Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 27, 1994, Image 90

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    C2-Lancaatar Farming, Saturday, August 27,1994
Cumberland Co. Correspondent
Co.) Brad Varner and Christo
pher A. Reichard showed their
stuff during the Holstein Show at
the Shippensburg Fair.
Varner started his string of vic
tories by winning the 4-H senior
and grand champion titles with his
4-year-old Le-Ida Marvel Ideal.
The Newville youth with the
same animal also won the senior
and grand champion spots in the
open event, plus he took the best
animal bred and owned by an ex
hibitor award and the best udder of
show hobor.
Reichard, of Chambersburg,
ber ' hr by taking the FFA
Showing the Shlppensburg Fair 4-H champion Holsteins
are, from the left, Kim Orris, Cumeiiand County dairy prin
cess, Brad Varner, with the grand champion, Craig Walton
showing Eliabeth Walton's reserve grand champion, and
Leanne Haycock, county dairy maid.
Showing the FFA Holstein grand champions of the Shlp
pensburg Fair are, from the left, Kim Orris, Cumberland
County dairy princess, Christopher Reichard with his grand
champion, a friend showing the reserve grand champion for
Reichard, and Leanne Haycock, county dairy maid.
Varner Shows Shippensburg Grand Holstein
senior and grand champion titles
with C Keyeseel Matatdor Denise,
a dry in the 4-ycars-and-under
Next, he won the FFA reserve
senior and reserve grand cham
pion spots with his senior 3-year
old, Reich Dale Warden Elegance.
Another multiple winne rwas
Elizabeth L. Walton of Carlisle.
Walton won the 4-H reserve
senior and reserve grand cham
pion titles with her junior 2-year
old, Fountain Farm Star B Desire-
She also won the 4-H junior
champion award and the open re
serve junior champion spot with
her spring yearling, Tower Vue
The Le Ida Farm is presented with the Shippensburg Fair Holstein banners for pre
mier exhibitor and breeder. From the left are, David Walton, representing the Cumber
land County Holstein Association, Leroy Showaker, Ida Showaker and Ed Showaker,
and Jay Young, a representative of the Franklin County Holstein Association.
Shippensburg Fair Holstein officials present the grand and reserve grand ip
ion awards. From the left, Kim Orris, Cumberland County dairy princess, Creedin
Cornman, champion award sponsor, Galen Smith, sponsor of best bred and owned
award, Larissa Mellott, Franklin County dairy princess, Brad Vamer with his best bred
and owned and Grand Champion Holstein, Kevin Horst with his reserve grand champ
ion, Judge Christine Wood, and Leanne Haycock, Cumberland County dairy maid.
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