844-iancMt*r Farming, Saturday, August 27, 1994 Auction To Be Held At The - Farmersville Auction Grounds. Local Aucts. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication FRI. OCT. 14 - 9AM Farm Equip., Tractor & Supplies. A&C Diffenbach.Auction Inc, 100 W. Jackson St, New Holland, Pa. FRI. OCT. 14 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 South Off 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road (717) 249-4511. FRI. OCT. 14 - 7PM, Feed er Cattle. Located New Hol land Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St, New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. FRI. OCT. 14-6 PM & SAT. OCT. 15 - 9AM Real Estate, household goods, antiques, coins, tools & storage shed. East end of Leola at 366 E. Main St. in Village of Bareville along Rt. 23. Upper Leacock Twp. Lane. Co., Pa By Mary Usner, Amos M. Evans. Robert E & Jeffrey R. Martin, aucts. SAT. OCT. 15 - Located at RR 2 Newport, Pa. 40 Acre Farm, farm machinery, butchering equip., old anti ques & collectibles. Ralph & Jessie Wax, owners. Bryan D Imes, Auct. SAT. OCT. 15-Arnold Hog Production Sale, Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Leba non. Pa. Harry H. Bach man, auct. SAT. OCT. 15-SAM. Real Estate, Antiques, House hold Goods. Located 216 Scotland Rd„ Quarryville, Pa. Terms By, Alice H. Car ter. Kreider, Kline & Good Aucts. SAT. OCT. 15-10 AM Real Estate 11 AM 69 Acre dairy farm, farm equip. Location; From Ephrata go N. on Schoeneck Rd approx. 2 miles to farmo n right 410 Schoeneck Rd. West Cocalico Twp., Lane. Co By Eh H.& Ellen W. Weller, Aaron E. Martin, auction service. SAT. OCT. 15- 1:00PM 57 Acre Dairy Farm, Located 1283 Sheep Hill Rd., East Earl, IV4 mile Eof Blue Ball. Owner' Ivan S. & Ruth Zimmerman. Nevin Martin 8 Sons. Aucts. SAT. OCT, 15 - 4:3OPM Farm Toy Consignment Auction held at Lancaster Farm & Home Center off FARM REAL ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 3RD, io:ooam Located in Perry Co. 3-1/2 Mi. West of Loysville on Rt. 850- Watch for signs. Selling - 56 ACRE FARM - With older Brick house and Bank bam. Both buildings are sound, but no modem conveniences, except a new completed and approved septic system. Approx. 43 tillable acres - Balance in woodland and grass waterway. Presently being farmed in com and alfalfa. Good High Producing land. Approx. 500 ft. of road frontage on Route 850. Beautiful country setting • ideal for small farm or work-away type operation - also Horse or Beef Cattle person. Don’t forget the Developer Option, also! PROPERTY WILL BE OFFERED TWO WAYS: First: House - Barn - Outbuildings, and approx, two acres. Second: Approx. 54 acres of open land, and then both parcels will be offered together. NEW SURVEY! TERMS: $lO,OOO Down on Day of Auction, to be held in escrow by Auction Co. until settlement, which will be held in 45 days or less if desired by Buyers. Sale held with Owners Right to Accept or Reject Final Bid. Broker Participation Invited. For more information, call Owners or Auction Co. Owners, Philip & Jacqueline A. Brubaker Box 1088, R.D. 1, Loysviilo, Pa. 17047 (717) 789-4380 AIMTWMiI Managed By: Kling’s Auctions, Inc. Landisburg, Pa?l7o4o* Pa. Lie. # 0500 ~I Office Phone # 717 789-3883 Rt. 72 behind Landis Bros. John Deere. Auct Rich Har ry and Randy Stoltzfus. MON. OCT. 17 - 9:3OAM Belles Springs Rest, w/ approx 9.25 acres & Travel Port Gas Station, next to Belles Springs Rest. REst. Equip. Ron J. & Ron S. Gil ligan, aucts. WED. OCT. 19 & THURS. OCT. 20 - Large Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipment, Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa., One Mile East Of Marion Along Rte. 914, % East Off Rte. