11*1 ' FEEDi W/m SEED SELLING HIGH MOISTURE CORN Will Deliver LUKE H. KURTZ ) 215-944*0263 Berks Co, WANTED Good quality Ear Corn. Paid at scale. Eugene Garman R.D. #3 Sch. Haven 717-739-4469 350 Round Bales 4”xs’ Orchard Grass Broan Timothy 717-789-4820 ROUND BALE SUPPLIES Wat Bala Baga 4 ft. Bags IS Per Roll 5 Mil $5l 5 ft Bags 10 Par Roll 5 Mil $5O 6 ft. Bags 10 Par RoHS Mil $55 Dry Bala Slaavaa 4 ft. Sleeves 25 Per Roll $25 414 ft Sleeves 25 Per Roll $33 5 ft. Sleeves 25 Per Roll $44 6 ft. Sleeves 25 Per Roll $46 Bala Wrap Bale Sard White - Special Fall Clearance Prices Call Now • $43 over ten rolls Bale Covert 10 xloo' 5 Mil $l9 Wrapping Mac hint* for Saw or Rant Prices Start at $5,700 h UP HAT BAG* COVER R.D.2 Portaravllle.PAlSOSl Ph. A Fax 412-36M188 ■■ mat#*,'- MIRACLE FEEDS,,, • HER SOURCE FOR 'BREVERB WET GRAINS * Hare Ton Considered Making BWG a Part of Tour Herd's Program? Brewers wet grains are a part of many dairy rations in this area because they: • Are very economical •Are concentrated and provide protein, energy and digestible fiber in a very efficient manner. • Provide a significant quantity of bypass protein. •Are an effective way to extend your forage when It is In short supply. • Enhance the nutritional content of pqpr quality forage. •Are flexible . . .can be used with McNess vitamin and mineral premixes in either grain mixes or TMR's (total mixed rations). Brewers wet grains from Mlracle/McNess also offer you the bonus of free ration balancing. We can test your forage and balance your feedstuff's to get the most out of your program. Just call toll-free 800-888-0230. Ijfik MIRACLE FEEDS, INC 800-888-0230 SUPER TARP “ SLEEVE STYLE TIE DOWN METHOD A QUALITY PRODUCT AT A REASONABLE PRICE * 5 to 7 years of service (when secured property) * Triple sewn seams * Silver on outside to reflect sunlight * Long life UV fabric * One of the heaviest materials on the market SLEEVE GOES FULL WIDTH OF THE SUPER TARP™ SO PIPE CAN BE USED TO TIE DOWN TARP ADVANCED SCiENTIFICS, INC. RD 2, Box S 2, Mlllersburg, PA 17061 1-800-724-4158 Dealers Wanted In Many Areas Peerless Challenger Silo Mill With Blower MotM 20001-Challenger Silo Mill (aaturaa ■ 20' porta bit oar com rollar mill with a Mar raal 12” hydraulic augar laadar uaaa tractor hydraullea. M' blowar with t” flanged dlachargt and overrunning drfva from mill to blowar blowa rolled high molature ear Roll Ear Corn.. uniformly, shrsda shuck and cracks kamal. High Capacity... will granulate up to 1,000 buehala of oar corn por hour. Swing Feeder... variable apsad, uasa tractor hydraulic systam Farm Proven.., under every conceivable operating condition Peerless Challenger Silo Mill .: / Also Available With Big 10x30” Chroma / Hardened Rolla With 012” Of Screen t ' tkfr To Granulate Up To 2000 Buahela . Of Ear Com Par Hour a • FOR MORE PROFIT* I The Paeriaeetilo Mill Makie Uellomi High Mollhire Ear Con lecaaca 01 The Iciaaa Aad Real. W No llg Pleeee 01 Cob & Hlltk • 10x30 Silo Mill in Stock - Demo -1)3 unit • Ag Bag Model Available Call For Demonstration Dates In Lititz Or For Your On The Farm Demonstration F.M.I. -1-800-528-6693 717-626-2680 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 27, 1994*029 SHREDDED NEWSPAPER A Very Practical, Coat Efficient Bedding yfi*. 3.5 & 10 Ton Loads ifo. Special $45/Ton co*' 0 Stock Your Barn Nowl All Deliver!ea Made After'll/1/94 s6s+fton Prices Subject To Change Without Notice (Order Early Limited Supply) FOB Honey Brook Write: Stoltzfus Enterprise RD 1 Box 704 , Honey Brook, PA 19344 or call 610-273-9266 Between 7 and 8 AM for personal contact or after for Answering service CONTACT OUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE Irvin Martin 717-768-3076 Or Contact Your Nearest Dealer JAMES KREIDER Quanyvlla, PA 717/78$-3936 ARMSTRONG BROTHERS Port Royal, PA 717/527-4554 MONN’S FIREWOOD Shlppenstxirg, PA 1-800/782-0945 | Wanted | | Mulch Hay | B 216-869-2078 | | John H. Lloyd | BUYING SHELLED CORN Pick-Up On Your Farm Call 717-683-8783 or 1-800-544-4574 MULCH HAY WANTED Call 215-929-5753 For Current Prices ONTELAUNEE FARMS INC. Temple, PA Ujl FERTILIZER HEN house fertilizer Spread Per A Ton Door Cuetom Spreading Per Ton N P K Spreader Rental Available SO 60 30 717.684-2490 Rentals! Available; Stainless Steel Double Conical fertilizer tank, 2688 gallon ui/Sparge tube, sight gauge on both ends, quick open hatch, and 4 inch suction fitting in sump $5,980 080 (418) 928-3889 DAVID ROHRER MKkNeburg, PA 717/837-6256 RODPARTHEMER ManiftaM, PA (almoctAlThtNYUn*) 717/662-2756 Dealer* Welcome FERTILIZER Poultry Manure For Sale Also mushroom mulch & wood bark mulch for sale 717/354-4174 TURKEY MANURE FOR SALE FALL SPECIAL $4.00 Per Ton Loaded On Truck 717-582-4431 Leave Message
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