Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 06, 1994, Image 79
PUBLIC AUCTION OF 31 ACRE HORSE FARM Thursday, August 18th At 7:00 P.M. Located along Route 401 1 1/2 miles south of Elverson, East Nantmeal Twp., Chester Co. PROPERTY CONSISTS OF a contem porary style dwelling. Main level has kit. w/ refrigerator, dishwasher, trash compactor, countertop stove, 2 ovens (all equip. GE Monogram), oak cabinets, quarry tile, breakfast area; dining room; family room w/built in bookcases: conservatory, floor to ceiling stone hearth w/coal & wood stove; laundry; half bath. Upper level has Ig. MBR w/sitting area, master bath w/whirlpool; 2 add'l bedrooms; hall bath w/skylights in both baths. Oil hot water heat, central air, (2) 275 gal. oil tanks, water conditioner. Attached 2 car garage w/opener. BARN: 6 stall horse barn, (5) 12x12 box stalls and 1 pony stall. 2nd fir has hay stor age: equipment shed and tack room w/ sink and hot water heater. LAND: 31 acres of land, approximately 12 pasture, 2 acres building area, remainder woodland. Situated along a private drive with buildings located approx. 1000’ off Route 401. The property is in Clean and Green Program. OPEN HOUSE: Sat.. July 23rd & July 30th from 2-4 PM or by appointment. TERMS: 10% day of sale; settlement on or before October 18, 1994. TERMS BY: Linda Thompson H7J*m m HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. |Jj Alvin Horning AU-0433-L Merle Eberly AU-2417-L P.O. Box 251, Morgantown (610) 286-5183 (610) 286-0135 Public Sale ABSOLUTE SALE FOR J. C. SEITZ & SON INC. RETIRING AFTER APPROX 60 YEARS IN BUSINESS PLASTERING EQUIP, TRUCKS, TOOLS, MISC. SATURDAY AUGUST 13,1994 AT 9:30 AM LOCATION: 420 Mellinger Dr., Dallastown, York Co., PA. From Rt. 74 (E Main St.) in Dallastown turn onto S Park St. for + 0.7 mi. Turn right onto Mellinger Dr. & proceed to first farm on right... Follow signs. PLASTERING EQUIP., TOOLS, MISC. 36 section 61/2' scaffolding, ± 40 var. sizes plaster jacks, ± 30 outriggers, plaster benches, mud pans, dolly cart, Stone mortar mixer-NICE, plaster edgers, scaffolding planks & rollers, stilts, var sizes fiberglass ladders, var sizes metal studs & load bearings, 5 baker scaffolds, Goldblatt metal benches, rubber tire whlbarrow, corner & stop beads, NEW Emglo 5 Hp twin cyl port air comp, Urifset stud driver, Ramset dyna drill, (plaster trowels, misc. Dryvit materials, BD skil saw, var sizes BD drills-SOME NEW, Makita sabre saw, Bosch screw gun, Bosch hammer drill, barrel pump, Echo 302 weedeater, sev boxes nails, screws, dry wall screws, 6 solid oak doors, cant nook, wooden barrel, JD hyd. cyl, many drums & buckets, plywood, ext cords, antifreeze, Master B-155 space heater, bag truck, misc lumber, drawing board, office desk, file cabinet, much more. TRUCKS 1969 Ford F-350 stake body 4 spd w/ 3' racks, steel bed, red, 107,000 orig mi. 1986 Ford F-150 HD pickup w/ 302 EFI eng. red, 75,000 orig mi. 1982 Chevy 1/2 ton pickup w/AT. 1979 Chevy Custom Deluxe 10 4x4 w/ 350 eng. AT, beige, 117,000 orig mi. **AI! trucks were bought NEW & are in very good condition. Trucks wilt not be sold before 12 Noon** Meyer 8' power angle snow plow & frame- LIKE NEW. 8’ fiberglass white truck topper- LIKE NEW. 8’ truck tool box. INSPECTION BY APPT ONLY CALL 717-244-2173. TERM: Cash or good approved check. Out of state buyers MUST have a current bank letter of credit. AUCTIONEERS: Melvin Haines Lic379L Ralph Brenneman Lie 708 L Russell Wright Licl3s3L Refreshments served. Owner & auctioneers not responsible for accidents. Public Auction Register Rt 10 approx. 1/2 mile S. of SAT. SEPT. 17 - 9AM Rt. 23 at the Windmill Guns, tools & mowers, anti- Restaurant, 2nd house on ques, musical instruments, the left. For Milton & Marie furniture, personal goods. Howe. Ira & Dale Stoltzfus, From Morgantown follow aucts. CONSTRUCTIOH/EXCAVATIHG/TRIICK EQUIPMENT \U-(liK-s<l:i\. August 10. 