Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 27, 1994, Image 112
C24*Lancastar Farming, Saturday, August 27, 1994 uyrshire Milking Herd T A Special Offering 53 Cows -16 Bred Heifers July Herd Average 21.057 M 4.2% 879 F 3.4%P 16 Heifers due Sept. & Oct. Cows all stages. 20 Olympics - 40 by top proven sires. PRICE; 69 @ $ll5O/head - $79,350, or your choice of 50 at $l2OO/head - $60,000, ★ Less Than 50 Not Available Tom Whittaker, Agent, Brandon, VT 05733 (802) 247-6633-6682 Registered Highland Cattle ♦ ♦ Discover the breed that still retains special traits acquired from its ancestors of Scotland. ♦ Great foragers, clearing most pest plants common to poor pastures ♦ Thrive in cold, damp climates ♦ Produce excellent lean beef in adverse conditions where other cattle would fail ♦ Docile and Hearty ♦ Calve easily due to small birth weights— something of interest to dairy people for servicing first-calf heifers ♦ Brucellosis, TB, BVD free herd and inoculated ' against rabies Come visit our farm and meet your future herd! Transportation Available Breed Information Available Upon Request ♦ Day Dream Acres (908) 303-0798 GERLACH SIMMENTALS Mt. Joy, PA 717/898-9723 Cows, Bulls & Heifers 50 milking cows, 12 £ & dry cows, 12 bred ft " heifers. Rolling * ft herd average ft f 20,638, 762 Fat, " ft 662 Protein. ft “ Perry County * | (717)789-3408 ? BUFFALO Calves - Yearlings Mature Bulls - Mature Heifers Clean Skulls Tan Hides Plus Meats 717-373-1181 Between 8 and 5 717-672-2656 After 5 PM Ask For Don Broken Wheel Bison Ranch fawcMrois] ft Mostly black, broken « \ to tie, competitively f \ priced. Viewing M r 9-1-94 through \ \ 10-15-94. Call Ken f 6 for catalog, price list ii \ and directions. j f Welcome anytime. ? f (216) 536-8585 \ b or j \ (216) 536-6014 ■3 CATTLE Buffalo Calves (717) 222-9815 SCOTCH HIGHLAND CATTLE Winding Creeks Farm $ Si/i Nice group of young heifers: 3 young bulls, ready for breeding, pasture, feed out. 717/865-4473 (V 3 HIGH PRESSURE '%RI WASHING JTj All your washing needs. Will Travel. Chicken Houses - Veal Barns - etc. RAY EAGER & SONS 717-949-3212 Leave Message DAIRY HERDS || New York and New England dairy herds for sale. We have a number of outstanding tie stall and free stall herds rang ing from 30-200 cows with up tT$ ■w to 22,000 lbs. production. || BUT DIRECT SAVE EXPENSE || Oistelburger Livestock Sales, Inc. Wl (914)343-1726 (914)343-7322 "55 tfeArs /k Easiness" LOOKING FOR A HERD? Vp* We have paiior and tie stall herds for sale. We move herds from farm vSm to farm with experienced help and our own trucks so that you the buy er have disease-free cattle. We buy the best and let the rest. Financing Ifc- _ _ for qualified buyers in Lane. Co. jJv!*? FOR A HERD WITH QUALITY, call \n Marvin Miller or Ron Bard an North East Highland Cattle Association Highland Show & Showcase ‘94 Sale Your chance to see and buy the best Highland cattle in the U.S. Sept. 23-25,1994 Rutland, VT For additional information contact: Roger Jestel, 223 Moul Rd., Hilton, NY 14468 (716) 392-9062 EQ EXOTIC ANIMALS White tail deer, Fallow gal Kittens, loveable mini doer. whole herds, best of- leapards, spots and mar fer; Tame blue and gold bles, $250 and up. Also Macaw w/cage, $1500; White-Tailed Fawns, bottle Potbellied pigs, fed, tested, $250. 908-821-9534. NJ (717)458-4462 evenings. |i LLAMAS FOR SALE wKm (6io) V V 868- II f 0186 Churning Forge Farm For Sale: North American Elk, Sika Deer, Fallow Deer, Llamas, Miniature Donkeys Wolmelsdorf, PA (610)589-5142 GreatConditlon (4) Angus Registered Yearling Bulls and (20) Hereford Yearling Heifers, and Steer. From 600 to 900 Lbs. Call Shain 717-564-2651 Sunrise Angus Farms Harrisburg, Pa. “Free Delivery’’ ilstered SBT Ben- TICA r« H HORSES & MULES ill HORSES & ■■ MULES DONKEYS: 2 Jacks, 1 a proven breeder, great pets, trained to halter break cattle. York Co. 717/225-6279. Flashy registered Abrabian gelding, liver/chestnut, 4 white socks, blaze, 14.2, 7 years, $1,500. (717)838-2883. Cray Percheron 10 year gelding, will work any where, traffic safe, single/ double either side of pole, or in-carriage, also rides the best, $2,500 firm. (610)754-6298. Haflinger's imported and domestic. (4) weanling colts, (2) yearling fillies, (1) excellent 14.2 H, 4 year old riding mare. 607-775-2387 evenings. HORSES: Walkers, Spot ted. Mountain Pleasure, Racking. Ortho-Flex dealer. Used horse, stock trailers. SPOTTED FEVER FARM 717-582-7831. Horses Boarded; large box stalls, daily turnout, riding ring. (717)838-2883. MILL RUN BUGGY SHOP Restoring and manufactur ing carts, carriages, coaches to your specifica tions. (215)273-9665, RD#2, Box 7J, Mill Rd., Honey Brook, PA 19344. Miniature and smalt pony carts, wagons. Miniature and pony yearling, wea nling, mature driving geld ing marwJ7l7)442-9248. One Standardbred, traffic safe and sound, good driver, 8 year old. (717)768-3788. PAIR OF DRAFT HORSE HARNESS, $450; Gentle man's cart, $540; bridle & saddle, $285. 301/473-5985. Registered Docßar bred quarter horses for cutting or team penning. Jo-Lar Ranch, (301)698-0954. Registered Angelo-Arab bay gelding, 25 years, 15.3, very sound, easy keeper, great w/kids, $5OO. (717)838-2883.