Brad Linton, left, showed the reserve grand champion, and Casey High showed the grand champion. High Has Champion Again EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor LAMPETER (Lancaster Co.) Casey High again showed the grand champion steer at the PUBLIC SALE of 14HP ARIENS RIDING MOWER - LAWN BOY MOWERS - 5 HP REAR ROTOTILLER - POWER & HAND TOOLS PLUMBING TOOLS & SUPPLIES MISC. ARTICLES THUR., SEPT. 1,1994 AT 1Q:00 A.M. hoc. 497 Frogtown Road, Marticville, Lancaster Co., PA (Dir.; West of Frogtown Hotel) Food Served Sale by Mr. & Mrs. David L. Troop, Sr. Howard E. Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) AUCTION Construction Tools - Household Goods - Antiques - Craft Inventory Monday, September 5, 1994 9:30 A.M. Labor Day Auction held on aita in Compass, PA. 12 miles east of Lancaster City, 6 miles west of Coatesville between Intersections of Rt. 340 and Rt. 10 Concrete - Wood Tools Concrete mixer, 2 wheelbarrows, (2) 2 cylinder Hmgo air compressor w/Honda motors, (8) SN32S Senco nailers, 3500 watt Honda generator, 5000 watt Honda generator 14” Makita chop saw, 2 Black & Decker screw guns, saber saw, 6 hammer lacker staplers. S' J brake, office desk, 2 filing cabinets, electric Makita impact wrench w/sockets, roof top rack for Ford van, 2 brick carries, 8” Rockwell Miter box. Black & Decker masonry cut off saw, 2 electric milkhouse heaters, 50,000 BTU Reddy heater, digging iron, post hole digger & etc Tanaka water pump. Warm Morning coal stove. Radial arm saw, carriage jack, 12” planer, 3/8” air drill, I am - 2 am air motors, air drills, electric disk sander, air sander, electric belt sander,.Black & Decker 3 1/2 horse heavy duty router, 10” Radial arm saw, 3 washbowls, green cabinet, 6 birch doors, air works for sewing machine, bull leader, breaking cart, Pequea manure spreader, picture frames, old mirrors, l-30”xl” elect, belt sander, portable air tank. Black & Decker heavy duly grinder, hoof knives, old iron jack, handyman jack. Black & Decker saber saw, traveling machine, old wheat cradles, new cond. 6,000 watt Honda generator, Fnglo air compressor like new, scroll saw, electric drills -1/2,3/8, Bosch belt sander 3x24” belt. Craftsman table saw on wheels, levels, tapes, good 3 phase 10 horse electric motor, small electric motors, 2,000 watt generators, pulleys & belts & other items not listed. Crafts - Household Goods - Antiques, Etc. 6& 12 volt battery chatger, 110 volt. West Cot wrenches, S wrenches, monkey wrenches, electric fan, heavy platform scales, scale cart, silage fork, pipe vise. Early American matchbox, Early American candle stand, Early American tables, new express wagon w/air tires, floor grates, wood waste baskets. (2) 4xB display tables, gas heater w/vent, gas heater w/out vent, lawn ornament pumps & troughs, asphalt shingles & 18” O.Lap roofing, old hospital bed. old sleds, bookshelf, treadle sewing machine, books, Family Life, old Reader’s Digest, cart for craft display, Martin houses, Martin house pole crank up type, lots of bird houses & feeders, baskets, dolls & bunnies, toy chests, wind chimes, benches, child’s picnic table, big picnic table & benches, old quart jars w/glass tops, old irons, kerosene & gas lanterns, old brass torch, old milk bottles, horse collars, harness parts, old saddle, oak table 2x2, cedar chest, child’s lawn benches, child's hutch, gal. & 1/2 gal. glass jugs, canning jars, chest of drawers, 5 old chairs, nightstand, Tupperware, old buffet, single bed, china closet, chest of drawers, bedroom suite, old bench, 2 gun cabinets, double bed, single bed, old corner shelf, old single bed, old wood swivel choir, baby scales, stroller, 2 door Served refrig. - okay, Stewart clippers - like new, old hand crank clipper, vinyl siding & accessories, alum, accessories, old garden cultivator, 5 pc. 1/4” Masonite 4xB, child's rocker, 4 push mowers, I push edger, 1 set quoits, wood office desk, metal office desk, bathroom scales, couch, BB guns, tree stand & climber, pony cart, old buggy, paint sprayer, large Valcon stainless steel gas range, wrenches & screwdrivers & etc., Wisconsin gas engine I 1/2 horse, Robin Wis. gas engine 5 horse?, kerosene stove, radiators, old chests, chest of old tools, concrete tools, old porcelain sink, gas stove. Remington fasteners, grease guns. BEN K. & VERNA LAPP