1 ‘>‘>4 (<- 1:00 P.M. LOCATION; 115 S. Washington St., Lock Haven, Clinton Co., PA DIRECTIONS: Lock Haven exit off Rte. #220 - take the Walnut St. exit - turn right & go 1 block - Watch for signs. 79 OHS Case Cable Plow - 51 Lawrence 25T Lowboy - 73 White Truck tractor - M 4 Crawler w/Crane, Diesel - 72 Ford T9OOO w/Knuckie Boom Crane - 83 Atoka Pole Trailer 3965 APT - S 3 Diamond Reo 5 ton 6x6 Truck w/winch - 52 International 2.5 ton 6x6 Truck - 76 Terex C-6 Dozer - 69 Chevy C6O Flatbed Truck w/boom 4x2 - 85 Ford F 250 Pickup 2x4 - 85 Ford F 250 Pickup 2x4 - Komatsu D65-E-8 dozer - Dodge M 37 Power Wagon 4x4 - 80 International w/Elliot Manlift 6x4. Terms: Cash or Good check with current letter of credit for August 10th, 1994 date of sale with BUYER’S NAME and AMOUNT! OWNER: American Line Builder’s, Inc. AUCTIONEERS & REAL ESTATE BROKERS Barnard D Rail . BA B B REAL ESTATE BROKER If ■■ 1 Auctonaar AUOOIM4L If H I I ChrislopharJ Rail 11. Auctkmeaf AU-002509-L IVViI AilCooll“ w ' i r,i:~r'' , ' i ’'“ PUBLIC AUCTION SURPLUS SCHOOL EQUIPMENT & FURNISHINGS PlAiinr MLS Saturday\ 9 August 13 • The following Personal Property will be sold at Public Auction to be held on the premises of the former School Administration Building located at 190 E. Walnut Street, Hanover, Pa. DESKS - AIR CONDITIONERS - TYPEWRITERS - ETC. Approx. 15 Lg. Wooden desks & approx. 26 Student Desks, 9’ Oak Conference Table, 6’ Oak Work Table, Lg. 2 Drawer Work Table, Folding Tables, Sev. Sm. Work Tables, 2-6’ Stainless Steel Top Tables, Stacking Chairs, Lot of Swivel Desk Chairs, 16 Children’s chairs, Lg. Amt. Nice Swivel Work Chairs, 3 File Cabinets, Fire Extinguishers, 9-A/C Units - 5,000 to 25,000 BTU’s, Nice Zerox Copy Machine, Nice IBM Personal Computer w/P7 Pin Printer, Radio Shack TRS 80 Printer, Tan dy Ml 2 Computer, VMS Front Load VCR, 3 Sm. Microscopes, 7 Elna Sewing Machines, 5 Electric Typewriters & Stands, Amaco Elec. Potter’s Wheel, Amaco Elec. Kiln, Detecto Scales 10G Balance Scales, Detecto Height/ Weight Scales, Sm. Elec. Letter Opener, New Satellite Dish, Durst M6Ol Color Photo Enlar ger, Simmon MB7 Photo enlarger, Polaroid MP-3 Multi Purpose & Camera Enlarger, MYSM Beseler Photo Enlarger, Paper Dryer, Lg. Paper Cutter, Large Master Safe Door - Approx. 32’’x77”, 40’ Conveyor Roller, Tor nado Floor Shampooer. Lg. Super Vac 30, 5 Industrial Floor Polishers, s’, B’, 24’, 26’ Shifting Ladders, 8’ Alum. Ladder, Acetylene Bottles Can, 2 Door Metal Storage Cabinets, Lot of Wooden Shelving, Skids, Bowling Pins Lockers, Lots of Spray Paint & Gal. Buckets of Oil Paint, Cleaning Supplies, Paper Towel Dispensers, Xmas Trees, Records, Wood Pre school Toys, Elec. Heaters, 2 Sets Parallel Bars, Balance Beam, Sexton Coffee Machine, Sears Refrig/Freezer, 4 Pc. Kitchen Set, R/C Soda Machine, Upholstered Furniture. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Over SO Instruments include: Brass, String all in need of minor or major restoration. 19 Violins, 2 Kettle Drums, Xylophone, French Homs, Delray Elec. Guitar, Saxaphone, Trum ipets, Lg. & Sm. Brass Instruments, 12 Music Stands, 2 Melociigrand Pianos w/ HANOVER PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT TERMS: Cash or Approved Check Auctioneer: Randy Hilker PA-AU-002095-L Lunch Truck at Sale Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication aap& 9:00 A.M. Dairy and Livestock Sales nunc tTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTt BLUE CUt COMPIETt HiRD DISPtRSAI Located just offßt. 