Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 30, 1994, Image 56
820-UncBBter Fanning, Saturday, July 30, 1994 MAtLUnX MARKE: 1 WANTED Largs aluminum barn shovel, $18; small electric chain saw, $2O. Phone: (717) 394-4219. Lancaster. Com meal bagged or bulk, also hog and steer feed. 908-369-5131. M S. No. 45 Baler needles $25. New N 1 rake teeth 1.00 each 4-36 rake tine 25. York Co. 717-235-2032. Hay, good quality mixed 1.25 per bale at barn. Bucks Co. 215-343-9061. 5 HP Shredder/chipper, two seat horse buggy, 3+ gals. 40 wt. oil 7+ qts. vari ous weight oils. York Co. 717-727-9326. Winchester model 70 light weight carbine 222 new in box $500.'00. Lane. Co 717-872-5144. Used building material lots of interior doors. Some new some prehung Hardwood flooring, good cond. Samuel M. Hoover, 898 Reading Rd , East Earl, Pa 17519. Corn silage $22 per ton, picked up at my farm Atg len Parkesburg area, Ches ter Co 610-593-6927. Buggy box with top 610-944-0J52 Also 2 seat carriage top. 610-682-2180 Berks Co. 3 pt. Dearborn post hole digger 12* auger $275. 610-777-0097 Berks Co. Older Ford tractor. Camping trailer 1979 Mar auder 25 feete all utilities, good cond. Asking $3OOO ,080. After 6 p.m. 610-926-5921. Flax seed oil aids against heart disease, cancers, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, pms, allergies, water reten tion, and many conditions. Berks Co. 610-944-0773. Early 50's Murray pedal tractor with dump cart, all orig. $2OO. Ertl plastic 5088 pedal, boxed $BO. Leb. Co. 717-865-3253. MF 540 combine 4 row com 13' flex heads, chop per 1300 hrs. Century sprayer, Bearcat cultipack er, evenings, Carroll Co. Md. 410-635-6812. JD43OWFE PS 3 ph. PTO good shape, also 2 15.5-38 tires on rims, make offer. Berks Co. 610-944-0352. uioppmg diock s2bo. tairir ing goat $lOO. Atlantic Co. 609-692-1031. Blond bdrm. suit, double bed w/bookcase head board, double dresser, 2 night stands, $l3O. Lane. Co. 717-394-4219. Chippewa chipper 3V4 HP like new $275, JD Model B front cults. & snow blade, Sears rotospreader & lawn sweep. Chester Co. 610-827-7469. Complete new oxygen acetylene torch kit w/heavy duty cart, tool box included $3OO. Lane. Co. 215-354-0291. Water lilies & pond plants, potted & in bloom $2 to $2O. Ephrata, Lane. Co. 717-738-2755. JD 1946 A good tin, tires, hyd. runs good $l4OO. York Co. 717-292-4416. NH 692 harvester, Gehl 800 recutter, $l5OO, also new harvester tables, hog pond & gates, cheap! Also AKC Rotweiler pups $2OO. Lane Co. 343 Christiana Pike, Christiana, Pa. 17509. Farmall Cub w/cult., nice cond., $2250. 302-284-8774. CASH FOR YOUR MORTGAGE If ,ou rold your home and are receiving payments on a mortgage, We will buy It FOR CASH! Call Stan at SJS Invtalmtnt Assoc. (215) 449-0402 We also buy structured settlements A annuities. Rye $4.50/bu. first come, first serve, IH 1206 good paint, good rubber $4OOO. Harford Co. Md. 410-452-5657. F-30 rear steel w/spuds front round spoke cracked block $5OO, MH 44-6 needs rings $5OO. Lane. Co. 717-529-2528. PTO generator 20/40 w/ cart, shaft & cord $1875. Leb. Co. 717-274-8944. Badger forage wagon, 3 beater, tandem gear, Wic bedding chopper w/11 HP Honda engine. Lane. Co. 610-286-6059. 327 manure spreader rebuilt & new beaters, also AC WC, Fox blower table like new, best offer. Cumb. Co. 717-776-7692. Woods 208 pull type cuts B'4" excel, cond. Balt, Co. 410-357-8671 leav.o message. Waukesha power unit mod el FCI4BH w/attached generator, also overhaul kit for same. Juniata Co 717-463-3888. Gehl forage harvesters get the job done faster with these performance features Waiver of finance on new Gehl equipment until February 1, 1995 QR Then standard rate financing for up to 36 months •Certain restrictions may apply See your participating Cehl dealer for complete details Gchl Company reserves the nght to interpret modify or cancel these programs at any time without pnor nonce UMBERGER'S OF FONTANA RR 04 (Fontana) Lebanon, PA A.L HERR & BRO. 312 Park Ava. Quarryvilla, PA ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT LEHIGH AG EQ. INC. RR 02, Box 24A 6670 Ruppsvllle Rd. Naw Ringgold, PA Allentown, PA 18106 1000 tobacco lath ft 3 tobacco ladders. Lano. Co. 717-653-4288. New Yorker 205,000 BTU hot water furnace, copper pipes, baseboard heaters. Daniel Smoker, 445 Walnut Run Rd., Strasburg, Pa. 17579. 8 yr. old saddlebred 15-2 hands just out of kt. broke & sound. Elam Stoltzfus, 210 Farmland Rd., Leola, Pa. 17540. i NH 770 corn head narrow in good cond., $525, billy goat B&W 4 mth. old, $3O. Lane. Co. 717-484-4623. Acme 11 HP elect, start diesel engine good cond., $675, Bosch starter for 06 series Oeutz $75. 