Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 30, 1994, Image 54
inasl ■aiming, Saturday, July 30, 1994 mailbox market ! F R SALE D JD #435W com head off #lO5 combine $5OO. Cecil Co. Md. 410-658-6712. Scottish terrier males, 5 month old $lOO. Cocker Spaniel female buff $ll5. Miniature Dachshund male, dappled $225. Union Co. 717-922-1038. Farmall Cub lowboy, motors 350 Chevy with 4 spd., 318 Dodge, 250 Chevy, 403 Buick. Perry Co. 717-438-3737. Round corn crib 3200 bu. eared com $4OO and 323 single row New Idea com ppicker, good cond. 1100 or best offer. York Co. 717-632-1246. Skid loader steel wheels with rubber mount, Lane. Co. 717-445-5918. Rat terrior, C pups for sale. Henry M. Stoltzfus, 77 Stoltzfue Lane, Leola, Pa. 17540 along Rt. 23 Lane. Co. 150 ton ear corn in narrow cribs. Lane. Co. 717-284-4449 3rd cutting alfalfa hay out of fields, can bale and load on your truck, old tobacco shed boards. Lane Co. 717-285-5159 AC Model G 4 speed plow cult, new tires 3 manuals, best offer over $2500 by 8-27-94 Sch Co 717-339-3707 20 new comfort stalls $2O ea JO 440 w/loader, new stainless hog waterer, Fox 6200 SP forage harvester, WD Allis $6OO, F2O Far malls Adams Co 717-528-4914 Trailer three axle lowboy, electric brakes 21,000 GRWT good cond. $2OOO York Co. 717-938-1570. Drill press Buffalo #lB met al workers, heavy duty cast iron top with oil ways, multi ple speed $5OO Dauphin Co 717-921-3328 Black mare pony cart har ness, saddle, bridle, rides, drives $9OO 080. Fred. Co 301-829-0307. Rye seed for sale, cleaned $450 or combine run 4 00 bushel also Hugo heavy duty roller harrow. $950 Berks Co. 610-683-3428. Mobile home in Ephrata, rented lot, close to every thing, Lane. Co. $16,500 Ex. Cond. Ask for Leslie Tayler 717-738-2005. Olilver #2O 1877 walking plow, I'/i year old blue eyed Siberia! Husky, 2 10'x8’ sliding doors and track. Berks Co. 610-488-1274. JD 15 disc grain drill, also Farmall M tractor. Lane. Co. 717-354-5360 Westfield B'x36’ PTO transport auger 900.00. Also NH #8 crop carrier 16' 1500.00. Lane. Co. 717-529-2712. JD, MI or 4D, front mount com planter, sidedresser 55 gal. 40W oil non deter gent, 4 15.5x25' tires 'A tread, 1972 Monte Carlo whole parts $4OO. PO Box 175, Ruffs Dale, Pa. 15679. Buckeye Galvanized ccm crib, 15'dia. 15’ high, $450. also silo doors 15- 20"x25" inside measurement $2 each. Lane. Co. 717-354-9368. New Holland 939 4RN corn head with powered crop dividers. Leb. Co. 717-867-1829. Used roofing slate 10 inch x 20 inch Franklin Co. 717-328-3530 10 ft. pickup camper fair cond $375. Berks Co. 215-933-8549. Holstein cows, pick 2 from 6 due end of July or pick 1 heifer due July 15. $l3OO each Badger wagon $5OO. Cumb Co. 717-258-6247. Ocean City, Md. furnished park model trailer, sun room, shed, boat, marina, pool, security, year round use, own lot. Berks Co. 610-286-5885. Frigidaire Imperial electric self cleaning oven & cook top, washer, refrigerator, 2-TV’s console, Zenith, Motorola, make offer for all. 410-329-6842. JO 50 with 3 pt. hitch wide front end and fenders, good cond. 717-726-7142afterS p.m. Clinton Co. One ton electric chain hoist three phase $5OO 080. Truck body flat bed 14' Morgan like new $2OO. Lac ka. Co. 717-282-1047. Gravely 430 commercial tractor with 40“ front mower deck $5OO. Carbon Co. 610-377-0372. IH Cub lowboy w/Hyd. needs motor work $750. Ford 4-row cultivator 3-pth spring shanks, Gauge wheels v/nice $5OO. North ampton Co. 610-759-1307. AKC Chow Chow pups, shots & wormed also Rot tweiler stud service. Amos Fisher. 