14 in Columbia Crossroads. PA between Elmira. NY and Troy, PA. Turn at caution light. Ist farm past Judson’s Feed Mill. 140 - Registered Holstems -140 80 Milk Cows, 35 Bred or Exposed Heifers, 26 Calves to yearlings • #362 - A tremendous Elton bred hfr. that has the type to show!!! Watch for this heifer • #32 * A real nice Bell Elton due just before saletime w/her 2nd calf by Dancer. Records at 2-2 323 d 16114 m 3.9%f 633 f 3.4%p 553 p. Dam has 21194 m 738 f 670 p. Grdam w/4 recs over 20000 m and 105040 m. • #2 - Potential EX by Frosty. Sells dry and due saletime to Mascot. Records to 25000 m and 900 f w/Lft over 118000 m and 3.3%p. Tremendous brood cow w/2 milking daus selling: ATrifecta making 22000 m at 4y, due in Feb to Leadman and an Enchantment w/16000m 648 f 509 p due saletime to Elton w/2nd calf. The Frosty is from a GREAT family and complete 3 gens of 100000 m. Dam by Job w/21000m and 108000 Lft. Grdam is VG-88 w/over 1810001 ft. What a great opportunity! • #2l - Real nice Cleitus fresh end of May, milking 1001 bl Made 26587 , m 886 f 827 p at 3y. Dam by Frosty w/over 22000 m. Grdam GP-83 w/over 20000 m. • #S2 - A real workhorse by Sundancer. Never under 20000 m and records to 28777 m 10OOf 903 p, she is making over 26000 m again and due Jan. to Belltone. • #64 - Cleitus due saletime to Dancer w/2nd calf. Made 19454 m 3.6%f 71 Of 3.0%p 587 p at 2y. Dam by Elev. Chris w/154318m and recs over 31000 m. Grdam has 203740 m 3.8% 7800 f. • #3l - A fancy Cleitus making over 22000 m and close to 900 f at 3y! Over 21500 m at 2y. Dam by Milestone twice over 900 f and 23000 m. Sells milking 85 lbs and serviced to Washington. • #4 - Nice Belltone 2y old making 16000 m and due Feb to Leadman. Her exceptional dam sells also making her 1 st 30000 m rec and due In Oct. to Blackstar. • #22 - Nice 1 st calf Trifecta making wed over 16000 m at 2y and due Feb to Dazzler. Dam by Dynamo w/close to 200000 m. Grdam over 132000 m Lft. WOW! I • iZI - A Bellboy w/21907m 902 f 749 p at 2y making over 20000 m and bred to Mascot. Dam over 20000 m by Frosty. • #2Q - Fancy Aquarius due saletime to Elton. Rees at 2y of 18047 m 700 f 588 p. Dam has records to 24000 m 900 f and over 100000 m lft. Grdam over 20000 m. • #6B - Nice Berlin 2y old making 17000 m and bred to Delight. Dam by Troy w/23000m 940 f 763 p. Grdam w/6 recs over 20000 m and Lft 144000 m! • ML - A Cleitus dau selling fresh end of June w/recs over 26000 m and 1000 f. Dam w/7 recs over 20000 m and 200000 m Lft. Grdam over 150000 m. A family of consistency!! • US - 2nd calf hfr by Belltone making over 22000 m and due in Jan to Mascot. Dam w/recs tp 27459 m 916 f 827 p. Grdam has 6 recs over 20000 m and 170000 m Lft. • 113 - Another Frosty over 100000 m making 21000 m again and due Jan to Delight. Dam and Grdam over 18000 m. • #33 - Tremendous Belltone making 23000 m and 800 f and due Dec to Mascot. Dam and Grdam over 23000 m. • iSZ - Production-packed Berlin never under 23000 m w/over 100000 m in 4 lactations!! Over 28000 m 903 f 840 p and due Sept to Dancer. Dam & Grdam over 21000 m. • #77 - Nice Belltone over 24000 m 930 f will finish close to 10001!! Due Nov to Cajun. She is one to watch!!! • #49 - A Trendy making 17000 m 681 f and due Feb to Mascot. Dam over 26000 m 1059 f and 144000 m Lft. Grdam over 145000 m. *** Herd Is double vacc. for BVD, IBRII *** Blood tested - Shots for shipping fever - Charts day of sale DHIARHA 20357 m 3.8%f 770 f 3.2%p 648 p Sires Represented: Elton, Cleitus, Belltone, Berlin, Blackstar, Sales Manager’s Note: Due to personal health reasons, the Monro’s have decided to disperse this outstanding group of cattle. This is a really good, young herd with many Ist and 2nd calf hfrs selling. In going through the records, two things become obvious - the calving intervals are very consistent time after time after time and if they didn’t produce - they didn't stayl This will be one .of the better herds of cattle to sell this year!! Lunch Available Terms: Cash or Good Check AUCTIONEER: WILLIAM KENT Sale Managed By: WOOD’S AUCTION SERVICE Gordon Wood & Sons RR 2 Box 900 Mansfield, PA 717-549*4901 or 717-835- Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 6, 1994-839 FEATURES: Dazzler and Leadman OWNERS: LYLE AND LINDA MONRO Columbia Crossroads, PA • 717-297-2738 •857