Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 27, 1994, Image 57
Farmer Cultivates Good Will Through Tours LEWES, Del. “Why are all it was a numbered (ab attached to those cows wearing price tags?” a the cow’s ear for identification, first-grader asked Walter Hopkins But for Hopkins, a Delaware dairy during a recent tour of his dairy fanner, the question was an oppor farm. It wasn’t a price, of course; /M HAPPENINGS Barks Horse Dhow Following are results from the recent Berks County Horse Show. Grooming & Showmanship 12 yrs. & undar 1. Annie Wertz; 2. Katie Haring; 3. Sara L. Dissinger. Grooming i Showmanship 13-15 Yrs. 1. Laura M. Phillips: 2. Susan Braun; 3. Megan E. Dissinger. Grooming & Showmanship 16 yrs. & older 1. Amy A. Phillips; 2. Stephanie Hudson Opan Trail Horse 1. Susan Braun; 2. Katie A. Rahtsay; 3. Katie Haring. Pleasure Pairs 1. Jennifer Connolly, Lau ra M Phillips; 2. Laura M. Gingrich, Elizabeth E Ehng; 3. Katie Haring, Anne Wertz. Stock Seat Equitation Jr. Dlv. 1. Katie A. Ramsay: 2. Katie Haring; 3. Susan Braun. Stock Seat Equitation Sr. Dlv. 1. Laura M Phillips, 2. Stad Rakowiecki; 3. Kevin Hauseman. Western Pleasure Ponies (12.2 hands & under) 1. Ernest D. Kocher III; 2. Kate O. Kocher. Westarn Pleasure Pones (over 12.2 t not over 14.0 hands) 1. Jennifer Connolly. Western Pleasure Horses (ever 14.0 hands, Jr. Rider) 1. Katie A. Ramsay; 2. Susan Braun; 3. Katie Haring. Western Pleasure Horses (over 14.0, Senior Rider) 1. Laura M. Phillips; 2. Staa Rakowiecki; 3. Kevin Hauseman Western Riding 1. Katie A. Ramsay. Reining 1 Katie A. Ramsay. Pole Bending Pony 1 Ernest 0. Kocher, 111, 2 Dylan M. Boltz. Pole Bending Horse 1 Jenna Miller, 2. Amy A. Phillips. ' m FISHER S PAINTING & FISHER’S PAINT OUTLET STORE QUALITY PAINTS @ REASONABLE PRICES Paint*! ■ ALL TYPES OF INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Up j PAINTING ' ■ SANDBLASTING ■ ROOF COATING ■ RESTORATION & WATERPROOFING ON STONE & BRICK BUILDINGS HOUSES - BARNS - FENCES - FACTORIES - ETC. Specialists In Sand Blastlng/Spray Painting Pam Buildings, Feed Mills, Roots, Tanks, Etc. With Aerial Equipment WE NOW REPAIR SPRAY GUNS AND PUMPS 4056 A Newport Rd., Klnzers, PA 17535 717-768-3239 On Rt. 772 Across From Psquea Valley School 'Brush, (RpT Or Spray - WtU Bio It Either Way . Tor Jobs Large Or Small - Our Men Will (Do It AT j FULL LINE STAINLESS STEEL CHIMNEYS t=4-Peluxe Rain Cap ®SW Storm Collar Adjustable Roof Flashing Firestop Attic Insulation Shield Chimney Sections Chimney must be enclosed in living space Decorator Ceiling Support Stove Pipe Adapter Black Stove Pipe STOVE CW<* Our (priced Mfg’s Distributor D.S. MACHINE SHOP Peeler Inquiries Invited Clover Leaf Barrel Race Pony 1. Ernest D. Kocher III; 2. Dylan M. Boltz. Clover Leal Barrel Race Horse 1. Lacy Miller; 2. Amy A. Phillips; 3. Jenna Miller. Raised Box Keyhole Pony 1. Kate O. Kocher; 2. Ernest D. Kocher, 111. Raised Boy Keyhole Korea 1. Amy A. Phillips; 2. Jenna Miller. Hunter Seat Equitation Jr. Olv. 1. Eli zabeth E. Ehng; 2. Tracy Kramer; 3. Nicole Smith. Hunter Seat Equitation Sr. Dlv. 1. Laurel A. Schappell; 2. Stephanie Hudson; 3. Ruth Alkons. Huntar Seat Equitation (over