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auction Service. THURS. OCT. 20 - 9AM Real estate, 39Vi acre farm, farm machinery & personal property. Luke Landis, 1276 Landis Rd., Ephrata, E. Cocalico Twp. Take Rt. 272 N. to traffic light at Reamstown turn right onto Church St. thru town to Red Run Rd. turn left to Landis Rd. turn right. Kline, Kreider & Good Aucts. FRI. OCT. 21 - Annual con signment gun auction, held at the Port Royal Commun ity Bldg. 4th st. Port Royal, Pa. Bryan D. Imes, auct. FRI. OCT. 21 - Farm Machinery, Tools, Crops, Butcher Equipment. Located At 1453 Bedford Rd., Shippensburg, Pa. Owners, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Seibert. Nevin & Andrew Martin Aucts. FRI. OCT. 21 & SAT. OCT. 22 - 9AM- Sat. Annual Sup oort For Prison Ministry Belleville livestock Market Wednesday, August 31,1994 TO 1:30 PM Wl Herd Dispersal ■w Compl V* 105 head of Grade Holstein* 70 cowi 13 bred heifer* 17 open heifer* 6 calves This is a milking parlor herd, A.l. bred and sired, calfhood vaccinated and all home , 7*s raised. 7®s Herd has a lot of well grown and young cows. For More Information Call: 7*s Gene Click (717) 667-2703 7*s Sale Barn (717) 935-2146 FRI. OCT. 21 - SPM, Annu al Fall Gun, Hunting & Sporting Equip. Sale, Con signment. Located At Miller Auct. Center, Bethel, Pa. Call To Consign. Dwight D. Miller, Auct. SAT. OCT. 22 - Saudefs Nursery. Nursery Stock. Located Along East Earl Road, 1 Mile Southeast Of Blue Ball. Nevin Martin & Sons Aucts. SAT., OCT. 22 -10 AM, Mel's Stable Selected Con signment Horse Sale. Located At 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, Go South On Brim mer Ave. Go 2 Miles South On New Holland Road To Hill Rd. Turn Left On Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 Miles To Sale On The Left. From Rt. 340 East Of Intercourse Take New Holland Rt. 2.5 Miles to Hill Rd., Right On Hill Rd. to Sale On Left. Mel Hoover, Auctioneer. SAT. OCT. 22 -11 AM Hegins Valley Faqrm, 43 acre farm, Parcel No. 2 20 acres open & wooded land, Parcel No. 3 100 acres woodland. Farm Equip. Along Gap School Road in the village of Valley View, Hegins Twp., Schuylkill Co., Pa. 8 miles West of 1-81, exit 34. S. Marie Ment zer and Fred E. Shadle, owners. Mike & George Delbert, aucts. MON. OCT. 24 - 6:3OPM 3 unit apartment, Located at 205 Maple St., Gordonville, Pa. Owner Levi A. Esh, Jr. Ron Funk, Gordon Ressler, aucts. WED. OCT. 26 -11 AM, Sale. Judging 9AM. Annual Dairy Show & Sale. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, TO TO TO Aucts. FRI. OCT. 28 -11 AM, Rumsey Farm Complete Dispersal, Complete Hols tein Herd, Machinery & Hay. Located Friendship (Allegany Co.) New York. Owners Retiring. Pirrung Aucts., Inc. 716-728-2520. FRI. OCT. 28 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Anna M. Smith Estate PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable Real Estate (8) Acre Farmette - Absolute Auction J.D. “M” J.D. “B” Tractors - Farm Equipt., - Bel-Saw Machines - Antique Household Saturday Sept. 24,1994 at 9:00 A.M. Located in Hamilton Township, Adams County at 760 Berlin Road, New Oxford, Pa. Directions: From Route 30 at Cross Keys, take Route 94 North 1 mile, turn left onto Berlin Road, .2 mile to sale site. Real Estate consists of (8) Acres M/L with Approx. 430 Ft. Frontage on Berlin Road, being improved with a 6 Room & Bath 2 'A Story Brick Dwelling w/attached Summer House. There is a full cemented cellar and property has own Well & Septic System. There is a 26’x42’ frame bam with a frame & cement block 18’x42’ addition on the end with a cement stave silo. Property has a 22’x24’ Wagon Shed - wood frame 34’x40’ Machine Shed w/2nd floor - 10’x70’ wood frame chicken house - wood frame unattached 2-car garage and other outbuildings. NOTE: This property has excellent location, being near school, shopping area and heavily traveled Route 30 <£ 94. Would be ideal for Horses, Cattle, Antique Shop or Home Repair Shop, or other potentials. Call (717) 624-2313 for appointment to inspect this fine piece of Real Estate. Real Estate to be offered at 1:00 PM. TERMS: 10% Down day of sale. BaL 45 Days. Anna M. Smith, Estate E. Elmer Smith Executor Gary E. Hartman, Attorney Dennis J. Plunked, Auctioneer Littlestown, Pa. Lie. No. 1102 L Sam Evans, Appr. Lie No. AA-2188L Watch for complete listing at later date! 100 HEAD THIS MONTHS’OFFERING FEATURES: GRADE HERD DISPERSAL FOR A LANCASTER COUNTY DAIRYMAN ** THE MOST MILK WE HAVE EVER SOLD: VIRTUALLY EVERY COW IS FRESH OR SPRINGINGI A RECENT FARM ACCIDENT MAKES THIS SALE NECESSARYI HERD HAS BEEN IN EXISTENCE SINCE 1948. THE TOP SIRES IN A.I. HAVE