Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 27, 1994, Image 8
>«£ S&'&y. *ugmt SfW J ms “Read All About It!” Benjamin Day felt there was a publishing niche to be filled in New York, and he thought he was the one to fill it. On September 3. 183.1, he distributed the first issue of his New York Sun. a four-page daily, selling for one penny. Day gave New Yorkers what he thought they wanted: sensational accounts ot crime and horror, human-interest stories, and no politics. One of the first things Day did was to run this ad in his second issue “To the Unemployed A number of steady men can find employment by vending this paper A liberal dis w count is allowed to those who buy to sell again.” uW/. Ten-year-old Barney Flaherty responded and i*jl was hired Benjamin Day did indeed fill a niche, giving America its first successful press and its first newsboy A newspaper is a circulating library with high UooJ pressure. c*- For best flavor gather herbs on a dry day when the herbs first blossom. EarthwlsE When it comes to helping out around the house vinegar is one o( the best nontoxic splutipns available Use it to clean, deodori/e. and cut through grimy films 1 rv soaking slimv sponges in a strong vinegar and water solution lor 24 hours Then rinse well in cold water and drv in the sun In the kitchen use vinegar to wipe down countertops It will get rid of the “icky stick les," eliminate odors, and dis- courage ants Newspaper Carrier Day, Sept. 4. Scalloped Tomatoes 6 medium tomatoes, peeled, seeded, end cubed 3 cups seasoned croutons 2 tsblespoons chopped green onion 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1/4 teaspoon each basil, thyme, and salt 2 tablespoons butter, melted 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese Laver half the tomatoes, half the croutons, then remaining tomatoes in a 2-quart casserole Sprinkle with onion, seasonings, and remaining croutons Drizzle butter on top and sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 350° F for 30 minutes. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Leesport Livestock Auction Laaaport, Pa. Wadratf«y, Aagtiat 24,1994 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 316... Supply included 124 il. (teen 4 heifers A 43 feeder cattle . STEERS: Choice 106S/1430 lbs. 63.25-65.73, High Select and Low Choice 61.00- 63.00, Select 58.00-62.50, Standard 54.00- HOLSTEINS: High Choice Jr OLD FARMER’S and Prime 1365/1500tbs. 57.25-59.75, few lirri 4TUPD to 61.50, Choice 11S0/167S Ibi. W IjAI Wm 54.23-57.75, Select 5X50-34.75, Sundtrd nAT\TI/l ( nrr 50.50-53.00. HEIFERS: Choice nlKrtiA.S *lO5O/1250 lbs. 61.75-64.75, few Yield 1 vmuvuiui G(lde 4 & 5 1050/1670 lb*. 55.00-61.25, Standard 50.50-55.50, few Choice Hols- Jffmm lij teim 58.50-60.25. COWS: Breaking Utili # *7 Commercial 44.00-48.25, Outer " y and Boning Utility 41.00-45.25, Calmer and Low Qmer 37.50-43.00. SheUi down to 30.00. BULLOCKS: few Choice 56.00- Select 51.25-54.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1285/1865 Ibi. 54.00- one 65.50, few No. 2 1050/1855 lbs. 50.25-54.