Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 13, 1994, Image 10
AlO-Lancasfer Farming, Saturday, August 13 1994 ' OPINION Great Reasons To Visit Ag Progress Days Ag Progress Days have become the annual mid-summer spot light on agricultural advancement and technology in the state of Pennsylvania. Much of this “progress” has revolved around the research and extension at Penn State and so it is fitting that the theme should recognize: “Penn State Ag Sciences... We’re More Than You Think!” Private industry has also contributed to the advancement of agriculture. This is evident in the pi any innovations in machinery and methods that appear at Ag Progress Days each year. With more than 300 exhibitors this year, what’s new in production and environmental agriculture will be showcased again. But make no mistake about it. Penn State can’t educate and exhibitors can’t show their new technology if you don’t come. People who come to the show are the most important group of all. Of course, if you have any kind of interest in farming you will be attracted to Ag Progress Days. One big attraction is the equip ment working in the fields. This year, precision planters and high tech harvesters as well as hay making equipment will be up and running. For antique lovers, the Pasto Agricultural Museum is always an attraction. Here you can see a 175-year-old apple peeler to a milking machine powered by foot pedals. Research tours provide information of interest to many people. Dairy, poultry, potato and conservation tours are among the listed tours on the schedule this year. Yes, these three days, August 16-18 promise to be provide many great reasons to visit Ag Progress Days. We’ll want you to break into your work schedule at home for a few hours, load up the family in the car or truck, and make the trip to Rockspring this week. We’ll look for you. Farm Calendar South Central Championship Show, Fairgrounds, Shippens burg, 9:30 a.m. Montour-Delong Community ' Fair, Washingtonville, thru Aug. 20. The Old Time Plow Boys Club, Inc. late summer plowing demonstration, Kutztown Uni versity North Campus Farm, ICutztownMhn^ugM4^^ Huntingdon County Fair, Hunting don, thru Aug. 20. McKean County Fair, Smethport, thru Aug. 20. Washington County Fair, Dayton Fair, Dayton, thru Aug. 20. Venango County Fair, Franklin, thru Aug. 20. Lawrence County Fair, New Castle, thru Aug. 20. Bullskin Township Fair, Mount Ag Progress Days, Rockspring, thru Aug. 18. Huntingdon County Holstein Show, Huntingdon Fair grounds, 9 a.m. Centre County Holstein Sale, Fair grounds, Centre Hall, 7 p.m. Berks County 4-H Fair, 4-H Agri culture Center, Leesport, 8:30 Southeast Pennsylvania Market Hog Derby, thru Aug. 19. Performance-Tested Boar Sale, Fair. Wye Field Day, Wye REC, 8 a,m.-6 p.m. Ml Nebo Fair, Ml Nebo, thru Aug. 20. Middletown Grange Fair. Wright stown, thru Aug. 20. Findlay Township Fair, Clinton, thru Aug. 20. Northeast FFA Dairy Show, Tioga County Fairgrounds, Whitneyville. Grazing Field Day, Samuel King Farm, Gordonville, 12:30 p.m.-3 p.m. Pasture Walk, Walter Nuding Dairy. Farm, Montgomeryville, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Washington County Holstein Bucks County Holstein Show, Middletown Fairgrounds, 11 a.m. Lebanon County Holstein picnic, Pa. Holstein Association Central Championship Show, Fair grounds, Huntingdon, 6 p.m. Northeast 4-H Dairy Show, Wyoming County. Warren County Holstein Sale, Pittsfield Fairgrounds. Central Championship Show, Huntingdon Fairgrounds, 6 p.m. Southeastern Pennsylvania Chap ter of Fellowship of Christian Farmers picnic, Samuel Lewis State Park, Wrightsville, 11 Somerset County Fair, Meyers dale, thru Aug. 27. Crawford County Fair, Meadville, thru Aug. 27. To Start Studying Worker Protection Standards Fanners will need to come in complete compliance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Worker Protection Standards (WPS) by January 1, 1995, The WPS is a regulation that covers pesticides used in the pro duction of agricultural plants on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses. The WPS requires you to take steps to reduce the risk of pesticide-related illness and injury to you, your family, or your employees. If you are an agricultural pesti cide user and/or an employer of agricultural workers or pesticide handlers, the WPS requires you to provide to your employees and in some cases to yourself and to others information about exposure to pesticides, protection against exposures to pesticides, and ways to reduce exposures to pesticides. Contact your local cooperative extension office for more details on WPS. Now is the time to pick up information on WPS to study and start implementing this program on your farm. To Wear Respirators Around Organic Dust Agricultural workers may be at risk for developing organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS). This is a common respiratory ill- Cameron County Fair, Emporium, thni Aug. 27. Franklin County Fair, Chambers burg, thru Aug. 27. Westmoreland County Fair, Harford Fair, Harford, thru Aug. 27. Fulton County Fair, McConnells burg, thru Aug. 27. Mountain Area Fair, Farmington, thru Aug. 27. Pa. Tobacco Growers meeting, Southeast Field Lab, Landisvil- Blue Valley Farm Show, Bangor, thru Aug. 27. Perry County Fair, Newport, thru Aug. 27. Transfer Harvest Home Fair, Greenville, thru Aug. 27. Elizabethtown Community Fair, Elizabethtown, thru Aug. 27. Hookstown Fair, Hookslown, thru Aug. 27. Pa. Holstein Association North east Championship Show, Fair grounds, Troy, 10 a.m. Beef Cattle Pasture Walk, Conrad and Bonnie Fisher’s Farm, Green Lane, 7 p.m. (Turn to Pago A 39) ness that may follow