542 Mt. Vernon Rd., Gap, Answering machine 717-442-8835. Belt pulley for Ford or Fer guson tractor 12 hole pig feeder .22,5 and 24.5 10 hole Budd rims 215-679-9496. Standardbred carriage horse traffic safe trotter. Lane Co. 717-859-3833. Guernsey heifer IV4 years old, tame, asking $6OO can deliver Also 5 sheep, best offer Bucks Co 215-257-7068. AKC Siberian husky pups $l5O, ready Aug 10th Reserve yours now Amos Stoltzfus, 269 Rosedale Rd , Christiana, Pa 17509 717-529-2311, Farmail Cub tractor with sickle bar just overhauled, will deliver $2200. 215-536-6094 Bucks Co Limas bred female $3500, male $7OO Mute male swan $2OO, southdown sheep $lOO. incubator $225. Ct 203-564-2579. Massey Ferguson 85 with Massey Ferguson loader, good tires good running cond Berks Co. 717-933-4710 I have vacation time at time share resorts up to 3 yrs. I’ll sell for half price Dauphin Co. 717-362-4344. Onan 2 cyl. generator 115/230 V, good cond, best offer, make a deal. Mont. Co. 215-646-0393. Wanted to board dairy or beef cattle with pasture, stream, shade, corn silage and hay to or 75 cents a day. Sch. Co. 717-345-4109 eves. Truckers special, asphalt tarps with brass spur grom mets, 10'x20' size $69. Limited supply. MC VISA 1-800-874-2928 Lycoming Co. Pick rite tomato harvester 86 model, ex. cond. deliv ery avail. Lehigh Co. 610-756-6374. priced reasonable. Allis Chalmers 6080 with cab, A/C, Woods #l2l 10 ft mower. 410-239-3616. 12' Miller disk. 1500 PSI Defco high pressure wah ser, Ford 3 pt. hitch 2 row cultivator, Lane. Co. 717-367-6978. 2 bred sows due August and Sept. Cumb. Co. 717-243-8669. John Deere 2 row potato digger model 30 Asking $l2OO. 717-235-4338 or 410-357-5700 York Co. JD hay crimper, steel rolls, PTO powered, Chester Co. $l5O. 610-469-9094. Limousin bull for sale, six month old sire polled Tonto $6OO. 301-862-2411 St. Mary’s Co. Md. Hereford Angus beef cattle, home raised, varied herd, all ages. Lane. Co. 717-872-5712. 12'x50' Crest New Moon mobiel home, complete, ready to be moved $3OOO. Berks Co. Leave message. 610-926-4620 or 610-488-0307. Ironrite Ironer with chair $75. three speed bicycle as is $lO. Meat slicer $5. White sewing machine $5O. Berks Co. 610-693-6134. Blacksmith forge swags block horse drawn bob sled, copper kettle. Lane. Co. 717-529-2289. Ironworker retiring, tons used iron, 400 pcs. Vi "xVi ‘ 6-6“ Ig. 50 pcs. 1“x1“ with cast ornament, 300 pcs.* Vi “xVi "60" lg. tubing, Uron 610-369-0531 Berks Co. Holstein friesian type and production year book! Very good cond. Also lots of other farming books and magazines. 717-789-4401. Grain cradle, one hole JD corn shelter, copper apple butter kettle 26V4" dia. 19“ deep. Lane. Co. 717-786-4566. 2 Belgian mares bred to Jack 1 mile foal team work harness $4500. 260 Traux Rd., Amsterdam, NY 12010 516-843-8365. 