Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 06, 1994, Image 102
ClB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 6, 1994 B LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT Business Opportunity •FARM FENCE RELATED BUSINESS FOR SALE • ESTABLISHED INTERESTED PARTY WRITE Box J 73 Lancaster Farming PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 WHOLESALE Truck load quantities of CCA Southern yellow Pine treated round fence posts 6 W &8' lengths 30 year warranty Call or write for prices EDISTO WOOD PRESERVING RR 1, Box 44-A Olar, SC 29843 803-368-3011 FAX 803-368-8026 <\JUG passes the “winter of ’93-’94” test Remember the c-c-c-c-c-cold winter of ’93-’94? Wondering what the next one will bring and how your herd will fair? Install the energy-efficient JUG to reduce concerns about freezing cattle fountains. Even in the coldest weather, the JUG performed, while the competition’s waterers did not. While the JUG’s thick urethane insulation keeps the winter cold out, its patented drawtube recirculates water. Cooler bowl water exchanges with warmer reservoir water to keep bowl water open. The JUG will do its job. A cold weather test conducted by an lowa college during the winter of ’94 demonstrated its energy efficiency. The JUG used only 108 kilo watts of electricity over four months for a cost of $8.64. A competitor’s waterer used 816 kilowatts, costing $65.28, almost eight times as much. The test confirmed the JUG’s energy efficiency. No other waterer equals the Jug for clean, palatable water. Low maintenance, the JUG also meets the requirements for dairy approval RBINBCKBR AG PRODUCTS 7270 Old Harrisburg Road, York Springs, Pennsylvania 17372 (717) 528-8428 or 1-800-247-0037 LOCAL DEALERS Cedar Crest Pine Glen Equipment Farm Service Lebanon, PA Lewlstown, PA (717) 270-6600 (717) 899-7400 Lee Hershey Kirkwood, PA (717) 529-6744 Mike Jarrett Montgomery, PA (717) 547-1789 Bruce Lemmon Carlisle, PA (717) 249-8434 Lyn-Lee Farms State College, PA (814) 238-1233 FENCING * High Tensil * Split Rail * Board Fencing * Wire Mesh Horse Fence * Material or Installation Check Our Prices. Call New Holland Fence 717-656*9596 nji/lQ Lyco Dairy Service Cogan Station, PA (717) 494-0708 Kauffman Farm Supply, Inc. Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA (717) 539-4571 Hess Equipment Mlffllnburg, PA (717) 966-1998 Comfort Confinement Auburn, NY (315) 252-6923 Boivin Farm Supply Vargannaa, VT (802) 478-2494 Dairyland Sales Troy, PA (717) 297-4128 SVF Sales Somsrs, CT (203) 749-4798 Ickes Farm Supply Oasterburg, PA (814) 493-2290 Farmer Boy Ag Myeratown, PA (717) 868-7865 Maryland Livestock Equip. ML Airy, MD (800) 382-4866 CATTLE Angus bulls and females for sale, 20 bulls to choose from, 2 year olds and year lings, calving ease and growth bulls, herd empha sis muscling. home; 717-949-3701 farm. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT iimmsMamimmimß !gm G&G INDUSTRIES I 242 Buchanan Drive I\ V Ephrata, PA 17522 717-733-9396 Country Estate™ (Vinyl) Horse Rail and Yard Fencing - _____ Warehouse: 469 N. Reading Road (Rt. 272 North). Ephrata, PA ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER TYPES OF FEMCE! IBiMlffiUlBlMBS RUBBER MATS for Comfort Stalls. Free Stalls, Horse Stalls. Horse & Cattle Trailers, Hog Houses. Used Belting Material Paul N. Brubacher 215-286-5298 or 215-286-0168 STALL MATS ' All rubber mat l < 1 SuWjm totally designed ' for animal . comfort. Ask about our different sizes ' . Free Delivery • Call For A Free Sample I —KAUFMAN’S — ; 216-222-1856 Installation Available I KILN DRIED WHITE PINE WOOD SHAVINGS bagged - dust free 1 / 2 or full trailer loads Call Bob or Rob 1 (800) 433-7431 Mid-West Wood Shavings BOX 513 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44222 Specializing in HIGH TENSILE Fence Installation Since 1979 Split Rail • Board • Woven Wire • Diamond Mesh Deer Control Fencing • Streambank Fencing Attention Cattle Feeders! I provide order buying ser vice & trucking. Denzil Heishman, 703-465-5785. Beefalo Herd, 1 Herd Bull 4 Years Old, 12 Bred Cows, 1 Open Heifer, 10 Yearling Calves *7 Bulls and 3 Heif ers'. (814)367-5607. Bellman Son from 87pt dam over 30.000 M, 3.6%P. Next dam over 32,000 M and 93pt exc. (610)298-2334. Plus Installation of: CATTLE 18 springing heifers due August thru October, 12 Reg. heifers including War den, Astro Jet, Weather view Harry, bloodlines. 