EMU CHICKS. *4OOO or. 6 Rhea Chicks, 2 Months Old POULTRY i CHUKAR |RM months and older, ON A 1300 Each. Northumber- SUPPLIES CHICKS liH RATrrEE sexed, microchipped, un- l® n( * -County, related pairs, younger (717)649-5435. 10 Babv Swans to be sold s^l^ 150 ° Rheas: Chicks. 2 Year 9/10 a* Landis femes 4-8 month old Emu chicks. 410778 2389 S' Chicken Bar-B-Q, 3:3opm, Guaranteed Live DNA sexed and micro : <Mga ' and Whites). Call Gndley 1001 Oregon Road. Lititz. Delivery chipped, farm raised Emu Yearling Pairs. mTOMwu PA Oxen-drawn wagon 10,000 weekly healthy chicks, $4OOO pair. $BOOO/Pair anrf Up; Year- 1 rides 12-spm. Unrelated coming (2) ling Rhea Pairs. Will trade emus for any i nmr white muta Swane- 9 WOLFE S Emus's $12,000 pair. $2200/Pair and Up; Emu thing of equal value. Call young male swans GAMEBIRD Micro-chipped, booming Chicks $4500/Pair and Up. Bill, (610)754-6298. 717-665-7734 __.and grunting yearling Emu Breeders i : HATCHERY Rheas and chicks avail- $lB,OOO/Pair and Up. DDIMDACF OCTDIPU 250' of Farmtek nipple RD *2 Box 359 able. Lancaster County. (717)664-3175. mimnwot UCmiUn waterers w/four regulators. Brookville, Pa. 15825 717-872-6163. FOR «?ai c. Tw « mm | m o WTV CHICKS 10 piece Choretime 2000 (814) 849-3430 -iJr • comng , 2 JsvA. pan feeders. Emu Chicks: 3 month old & old n '?T a,e emu ' s - P»f“? FOR (717)933-9219. pair, $3500; 4-5 month old sexed. 'GQjy SALE $4000; 6-7 month old, (410)482-6288. Diur ucrvcn Ducacamtc $5OOO. DNA sexed. micro- Gray Rhea’s, 1994 SMontnto riING NcUKcU rncASAN I a chipped. Unrelated pairs to hatched, reasonably pr- Yearlings Real Beauties. Full feathered, hard termmise N d% a "7/M7-82M: £pm. 717 ' 896 ' 2731 a,ter Tom & Susie st. John flying birds. Chukars, Quail, Red Ratite chick shelter, ostrich yearlings (419)737-2203 Golden, Yellow, Lady Amherst, Blue i6LxBWx6.6H, metal available now. Also i nh » Earori MilraHn Q»*iinhna QiK/or frame/ fiberglass, never 1994 Chick Order, Board- Ed ft Clara St. John Eared, Mikado, Swmhoe, Sliver, UBed thermostatically con- ing and Investments. Call (419) 737-2007 Elliots, Temminck, Reeves. frolled fan, Dri-dok floor. (412)568-3420 Pioneer, Ohio GOOD OLD DAYS FARM < 61 °i 85 ™ 97 - ~i 1< ' 21668 ' 1 ” 7 - < 6M-299-9i3i J • THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL ——" RHEA - 3 Year Old Proven Breeder Pair . i N $1,900 OFFER EXPIRES 8/31 FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS _ ’ THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE Hflll 800-333-3548 FIRMEST MEAT. ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY PUCK ■■■ ■■■■■■ ' a» CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES. J}- ' 11 S—SSS=S—.\''\'.' 1 .1 FRENCH GUINEA&EMBDEN GOSLINGS f BRANCH CREEK EMU FARMS! FREE CATALOG ON GOSUNGS. DUCKLINGS. established in 1987 m CHICKS. TURKEYS, GUINEAS, BANTAMS, Dedicated to the production of large /mmm^ PHEASANTS, QUAIL, CHUKARS, SWANS. MEOI- high yield Emus for the future market CATIONS, EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. Charter Member of The American Emu Association 717-365-3407 II Charter Member of The Texas Emu Assoc ation -/ Jin, || ro!