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Steen; Large Frame No. 1 & 2 305/390 lbs. 90.00-95.00, few Large Frame No. 2 635/800 lbs. 58.00-67.00, few Medium Frame 1A 2 200/250 lbs. 100.00; Heifen: Medium and Large Frame No. 1 325/850 lbs. 68.50-77.50, Laige Frame No. 2 450/635 lbs. 60.00-67.00; Bulb: Large Frame No. 1 ft 2 205/335 lbs. 91.00- few Medium Frame No. 1 425/695 lbs. 63.00-87.50. CALVES 159..VEALERS: few Good 70.00- Standard and Good 60/130 lbs. 50.00- 65.00, Utility 60/105 lbs. 30.00- RETURNED TO FARM: No. 1 Holstein bulls 90/125 lbs. 110.00- few 80/90 lbs. 90.00- No. 2 80/120 lbs. 65.00- No. 1 Holstein heifers 80/110 lbs. 162.50-212.50, No. 2 70/100 lbs. 50.00-150.00. Beef cross bulls and heifers 70/130 lbs. 90,00-170.00. HOGS 253..8ARR0WS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200/257 lbs. 41.75-42.85, US 1-3 220/255 lbs. 40.00-41.85, US 2-3 260/285 lbs. 36.00-38.75, few US 1-3 180/197 lbs. 33.50-39.50. SOWS: US 1-3 345/500 lbs. 26.00- 500/725 lbs. 30.00-31.00, few Medium 340/450 lbs. 22.00-24.50. BOARS: 235/690.1b5. 25.00-27.00. FEEDER PIGS 114.. US 1-3 23/30 lbs. 85.00- 10.00. - per cwt US 1-3 35/55 lbs. 69.00- 15/20 lbs. 20.00-24.00. - per head. Northeast: Sunny, some showers; clear, heat wave. Southeast: Clear and mild, turning hot west, thundershowers and cooler, then clear and hot. Midwest: Showers and hot. then rainy and mild, clearing and hot Northwest: Sprinkles increasing to ram, very cool, then clearing and warming Southwest; Clear and hot rainy east, then cold.severe storm desert. turning sunny and warm mountains SHEEP 73.. Slaughter lambi: High Choice and Prime 65/100 Ibi. 74.00-80.00, HAY, STRAW & GRAIN SALE Every Thursday at 1 p.m. Auction will continue all year long Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30,10 miles east of Lancaster In Paradise, PA) For Info. L Robert Frame, Sr. 717-442*4181 business president 215-458-8518 home m m BiNKL|T‘ffl®ST ~*, , ,t-BHOS.XNC.-' 133 Rothsville Station Rd. • Lmtz, PA 17543’ Sat. 7:00 AM-12 Noon W mmmmml 717-626-4705 ITV : . v ' After Hour Emergencies WE SHIP PARTS DAILY “SSKS" W " raa Sun Closed - Lord’s Day Basrah m&m) m Silage Tester The Best Way To Test Silage - Freshly Chopped Or Ensiled; Fast, Convenient, Clean And ry Accurate. Tests High Moisture Grain Too. price 5 226. 10 David Brown TRAILERS fIWK ("■crriß-BiLT") BSUMUDWBI Cmomoseni) CORN PLANTER* A ORAM CARTS Choice 4S/60 Iba. 77.50-117.50. 637100 lbs. 65.00-70.00, Good 3S/110 lbs. 50.00- 00. Slaughter sheep: 19X0-32.00, few to 45.00 s GOATS 16... Large 44.00-78.00, one 97.00, Medium 47.50-54.00, Kids 35.00- per head. Carlisle Livestock Market CarUtta, Pa. Tueaday, Aug. 23, 1994 Report Supplied by Auction SLAUGHTER: STEERS, NO CHOICE OFFERED; HOLSTEINS SELECT 53.75-57.00. SLAUGHTER COWS; BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 46.25-48.25, CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 44.00-47.25, CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 39.00-43.75, BIG MIDDLE 42.73-46.00; SHELLY 38.7 S AND DOWN. BULLS: YG42 53.00-56.00. FEEDER CATTLE: FEEDER STEERS 750-805 LBS. 62.50-72.