717-656-2615. Polled herefords reg., vacc., quality breeding stock, bred cows, weaned heifer calves, bull calves. Meadowview Farm, Brad ford Co. 717-869-2130. Ritchie waterer, model 2 Ac (two hole), like new $150." Perry Co. 717-834-4834. mm Exclusive Auto-Max Load-Sensing System - Increase capacity by up to 20%. lets you operate at top capacity without the fear of downtime due to overloading mm Metal-Stop Metal Detector - Prevents machine damage and hardware disease mm In-heed Hydraulic Knife Sharpener - Lets you sharpen knives m the field. mt Patented One-Sided Cutterbar Adjustment - Makes adjusting the cutterbar quick and easy mm Three Models To Choose From - Including the largest capacity pud type forage harvester on the market Stretch your equipment purchase dollars with Gehl Finance. Talk to your participating Gehl dealer about our current programs after that Available From Your Local Participating Dealer MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. RR 01 Slaullar Rd. Bachtalavilla, PA BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Rothavllla Station Rd, Lltltz, PA '/> * elect dritt, heavy duty, works, $5O, can ship UPS, 4- 220 V baseboard hea ters. Lehigh Co. 610-298-3483. Farmall 560 gas w/MTD IH corn picker $2OOO, IH 55 chopper $5OO, Leroi power unit $l5O, AC 100 combine $BOO. Franklin Co. 717-264-1360. Texas longhorns: bulls heif ers & steers. Clark Co., Va. 703-554-2736. 1979 GMC Astro cabover, tandem axle tractor, very good cond., recent engine overhaul $7500. 301-271-4177, 301-271-7587. 1987 Honda XB 600 runs good, some new parts $llOO or best offer. Carroll Co. 410-635-2348. 5 horse power log splitter excel, cond., 5 bushel cider press, good cond., works well. Luz. Co. 717-333-5405 eves. 12x40 solid fir stave silo, best offer. Leb. Co. 717-838-4087. EHL CASH _ QR _ REBATES HINES EQUIPMENT PO Box 5, Rt. 22 Craaaon, PA RR 03, Box 550, Altoona (Ballwoed) O.W. OGG EQUIPMENT CO. Main Location 5149 Cap Stlna Rd. Fradarlek, MO 961 Lalalara Church Rd. Waatmlnalar, MD 14' equip, trailer Ontario 12 disk grain drill on rubber $275, Phaff sewing machine #262 in cabinet $275. Lane. Co. 717-626-4872. 1932 Farmall reg. new & extra parts, on rubber, needs assembly $5OO. Del. Co. 610-459-4750. NH whirlfeed blower 27 good cond., JD 3 pth. hay rake rubber teeth 24' smok er aluminum elevator $75. Lane. Co. 717-626-1386. 18.4x38 axle duals for IH 5088 w/hubs $4OO. Wash. Co. 301-824-7240. Huge assortment used lumber, roofing, building supplies, windows, doors, glass, good for farm etc., large compressor, lathe, milling machine, cheap. Del. Co. 610-544-2424 best 7 to 9 a.m. or nights. Ford BN, hi-lo transmission, $2200 080. 79 Ford F6OO stakebody w/liftgate $l5OO. Wanted 3 btm. 14" plow. Sch. Co. 717-467-2609. RD 2 Rta SSOW Loyavllle, PA ■nd 1201 Spring Rd. Carlisle, PA TOM DUNLAP Rt. 220 • Main St. Jaraay Shore, PA LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO., INC. AKC German shepherd puppies shots, wormed, ready to go $l5O. Isaac Lapp, 257 Springville Rd., Lane., Quarryville, Pa. 17566. Tame holstein steer 550 lb. 55* per lb. Ford 903 3 pt. post hole drill w/10’ auger. Leb. Co. 717-667-2124. T 3 pt. InL mower new tire & tube, $125. 717-292-3118. Single tree hayspear to easily move haylage bales into bam with one horse $27. Samuel Fisher, 399 Mount Vernon Rd., Gap, Pa. 17527. 1987 785 Ford NH skid loader, 57 HP Perkins w/ only 1050 hrs., very good cond., $14,500. Union Co. 717-922-4385. Corn fed roosters 8-9 lb. John R. Petersheim, Lane. Co. 717-768-3374. 4 saddlebred horses 9 yr. old, 7 yr. old, 3 yr. old, 3 yr. old stud broke traffic safe sound. Adin Hoover, 1280 Woodlyn Dr., Denver, Pa. 17517. J ject to . n * ,n^-- GUTSHALL'S, INC. 700 E. Llndan SI. Richland, PA 1 hors* sleigh w/godl shape $4OO, Farmall C w/F row corn picker $lBOO, 610-326-0156. 2- 4 wheel drive payload ers, one diesel $3OOO, ons gas $2500, both in working order, Evenrude big twin outboard motor runs good $3OO. Chester Co. 610-932-2230. Ford sickle bar mower #l4-6’, Ford 2X plow 3 pi MF 2X plow 3 pt. all good shape $225 ea. Chester Co. can deliver. 610-933-5049. Zimmerman head gate, one side panel, 2 gates, rear gate, chute use against wall, never used, $5OO. Balto. Co. 410-357-4580. 3 wooden concrete forms to make tapered 3 rail “nev er rof fence posts 5“x7"x7 $2O ea. Bucks Co. 215-968-2649. Ear corn. Franklin Co. Mer cersburg, Pa. Wayne Roh rer. 717-328-5612. 096 _ * m °otb a « « °* - ®*®% for On for 36 "WWtt, on *for 48n . m °ntb a 20733 © 1993 Gchl Company ICKES FARM SUPPLY Rt. 1 Hwy 869 Watt Ottarburg, PA MILLER-LAKE RR 02, Box 273 A Ballavllla, PA STOUFFER BROS. INC. 1066 Llneoln Way Waat Chambaraburg, PA