(2) John Daw* 4020 Console I>ic- Belarus 310 4WD Tractor w/350 tors, On# With Powarshift, Ona !. r _. on * . Hours 36 HP, Looks Uka New For With Byncro, Buy The Bast You Vary Clean Tractor,.sawiooo pro i L#B* * ntmOiti 100 Hr. Of These Pickers Avtileble. PPRr Internationsl 781 Harvester Avail- able With Or Without Hay Head. FARM TRACTORS JO 2440 w/146 Loader, RAT, 38" JD 4230 Fender, Synoro, 2R JD 4320 w/Cab, 38", 2R. Nice JD 4020 Console, Powershllt, 2R, V. Nice JD 4020 Console, Synero, IR, Nice JD 420 Utility, WF, PS, 3 PL, Exceptional IH 966 w/Hlnlkar Cab, Nice IH Hydro 86 w/Canopy, 2R, V. Nice IH 756 Gas, WF, 3 PL, 540/1000, Repaint IH 284 Gas, 28 HP, 3 PL, PTO IH 185 Lo Boy w/5' Belly Mower Farmall 140 w/Cultlvator Farmall 140 Hi-Clear w/Cultivator Farmall Cpb w/Mott Mower Farmall B, Nice, Original Ford 5900 Diesel, 8 Speed, Rollbar, New Ford 2910 Dlaaal, w/Loader, Nice Ford 2600 Gaa w/Cab And Loader Ford 335 (3600) Diesel w/Loadar Ford 3000 Gas, w/Loader, Nice Casa 4490 4WD, 175 HP Caae 4890 4WD, 250 HP AC 7080 w/Cab, 20.8x38, 180 HP AC 190XT Oieael, WF, 3 PL, Nice Caae SI w/Clumsy Old Loader (Not Running) Belarus 310 4WD, 36 HP Satoh 550 Gas 17 HP (Sharp) ROLLER HARROWS AND PACKERS Bearcat 10' Roller Harrow JD 950 10' Roller Harrow Chatanooga 8' cullimulcher, nice Dunham 10' roller harrow Kewanee 10' roller harrow JD 950 15' roller harrow (3) Brllllon 10’ packer w/4” axle Brllllon 16' Cultipacker, 4" Axle Brllllon 16' Packer w/End Tranaport Dunham 12' Rollar Harrow (2) Brllllon 12' Cultipacker w/4” Axle (2) Brllllon 10' Cullimulcher Brllllon 14' Packer w/End Tranaport Dunham 14' Packar w/End Tranaport MANURE SPREADERS John Door* 450 Hydra Push w/Pan And Top Baatar Now Holland 513 w/Pan And Top Boater Now Holland 513 w/Tailgate Now Idaa 15 Ground Driva (Sharp) Massey Farguson 43 4RN Corn bine w/Choloa Of Grain And Corn Head In Excellent Condition. Heads. SEE DAVE WENGER & DAVID MOCK AT AG PROGRESS DAYS COMBINES 1973 JD 4400 Dlaael Combine 1974 JD 4400 dlaael rotary acraan Combina (2) JO 213 flax head, yellow reel JD IS' grain head JD 10* grain head JO 443 4RN Corn Head JD 343 3RN Corn Head JD 244 2RW Corn Head MF 43 4RN Corn Head While 549 4x16 Auto Rexel White 549 sxlB Auto React White 548 6xlB Auto React Oliver 546 6x16 Auto React Oliver 548 sxlB Auto React IH 720 7xlB Auto react, on land IH 720 sxlB Auto react, on land (Sharp) IH 710 5x Auto React, On Land IH 710 6xlB On Land, Trip IH 720 6x16 Auto React IH 700 6x16 Auto react (aharp) IH 710 4x16 Auto React IH 730 4x Vari-Wldth, Toggle IH 710 3x16 Aulo react IH 314 3x16 Rollover (2) IH 2x fait hitch (2) IH 311 3x feat hitch White 6342 3x 16 Rollover w/Coullera While 348 3x16 3 PL Auto Rexel JD 2700 7x On Land Toggle Trip JD 4600 4xlB roll-over on-land hitch (2) White 271 20’ Rockflex Wing Disc IH 37 10' Disc w/Uft Cylinder (2) IH 370 10' Oise w/Lift Cylinder Milter 11' Offset White 251 10'/.' Offset Disc IH S' Offset Disc- Small Frame JD 111 S' Rock Flex Disc (Sharp) JD BW 13' Disc JD 620 9' Disc Like New JD 110 14' Disc Bush Hog 12' Cutting Disc IH 500 13’ Culling Disc Several 3 Pt. Hitch Discs- Call IH Drag Disc LOADER ATTACHMENTS Snow blades tor Farmall Cub And Supor-A IH 1000 Loader To Fit Cub, 140, Etc. JD 140 Loader w/Valvo A 6’ (2440) IH 2350 