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: 200-400 LBS. 79.00-90.00; 450-600 LBS. 70,00-77J0; 650-150 LBS. 57.00-67.50. FEEDER BULLS; 200-400 LBS. 92.50-97.50; SSO-BSO LBS. SB.OO-77.00. CALVES: VBALERS 180-250 LBS. 85.00- STANDARD 70-100 LBS. 65.00- CALVES RETURNING TO THE FARM, STRONG DEMAND. HOLSTEIN BULLS «1 95-115 LBS. 160.00- HOLSTEIN BULLS «1 120-135 LBS. 137.50-1S9.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS #2 80-140 LBS. 100.00-147.50; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS «1 197.30-220.00. SWINE: HOGS US4I-3 220-270 LBS. MOSTLY 4LOO-4ZOO, FEW 42.75-47.00; OVER 280 LBS. 33.50-36.75; 150-190 LBS. 39.00-44.00; «2-4 320-450 LBS. 25.00- SOWS US#I-3 300-450 LBS. 28.25-30.25; 480-600 LBS. 30.25-32.00; THIN/WEAK/ROUGH 20.25-27.00. BOARS; 23.00-26.00. FEEDER PIGS: BY THE HEAD 35-50 L85.'28.00-41.00. GOATS: BY THE HEAD. MEDIUM BILLIES 57.00-75.00; MEDIUM NAN NIES 42.50-60.00; SMALL KIDS 20.00-37.00. LAMBS; GOOD AND CHOICE 70-110 LBS. 67.00-75.00; 130-ISO LBS. 48.00-52.00. GEHL JimraA Harrows g£3? (Saggar MOWCTMMADO | KELDERMAN AIR RIDE SHEEP: ALL WEIGHTS 27.0M0.0a NEXT STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE FRIDAY, AUG. 26. 1:30 P.M GRADING 7:30-11 A.M SALE VERY TUBS. LIVESTOCK 7 P.M. SALE TIME, RECEIVING 8:30 A.M. RABBITS POUL TRY AND EGGS 5:55 P.M. SALE TIME, RECEIVING 4 P.M. DIRECT BASE HOG PRICE 43.25 FOR WED., AUG. 24. SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE TOURS., SEPT. 13. APPROX. I P.M. Lebanon Valley Livestock Frederkkfbiiif, PA Tuoday, Auguit 23, 1994 Report mpplicd bj Auction STEERS: 22. HIGH CHOICE HOLS TEIN STEERS: 1075-1310 LBS. 57.75-62.25; CHOICE 1260-1365 LBS. 56.00-59.75; SELECTS 1190-1300 LBS. S2.SO-S4.SO; STANDARD 1350 LBS. 48.5 a COWS: 110 HEAD. BREAKING UTIL ITY AND COMMERCIAL 44.50-47.50; HIGH YIELDS 48.50; CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 42.00-44.50; CAN NER AND LOW CUTTER 39.50-42,50; SHELLS 36.00 DOWN. BULLS: 4 HEAD. YG#l 1220-1440 LBS. 57.50-60.25; YG#21450 LBS. 55.75. CALVES: 170 HEAD. CHOICE 85-105 LBS. 50.00-60.00; GOOD 65-75 LBS. 35.00-45.00; STANDARD AND GOOD 50-75 LBS. 30.00-40.00. FARM CALVES: #1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-110 LBS. 137.00-165.00; #2 HOLSTEIN BULLS 95-100 LBS. 142.00-160.00; #1 HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES 85-105 LBS. 157.00-185.00; #2 75-85 LBS. 52.00-90,00. BEEF BULL X HEIFER CALVES: 95 LBS. 137.00. HOGS: 97 HEAD. US#l&2 215-260 LBS. 39.50-42.50; US#2-3 214-273 LBS. 38.75-39.50; I&3S 200-208 LBS. 36.50-38.00. SOWS: 53 HEAD. #l&3 440-595 LBS. 29.50- #2-3 365-440 LBS. 27.50- MEDIUM 285-365 LBS. 24.00-27.50. BOARS: 4 HEAD. 435-695 LBS. 26.25-27.25; 210-245 LBS. 26.00-29.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP; 10 16.00-26.50. /!«/ • Unloader & Feeder •TMRMixer 717-776-3129 a"""* ‘■§» Where You Are - You’re Never Too Far! W-T-ftP CORPORATION by Athena ■ I €ft>ur Parts Are Just A Phone Call Awayl