CB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 6, 1994 ~ ( ' 1 JD 544 A 4WD Loader $14,500 I Q SILOS AMO l9BB JD 410 C backhoe w/cab Call mBjJNLOADERS aster. Fair price paid. Af- *f. r ' f*^ 08 ® o< f .^‘^? tone . JD 6558 4-1 JD loaders, dozers, skid steer attachments 9^ ter 6pm, (717)786-2103. (610)593-1172. 8 Bucket finer! Special: All snowblowers ordered thru August 16x50 Concrete Stave Silo, FOR SALE: 14'x30' p.. . DUCKBI, VaOOO r Moll , T , ... * c . , like new, used 1 season, wooden silo with aluminum RibstoneSilO.22x7o.com- Condition New Thomas skid steers InStock 201/838-9388. ! o,e w/roof, tripod, filler $32,000 JD Construction Equipment 18’Acorn 3500; 16'Clay, 6 loader. (301)241-3309. $4200. Lackawanna Co! Thomas Skid Steer Loaders, *f® r * ’ $2OOO. FOR SALE: 20x50 Harves- 717-587-1725. T- ndSer " e 'I . tt“MS J D EQUIPMENT ‘ *fillt. «• -agf-S Pennsburg, PA 18073 410/775-2445 after Bpm. “ 215-679-5958 24M fedger unloader. 20'. WANTED H|RC UNLI7' wmbS. ML Call 610-589-5143 for HMC. (610)367-6160 gjn Qq 717-483-6291. 1 1 25x80 Harvesters silo «n- ■! e, ° re BAM ~ WANTED: Concrete stave rnni/l 11 I o verted w/Hanson-Smith kit We pay top dollar for used silos, will remove. Fair I FORKLIFTS Massac sr:,“j. :v, ,a*™; ! I 2 ’™oo™os«lom b r oGaG<^Nmro* =aac< ] i a gas/lp-diesel-electric Chestnut barn beams and |j Used Fickes Silos i j B Cushion-Pneumatic-Rough Terrain 1 • Will Remove | m New Komatsu Forklifts Available (3) 20x60 Harvesters, ft * Fair Prices Paid I a pa industrial equipment i__j-800-224-siLo ! ! I (610)326-7090 ■ 31J583 " 164 _ , , | CASE 850 Crawler Loader | I I 1 I RELINE WITH j w/Rip E l e Joo°o WHrS ' SHOTCRETE (t\ Jim f— U I PARTS PRICED RIGHT 1 I % ” shotcrete j Heavy Equipment Loader Parts, Inc. M | DISMANTLING MOST MAKES J Surface is washed ■RD 2, Box 2230, Route 22, Grantville, PA 17028 ■ i ft MODELS «■ With high pressure N S. |B| $ 9 (717) 469-0039 (800) 446-0505 B 7 OF CONSTRUCTION equipment i washer. s 2 n . r Shotcrete is sprayed #■ f V-^v 1 I on and troweled smooth /7S-^~Pt 2, Si Michigan Wabco J prove{j tQ be f , I o Troj^ ere S K I e^ycl 'or y°ur .11° _ )^Bl|-g|||s|; | Drott H«„W*™r AC/FiatAl.lsl % Dismantled Structure. Ul 7 | NATIONWIDE PARTS LOCATING SERVICE 1 £ l 3 YOStS “ 1 ? We have two Computer Parts Locator Networks I V EXPStiSnCS - | 7 1 Nationwide & Canada, ready to serve you In less ■ V yi . e| . 1£ § ' I than a minute over 400 Used & New Parts _ 5 ReiininQ SIIOS | . • Dealers will receive your parts request. Parts are ' ♦ - _ - J 1. 1 located easily & at substantial savings Try our | > I Services Case 252,602,1102 Rollers Demonstrators Call For Special Pricing (2) 1990 580 K, Cab, Extend-a-hoe, 4 WD P.O.R. Int. 125 E Crawler Loader 1986 Case 1155 D Crawler Loader, Above Average Condition 1989 580 K, Cab, Extend-A Hoe, 4WD, Low Hours $33,900 NH Skid Loader, Model LSSS, Deluxe P.O.R. 1990 Case 480 F 4 WD, Cab, 14’ Backhoe $34,900 Used Trailers In Stock Call For Information Vernon E. Stup Co. 5859 Urbana Pike Frederick, Md. 21701 301-663-3185 843 Bobcat Diesel, GP JD 550 w/ 6 Way, New UC & Bucket. Nice Condition Rebuilt Trans. $10.500 Bobcat 731 w/solid tires $4,900 Onan Generator, New, 35 KW with Ford industrial Engine $4,500 We Buy & Sell Financing Or Lease Purchase Available ♦ ♦ 1797 Robert Fulton Hwy., Quarryvllle, PA 17566 717/529-2512 No Sunday C«ll« AA Equipment Bare sss Parts Shipped Anywhere Direct ' To Too. All Parts Guaranteed “We Return All Phone Calls" BALANDA EQUIPMENT CO.. INC. P.O. Box 407 • Route 29 • Palm. PA 18070 Phone: (215) 679-3900 Fax: (215) 679-8727 TOLL FREE: 1-800-322-8030 ♦ ♦ ' CAT 955 L v S/n 85J-8728 Good condition 400 hrs. on rebuilt engine, U/C 20% $lB,OOO (717)658-6529 B* SILOS AND H MJNLOADERS Contact: TOLL FREE MYRON STOLTZFUS (717) 768-3993 • (800) 383-3105 Solomon Zqpk (800) 860-3993 s& S Silo Repair, RD #2 Box 91A Honeybrook, PA 19344 1 It’s important that you know your silo needs maintenance. Your silo will not fall when it’s empty. Please check your silo for damage or check your insurance policy Shotcrete is your best, with fiber and retarder for interior work on silo walls NH 311 Baler Like New w/Elect. Start New Motor, Field Ready See Us For Your Shotcrete or Concrete Pumping Workl Lancaster Silo C 0 .9 Inc. 2008 Horseshoe Rd. • Lancaster, PA • (717) 299-3721 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-770-3721 You Must Stop at our Exhibit at... AG PROGRESS on West 10th Street Meet Westfalia users Your neighbors! WESTFALIA troweled smooth i„. | ‘- - - 35 Bushel, 2 Caster Silage Cart $325 DAYS SYSTSMAT,