116-Lancastar Firming, Saturday, August 27, 1994 c "When it comes to high profit storage for high energy feeds, other systems just don’t measure up. " For more facts on tower silos, contact YOUR LOCAL SILO COMPANY or International Silo Association 219 N. 4th St. P.0.80x 560 Lafayette, Indiana 47902-0560 (317) 742-0083 WANTED Used Fickes Silos • Will Remove • Fair Prices Paid 1-800-224-SILO H BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES Conestoga J&Mr Building Supply * Complete Building Packages Available * Professional Engineering To Help With ALL OF YOUR DESIGN NEEDS Steel Roofing St Siding (££ mceuroy metal, inc $ 'HYCO Jk /mmmuSr\ AMERICAN ÜBpSE/ components quality stall systems BBP!WWIIIIII»llWIIIIIIIHllWi ' Solid Vinyl SMlng Call For A Free Estimate Or Brochures 1-800-544-9464 TOWER SILOS: HIGH PROFIT STORAGE FOR HIGH ENERGY FEEDS Preserving high energy corn silage is obtained only through efficient, effective storage. Storage that saves the most nutrients. Storage that delivers the highest overall long term benefits. Storage that offersbetter total performance than any other method of preserving valuable corn silage. Tower silos control the fermenta tion process and retain the most feed. With tower silos you'll get better feed...more feed...with lower overall costs and less labor than any other storage method. H BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES 170x40’ frame hog build ing to be torn down. Many heavy timbers. Give offer. (717)626-4206. (2) barn fans (717)632-4570. #3 pine boards, Ixl2xlo $1.75 or 14' $2.25/ea. Lots of 25 or more. Also, short length available, wooden crates, small and large wood boxes, pallets all sizes. Reasonable pricing. 717-764-8337. 717-354-2613 40X70 Barn, 1860 Chest nut 40'-Beams, Siding, Concrete Silos, Hay, Fire wood to Cut Indiana, PA (412)465-7052. 4 Hand Hewn Oak Logs, 30‘Long 10-12’Wide, 2-3 Shorter, Approx. 20 2* Planks 8-17-Wido. Misc. Other Old Lumber. (717)859-2398. Allied Steel Buildings, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural. Building YOUR Business is OUR Business. A.S. HOOVER INC. 3125 Manor Road, Coatesville, PA 19320 1-800-942-2591; 610-942-2591. Antique building materials, beams, wide pine boards, flooring, doors, etc. 717/249-2304 Arch Type Steel Buildings, Straight Sided or Full Quonset, You Erect and Save Thousands. Call To day for Free Information Blue Mountain Structures 1-800-854-5568. Barn Logs, 6'x6', various lengths, joist 3*x6", hand cut logs, treated 4'x6', 24' and 12' long. 717-653-1631. B grade glass board and plastic sheets. Glenn Beid ler, Freeburg, PA,(717)539-8993. Hand Carved 30' Long. (717)527-4772. Pre-engineered steel build ings tor Agricultural, Com mercial or Churchs. Au thorized Gulf States Dealer. We will build from your plans or will design. WEAVER CONSTRUC TION, East Earl, PA. 717-445-5165. Railroad ties, prices vary from $4-$lO. Delivery available. Lancaster Co. 717-898-7689. New and Used Structural Sch 40 Pipe For Sale Vt ” thru 8” Pipe. j&LEquipment SI. Thomas, PA 717^369-2637 WEAVERTOWN CONSTRUCTION Roofing, Siding, Gutters, & Bam Roofs 717/442-1082 Glazed til* A brick, ideal for milking parlora. Surplus good prices (717)428-2748 ★ ALLWOOD STRUCTURES ★ POLE BUILDINGS S LOFT BUILDING STANDARD BUILDIN 24x32x8 $ 4,800 24x40x8 $ 6,000 30x40x8 $ 7,500 32x64x10 $ll,BOO 40x80x12 $17,300 ERECTED PRICES (Includes slider and service door) We specialize in: Horse Barns, Riding Arenas, Garages, Machine Sheds or Custom Built To Your Specifications CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE AND BROCHURE 1 -800-247-0241 BUILDINGS: Steel 40x100 complete with prints, $12,500; 40x40 steel from only $2500. Delivery possi ble. Altoona, 814/942-3821 leave message. Chain Link Fence, new, slightly imperfect, heavy 9-gauga galvanized. 