H HORSES & MULES ¥ 17.2 H Reg. Dark Sorrel Mare, 13 years, quiet, well broke, hitches single & double, bred back; nice 4 month filly at side. 814/832-3454 after Spm. (4) Arabian horses, (2) w/ papers, (2) can be pap ered. Reasonable prices. 814-395-3147. 4 yr. old standard bred gelding, solid trotter, good broke, in the lines, traffic safe and sound, anybody can drive, just off the track. $2,375. (717)786-1876 from 8-B;3OPM. 5 year old Reg. Arabian mare, green broke, gray, $1000; 1 year old QH/TB, colt, Dunn, $5OO. 717-367-3621. 6 year old registered Chestnut Saddlebred, safe and sound, needs work. Also Jack mule, good worker. Jacob S. King, 226 Furnace Rd., Quarryville, PA 17566. 8 year old blonde Belgian mare, lead horse, $llOO. 610-857-9237. American Saddlebred, 9 year gelding, liver/chestnut w/four white socks and blaze, traffic safe and sound, good hooker, $3,000 firm. {610)754-6298. Antique restored wagon, 3 black leather adjustable seats, new pole, $2OOO. 410-399-4029. Big yearling Morgan colt, Will mature 15.2+H, flashy, $5OO OBO; Pony mare, 13.2 H, quiet, rides, $950. 610-689-4124. Carriage in good shape, full set of forge, 1 tire ben-, der. (717)768-7302. MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce RD 1 - Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 (717) 949-3246 BUG DIRAFT MIUKJES | ' 1 Pr. 5&6Yr. Old 17Hands | i Fancy Grade > \ Mules On Hand Year-Round ; \ PAUL SMICKER MS} I II ll 11 BLOODED HORSE SALE j j Yearling & Mixed sale j | York Fair PA. ,i j 119:30 Equipment -12 noon Horses \ \ \ \ YEARLINGS SIRED BY: 1| j Happy Motoring, Happy Man, I I Karpov, Frugal Gourmet, Tyler’s 11 i j Mark, Keystone Herculean i i Contact: Joe Eyler 14EylerRd Thurmont, MD 21788 Phone & Fax 301- 663*1732 I! COMPLETE DISPERSAL DR. KNEPPER ; I LARGE EQUIPMENT SALE Registered gelding 3 year Welsh pony, 13H, grey, re old, broke great, very quiet gistered, 3-years, very First $2,000 boys him. 2 quiet, winning under year old gelding Quarter saddle, started over horse, in Incentive Fund, fences, great for kids, and $l,OOO. (610)488-9107. 4-H horse projects, $4500. 6lO-987-9309. Tennessee walfcinj horse, 4 year old gelding, Western Saddle, 16’ Seat, rides and drives, beautiful Excellent Condition. $225. animal, $l6OO. (717)786-8154 Between 717-859-1866. 8:00-8;30AM. i n Registered Percheron Stud, M.E.F. Ralph, has moved to David L. Rlehl, Jr. RD #2, Honey Brook. PA 19344. (1 mil* S. of Honey Brook along Rt. 10) Fee $l5O No Sunday Calls. | For Mora Information (610) 286-9853 J ROCKING "K" STABLES 117 Paradise Lane Australian Saddles Ronks, PA 17572 and Oilskin Goats. Lancaster Co. Tack & Horse Supplies (717)687-8408 Hitch equipment BEE TRAILERS THE FINEST IN STEEL Compare Price and Quality before you buyl Featuring Affordable Horse & Livestock Trailers Custom Built The Way You Want. • All Trailers Include; Complete trailer steam cleaned with acid solution. • All seams and trim totally sealed, inside and out • 2” treated, #1 grade wood floors • Stainless steel hinges • 3 coats primer • 3 coats acrylic paint • full under coating. ! stock available off the farm or custom mmm ~ / selected and delivered GOATS > just about anywhere. S { Brucellosis and (2) male pygmy goats, Paeudorablea father approx. I 4" high, out free herd, of Diggans Kiddylane Dave !'°ck. 4 months old, 717-235-6966 $l5O/oa. 717-742-4045. , , „ ~ _ 75 White-faced Ewes, lambing in Oct. & Jan.. 717/437-2700. Dorset Ram, 4 Years Old, Call Evenings (717)444-3889. Nubian bucks Jasper Hollow/ Winterberry lines, out of Star milker, $175. (610)326-9475. Registered Alpine doe kids, $75 each. (1) regis tered buck kid, $l5O. O’Brook's Goat Diary, (216)584-4681. Registered Suffolk rams, yearlings or lambs, sired by PHHammorjack, GBMar tini or PH92-600 bred for size muscle, performance. Reasonably priced. Pine Haven Farm, 1765 Pine Rd., Newville, PA 17241. (717)486-5423. Registered Nubian stud service. Call 717-277-6878 