Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 13, 1994, Image 215
WHICH OHE ARE YOU If selling your grain is costing you money and time at the mill, take a long, hard look at this ad! V #*>£ **#: #* 4^4 \ v> BROCK. BIN 1248 South Mountain Rd. • Dillsburg, Pa. 17019 • 717-432-9738 SEE US AT AG PROGRESS DATS - EAST STH STREET <4 ~v \ \ y \ # II ‘ i YESt I want to make a g S profit and save time whi ! sell my crop. Tell me mi SERVING | MAMP AGRI-BUSINESS , 1 " MMC SINCE f | ADDRESS 1975 f 1 I \ 1 CITY | STATE | ( There absolutely to ' Look! I waited in line for 4V2 hours and got dockec over 10,000 lbs. on one load , How about you? t j I stored my grain in my BROCK* BINS storage system , designed and built by TAM SYSTEMS. I’m y^jmakin^ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Augui ISt ZIP