3'-$.90/ft, 4'-$l.OO/ft, 5 , -SI.SS/ft, 6‘-SI.6S/ft, 7-SI.BS/ft B’-$1.95/lt Call 717/822-7820 7-Bam or leave message. Resawn Long Leaf Yellow pine and resawn chestnut flooring; 35‘x60‘ chestnut bam; antique white pine flooring. 717/374-7122. Cramer's Discount Roof ing, lowest prices in 3 states. See display ad sec tion 4. (717)567-6782. Demolish and remove from premises 95'x132‘ skating rink. Rink is one story with shingled roof, tongue & groove maple floor, por in quiries call 717/275-8472. FLOORING- New kiln dried T4G. 2xB Y.P. Can deliver. NOAH SHIRK SAWMILL 717-354-0192. GEBHART’S POLE BUILDINGS: S Let quality and value stand for you. Custom design and built, commercial, resi dential or agricultural. Put your building up today. 717-259-9438. Great for all kinds of build ing use. Approx. 90,000 sq.ft, white metal insullated overhead door panels. Var ious sizes available. Qua nitity discounts. 717-745-3669 leave message. Hemlock Barn Beams: 7-xll’x36'. (1)7x11x179'. (I)7xllx2o'. Oak Barn Beams: (6) 10*x12'x15' (1) BxllxlB*6*. (717)632-4570. Let Capital Steel Buildings supply you w/affordable, easily erected steel build ings. Custom designed, any size. Call today for free quote. 1(800)207-8283. Log Home Logs: 6x6, white cedar, single or double, tongue & groove, $2.75/LF. (717)354-3105. METAL ROOFING and Siding. We'll beat any com petitor's regular panal price you mention on orders over 50 square. Call (717)354-2728. Oak beams. (3) 10x10 26' plus 6xB flodr joist All in good shape. Uoyd J. Stolt zloos, 413 Cains Rd., Gap, PA 17527. Old Hand-Cut Bench Rails; Insulation Panels w/ Painted Steel on Both Sides; Also Round Fiberg las Hog Diner and Osborn Hog Feeders. M.S. Lapp, Route 2, Box 277, Myer stown, PA 17067. STEEL BUILDINGS, all types and sizes. Call for current 'Specials*. 410-329-6757. Steel ‘l’-beams 16V4'HxH' thlckx7'W, 28'6*L. 3/8* thiokxsl4*Wxls*H x 15’V4 *L. (717)632-4570 Hanover. DON'T IGNORE IT - RESTORE IT! Masoniy/Rstoration specializing In restoring old stone/brick houses and bams. Also Laying Eldorado Stone JftJ Restoration 717-442-4773 Wanted To Buy Old loghouses, early timber frame houses, summer kitchen for removal, old brick and stone houses for salvage. Wide attic flooring - wide thick grainery and roofer boards. Small early timber frame outbldgs, solid panel shutters. (610) 857-5504 anytime - - - -■ WANTED: Original Floor, Grainery Boards, 2” Flooring, Bam Beams, Tobacco Sheds, Siding « 717/229-2806 MobUe 717/880-4549 John Koser’s FOR YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS LOCATED NORTH OF ELIZABETHTOWN OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 TO 6: SAT. 8 TO 3 • Kitchen Cabinets • Plywood & Waferboard • Asphalt Roofing Shingles • T-l-11 Siding • GP Insulation • Railroad Ties • Shutters • Replacement Windows • GP Vinyl Siding 717-36 SMUCKER CONSTRUCTION AGRICULTURAL - RESIDENTIAL SPECIALIZING IN POLE BUILDINGS DAN SMUCKER 135 CHURCHTOWN ROAD 717-768-8606 NARVON, PA 17555 24x32x8 24x40x8 30x40x8 32x64x8 STEEL BUIL INGS U. ; r Liil-j.ij-ftwiwi TAI L Kb LL V (RON WORKS I bio bon-^o/7 I FACTORY DEALS! Specials* Odds and Ends liv» 12x12 Wood Beams—Fir 16’ & 24’ Long, $.35/BF, Must Move, Contact David (410) 837-5525 WANTED TO BUY Standing 30’x40’ Early Timber Frames, Pegged Bank Barn, to Remove. Must be in good shape (610) 857-1002 Anytime Steel Exterior Doors Prehung Good Prices -0283 >*r * $ 9,550 $ll,lOO $13,800 $19,100
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