Schuylkill County. Reg. Romney Ram, 3 years old, proven breeder $lOO. 610-269-3709. Reg. Scottish Blackface proven triplet ram, breed ing age ewes. Taneytown, MD 410/756-4083. Yearling Poly pay Ram, ex cellent build and size, $2OO. (717)899-7154 or "swine (2) Service age Yorkshire boars, 250 lbs. and 175 lbs. Lancaster 717-354-5039. Bennecoff Hogs. Hamp shires, Poland China, Berkshires, Boars and Gilts. Service Age. Also Taking Orders for 4-H Pro ject Pigs for 95 PA Farms how. 610-285-6582 or 610-285-6581. Chester White, Ouroc and Spotted, boars and gilts for sale. James Parlett, (717)862-3610. I (feeder pigs for sale: ! Wpfmed and vaccinated. I Pseudorabies and TB free. (State Herd No C 029. Can deliver. Call » (717)278-2071. (FEEDER PIGsl | For Sale I I From ' ! I Pseudorabies I I • Free Herds I |! Fred | I Patterson 1 ||6ls-364-7050j BUSINESS NEEDS Make Money Future Profit Potential Minimize Costs Maximize Resources Routine Evaluation Timely Adjustments Attain Potential. SWINE IMPROVEMENT SERVICES Mike Cherchuck (717) 258-1056 Hogs Since 1979 HOLLOWAY DUROCS breedlni ag®fafafefltfogtTfnft Single source feeder pigs are all coming Lancaster Farming, R 56 York x Landrace gilts Poland China Boars & (Silts Landrace Boars & Gilts PRV, Brucellosis Validated herd, healthy - annual slaughter check Productive Guaranteed Delivery available Kent Strock 717-697-2824 729 Williams G'ovc Rd Mechanicsburg PA 17055 PA. Yorkshire - Durco - Hampshire Summer Show & Sale M Sept. 9-10,1994 fl Bred Gilts - Boars - Open Gilts Project Feeder Pigs Pure & Cross Suitable for 1995 Pa Farm Show Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon PA *JR Swine Judging and knowledge contest for 4-M and F.F.A. members with top participants receiving buyer credits Tor sale starting at 3:000 P.M. Registration at 11:00. Jr. Judging contest to begin immediately after Registration. Jr. & Sr. Buyer Credits $5O, $4O, $3O, $2O, $lO Sat. Sept 10,1994 10:00 Breeding Stock Show 11:15 Jr Judging Contest 3:00 Sale Project Pigs first immediatly into breeding stock All Boars and open gilts scanned for backfat, loineye by Mike Cherchuck. All Swine from Validated herds on blood tested with 30 days of sale date Pseudo & Brucellosis Swine Judge; Ken Fetterolf Auctioneer: Harry Bachman For more information or catalog contact Steve Wilson 717-235-3478 RD #2 Box 210 New Freedom. PA 17349 ARNOLD HOG FARMS BOARS Excellent group of 45 Duroc-Landrace-Yorkshire. Scanned August 10th by Mike Cherchuck. Average 275 lbs. 1.39 weight per day of age. >67 backfat, 6.31 loin, 5 to 7 months old. BRED GILT 5 Yorkshire x Landrace due August 20th thru 29th. Bred Duroc or Hampshire. 3 Yorkshire due early Sept. OPEN GILTS Also free delivery to Storrs, CT Early September. Delivery available Pavilion, NT - September 24, 1994 All animals vaccinated for rhinitis, erysipelas, lepto & parvo. Validated brucellosis & pseudorabies free herds. Tested monthly. Herd health Dr. Tim Trayer. 1-800-222-4084 92nd Hog Sale. October IS. 199' Leon L. Arnold 355 Schaeffer Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273*5880 from 1 farm. Will consider smaller units. P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 27, 1984-025 FOR SALE-Yorkshire Service Boars. Elwood E. Houser, 2150 Quentin Rd., Lebanon, PA 17042. 717-272-5798 or 273-2921. For Sale: Reg. Yorkshire Boars & Gilts, 4-6 months old, tested herd. 717/776-3879. 24X50 AGSTAR SOW CASFTLE, 16 crates, 8 Nurseries all woven wire flooring. Call (717) 987-3273 or (717) 987-3272 Approximately 60 head monthly, loar Sale. Sat.. Scot. 17. 1994, Free Delivi Ired ■ace Write: Yorkshire and Hampshire boars and gilts from healthy and productive herd, Delivery available. Charles B. and Mark W. Hall, RD«I, Box 263, Ju lian, PA 16844. Centre County. (814)355-1647. :haca. NY. ilre-Di Kami Lawrence Arnold R.D. 1, Box 309 Womelsdorf, PA 19567 717-933-8153
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