Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 06, 1994, Image 113
MFull time farm help and op- QQJQCQQSIIEOO^OOXBDC^^DX Mt 9 Joy W PA 7 9 1 0 7°653 a 5923,' ssss openl ra scsr PA • 610-258-2214 after 7 p.m. supplies/equipment salesperson. SrSTSSS! ■»*& farm b.ckground required. North Central Now Jersey Good benefits —farm. POB 195, OldwicK, Willing to train right person. ■■■ NJ, 08858, (908)439-2143. " * B 1 HELP to rew 160 HI WANTED cow free stall dairy. Expert- 7 ■ 7“027“4824 ence or agricultural degree (1) full-time and (1) part- ■■■ a ■■■■■■ time position avJable on Anklntoo ' (arge Southern Chester woferod r»t rMuSrelf Modern Dairy Farm Interviewing J*fS for Cr ° P foreman - Want person that enjoys Columbia c o Crops include: 200 acres of corn, 140 acres working w/oows including 717.455.5761 soybeans, 150 acres alfalfa, 50 acres grass milking, herd care, feeding, / a etc. Please call Walt HORSEMAN. Exper- . .• 610-869-3940. ienced. For broodmare DutloS include; planting, harvesting, care of 1 Dnir , roodor farm Balt Co. Sales prop., crops, maintenance of crop and dairy Steer Operation 7n Central ‘X; ec l ui P ment - Person needs to be able to weld, PA is Seeking Livestock m luHer 21023 or do minor mechanical duties, as well as have a Oriented Individual to Con- 410.771.45n6 general knowledge of growing crops. Every duct tills Part of Our Farm- . other weekend off, vacation, insurance, mg Operation. Some Du- ’ ties in General Dairy Oper- nousing. ation, However No Milking. Please Call (610) 756*6993 Ideal for Motivated Goal •———^———■ Oriented Person. Benefit Package Included ■■■■■Mtetei 814-632-6380. 80 People who are serious about loosing weight. 100% guaranteed, 100% natural. Please give us a call at 608/989-2922. Aggressive self-motivated hard worker for general dairy farming. Prefer non drinker, non-smoker. Housing utilities, salary. (410)472-2623. Construction laborers for timber column building business, working through out central PA. Please send resume, detailing construction experience, references, and wage re quirements to 229 Corn field Lane, Port Mataldia, PA 16870. Hiring immediately. DAIRY— Experienced milker, double 9 automatic parlor. Howard Co., MD. References. 301/725-6751 . 301/725-8387, 301/725-2074. Dairy expansion has created need for 2 more positions. First position working mainly w/herd, 2nd position working w/equip ment and field duties. Full or part time. Housing avail able . Call after 6pm, (814)383-4572. Dairy Farm Help: good housing, good working en vironment, time off, paid vacation. Call or write for appointment; (301)898-0047, Anderson Friendship Farm, 8302 Stevens Rd„ Thuraiont, MD 21788. Driver for diversified truck ing operation. Transporting liquid manure, silage, ma chinery. Class B CDL needed. Farming experi ence preferred. Lancaster Co. 717-464-0640. Ediger Harvesting, Inman KS, Help Wanted for truck drivers and machine oper ators from May-November. Will help get CDL. Call (316)585-6903. Experienced tractor trailer driver, local deliveries, CDL required, mechanic experienced w/own tools. Apply at: Reliable Indus tries, 21 Prestige Lane, Lancaster, PA 17603. Full Time Help Wanted for Milking and Field Work. Carbon Co. 717/386-2215. Earn extra income during harvest season driving 10 wheel silage trucks. Day or evening positions available for an 8 week temporary period. Call today or apply in person at Kreider Farms 453 S. Penryn Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 v (717) 665-5454 > Landscaping company has immediate full-time open ing for experienced grass cutter using large walk be hind mowers and weed wackers. Also some know ledge of greenhouse work. Must have transportation to West Chester, valid drivers license a help. Good pay and benefits. (610)692-4765. NEEDED 97 People to Loose Weight Now. 100% Natural, 100% Guaran teed, We Have the Famous Thigh Cream. Call Midge (813)997-9470. Need help on dairy farm York County. Stanchion bam w/pipeline. Room and board for single person or couple. Need references. M: Box G-143, Lancas irming, P.0.80x 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Person, Couple or Family to Work on 70 Cow Dairy Farm. Stall Barfi, Must be Good w/Cows, Interest in Registered Holstein Plus, Barn and Field Work. Re ferences Required. Hous ing Available. (717)367-3667. Seeking qualified per sonal to work on 90 cow dairy in Fulton County, PA. Experience and/or educa tion required. Responsibili ties will include some milk ing, chores, and field work. Benefits include family health insurance, housing and paid vacation. If inter ested call (814)685-3862 Jim or Mike (814)685-3836. Stable Help Wanted. We Offer Flexible Hours, but Need a Dependable Reli able Person to Care for 6 to 12 Horses, General Barn Duties. More Hours Avail able Doing All Around Work. Please Call (717)484-0639. Wanted: Experienced dairy herdsman for 150 cow Holstein herd in South Central PA. Parlor/freestall setup. References re quired. Phone 717-264-4062 Saks Position Agricultural product sales in South Central PA. Base salary plus commission. Reply to: P.O. Box 297 Blue Ridge Summit PA, 17214 AI