3020 diesel tractor SC SR 16.5-38 tires $B2OO. JD 16* 3 bottom roll over plow $2lOO. Lane. Co. 717-653-5991. BRGS 16 HP gasoline engine, single cylinder, industrial coommercial, electric start, horizontal crank shaft, like new. $525. Adams Co. 717-334-4284. McCurdy bin wagon $325. Badger SU wagon $1450, JD FB drill $165. Nl blower $175, Bale thrower wagon $250. Lane. Co 717-653-5926 1949 Case SC tractor 31 HP cultivator, hyd., low hrs , good tin, shaft & pulley PTO $l2OO. Lane Co. 717-664-4707 leave message. Ixl2 barn siding 2500+ bd. ft, Ixl2 gramery bds. 1000+ bd. ft, poplar, wal nut, cherry lumber, air dried 20 yrs. York Co. 717-266-1086. Pair of chinchilles with cage plus all accessories $lOO 717-285-5885 ask for Gail. Lane. Co. South Londonderry Twp. woodland & farmland 70 39A Leb Co. $125,000 to settle estate. 717-273-6332. 22,000 bu. Brock grain bin 36’ dia. spreader, unload ing auger, aeration fan and floor, No Sunday calls. Berks Co. 717-933-4656. Hardie orchard sprayer, 500 gallon SS tank, New fan housing and pump, ready to spray. 717-292-7651 York Co. One round metal corn crib, one long wire covered wooden crib. Lane. Co. 717-569-9680. Howe 1000 lb. pltform scale $5O. York Co. 717-432-5686 No Sunday Calls. 1000+ player piano rolls in boxes, make a reasonable offer. 717-278-1651 for list of titles. Susquehanna Co. Akley manure spreader galvanized steel ground driven, ag. tires s*x3o*xl6' like new. $450. 5 ft. stone rake $350. 814-669-5677 Huntingdon Co. Kubota 88200 HST 4WD diesel w/5' belly mower, 925 hrs, ex.. Ford 930 A 72" 3 Ph finish mower, used less than 10 Ac. Augusta 703-886-3157. Pequea manure speader in working cond. Abner Click, 330 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Quarryville, Pa. 17566. Lane. Co. 1954 Dodge dump truck, good cond, 14' box, sx2, 21,000 GVW, 2000 mi. on overhaul, needs minor work $650/BO Lane. Co. 717-529-2723. 1200 Cub Cadet with 44* mower deck very good cond. $lO5O. York Co, 717-244-3415. Big Valley stock trailer B'x2o' good cond. 200-700 lbs. Holstein feeder steers. York Co. 717-292-2245. JD 350 3 pt. sickle mower includes some new guards & sections $lB5O. Wash. Co. Md. 301-797-7056. 2- 6 mth. old Hereford cross heifers, electric fence trained $350 ea. Lehigh Co. 215-767-4735. White 2-150 cab & duals engine rebuilt, Int. 407 diesel engine, Ini C-18010 wheeler parts or farm truck. North’d. Co. 717-286-0650. Chester Co. horse farm 10 acres, 3 BR, IV4 Ba. stone farmhouse, barn, out bldgs., circa 1840, all new systems, $365,000. Call 610-495-7628. Asbestos siding, 12"x24’, DeWalt cast iron 10" table saw 110/220, whits home comfort wood/coal stove & oven & water tank. Ha. Co. 410-638-9694. Hobart welder generator power by Wis. engine good cond. Lane. Co. 717-445-5359. 1972 Ford 9000 single axle tractor 671 V Detroit lOspd. RR good amish power, 16' Brittion transport harrow. Lane. Co. 717-872-4101. NH 1496 12' SP haybine, diesel, cab, air, good cond., 1321 hrs., quit farming. Hunt. Co. 814-447-3713. Free 20,000 plastic pipe & water cups w/stainless steel plungers, also pres sure regulators, best offer. Lane. Co. 717-445-4272. 24 milk cows closed herd, 40 yrs. breeding by 1 man. 717-658-7168. 2 Hampshire ewes, 1 ango ra buck goat $5O ea. at join ing Lane., Leb., Berks Co's. 610-589-4002. Complete trailer tandem from Fruehauf including tires, wheels, & slider, good lining, 22’ rubber, $250 OB O'. York Co. 717-633-5051. Reg. red angus herd bull $l4OO, 10 mth. bull $7OO. Wanted Chev. Luv or Isuzu diesel 4x4 trucks. Lane. Co. 717-627-0845. 