4 grade heifers. 717-436-5625. 2 Holstein Heifers, due late August, $ll5O/choice. Christ K. Stoltzfus, 215/649-2954, Wed-Sat, 7am-6pm. (2) Reg. black Angus bulls, 15 months, 3 years. Rea sonable. 717-682-8304. 37 Holsteins plus 5 bred heifers for sale by owner, taw cell count Would like to move between 9/1 & 9/12.717/698-6209 Wayne Co. 40 Holstein Cows, SISSO/each, 23.D00M DHIA RHA, select from a cbsed herd of 60 cows. Large percent are in Ist A 2nd lactation. 100% Atlan tic bred for milk, legs & ud ders. 302/398-8058. 40 Holstein cows and bred heifers, (8) calved in July, (9) due August, 3/4 are re gistered. Most are classi fied, good plus or very good, (20) from very good or excellent dams, (IS) w/ milk records or dam re cords over 30,000 lbs. Sires include Aerostar, Mascot, Black Star, Lead man. 301-824-6215. 47 cow Holstein herd, young herd w/good pro duction, year around freshening. 717-673-5991. 50 Head of Jersey Cows. All Cows are Al Sired and Bred to the Top Al Bulls of the Breed. Possible Fi nancing. (717)865-3488. SO head of Hereford and Angus cows. 50 calves from day old. Want to sell entire herd, by pound or in dividually. Located Rt 12, RD #2, Harrington. DE. (302)284-8774. 5 Hereford cows (4 with heifer calves); 1 Chartois cross cow; 2 yearling heif ers; 1 Hereford bull. Gentle herd. 814/632-8319. (6) Large Holstein heifers, Grade and Registered (2) fresh, (4) springers, Holstein Heifers, also Ca raised on our farm. O.C.V. nadian Herds. For further 717-637-7586 evenings. info. (410)679-7485. 8 registered Holstein cows. Grade springing heifers (3) Various stages of lactation. Holsteins, Al sired, also 1 (814)267-3011 days; unbred heifer. (814)267-5675 after 7pm. (610)869-2161. (9) 1 st calf Holstein heifers, bagging now, (3) real dose. 717-222-4106. Angus Bulls, Cows & heif ers for sale. Stump Acres 717/792-3216 York County. Breeding Age Bulls: dams VG, and records over 30,0001 b. Melwood Farm, Chester Co. 610/869-9627. H livestock equipment Bulls: 1 reg. Holstein 10 months, dam 28.000 M, VG w/VG mammary; 1 reg. Guernsey, 16 months, sire Protein King. 717/382-4592. Buyers = Sellers of Lives tock -- Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You'll get resultsl 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Charolais Cattle: bred heif ers, cows, bull, plus Limou sin X-bred heifers. 717/259-0006 after Spm. Close springing Holstein heifers, $l,OOO each. (301)898-7426. Dairy Herd for sab, regis tered and grade Holsteins. Freshening throughout the year. (215)766-8034. Expanding operation wants to buy dairy cows and heifers of all ages. Toll free 1-800-852-2697. FOR SALE: Breeeding age registered Holstein bulls, including Red and White. Phone (717)532-8862. FOR SALE OR LEASE: Reg. Holstein Bulls sired by Blackstar, Leadman, Aerostar, Wister and others. Dams w/records to over 30,000 m. Many to choose from. Also 1 red & white and 1 red carrier. Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 215/488-1965. FOR SALE: Registered purebred Simmental bull born 5/22/93, a son of R&R Wizard. (609)935-4534. FOR SALE: Reg. Jersey cows. All ages and stages of lactation. Only serious inquiries appreciated. Knoxville, PA, Tioga County. (814)326-4409. For Sale: Fresh and spring ing Holstein heifers. Centre Co., Samuel T.Swarey, Ro#2, Box 19AA, Spring Mills, PA 16875. For Sale: Reg. Holstein cows and bred heifers. 717/865-4650 after Bpm. For Sale: Registered An gus (3)Cows, (2)Bulls and (2)Calves. (717)966-1658. Fresh Reg. Holstein cows for sale. 717/464-0765. Herd for sale by owner in Southern Lancaster Co., 60-70 head mostly regis tered. Can take over 9/1 to 10/1. Bam where they are housed can also be rented w/feed provided by land lord. 717/786-1035. Herd of dairy cows and heifers: 100 cows, 77 heif ers. (814)356-3380.