°i F^GßA H 1 EMU CHICKS TO PROVEN BREEDERS PRICED TO SELL!!!!!!!!!!! Microchipped - WEE & EEE Vaccinated - Wormed, Sex & Health Certified ' r PROVEN BREEDERS STARTING 18,000/PR Northeast Agri Ji fy 30/PR 21 MOS DRUMMING & GRUNTING 14,000/PR * oL Ja 25/PR 8 MOS OLD 6,000/PR (out of 40+layers) oysiems many more!!! *all prices negotiable* Your Authorized nMli COMPARE AND BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES SOAR IN THE FALL PA (610) 793-1023 or TX (512) 251 -5369 main office /& MASTER vutt DISTRIBUTOR L SSiS J SSS. , Dj serves the needs of the I Breeders, (RWF Mid Atlantic SEED Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries 1 Yearlings / I Emu Firm BBBsssssssssssss - Bulk feed bins m a wide variety of IffMBSW 1 and Chicks , U 1000 bu. rye, small seed, capacities, for any application l_ J U .V* „ PA (218) 255-5191' good forage variety. $4. Ju • Genuine Chore-Time FLEX-AUGER* . Country Ark Farm MT) (4.101 UQA.94.U9 niata Co (717)589-7676 feed delivery flexible auoer systems I (7171 aaA.«ion MD (410) 398-4432. mala uo.. (n/)&89-(6(6. • Broiler & broiler breeding feeding .jitr.. t.l. 125 ton Ist cuttings hayl systems, including the new Chore-Time Blr - ■H555552555555521 _ IIMn age in AG bag, $32/ton. Model 2000 and the Model C feeders 1 \\ EMUS 717-274-5575. • Fans & Complete ventilation systems, \[nS.AjU feJttJk EMU r* . . —-— —- including the new fan oscillator .Ilv > -'ipL. JBfSBs Guaranteed 40 Ton Clean Ear Corn, No • InnovativeCHOßE-TIME/SWISH TIKIVS unralatari Mold, (717)432-4231 After watering lor any kind of poultry ~ 1 ” _— l UlireiaißO 6:OOPM. application _ > Coming 2 year olds, 1 pair, coming 2 4th cuttino Alfalfa out of • Chore-Times exclusive MEAL TIME* i |BRNRf heaiitiful birds in v«.I pig and hog feeding and watering DeaUtITUI DIFOS in year Olds, booming me F eld, Can Chop, You systems I everyway, I I and grunting, micro-1 m-nUe.aio 7 Acf68 ’ • Chore-Times production-boosting cow mfWm Jt hnnminn nnur 1' pevatar. leedmg system lor dairy operations Chipped and 7 ton sound ear corn in nar- — —; $4OOO each wormed. MUST row crib. John Ebersol, ff Shenandoah j"®, . Callml 5e11!*12,900 m«*,im. Hoad, nh BROODERS Isttn Bill 717-354-0262 incinerators - ' 215/754-6298 r ‘ F * euer » I < 610 >^ 9322 IS TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 Authorised —S Mutter Ptetributor Slnct 1982 Northeast Agn Systems, Inc. K BB Flyway Business Park store hours moo-fm no id 430 Iffl 139 A West Airport Road 531 e-ooio Noon jfj Litilz, PA 17543 2m H HH Ph (717)569-2702 1-800-673-2580 W^l For Sale Breeder House Equipment Feed lines, roll-away nest, silo, generator, water fountains, egg cooler, pit slats and 6 fans. Glenn or Donna (717) 665-7512 Evenings Leave Message RATITES 6 month old Emu’s and (1) coming 3 year old male Emu, ready for breeding season. 216-674-0767. EMU 4 Pair 16 to 18 months old 3 Pair 3 to 4 months old (610) 857-9648 EMU’S Unrelated Pairs February Hatch of 1993 '/RT* Yearlings These Yearlings J Should Lay Next Breeding Season. Out Of Heavy Layer and Good Fertility Rate. All Birds 100% Perfect In Everyway. MicroChlpped, Guaranteed Sex, Wormed $8,500/Palr Bonded Pair of Coming 3 Year Old, Perfect In Everyway. Large Birds, Layed 12 Eggs This Season, 11 Fertile. Micro Chipped And Wormed. Have Chicks On The Ground $12,500/Pair BUI Heutr 215-754-6298 Alfalfa Seed For Sale. Tested for germination and purity. Will ship UPS. $1.65/lb, 60 lb. bags. Homestead Nutrition Inc. (717)354-4398. AMUNDSON HAY COM PANY: Dairy quality, Al falfa, small squares. David Amundson, Route 2, Box 103, Westbrook MN 56183 1-800/398-5931, Aromatic red cedar shav ings for litter boxes, dog kennels, etc. Keep your pets smelling greatl Keep