1965 Int flatbed truck w/ grain & cattle racks, Nl 12' fert. spreader w/grass seeder. Berks Co. 610-682-7065. Ross bike, men's, 10 spd., metallic blue, good cond., $75. Berks Co. 610-562-8775. 5-9 p.m. 335 Cummins jake after cooled, flywheel, clutch needs overhaul $725, 9.00-20 tires rims $25, 12:00-20 recap on rim $45. Leb. Co. 717-866-7213. Pure blood border Leices ter lambs ($100), Glouces ter old spot piglets ($B5), Bro. Johannes. RDI Box 149. Pitman, Pa. 17964. Sehuyl. Co. Asparagus roots- 10.00 plus postage for 50 roots old roots are separated ready to plant. Union Co. 717-922-1485. Paper cutter, for parts, almost new Tungsten knives, NH 402 crimper $lOOO, 1150 MF tractor cab. Lane. Co. 717-442-4064. Ml model .360 manure spreader (160 bushels) used every day, requires 3S horsepower tractor, surge 50+ vacuum pump. Susque. Co. 717-756-2764. 3500 tobacco lath $l2 hundred, Minnich tobacco press, 20' tobacco ladder wagon. Lane. Co. 717-285-3363. Rototiller, good shape ask ing $7OO neg. Lane. Co. 717-684-8915. Ford PTO hopper blower good cond., $350, pressure treated elect, fence stakes .40 ea. Franklin Co. 717-597-4494. Mixmill model D 10 HP $2,700, Mixmill model CX 5 HP $1,500. Model 40 CMC grain cleaner $1,300, mod el 54 DMC grain cleaner (new), $4,900. 717-274-5333. THE CLASSIFIED LIVESTOCK SECTION HAS BEASTLY SELECTIONS! I PAUL B. SIIBIII Your Complete Headquarters For Sprayers And Parts HEAVY DUTY SPRAYERS BUILT STRONG TO PERFORM TOUGH TERRA-TRONICS I Electronic Monitor Measures Working Acres •, • Easy-10-scc digital readout • Easy-to-operate touch sensitive keys • Operates with any field implc- i mem requiring acre measurement Jj - pulled, mounted, or sclf-propcll ' cd sprayers, combines, etc Self-Priming PACER PUMPS Centrifu Pumps • 3 H.P. ‘S’ Series IV4 ” Or 2” Ports Re*. $214.50 SPECIAL $187.59 • 5 H.P. ‘S' Series 2” Ports Reg. $260.00 SPECIAL $227.50 • ‘S’ Series Pedestal Pump Onl Raven Tough Polyethylene Tanks r e Also Stock A Teejct Hyprot* Sprayer Nozzles Pumps And An <J Accessories Accessories PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN. INC. ■TI 50 Woodoomer Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 f" HOURS. Qra 1 Mile West of EphraU M ?- “•’J; 3O ™ (717) 738-7350 I ” • HARDWARE • FARM SUPPLIES • I'M NOT L10N... • 200, 300 & 500 Gal Trailer Models • 110, 150, 200 & 300 Gal 3 Pi Hitch Models FEATURES AVAILABLE: • 30*. 35* and 40’ Booms • 30’ & 45’ All Hydraulic Folding Boom • QukkTeefet No Dnp Nozzles • Independent Boom Suspension Eliminates All Boom Bouncing And Ground Speed Reg. $224.55 SPECIAL $199.00 • S H.P. ‘S’ Scries With I/C Bri|gf Engine 2” Ports Reg. $352.00 SPECIAL $308.00 ly IV." or 2" - Reg. $136.00 SPECIAL $119.00 • SPRAYER TANKS - ALL SIZES For New Or Repl.coraom AVAILABLE FROM • STATIONARY TANKS - For -ye c*At Liquid Fertilizer Storage ' * to 2500 GAL, Complete Line PACER PUMPS Features: • Self-priming to 20 feel • Total heads to 120 feet • Capabilities to 200 U S. GPM • Built m check valve • Equipped with 114 ” or 2” female threaded connections, NPT • S H.P. <s* Sene* With Honda Engine, 2” Pena Reg. $490.00 SPECIAL $436.20 With Cage $472.50 Of: • Sprayer Hose • Ball Valves • Nylon Fittings • Poly Tanks