HERE'S WHAT THEY'RE SAYING Bedford Dairy Herd Increases 14 lbs. of Milk on AminoTek... Through Summer Heat Wave!!! The Grubb’s were excited when their herd responded to AminoTek with a 17 lb. milk increase this spring. But when their herd responded with another 14 lb. increase when they started to feed an AminoTek based top dress...and during the hottest June on record, they couldn’t believe it. On their July 6 DHIA test, they had 21 of their 38 cows milking over 70 lbs.. Six were over 110 lbs., three over 120 lbs. and one was over 130 lbs.. Ray Grubb and his herdsman, Wendell Guyer, say that “The Master Mix AminoTek feed program has given us a great economical answer to some problems we were having. We have seen a terrific response in milk production, along with improved breeding and overall herd health. We also appreciate the thorough service we get from Gene Barefoot, our Master Mix District Sales Manager for Bedford and Blair Counties. He works very close with us and we're really pleased." Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grubb and Herdsman, Wendell Guyer New Enterprise, Pennsylvania Past Master Program Mix Date 2/3/94 5/6/94 7/6/94 No. of Lactating Cows 40 40 38 Production/Cow/Day 48 65 79 DIM 132 134 136 % Butterfat 4.1 Pounds Butterfat TMR Mi - Alfalfa Haylage - Corn Silage - Shelled Cracked Corn - Bovine 111 Mineral - AminoTek TMR Base Concentrate MIFFLINBURG ANDOVER MILL FARMERS EXCHANGE Millington, MD 21651 Mifflinburg, PA 17844 (800) 245-2305 (717) 966-1001 ROSS H. ROHRER & SONS, INC. Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 786-3372 4.2 3.7 820 1070 598 Press To - AminoTek 36 H.F. - Megalac - Shelled Corn FARMERS BIG VALLEY HOKE MILLS, INC. COOPERATIVE FEED & GRAIN York, PA 17404 ASSN. INC. Belleville, PA 17004 (717) 843-8889 Frederick, MD 21701 (717) 935-2163 Abbotstown, PA 17301 (301) 663-3113 (717) 259-0609 THURMONT SENSING FEED MILL SNIDER‘S ELEVATOR COOPERATIVE New Holland, PA 17557 Lemasters, PA 17231 FARMERS EXCHANGE (717) 354-4756 (717) 328-2107 Thurmont, MD 21788 (301)271-7321 AminoTek Helps Rolling Herd Average Increase 5,000 Pounds In 3 Years "After 3 years on AminoTek, our herd average has gone from 16,000 lbs. milk to 18,000 lbs. milk to over 21,000 lbs. milk. Our tank average has stayed over 80 lbs., for over 3 months with no BST! This spring we had one cow peak at 149 lbs., milk! I’m well pleased with the Dry Cow Program and the PreLact Pellets. Our herd health and reproduction have gotten alot better since switching from a previous mineral program. ” Date No. of Lactating Cows DIM Production/Cow/Day Rolling Herd Average % Butterfat % Protein lilk R AminoTek 21 % Mixer Pellets Corn Silage with flaked corn Alfalfa Hay Top Dress AminoTek 20% Pellets with flaked soy beans For information on how you can get AminoTek into your herd, call our Master Mix sales office in Camp Hill, at 1-800-477-7692 Past Master Program Mix 4/91 5/94 24 34 185 160 55 80 16,000 21,300 3.6 3.6 Unknown 3.2 iram ® LS. Nolt East Earl, Pennsylvania Fora* MASTER MIX 9 J-EEDS. lip MAUGANSVILLE FEED SERVICE Maugansville, MD 21767 (301)791-5288