Jumps) Jr. Dlv. 1 Laura M. Gingrich; 2. Timothy Clewell. Hunter Seat Equitation (over Jumps) Sr. Dlv. 1 Angie McGinnis. Hunter Ponies Under Saddle 1. Eli zabeth E. Ehng; 2. Laura M. Gmgnch; 3. Timothy Clewell. Hunter Horses Under Saddle 1. Tracy Kramer; 2. Amy Eldon; 3. Laurel A. Schappell. Working Hunter Ponies 1. Timothy Clewell. Working Hunter Horses 1. Ruth Alkons. Hunter Hack Ponies 1. Laura M. Gin grich; 2. Elizabeth E. Ehrlg; 3. Amanda Gensel Humor Hack Horses 1. Angie McGinnis; 2 Nicole Smith; 3. Amy Eldon. Pleasure Pony Driving 1. Ernest D. Kocher, III; 2. Kate O. Kocher. Walk Trot 1. Jared Millard; 2. Margo DeCesar, 3 Andrea Buler. CUSTOM BUILT COAL STOVES • LARGE GLASS DOORS • ENERGY EFFICIENT , Sag AfegV E,B B saw 2388 Old Leacock Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529 717-768-3853 tunity to teach about a subject close to his heart agriculture. “You have to really want to tell children about fanning when you invite them for a, tour in between planting com and cutting alfalafa it’s our busiest season,” Hopk ins says. Yet he knows that educa tion is the first step to understand ing, and a firsthand experience has more impact than a picture in a book. Hopkins graduated from the University of Delaware in 1970 with ein agricultural engi neering. After a tour of duty in Vietnam, he returned to the family farm. Today he milks a 4SO-head dairy herd on 1,000 acres in Sus Delaware dairy farmer Walter Hopkins explains to elementary-school children how cows are ml|ked in an automated dairy operation. Zi ffiiggS Ifivest lh Concrete, Qoalfty Work That Will tael A Lifetime CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND SEE HOW AFFORDABLE CONCRETE WALLS CAN BE CONTACT 5 ROT SBNSBNIG '} 717-355-0726 j CONCRETE \ WALLS, INC. | 601 Overly Grove Road, New Holland, PA 17557 ( EREGJSE sex County near Lewes. Hopkins’ father William, who began farm ing there with six cows more than a half century ago, is still actively involved in the operation. Hopkins gives dairy tours as a part of a Sussex County 4-H agri cultural learning experience. The tours target children from kinder garten to second gade. They see the dairy operation from calving area to the automated milking par lor and feeding stations. Other parts of the tour are hand led by 4-H’ers, cooperative exten sion agents, master gardeners and master food education, who set up demonstrations and exhibits that illustrate how much agriculture iculture - Residential - Commercial 12’ x 83' Diameter Circular Manure Storage UncMttr mining, Saturday, Auguat 27, 1994-817 affects lives every day. Hopkins, a former 4-H’er who last year won the state 4-H award of recognition for leadership and success in agriculture, says he’s happy to do his part in helping the next generation leafn about agriuclture. Hopkins adds that he doesn’t have to wonder if his investment is paying off. He knows it is. “When I get the children’s thank-you letters, drawings and posters later in the mail, I know I’m getting through to them,” Ho;kins says. “Their drawings show that they’ve learned some thing about where their food com es from. It’s worth it.” For Ml Your Concrete Walls And Construction Needs