s central Pennsylva nia sales territory. Gary Dauberman
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