Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 13, 1994, Image 184
D4O-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 13 1994 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK JD 4450, QR., Weights,lB.4x3B Radlals Duals, 1303 Mrs., Quick Hitch $37,500.00 IH 1086, cab & airJgjjSl $13,000 IH 1086 Coming In IH 1066, black stripe, cab & air $ 7,900 IH 986, cab, air $ll,OOO IH 806, diesel, 3 pt Coming In IH 686, 310 motor w/TA $ 7,900 IH 685 w/loader, shuttle shift $14,250 IH 574, diesel $6,500 IH 186 hydro, new motor, sharp $17,500 Case IH 1594, 4x4, cab, air, powershift..sls,ooo Case IH 885, 4x4, cab, air, loader $24,500 MF 1155, cab, air, multipower $ 8,500 MF 1135, cab, air, multipower $ 9,500 MF 1100 $5,900 MF 699, 2WD $ll,OOO MF 699, 4WD $15,500 MF 399, 4x4 w/loader, 1,000 hrs $26,500 MF 390 w/loader $16,900 MF 298, multipower, ROPS $lO,OOO White 2-75 $9,500 White 2-70, 4x4, cab & air $ 8,900 Oliver 1855 w/cab & new motor $8,500 Oliver 77, gas w/side shields $ 1,200 JD 4450, quad shift, duals, weights, 1,300 hrs. JD 4450 4x4 Power Shift JD 2240 4x4 145 Loader JD 4020, diesel, SR, 2 remotes JD 2040 w/loader Deutz DXI2O 4x4 Cab & Air.. Deutz DXIIO, 4x4, cab, air, loader Deutz DXI6O, 4x4, cab, air Ford 5600 w/loader IgSISSI , Ford 5600, diesel, low profile, turf tires $ 6,500 Ford 1310, 4x4 w/belly mower, snow blower & hyd. blade, 430 hrs $ 8,000 Case 1835 C skid loader $ 7,900 Gehl 4610 diesel skid loader $9,500 JD 8300 grain drill, double disc, press whls. 23 run Taylorway 7’ Soil Saver Glenco Soil Saver, 7 Shank (3) 12’ Cultipackers MF 620 12’ disc NH 411 Discbine Case 12' chisel plow MF 880 4 & 5 btm. reset plows $ 1,000 & $ 1,200 JD 6 btm. rollover plow $ 4,500 4-6-8 row Danish cultivator $750 to $ 1,200 6 Ft. 3 Pt. Rotary Mower $ 850 NH 451 grass mower $ 750 Vicon centipede rake $ 650 MF 15’ Flex Head $ 1,900 IH 7 Shank Auto Reset V Ripper $ 4,900 18.4x38 & 20.8x38 duals $ 1,000 JD 4400 Combine Diesel w/443 Com Head ggSa MF 540 combine w/13’ flex head Gehl 99 silage blower Badger silage blower Financing Available L&M BURKHOLDER Between Brownstown & Rothsvllle ..$37,500 $34,000 ..$ll,OOO ..$ 8,000 ..$ 8,500 ..$12,000 ..$14,000 ..$14,000 ..$ 7,900 $ 1,900 $ 3,900 $ 4,800 $ 700 to $ 1,000 $ 1,900 $ 6,200 $ 1,100 ...$ll,OOO „.$ 9,000 .. $ 850 ~$ 500 JD TRACTORS 1938 G • 1936 A • 1938 A • 1939 B 1987 LNBOOO Ford w/24’ super 10 Jsrr-dan bed w/wells, excellent condition (717) 494-0441 Lycoming Co. TRACTORS Ford 4000 gas tractor Flat Hesston 666 4WD w/loader MF 275 Farmall 300 gas MF 1155 w/cab, duals MF 3630. 