Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 27, 1994, Image 47
Consuming Thoughts Fay Strickler Penn State Extension Home Economist For Berks Co. As you all well know, this sum mer has been a hot one. To beat the heat many folks stay in air conditioning, go swimming, take a cool bath, and drink plenty of wa ter. These all help to bring the body temperature down and make you feel more comfortable. Since one of the functions of water is to maintain the body tem perature it is extremely important to consume it frequently. In fact water is the most important nutri ent of the six classes of nutrients in our daily diet (protein, fats, car bohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water). A person can survive about 60 days without food and for much longer without certain of the vita mins and minerals, but no one will survive beyond a week without water. A severe lack of water causes the blood volume to shrink thus creating bodily overheating, which can have serious ramifica tions. A defiency of water can also re sult in a buildup of toxic waste products which can stress kidneys and liver. In those performing strenuous physical work, a lack of sufficient water can cause muscle cramps and faintness. Diets ex- tremely high in protein and low in carbohydrate can cause dehydra tion because the body forms a great deal of urine an in attempt to excrete protein wastes. Excessive use of caffeine-containing bever ages and alcohol can also contri bute to dehydration because they act as diuretics, increasing urine excretion. Infants are at risk of dehydra tion during hot weather because they tend to lose water faster than adults. The elderly are another group often found to be suffering from a lack of sufficient water. In some cases, this is because they are trying to control excessive urination by cutting down on flu ids. The overweight often have problems with water retention and swelling and so will cut down on their fluid intake, a step that may aggravate the overheating. Adults should have six to eight cups of liquids a day. Milk, sodas, and other energy-rich fluids should not be counted nor should alcohol or caffeine-containing be verages because of their diuretic properties. In addition to fluids taken as such, a significant amount of water is present in food Lancaster Extension Offers Workshop LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) The following educational activities have been scheduled by Lancaster County Extension Ser vices. If you want to enroll, write your name, address, and phone number on a sheet of paper and mail it with a check made payable to Agricultural Extension. No registration is accepted without payment All classes will be held at the Extension Training Center located in the basement of the Farm and and adds to the body’s pool. Plain water is 'a mild diuretic when taken in sufficient quantities and may actually help that “water-log ged” feeling that the overweight may experience. Diet sodas, on the other hand, usually contain sodium which acts to retain water. Almost any non-alcoholic beverage can be used as a source of fluid. Some choices include lemonade, milk, juices, seltzer, fruit punch, and decaffeinated tea. Since alcohol and beverages with caffeine have a dehydrating effect on the body, it is best to avoid these beverages. If water loss is great, fluid in take should be increased marked ly. Salt tablets can be dangerous and are not recommended. The need for extra sodium can be easi ly met by using a bit of food con taining salt Another way to balance your body chemistry level is to eat foods containing a lot of water such as fruits and vegetables. So as you enjoy the summer fun and the busy schedule of activi ties, don’t forget to drink water. Lancastar Farming, Saturday, August 27, 1994-B7 Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Rd.. Lancaster, PA 17601. Sew What’s New New notions are constantly being devised to make sewing easier and some old notions have found new applications. Choose either work shop on Sept. 15, from 7:00 p.m-9:00 p.m. or September 16, 9:30 a.m.-ll:30 a.m. Cost $B. Gift For The Holiday Pro jects for sewing machine, serger, and non-sewn gifts will be demon strated. Workshop October 24, from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. or October 25, from 9:30 a.m.-ll:30 a.m. Cost $B. Re-Entry Sewing Class designed for those who want to get back into sewing. Learn up-to-date techniques and tools to make sew ing easier while contracting a gar ment of your choice. Cost $4B not including materials. Classes Sep tember 13, 20, 28, October 5, 11, 18, from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. “Not Quite Ready for Tailor ing Class” Leant how to work with tailorable fabrics using tailor ing skills on less complicated pat terns. Project is a lined skirt and vest Cost $4B not including mater ials. Clases October 20, 27, November 3, 10, 17, and Dec. 1, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Easy Tailoring for Beginners and Others Brush up on new techniques and materials when using tailoring fabrics. Almost no hand sewing required and even the lining is applied using ready-to wear industry technique. No machine needed for the first class, but bring a pencil, paper, and a tape measure. Cost: $55. October 20, 27, Nov. 3. 10. 17, Dec. 1, from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Sewn By Hand Master hand sewing stitches found on couture garments Such as the catch-stitch, prickstitch, slip-basting, and but tonhole loops. Cost $l2. Septem ber 22, from 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. and September 23, from 9 a.m. to 12. Buttonhole Basics If your machine does not do a buttonhole but a zigzag stitch, you can make a buttonhole. Bring sewing machine, instruction manual, some fabric, and sewing machine accessories. Cost $l2. Nov. 7, from 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. and Nov, 8 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Log Cabin Wreath Wallhang ing Create a 36-inch holly wreath with red berries using off center log cabin blocks. The fin ished wreath appears to swirl. Should have some quilt piecing experience. Supply fee $1.30 pay able to instructor. Cost $26. Aug. 13, from 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Kid’s Quilt (ages 10-13) Make a 30-inch quilt that is a simple one patch shape and con structed of no-slip flannel. Moms are invited to attend the first class. If possible, bring your own sewing machine, colored pencils, scissors, thread and a 2x3-inch school pic ture of yourself. Supply fee $3 due at first class. Cost $2O. August 4, from 6:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. August 9,10,11, from 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.