flies away. Available bag or bulk. 717/733-6698. FOR SALE: High moisture shelled corn out of Harves- tore, delivery available. New Holland, PA 717/355-0853, FOR SALE: High moisture shelled corn and Timothy hay. Call 717-624-8550. FOR SALE: Rye seed, $4.00; Corn silage, $25.00. Manheim area. 717-664-4235. For Sale Rye Seed. Berks County (610)488-1172. Lancaster Arming, Saturday, August 27, 1994-C27 Barley $2/bu. at bam, straw $lOO/ton. Southern Hun tingdon County. Call early morning or late PM, (814)259-3316. BUYING HAY: Timothy Orchard Grass, Buying for Large Mushroom Farm in Chester County, Top Dollar. Using 16,000 Tons Yearly. Paid By The Load. Call Harry (610)932-9457. CORN SIALGE, top qual ity, treated to reduce trans fer spoilage. Lanco. 717-548-3757. CORN SILAGE FOR SALE, OUT OF FIELD, or high moisture ear corn out of field. 610/286-5407. Com Silage $2O/Ton. 3rd Cutting Haylage $25/Ton. Carlisle, PA. (717)258-6639. Corn silage for sale, Agri- King treated, test results available, $25/ton at the silo. (717)786-3437. Corn silage, easy loading, trucking available, $lB/ton. (717)345-1170. Ear corn at the farm or de livered in small loads. 717-872-8818. FOR SALE: Bakery by products. Makes great feed for hogs, beef or dairy. Call 717-653-0334. Mulch Hay for Sale, Bed minster, NJ. Approx. 5000 Bales. Call Jim (908)719-9636. NEW hi moisture corn de livered. Robert McSparran, Jr., Chestertown, MD, (410)778-1403. Oat Straw, dry baled, 80% tension, you haul, $4O/ton. Leave message, (717)293-0761 Dao Rye, cleaned or un doaned. (717)284-4618. WHOLE COTTON SEED <£& New crop contracts available October thru December. Call now to lock in your seed prices. HERSHEY FARMS 338 Sunnyburn Rd Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-665-7284 600 tons mixed grass hay round bales (410) 584-2759 RISSER GRAIN Buying & Selling Ear & Shelled Corn, Wheat, Barley & Soybeans Roasted Soybeans For Sale Holtwood, PA 717-284-4628 717-284-3362 r-—*— y—r— -■ ——r~r~i~^~»~i.i~Li~Ln_ruLii_B_n_ BUYING BAR CORN Shelled Corn Soybeans Contract or Spot Purchase Plckad Up At Your Farm Or Dallvarad To Manhelm NOLL GRAIN 341 Weaver Rd., Manhelm, PA (717) 665-4785 (717) 665-9463 For Sale: Waxy Com Sil age, chopped w/a Claus harvester w/roller mill on, all corn silage kernels are rolled. $lB/ton. Dale Good, Lebanon Co. 717/949-2371. Good Quality early made Ist cut grass hay in round bales. 717/866-4919 No Sunday Calls. HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy. Over 35 years of business. Refer ence in your area upon re 3uest. We deliver. No or ers too large. L. J. Hay, Inc. 1-800-622-9902. Hay and straw for sale. Can Deliver. 717-393-4683 Call 7AM. Hay for Salel 717/862-3213; 717/927-9483 Hay, straw, and feeding oats for sale. STUMP ACRES (717)792-3216, York Co. High Moisture Ear Corn Rolled and Stored in Harvestore, Delivery Avail able. Berks County. (610)689-5496. High Moisture Corn Out of the Field in Fall. F.M. Brown & Sons, (610)582-4591. High Quality Alfalfa Hay tested and delivered; also straw & mixed hay. Martin Brothers, Olivet, Ml, 517/543-1642, Hi-Moisture Ground Ear Corn, Clean and Good Quality, Stored in Bag, Moisture at 25-30%, $7O-$75/Ton FOB. Deliv ery Available. Manheim. (717)665-4189. Lancaster County high quality corn silage, $24/ton. (717)786-3080. Mixed Hay, Great for Horses, Also Alfalfa. Call Mike (717)949-2227.
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