Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 27, 1994, Image 56
Bie-Umcister Farming, Saturday, August 27, 1994 FFA Happenings FFA Members Win At States Twin Valley FFA returned from state FFA competition at Penn State with a first place dairy foods team, the top individuals in the interview and dairy foods con tests, the new state FFA chaplain, and the second place forestry team. More than 1,200 FFA members and advisors from chapters across Pennsylvania gathered at Penn State for the 65th annual state FFA summer convention and state con tests in areas. Capturing first place in the interview contest was Melissa Tyson of Birdsboro. Missy, the daughter of Dona and Gregory Tyson, had to write a letter apply ing for a job, complete an actual job application, and then actually be interviewed for this job. In the dairy foods contest, Michelle Powell captured first place and led the Twin Valley team to a first place finish. Other team members were Crystal Peter son, who placed third; Michelle DIESEL FUEL USERS... 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Dairy foods competitors take written tests on milk production and milk marketing and also solve milk marketing problems. They must detect off-flavors in milk and assign numerical scores to the milk samples, identify mastitis in milk samples, detect defects in milker parts which could be harm ful to that cow, identify different cheeses, and differentiate between real and artificial dairy products. Michelle Powell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scaramuzzino of Rockville, Crystal is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson of Honey Brook, Michelle Steve is the Daughter of Mrs. Jane Yohn of Birdsboro, and Rob is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deeds of Birdsboro. The dairy foods team will now represent Pennsylvania in national FFA competition in Kansas City, Mo. in November. In forestry competition. Twin Valley captured second place in a very close contest. Megan Mac- Bride finished third, Tara Plewa, sixth, and Larry Medaglia 12th. Forestry contestants also take a written test and do forestry prob lem solving. They must identify common Pennsylvania trees, equipment used in forestry, mea sure the diameter of trees and esti mate the timber volume in each tree and a premarked stand, and tell how to manage a forest stand. Megan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Macbride Elverson, Tara is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Plewa of Honey Brook, and Larry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Medaglia of Elverson. The team will now represent Pen nsylvania in competition at the- Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, Mass, in September. In wildlife competition, Melissa Makris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Makris of Honey Brook, placed third with a gold medal. Melissa had to take a written test on her knowledge of wildlife, cor rectly identify 25 birds from a list of mbrc than 200, identify com mon Pennsylvania mammals, identify common wildlife foods, identify wildlife tracks, identify bird calls, identify signs of various wildlife species, and finally, at two different sites, identify the wildlife species you would expect Ask about the vei and 4660 chore tractors in the 40-52 PTO hp range. TTiey provide low maintenance, economical operation, fuel efficiency and are backed by a 4-year/4,000-hour warranty. • Reliable, air-cooled engines. The 3-cylinder, naturally-aspirated diesel engine delivers 40 PTO hp in the 4650 and 52 PTO hp in the 4660. It also eliminates components that cause downtime in liquid cooled engines and is among the best in fuel consumption tests. • Independent FTO. Both models feature a 540 rpm with a 6-spline shaft. The 4650 and 4660 come standard with a Category I 3-point hitch with telescopic stabilizers. • Efficient drive trains. The synchropower transmission features 12 forward and 3 SEE YOUR DEALER TODAY! MANOR MOTORS On Rta. 553 Pann Run, Pi. 15765 412-254-4753 HERNLEY'S FARM EQUIP., INC. Elbabathtown, Pi. 717-367-6167 to encounter at these sites. In public speaking competition, two members earned gold medals. Joellyn Kinsey earned a gold mnedal in the junior prepared speaking contest with her pre pared speech on pet therapy. Joel lyn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Kinsey of Green Hills. Junior prepared speeches are 3 to 5 minutes long with a S minute question and answer period at the end. Only first year FFA members may enter the junior prepared con test. Joellyn placed Sth in the state. In the conservation speaking con test, Amy Jo Vanßodegraven placed 7th with a speech on. the American Bald eagle. Amy Jo’s speech was 5 to 7 minutes long with 5 minutes for questions and answers afterwards. AmyJo is the daughter of Susan Fox of Birdsboro. Other Twin Valley students earning awards were Jason Red mond who received a bronze med al in the livestock judging contest and Heather Dougherty who received a gold medal as a chapter (WHS AND MOM I AOCO I hurlin’ uavymifarm Unlay SANDY LAKE IMPLEMENT B.H.M. FARM EQUIP., Sandy Liki, Pi. INC. 412-376-2489 Annvilli, Pa. 717-667-2211 NICHOLS FARM EQUIP. Bloomiburg, Pa. 717-764-7731 B. EQUIP., INC. Waynaaboro, Pa. 717-762-3193 delegate. The chapter scrapbook also received a silver medat. Jason is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Redmond 111 of Plowville. Heath er is the daughter of Mrs. Debra Dougherty. Ben Dodd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dodd of Geigertown, was elected as state FFA chaplain for the 1994-1995 school year. Ben will serve the state FFA along with 10 other state officers to visit chapters across the state and parti cipate in numerous activities. Other Twin Valley students who participated in the various contests were Jarad Moyer - wild life; Tom Lakeman and Ed Gegenheimer - small gas engines; Rose Samojeden, Mathan Mess ner, and Megan Charron - horse judging; Greg Lund and Carla Kurtz - nursery/landscape; Jim Lakeman - livestock judging; Andy Risbon, Adrienne Neff, and Steve Roehm • aquatic resources. Twin Valley students were accompanied by chapter advisor and agricultural science teacher Ronald Frederick. _ itional creeper gears provide 16 forward and 4 reverse speeds, Both tractor models come as either 2WDorAWD. • Quality features. The 4600 Series tractors feature hydrostatic power steering and premium Goodyear " radial tires. They also feature a rear aide differential lock and mechanically-actuated wet disc brakes. The AGCO Allis 4600 Series tractors are engineered for trouble-free service and long life. They are lightweight, compact tractors with excellent visibility, maneuverability and common-sense instrumentation. To see how easy it is to operate the 4650 and 4660, or any of the ‘‘orange” line of AGCO Allis tractors ranging from 40 to 128 FTO hp, stop by or call us soon. SS£ S GRUME LU FARM SERVICE Quirryvlllv, P». 717-788-7311 HOLTRVS EQUIPMENT Roxbury, Pa. 717-532-7281 CJ. WONSIDLER BROS. Quakartown, Pa. 21S-SU-7523 Now Tripoli, Pa. 21S-787-7SII Olay, Pa. 21S-M74257