Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 20, 1994, Image 40
84-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, .August 20, 1994 Ag Progress Spins (Continued from Page B 2) bilities and toured the grounds. Although many visitors are far mers, some are not. Scott and San dy Hoover from Spring Grove enjoy visiting with farmer friends Lori and Mike Rancik, who farm Wriglesworth Knob Farm in Clearfield. The Ranciks invited the Hoovers to accompany them on their visit to Ag Progress. The non farming people found it intriguing to learn so much about agriculture. Many other non-farming fami lies also find Ag Progress is a great place to bring their families. “It’s educational and gives them g. spent two days at Ag Progress inspecting new features on equipment. NOW IS THE TIME! If you’ve been looking for ways to improve the health of your soil & livestock, Come to Agßestore’s FIELD DAYS and plan for 1995! Friday, Aug. 19,1994 Noah & Cory Yoder Farm, RR #2 Johnson Mills Road, Lewisburg, PA 717-524-7965 Friday, Aug. 26,1994 Nathan Burkholder Farm, 10286 Mercersburg Road, Mercersburg, PA 717-328-2587 Agßestore, Inc, "CcccmtUnc* m Biological. A<yucuiit4/ul' Leroy Ernest & Alvin Maurice Sinan Zimmerman Halteman Greensburg, pa 15601 Box 444 14342 National Pike 412-836-2404 Middleburg, PA 17842 clear Spring, MD 21722 717-658-2606 301-842-3543 Don R. Weaver Melvin Stoltzfus Paul Weaver 245 White Oak Rd. 370 Faggs Manor Rd. 401 Woleber Rd. New Holland, PA 17557 Cochranville, PA 19330 Myerstown, PA 17067 717-354-4398 215-869-9627 717-933-4459 a chance to see animals and trac tors,” one mother from State Col lege said. She brings her children every year. In addition to the displays, exhi bits, and demonstrations, com modity queens and princesses are on hand to answer questions peo ple may have about products. Pennsylvania Honey Queen Melissa Nicole Swartz served hon ey ice cream cones and other sweets to visitors. But she was most delighted to talk with the crowds about beekeeping and cooking with honey. Monday, Aug. 22,1994 Thursday, Aug. 25,1994 Paul Weaver Farm Weaver Homestead Farm, Don 401 Woleber Rd. & Nelson Weaver ’ Myerstown, PA 17067 1 in rm aaen New Holland. PA 17557 /1 l-'iii-vn'i Don 7)7.354-4398 _ . . „ Nelson 717-354-9152 Tuesday, Aug. 23,1994 Melvin Stoltzfus Farm 370 Faggs Manor Rd. Cochnnville, PA 19330 215-869-9627 All Field Days Start at 1:00 P.M. Homestead Nutrition, Inc. (Turn to Pago B 5) Wednesday, Sept. 21, 1994 Enos Hoover Farm, 317 Gnst Mill Road, New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-5415 it For Informati Food Safety SciQ Game Show tests participants’ food safety IQ. Patterned after a television game show, contestants win prizes. From left are Tom Stoltzfus, actuary; John Huber, beef and dairy farmer; and Edith Ressler, retired extension agent. An audience gathers to watch a food safety demonstration. SPECIAL ar For /More Information Contact: Wes Ge/b, Secondary Hardwood Products Department Walter H. Weaker Sons, Inc., Lebanon, PA 800-344-3114 or focaffy 717-867-2212 Fax 717-867-2271 Call for pricing and scheduling the Right Price" E. WEAVER KITCHENS Custom Kitchens, Vanities and Counter Tops 20 Years Experience New Holland, PA Elam Weaver-Owner 717-354-7257 V*