Auctioneer itwjr.Petersheim 610-593-AUCT AU 001349 L Lancaster 4-H steer show. High had shown the grand champion at least three previous shows and also showed the chanpion heifer last Friday. He is the 14 year-old son of Larry and Mae High of Lititz. Brad Linton showed the reserve champion steer. Of special interest is the show manship contest, because the prize is a steer for next year’s shows. This steer is given to the winner by the Intelligencer Journal. Dale Livengood topped all performers to walk away with the prize. Delvin Kropf was the reserve grand champion showman and received a $3OO check from Lan caster Farming toward the purch ase of next year’s steer. Last year’s Intell steer winner. Jay Hess, had the champion of the preview show and will head to the Farm Show in January with this steer. Hess’ steer was called “right on track to do well at the Farm Show.” In the steer shew, lop plac ing* ar»: Lightweight - Jay Halt, Ryan Oonough, Dean Uvangood. Madiumwalghl - Pater Hof final, Jill Hofflnei, Jessica Stoltzfus. Light Heavyweight • John Hete, Deldra Buchen, Cory Slmo. Heavyweight - Casey High, Bred Linton, Delvln Kropf. Farm Shew preview - Jay Hess, Dean Livengood, Denise Bollinger. Showmanship Senior Dlvlelen - Jay Hess, Dale Livengood, Jason Stoltzlus. Intermediate Dlvlelen - Dean Livengood, Danielle Buchen, Travis Donough. Junior Division - Delvin Kropf. Jessica Stoltzfus, John Hess. Novice Division - Jason Rohrer, Hope Long, Nicole Hess. Delvln Kropf was the reserve champion showman and received $3OO from Lancaster Farming. As champion showman, Dale Livengood won the Intell steer. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication AUGUST SAT. AUG. 20-SAM. Com monwealth Of PA Suiplus Equipt. & Drug Seized Assets Auction. Located At Penndot Bldg. At 17th & Rt. 22 Bypass, Harrisburg, PA. Take Farm Show Exit Off 1-81 To 3rd Light. Turn Left To Next Light. Auction On Left. Auction For, Com monwealth Of PA Surplus Property. Kerry Pae Aucts. SAT. AUG. 20 - 9:3OAM Household Goods, Anti ques, Guns, Disks, Win ross Trucks, Dinner Bell. Held on site on Paradise Lsncwty Farming, Saturday, August 20, IM4-A3S Lane, Lane. Co. 1 mile E. of Strasburg from Rt. 741 go N. on Paradise Lane. Gideon & Elizabeth Lapp, owners. Steve & Steve Jr Petersheim, aucts. SAT. AUG. 20 -10 AM Anti ques, collectibles, tools, riding mower. East on Rt. 133, from Rt. 309, cross old Bethelem Pike approx. 2 miles west of Silverdale to auction on left. By Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Derstine Homing Farm Agency, Inc SAT. AUG. 20-10 AM, Car, Household, Tools & Equip ment. Located 2 Miles hrom Eldred, Turn Left At Whimpy's Restaurant, Across From Eldred Town ship Fire Hall Si. Pepper man, Auct. MON. AUG 22 - 4 PM Shop Tools, Green Hills Auction Center, 1540 New Holland Road, Reading, PA 19607. Samuel M. Ferraro, Philip 0. Ferraro, aucts. FRI. AUG. 26 - 9AM Toys, baseball cards, vehicles, antiques, collectibles, oak fumiiture, mahogany furni ture, flea market merchan dise, glassware, china Horst Farmers market, along Rt. 72 N. of Leb., Pa. E.M. Murry Assoc. Aucts FRI. AUG. 26 - S;3OPM, 175 Winross, Ertl Banks, Hess & Misc Toys. Located At The Leesport Farmers Market Hall Just Off Rt. 61, Leesport, Berks Co. Kenneth P. Leiby, Auct SAT. AUG. 27 - 9AM 28 acre country estate w/2V4 story dwelling, Ig bank bar & 2 story workshop, addi tional 5+ acre unimproved tract-large amt of tools, antiques & collectibles, lawn & garden equip , 1961 Ford Falcon Rebecca E Sachs Estate Take Pa Rt #234 1 mile W of Biglerville Square, turn right onto Yel low Hill Road & go approx Yt mile to sale site at house #620 in Butler Twp , Adams Co., Pa. Keith & Kevin Ym gling, aucts SAT. AUG. 27 - 9AM Land scape Co & Rigging & Excavating Co complete liquidation. Geneseo, NY, Teitsworth Auction Yard, cranes, backhoes, support equip, farm machinery Roy Teitsworth, Inc. SAT. AUG. 27 -10 AM, Repossession Sale, Approx 175 Repo's & Off Lease Vehicles Keystone Public Auto Exchange. SAT. AUG. 27 -11 AM, Wallace Saxton Complete Farm Dispersal Located In Chautauqua Co , 3175 Hooker Rd , IV4 Miles West Of Charlotte Center. 3 Miles North Smclairville, 3 Mi. South Of Cassadaga, NY. Owners, Wallace & Joyce Saxton Victor Kent & Sons Inc Auct.
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