Employment Opportunities Responsible and motivated persons who seek a rewarding and progressive career working with people are wel come to apply for work In artificial Inse mination sales and service for cattle. Preferred; ag background, safe driving record, willing to relocate In PA, educa tion and/or experience given positive consideration. Compensation; above average Income, fringe benefits, equip ment provided, paid training, travel allowance. Mai! resume to: Atlantic Breeders Cooperative 1575 Apollo Drive PA 17601wmm« % Pitewl, Exptnented Cnp FamM 1 wfv. To help operate Cumberland County Farm. We «jV '■y) are looking for a hands-on operator who knows m' .j. state of the art planting, tilling, harvesting, ■M] hybrid seed, weed-control, and equipment w[\ ** maintenance. Must know how to handle all ttk wheat/corn/soybean/hay equipment. Must Wf? v \Ji have or get truck class A-CDL operator’s Hv «Vv, license. For the right person, excellent salary,, opportunity for advancement, outstanding large v||j Jr farmhouse on this Cumberland County ® property, Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Wl v l ' Send resume promptly to Box #G-142. W uncas, g,»;, p 7& B '”' 6o9 i U H %% f « Hu Ht a n P Growing Harrisburg Company needs drivers with CDL Class B License and Hazmat qualification. May be away 2 nights/wk. Company paid benefits include, BC/BS. 40IK, pension, vacations, uniforms acsc provided. Contact Bob Gebhart at 717-944-1466 Between 8:00 AM & 4:00 PM Donoiiniw Are you Hard - Working, Dependable, and want rewarded for a job well done? If you answered YES to these questions. Come join our team on a new modern 1800 sow swine farm in the Mastersonville area. M«tew In Pm Call Gary at 665-3187 Daytime 653-0388 Evening “Looking for enthusiastic, energetic individual, willing to learn and willing to be a team member for a QUALITY 350 cow Holstein herd, that is on it’s way to EXCELLENCE. Experienced preferred but not required. Salary and benefits to be discussed. 610/274-8283 between SAM - SPM TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED For Bulk Feed Delivery 2nd Shift • Modern Equipment Small Company w/Full Benefits Work in a Farm Environment HERSHEY AG 138 Airport Road Marietta 717-653-8783 APPLICATIONS TAKEN For motivated person, needed to help in manifacturing and installation of pre-cast concrete products. Ag background helpful. Salary and benefits based on experience. Addlv In person "V 477 East Farmersvllle Rd. KEYSTONE > New Holland, PA 17557 CONCRETE f ” opu gr> (717) 355-2361 Sales Position Aggressive company with innovative Forage Quality Programs for livestock producers currently have openings for Sales Representatives in York, Adams, Franklin, Lancaster, Indiana, Somerset, Berks, Lehigh Counties. Should have strong work skills & be self-motivated. To learn more of our training, benefits and opportunity contact: Cargill Hybrid Seeds 3536 Countryside Lane Camp Hill, Pa. 17011 717-731-9599 800-657-4810 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 6, 1994-C29 650 Sow Farrow to Feeder Pig —Looking for someone to work in the farrowling. Lancaster County Call Bill: 717-865-3338 VKlbusiness WmjPPORTUNITIES (2) saw mills and extra parts. (717)827-2750. Factory for Processing Vegetables and Fruits, Ma chinery and Building. (610)432-6655. Buy or Sell anything con cerning agriculture. Through National Adver tiser. Monthly publication exclusively for advertising with lowest rates nation wide. Free details. Write National Advertiser, Suite 108, 3148 Plainfield NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505. EARN $lOOO/WEEK. In the livestock or farm equip ment appraisal business. For information call 1-800-488-7570. Established locally owned AG business looking for additional capital. Interest paid monthly, rate adjusted annually. Minimum $5OOO and 3 year term. Excellent interest rate. Reply to; R-52, %Lancaster Farm ing, POB 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Food concession trailer w/ grill, 6 burners, refrig, soda system 610-582-1939 evenings. For Sale by Owner: Conve nience Store, Bait Shop and Greenhouse, Route 913, Saxton, PA. 10 Mi nutes to Lake Raystown Well Established, 34 Years in Business (814)635-3131. Landis #l2 shoe stitcher and Landis finishing ma chine, shoe repair equip ment, supplies everything for shoe repair business, $2,100 080. Lehigh County. After 4:3opm, (610)767-3678. Restaurant Business For Sale in Potter County. (814)435-6534. Used car and truck busi ness w/2 bay garage and office building. Fully equipped. Will sell with or without car inventory. Owner retiring. Possible owner financing with good down. $135,000 plus car inventory. Near recreation area and air strip. (814)326-4410, 9-5, (607)525-6489. Established Farm Supply and Service Center in Mifflin County. Cub Cadet Lawn & Garden Dealership. Inventory & business Equipment Only No Real Estate or Buildings Call 717-899-7400 EUI HOUSEHOLD Surplus Sewing Machine Salel Commercial sewing machines, Singer, single needle, 110 V motors, good operating condition, excel lent for sewing quilt patches & horse blankets, $275. 717/355-2253.