exposures to heavy concentrations of organic dust when shoveling or moving organic materials such as oats, wood chips, compost, and silage. The syndrome is characterized by fever occurring 4 to 12 hours after exposure and flu-like symp toms such as general weakness, headache, chills, and cough. DOTS usually disappears within 24 hours to a few days after the worker is removed from the exposure. No specific therapy is needed to treat ODTS. However, the syn drome may often be misdiagnosed as acute bronchitis, influenza, or farmer’s lung disease, which may lead to unnecessary or excessive treatment with medication. You should minimize the risk of exposure by carefully harvesting and storing agricultural products to minimize spoilage, use automated or mechanized equipment to move decayed materials, use engineer ing controls such as local exhaust ventilation and wet methods to control dust, and use appropriate respirators. I BY LAWRENCE W ALTHQUSe ! * LET'S GO BACK! August 14,1994 LET'S GO BACK! August 14, 1994 Background Scripture: Numbers 13 through 14 Devotional Reading: Numbers 23:18-23 “Let us choose a captain, and go back to Egypt” (14:4). So said the people of Israel when the twelve spies whom Moses had sent into the land of Canaan gave their re port So say many people today when they are confronted with “an evil report.” The “captain” may be a political candidate, a religious fig ure, or a charismatic person who promises a return to the good old days. It is a fact of life that lots of people would rather accept the known hardship of an Egypt than the seeming elusive promise of Canaan. Before we come down too hard on the people of Israel, let us acknowledge that their reaction is understandable because we often respond to life in the same way. We long for the Promised Land, but we don’t want to have to take any risks to get there. And when it is apparent that there are grave risks we frequently find it more at tractive to go back to what was. instead of what can be. We as sume that misery that is familiar is less uncomfortable than misery that is uncertain. YOU CAN’T GO BACK One of the lessons that the Bible teaches us, however, is that you cannot go back. Even if you return to a place geographically, it is not the same for life moves on inexor ably. It is impossible for humans to hold back or even delay the march of time. Continuing change is one of the themes of the Old Testament and it is one of the hardest lessons for us to learn. Change makes us fearful. Any thing that disturbs our status quo is likely to make us resistant But change was inevitable for the twelve tribes of Israel in the wil demeii and it is inevitable for us. If we consider it bad news when To Guard PTO Shafts According to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 112 people died as a result of entanglement in PTO-driven shafts from 1980-1989. Nearly 10,000 non-fatal entan glement injuries also occurred on farms between 1982 and 1986. Of these accidents, 864 resulted in amputation. In addition, at least five women have been scalped in PTO accidents. These injuries, amputations, and deaths are caused by the use of inadequately guarded machinery and the failure to follow proper safety precautions. Ensuring that the original or available retrofit guards ate in placed on farm equipment, disen gaging the PTO, and turning off the tractor ignition before perform ing maintenance on PTO-driven equipment will prevent entangle ment incidents. Feather Profs Footnote: "We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems." God tells us of change, we need also to listen to the good news that goes with it: God goes with us into the changing future and not only sustains us amidst the perils of it, but transforms many of the perils into opportunity and advantage. We are right to distrust the future, but wrong not to trust in God. That is the key to the report of twelve spies. They were agreed on one aspect of their reconnais sance; Canaan was all that God had led them to expect. “It flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit,” they said, bringing back a cluster of the abundant grapes they found in the Valley of Eshcol (which means “cluster”)- Reports of the future usually have some element of positive opportunity. There is something to be gained by going forward. MILK & HONEY But the spies did not agree on the second part of their report. Moses had asked them to spy out both the land and the people: “Go into the Negeb yonder, and go up into the hill country, and see what the land is, and whether the people who dwell in it are strong or weak, whether they are few or many..." (13:17,18). Ten of the twelve spies reported that taking the Promised Land was beyond the capabilities of the Israelites. “.. .all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature.. .and we seemed to ourselves like grass hoppers, and so we seemed to them” (13:32,33). But Caleb and Joshua saw the same situation dif ferently: “Let us go up at once, and occupy it; for we are well able to overcome it,” said Caleb. Note that these twelve men all had the same experience in the same place. Ten of them, how ever, saw dangerous futility in the same place where two of them saw opportunity to do God’s will. Ten of them came down with the “grasshopper complex,” while two were willing to trust in God’s promise. . . Often, that’s the same choice that confronts us. Lancaster Farming Established 19SS Published Every Saturday Ephrata Review Building 1 E. Main St. Ephrata, PA 17522 by Lancaster Farming! Inc. A SMiman Emnprim Robert G. Campbell General Manager Everett H. Nawewanger Managing Edtor Coeyrifht teee by Lanoeelar Fermlni