2WD w/cab. 50 hrs. Ferguson 20 Ford 9N MF 1150 w/duals, good MF 1010, w/54" mower, excel cond. MF 670 4WD, cab & air, like new MF 3660 2WD, cab, air, 20.8x38 tires, 60 hours SKIDSTEER LOADERS MF 236 loader to fit MF 184 Tractor Gehl 4610 Diesel Case 1830 Skid Loader 60” Bucket HAY AND FORAGE E( Hesston 7160 Forage Harvester Ml forage box w/running gear Gehl 940 box w/10 ton running gear Gehl forage box w/running gear Gehl C 8750 Hesston 2000 forage harvester NH 880 forage harvester Fox self-propelled diesel harvester Hesston 5580 round baler Hesston PTIO mower conditioner Hesston 1091 mower conditioner MISC. EQUIP. Danuser model F 8 post hole digger, excellent Better Blit 3150 gal. liquid spreader w/brakes 50’6” portable grain auger, 7 hp motor Wlc 11 HP Bedding Chopper Wlc 3 pt. hitch Bedding Chopper Model 330 Weaverline feed cart LONGENECKER’S INC Williamsburg, PA 16693 814-793-3731 Wood Floor Special sss< ■f ’ REPLACEMENT TRUCK BED 87. , LX7'/ J ’W,IO’LX7'A’W Wood or Steel Floor Also Available In 4’xß' and S'xß’ s’xB’ Starting at $525 s’xl O’ Starting at $570 UTILITY (TILT OR GATE MODEL) Sizes: S’xß’, s’xlO’, 6’4”xlo', 6’4"xl2’, 3000# GVW UTILITY WITH GATE-SIZES: IB'xTB”, 7,000# GVW, 20’x81” 12,000# GVW Also Available In Car Haulers 16’, 18’ 7,000# GVW FLAT BED: Sizes: 16’x76”, 18’x81” 7000# GVW, self storing BO” long ramps KI T/ FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. h\mol’m momiu k.ikidu Pii.o (.ro\o. I*A (717)345-4SS2 K\M-.2sM. KDVI (.Kin WHMMIM !> A Auxiliary hyd., low hours, $7,850 Put a Front-Mount MiUcreek Aerator on Your Commercial Mower. Get more production and profitability from your john Deere, Ford, Kubota or Excel Hustler up-front mowers by attaching a front mount Millcreek core plug aerator. Millcreek aerators have individual! wheels so you car turf. And our stui With so many < 3-pomt hitch and Millcreek aerator i one for yourself / pricing too Call today for your free information. ■ Fits Ford, John Deere, Kubota Excel Hustler ■ 42', 63', 84' ■ 3-point hitch & tow-behlnd models ■ Economy Models Also ■ Individual spoon wheels ■ Safety cage Included STARTING AT $695.00 International Farm Equipment • 1 & 2 Bottom Plows • Discs 4’ - 8’ • Blades 5’ - 8’ •Box Blade4’-8’ • Stone Rakes S’ - 8’ • Post Hole Digger • 1 Row Cultivator • Dirt Scoops • Boom Pols • Rear Carriers • Chipper-Mulcher • Fetilizer Spreader • Concrete Mixers • Field Cultivators • Potato Plows • Hay Rakes & Tedders • Rotary Mowers 3’ -11’ • 4’-7Vi’ Finish Mowers • Bale Carriers • Sickle Mowers • Rototillers • Truck Beds - BV4’ to 10’ Over 300 Trailers In Stock Starting At $399.00 T-Plates DEALERS WANTED mmm exc. cond. $13,500 U||LCRFC|/ 1-800-879-6507 2617 Stumptown Rd Bird-in-Hjnd, PA 17505 Deafer inquiries invited HIGHWAY HYDRAULIC DUMP 6’xlO’, 7,000# ALSO AVAILABLE IN 14’ DROP AXLE 7000#GVW or 12,000# GOOSENECK SIZES: 20’x8’ 12,000# or 14,000# GVW, 24’xB’ 14,000# GVW Satho 650 Loader Tractor 3 pt. 25 hp., Good Cond. 54,850 Lincoln Portable Welder, 100* Leads 4 Cyl. gas Good Shape. $1,500 Dull Equipment Co. RD # 1,659 Mastle Rd. Newmanstown, PA 17073 20 Miles North of Lancaster On Rt. 501 717-949-3451 Ask For Lee or Dustin Let's Do Business & Be Friends '-mounted si >oon 6’xlO’, 10,000# CONSTRUCTION (LOW DECK) 16’x76’’ 7000# GVW Starting At $3795 w/4’ Adj. Tail