Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 27, 1994, Image 45
TAKING TIME by Rebecca Escott Penn State Extension Home Economist For Lehigh County Encouraging Responsible Money Handling As teens head back to school and off to college, now’s a great time to talk with them about im proving the ways they manage money. Spending money for books, food, gasoline, football tickets and other living expenses can quickly eat up summer sav ings. Parents can help prepare their children for this and set some ground rules about the support they will provide. This is especially important if you have a teen who is consider ing buying a car or if your child has been hounding you saying the spending allowance you provide for each semester is “just not enough to live on.” I learned my best lesson about money manage ment one semester when a profes sor required all her students to keep a running tally of the every day expenses they incurred. I learned more from that experience than from many other technical budgeting and investment lessons. 1 challenge you to do a similar exercise. I also recommend that you reward any teen who agrees to do the same thing for at least one month. What might they learn? “I didn’t realize how much I spend on a date!” “Wow! I spend a lot of PAUL B . You Complete Headquarters For ' SpHyCTi iiafl rtUrtS Self-Priming PACER PUMPS Centrifr Pumps • 3 H.P. ‘S’ Series IV4 ” Or 2" Poi Reg. $214.51 SPECIAL $187.59 • 5 UP. ’S' Senes 2” Pen* Reg. $260.00 SPECIAL $227.50 • ‘S’ Stria PtdaUl Pump Only I'/." or 2" - Re». $136.00. Raven Tough Polyethylene Tanks iso Stock A Complete Line Of: WSTJOTC# nApUD ‘Sprayer Hose Pumps • Ball Valves And PRIMPS • Nylon Fittings Accessories . . p«ly Tanks We A Tajd Sprayer Nozzles And Accessories PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN, INC. 50 Woodcomer Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 1 Mile Weit of Ephnu (717) 738-7350 - » HARDWARE • FARM SUPPLIES • t Ma i r ** -I money eating out" “The prices for my books this semester are much higher than last year.” “It’s cheap er to do my laundry at a laundro mat than in the dorms.” “Jennifer borrows money from me every week and doesn’t repay it” “Effective money management is a disciplined behavior. It is a difficult concept to master, and one that is easier when learned early in life,” according to the ex perts at the College for Financial Planning. Author Dorothy Rich explains that self-discipline goes hand in hand with being responsi ble. If parents find themselves do ing things like turning in kids' li brary books, feeding their pets, watering their plants, finishing their homework, it’s time to stop. According to Rich, a parent’s “urge is to protect, perhaps even to ovcrprotect. At times we become responsible for our children, often to protect them from unpleasant consequences.” But fora teen, experiencing real consequences is critical. The Col lege for Financial Planning sug gests that teens need to leant a core group of lessons about re sponsible money management. They include: • determining the differences between needs and wants. (Needs • S H.P. ‘S’ Series With VC Briggs Engine 2” Pons Reg. $352.00 SPECIAL $308.00 • SPRAYER TANKS - ALL SIZES For New Or Replecomcnl AVAILABLE FROM • STATIONARY TANKS For PAI Liquid Fertilizer Storage 4 * to 2500 GAL DuDiUDD Features; • Self-priming to 20 feet • Total heads to 120 feet • CajAbilmes to 200 U S. GPM * Built in check valve • Equipped with IVi" or 2” female threaded connections, NPT • 5 UP. ’S' Series With Uondt Engine, 2" Ports Reg $490 00 SPECIAL $436.20 With Cage $472.50 SPECIAL $119.00 HOURS: Mon., Thus., Pri. 74:30 Ihn., W*A: 7-5:30 St: 74:00 gL Societies f are necessary for survival. Wants make our survival more comfort able.) • writing clear, realistic goals. • developing die habit of regu larly saving. • recognizing that getting into debt is much easier than getting out of debt. Rich explains that children be come responsible through an “ac cumulation jtf experiences.” So start now. PRIOR to making an expensive purchase or before your teen spends a chunk of hard-earn ed money, talk out how much time and money the routine mainten ance will cost. Discuss what you will do (if anything) and what your teen will be responsible for. Also outline the consequences of breaking that responsibility (just in case anyone wants to change his or her mind). Write down these decisions and post them. These lessons don’t come easi ly. Rich reminds all of us that, “All the lectures in the world will do no good if children see that it’s just ’talk.’ It’s hard, if not impos sible, to hold children to certain rules when parents brag about breaking laws. It’s hard also when parents seem too good to be true. Have we never beat tempted to do anything wrong? It can help when we tell about a temptation and how we handled it” As the school year begins, pro vide your teens with opportunities to develop responsible money management skills. BUILDINGS, INC. Excellence Since 1903 CONTACT: 336 S York Rd., P.O. Box 126, P.O. Box 361, Gettysburg, Phllllpsburg, Contro Hall, PA 1732 S NJ 08665 PA 16828 717/624-3331 908/454-7900 814/364-9500 1 ml. W. of Jet. 144 & 45 Call or writ* today lor mart Information York County Group 26 met at Beshore’s pavilion for the groups annual picnic. Athena Beshore was hostess and Martha Yost was in charge of the program. Sixteen members were present. Leah and Jessie Beshore pro vided entertainment for the group. Help Your Child Get Ready For School COLLEGE PARK, Md. The approach of a new school year can be an exciting, unnerving, even an intimidating experience for chil dren especially those who are entering kindergarten or first grade. Although many children have already been cared for out side their home in day-care cen ters. play groups and nursery schools, entering a “real” school is still a major event in their lives. “Preschools and day-care cent ers generally are geared to give children at least some of the indi vidualized, personal care they re ceive at home,” says Dr. Billie Frazier, a human development specialist with the Cooperative Extension Service-University of Maryland at College Park. “Kindergarten, on the other hand, is part of an institution designed to help children meet the require ments of society.” Although a happy preschool ex perience may promise a comfort able transition into grade school, it isn’t a guarantee. To help children move smoothly from home or a day-care center to school. Dr. Fra zier offers the following advice: • Don’t make school a topic of daily conversation during the last weeks of summer, but be willing to honestly answer your child’s 1-800-447-7436 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 27, 1994-85 York Society 26 The groups By-Laws were read. Group 26 will entertain Group 25 at Dover Family Restaurant in October. Tickets were handed out to the members for the raffle prizes to be chanced off at the November County convention. questions. • Treat going to school as part of the normal course of events, something that is expected. Ex plain to your child that everyone has a job; your job is going to work every day, his or her job is going to school. • Don’t allow older children to frighten or tease younger children with tales of how awful school is. • If you work, try to make spe cial arrangements that allow you to be home the fust day or two when your child returns from school. If this isn’t possible, find other ways to give a little extra at tention, such as calling your child at home after school or making plans to do something together when you get home. • Make sure your child under stands any transpoitatioin plans and arrangements for before- and/ or after-school care if you work. • Let your child know what you will be doing while he or she is at school. Mentioning concrete tasks, such as laundry, vacuum ing, writing a report or going to a meeting, can be very reassuring to children. • Plan ahead for any changes to daily schedules, adjusting meals and bedtimes as necessary; imple ment the new schedule before school starts to give you and your child time to get used to it Ullnola only, call l-SM-OMM • Make arrangements to visit your child’s teacher and classroom with your child before school starts so that he or she will know where to go. • Plan to attend meet ings and social events for teachers and parents. Get involved in your child’s education. Despite the best plan ning and reassurances, there is always the chance that your child may balk when it’s time to go to school. “That’s when you have to grit your teeth, control your protective instincts and push,” says Frazier. “Usually, the hardest part is the actual mo ment of separation. Most children recover quite quickly after that.” By being supportive, interested and patient, she adds, parents can help children overcome their initial fear or un easiness within a few days. As youngsters be come comfortable in their new surroundings, develop trust in their teachers, make friends and discover that some fun and interesting things happen in school, they’ll look forward to going to school and for get they were ever afraid.