Loader To Fit IH Row Crops Fox BHB 52" Forage Blower, Very Nice Condition OsEE John Doora 4230 Syncro Range ri f - •*SR -1 JPP Tranamlaslon, 2 Remotea, Run* ;J® h " P*?? e Real Strong, 100 HP. Welghta 2 Remotea. Syncro Range " m Trana., 110 HP. New Idea 324 2RW Cornpicker w/12 Roll Bed, Also Have A 325 2RN w/8 Wagons. valley 36' Hay . n Elevator On Slock, Can Get Any Good Condition. Size. CHISEL PLOWS & FIELD CULTIVATORS Heaaton 9T Soil Saver w/Hyd. Dlaca Hinlker 1120 18' Flat Fold Field Cult.- Sharp Brllllon 10’ pull chiael IH 55 13’ pull type chiael Glencoe TT Soil Saver Glencoe 9' Pull Chlaela (2) IH 55 7' 3 PL Chiael AC 1200 3 Pt. Field Cult. w/Hyd. Wlnga Kaaco 9' 3 Pt. 2 Bar Chiael Plow JD 12' 3 Pt. Daniah Field Cult. IH 45 13 Pull Field Cultivator UFT 10’ 3 Pt. Chiael Hl-Clear Kewanee 7’ 3 Pt. Chiael, Hi-Clear IH 13’ 3 Pt. Chiael Plow 2 Bar Brllllon 11T 3 Pt. V-Ripper MISCELLANEOUS Bearcat 6’ Flail Chopper NH 36 Flail Chopper Several Tractor Caba JD 1210 A Grain Cart Nl 10' Lime Drill w/Grass Seed Box Gehl 95 Grinder Mixer NH 352 Grinder Mixer Weatgo Rock Picker Side dresaera lor Cub And Super A 50 Gallon 3 Pi. Sprayer Campbell 400 gal. aprayer ■ Pull Type (2) Brllllon 10' & 11' Packer Seedera New and Used spike harrows New Long Rotary Tillers, 63”, 72” (12) Gravity Bln Wagons 1 Row 3 Pt. Taler Digger New 9" & 12” post hole diggers Westfield 6x16 Augers And 4xll Shaver HDB And HDIO Post Drivers MF & JD 10' 3 pt. spring tooth harrow Lillislon 4R 3 Ft. Very Nice Rolling Cult. Bush Hog 4x30 3 Pt. Cultivator Noble 8x36 Hyd. Fold Danish Tine Case IH 183 4x30 Danish Tine (Very Nice) Brillion 4x36 Danish Tine JD RM 6x30 C-Spring, Rolling Shields (3) Ford 2 Row 3 Pt. AC Dl5 2R Front Mount Farmall Cub And Super A Cull. IH 80 2R Front Mount For 584 Etc. (2) JD 8R Front Mounl‘(Lslo Style) Several Rotary Hoes (2) IH 133 & 183 6x30 Danish Jlne JD 327 Bator w/Ejactor JD 336 Bator w/EJector JD 346 Bator w/EJoctor (2) JD 1219 Mo/Co Caaa IH 3206 T 3 Pt Diac Mowar (2) MF 41 7' 3 Pt SieMa Mowar Ollvar 351 T 3 Pt. Stekla NH 455 r Pull Typa Sickle McCormick 27V T Sickla Paquaa 710 PTO Tedder Nl 402 Raka w/Dolly NH 256 Hay Raka Buffalo Valley 36' Elevator, New 24' Belt Conveyor w/Tranaport (3) Now Farmco 18x8 Steal Hay Wagons NH Farmec 30' Elevator Kory 6T Wagon Gear Kory 8T Wagon Goar ROTARt mowers New Woods 121 Twin Cadet 10' Alamo TK-15' Wing Mower Woods RMSSO 5' Estate Woods RM66O 6' Estate Mott flail to fit cub New Woods 59 For Super A, 140 New Woods L 59 for AC ‘B’ Bush Hog 5' 3 pt. flail mower New Woods 214 14' Mower/Shredder Brilllon IS' Stalk Shredder (2) Bush Hog 13’ Rotary Mower Bush Hog 7' Pull Rotary Mower IH s'/i' Pull Rotary Mower Woods 5' 3 Pt. Oiteh/Bank Mower CORN PLANTERS AND DRILLS JD 7000 4R w/No Fert. JD 7000 4R w/Dry, No Til JD 7200 4R w/Dry & No Til IH 56 4R Cornplanter IH 56 2R Cornplanter Pull Type (2) JO 1240 4R Plateless JD 7000 6x30 plate type planter (2) Ford 309 2R 3 Pt. Planter JD Van Brunt 17x7 SD w/Fert. And Grass IH 510 16x7 SD w/Grass & Fert. Ontario 15x7 SD w/Grass & Fert. aw HARVESTERS AND CORN PICKERS IH 781 Harv. w/Hay Head JD 3970 W/2RW (2) Nl 323 1R Complcker Nl 324 2RW w/12 Roll Husking Nl 325 2RN w/8 Roll Husking Several Hay And Corn Heads IH 720 Harvester w/2R Head SHE lly Bin