BEEN USED! ***MILK WEIGHTS WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT SALE TlME*** **WE REPEAT - THE MOST MILK WE HAVE EVER OFFERED AT ONE TIMEII ** * ADDITIONAL SALE FEATURES ************ * A Fresh VG-88 Royalty Dtr sells milking 108 Ibsl Dam is EX-90-DOM with 25.100 M 931 F & GRDAM is 4E-93 with31,967M3.6%1135F1 Really special consignment! Darrell mills. * A VG-85 Jubilant sells Fresh & Milking 100 lbs. after making 2 yrs 21,568 M 4.0% 862 F! Dam is VG with 20.000 M &redl Really special) WealandFarm. * Rumsey Light sends several fresh Jereeysl Also a Fresh Wister Otr from a VG-05 Dam with 27.660 M 4.1% 1127 F & GRDAM is VG-88. * Marlin Hoff sends several including a Fresh Camarol Just finished with 3-03 22.370 M 749 F 714P1 Dam is VG-88 with 29.140 M 1000 F & GRDAM is 3E-94-GMD-DOM with 35,000 M 1368F1 Also a Fresh Tesk backed by a 2E-93 Dam with 33.370 M 3.8% 1272 F & GRDAM is 3E-90 with 31,000M1 A Fresh Ralston Dtr sells milking 114 lbs backed by a VG Dam! * My Ladys Manor sends 6 head including a springing blackstar with 1-11 305 D 20.100 M 3.4% 693F1 A Fresh Leader Dtr sells milking 90 ibs/dayl A special Mark Dtr sells fresh! * A Southwind Dtr sells due 9/10 to Blackjack! Dam has 20.000 M! * A Fresh Leadman sells from a dam with 23,D00M 939 F & GRDAM made 29,000. •* Service age sires will be offered with Brothers in All 10 Mascot, 4 Astre, 3 Adan, 3 Slocum, 3 Converse, 10 Chairman, 2 Nick, 3 Mark, 10 Chairman & morel All at the sale)! “‘SOME FANCY CALVES A YEARLINGS WILL SELL*** *CaWe are tested for immediate interstate shipment, pregnancy examined & inoculated against shipping fever. * Sale held at the Ben K. Stoltzfus Farm located on Rt 340, First Farm East of Intercourse Stonehufstßim Sale Managed B v Th Telephone: Don Welk - 717/687-7475 Wo mo moving n number of high qunhty herds privately -3h 25u cows Call ns immediately to (ill youi needs Holds ate pnced for immediate sale Dairy and .Livestock Sales Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12SouthOff 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. A August 30 • 7:30 PM Intercourse, PA “SEMEN SELLING - BRING YOUR TANKS ** Belleville livestock Market Annual Fall Consignment Machinery Sale Friday, Sept. 2,1994 9:00 AM We will be selling on consignment our usual run of horse drawn and conventional farm equipment of all types. Also selling will be all sorts of lumber building supplies, locust posts, mlsc. farm related Items. Several loads of new tools to be sold starting at 9:00 AM. Hay, straw and tractors to sell at 1:00 PM. Consignments are welcome on Thursday, Sept. 1, 1994 until 5:00 PM. For Early Advertising of large items Call: Gene Glick (717) 667-27C3 Sale Bam (717) 935-2146 PUREBRED HERD DISPERSAL TO Belleville Livestock Market TO| Wednesday, Sept. 7,1994 TO at 1:30 PM TO Offered for sale will be the herd of Dave and jJLi.' Alice Selton, who for over SO yean have been vAI milking one of the top herds In Butler County and V»vl tJL-i, the state. This herd currently has a rolling herd 'AS average of 18,930 milk 726 Ist and 595 protein. an Their are 30 young cows, IS Bred helfen, 14 Open rw Helfen and calves. Herd is certified, accredited and Sni vaccinated. Herd Is inoculated against IBR, BVD, Wgi P-13 and BRSV, Trtt FaatnHnWi An Ev Upland Danshter %n Proj. At 21.205 m 747f670p kn Bred 3-18-94 to Blanketar W - Her Iftuk daughter sells fresh “Al la March and still milking k|> 63 lbs. Bred 7-16-94 to ntsrttwefc safe in calf. -Also selling are her Nor-93 k>t Twin Helfen out of Vi Vi Vi Vi *V,I -<k —« n Daughter 4-09 Jgß 336 D 25,19211909 P 782 P Bred 1-27-94 to Kerin - aOP IfamHneo Daughter 4-02 %« JZ* 3820 24,76711838 P 771 JT” Herd Sire* include: Cletue, Wlleeda “M Citation R, Enhancer, Sou'thioind, kn Blacfcetar, Count, Gambler, Kambo, kJ> r« Leprechaun, and Vangitgud. r» Service Sine* Include: Hak. Blacfcetar, Stanvalfcer, Inspiration, Kevin. JjJ For More Information: JC, Gene Click (717) 667-2703 jr*» Sato Bam (717) 935-2146 ATTLE Davs Rama RD280x79 Delhi, NY 13753 Phone 607/745-2226 Fax: 607/746-2911 AU-002463-L DISPERSAL Exchange
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