E26-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 13 1994 Forest UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) Two programs in the School of Forest Resources in Penn State’s College of Agricul tural Sciences have received 1994 Three Rivers Environmental Awards. The awards, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council and the Duquesne Light Company, recognize excellence in advancing environmental quality in Western Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Timber Har- Industry Watches Market Approach (Continued from Page El 6) the numbers of lambs on the fall market might not be measurably lower than last year. In Colorado and parts of Wyoming, a bet ter-than-average lamb crop will hold lamb numbers steady despite less ewes in produc tion in the states. Wayne Cunningham, re search associate at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, said that because of good weather and feed availability, many producers in the region are reporting their number of lambs bom are up 10-15 percent “It sounds like we have extra numbers, but there are fewer producers so I don’t really know that we will have extra pounds of lamb,” Cunningham said. In Montana, it appears the lamb crop was better than last year. Producer John Paugh of Bozeman said he lambed at about 110-120 percent, better than the last two years. Paugh credits good weather and low predation. But Paugh also points to the fact that a good lambing season is only part of the equa tion that determines whether it will be a pro fitable year. “There are things we have no way of judging.” One of those things is the impact of imports. In addition, many in Mon tana also got out of the business. "One thing I see, and particularly in most of Montana, is very few yearlings available for fall because they got discouraged and sold the ewe lambs in the feedlots for slaugh ter,” Paugh said. “Those extra lambs created a glut in the market and the price went down. .. There were a lot of ewe lambs that went to slaughter that most times would have been held for replacements. So replacements are going to be in short supply, at least in Montana.” Another factor that will play into how the fall market shapes up is the fact that the feed ers took a beating on lambs this spring. “It was a bloodbath,” said Steve Lewis, a New Mexico producer and feeder. “Usually that would cause the feeder market to be real ly cheap, but the (slaughter) market is really good right now so I don’t know” what the fall market will be like, Lewis said. Meyer concurs, “After feeders paying so high last fall and receiving low prices this spring they’re most likely not willing to pay high prices this tall,” he said. “A lot of it will depend on their outlook for next spring dur ing the fall market. “The psychology out there right now is that feeders paid very high prices last fall for feeder lambs in expectation of high prices for slaughter lambs in the spring. Of course spring prices were considerably lower than expected, so this fall they may not be willing to pay higher prices for feeders regardless of 'he outlook going into spring. A lot will de pend on the actual supplies later this fall.” Although the lamb crop in Texas wasn’t as good as some parts of the country because of weather and resulting feed conditions, it was better than it has been over the past two years. However, Ernest Woodward, a pro ducer in McCamey, said that he is concerned about the bad prices last spring. “The market is picking up now and look ing better,” he said. “We’re hoping for a con tinued good market, but we’re a little con cerned about the money that was lost last spring.” Idaho producer Cindy Siddoway said much of Idaho has had “excellent” lambing this year, with the Siddoway operation noting a 168 percent lamb crop to date. “We don’t sell until September, so we Programs Win Top Environmental Awards vesting Certification Program re ceived the first-place award in the education division. This environ mental program directed at profes sional loggers is coordinated by the School of Forest Resources, the Timber Harvesting Council of Pennsylvania and the Nortim Cor poration. The program provides courses and a handbook covering topics such as erosion control, logging in wetlands and forest ecology. Par ticipants learn about basic forest don’t know exactly, but in general it was ex tremely high this year.” She also points out that the percentage could drop to 150 by the time they go to market because of predation, which already has been a problem in parts of New Mexico and Texas. [| For remodeling or new construction g| ecology and silviculture practices. They also develop a better un derstanding of the environmental impact of harvesting timber. The Volunteer Initiative Project of the Pennsylvania Forest Ste wardship Program was named a finalist in the communications division for its work with private landowners and communities. The project is a joint effort of Penn State Cooperative Extension, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, the Pennsylvania Gain capacity without sacrificing bird comfort or aisle width Chore-Time Duratrim Cage Systems are designed to be perfect for remodeling! 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Landowners in the project team about forest and wildlife manage ment, forest ecology, and other environmental issues. They then share this information and pro mote forest stewardship principle MVMM, Ctatoram . >/2to2lbt. »r lOOUrW iH—own *lO,OOO pw yaw «d on ■ IOO.OOOIbMhouM - ya«H 1-800-673-2580 H ROPE IN SOME EXTRA CASH! (#l^ Advertise With A I |1 sfi! Lancaster Farming \/. ' jit i CLASSIFIED AD... Phone: 717-394-3047 ' I 1 or 717-626-1164 Remodel with Chore-Time and you can have more birds, better per formance and less maintenance. Chore- Time’s 4 tier, 20 Inch deep Duratrlms are the same width as 3 tier dropping board systems and 4 tier reverse cages. Go from 60,000 birds to 80,000 birds. Over 80% of the nation’s top egg producers* have already switched to Chore-Time cages with ULTRAFLO® Feeders!* Egg producers have been putting up with obsolete chain feeders far too long. Now there's a better way: Chore-Time's proven ULTRAFLO Cage Feeding System. 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For more information about the Pennsylvania Timber Harvesting Certification Program or the Volunteer Initiative Project of the Pennsylvania Forest Stewardship Program, contact Penn State’s School of Forest Resources at (814) 863-0401. T.. ,t- Contracts Take advantage tf this ideal income opportunity for family fame. Call for information on produc tion contracts for new and remodeled layer houses. 1-800-673-2580 yaar warranty cagaa. Call or •* for a copy tray is out to pravsnt igg lam-ups eiftr* high on tho ogg savo* oggs reliable with 'x2o'’ cages ’x2o” cages it 33% met* I tMOMIM It ily 73” wld*
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