Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 30, 1994, Image 51
Montgomery Schedules 4-H Fair CREAMERY (Montgomery Co.) The Montgomery County 4-H Fair is scheduled Thursday, August 11 through Saturday, x. I n~MT-fc|l*fc i —> Things change so gradually that we hardly realize the difference between now and our childhood unless we really think about it On a Sunday long ago our breakfast could not be prepared until we lit the coal stove by using com cobs dipped in kerosene and then added wood. We often had salted herring for Sunday break fast as they were part of our year’s supply bought in Northeast, Mary land on Ascension Day. Then we wound our watches in the morning and we had no ring ing telephones to answer. Even cars had differcnct names such as Hudson, Studebaker, Pierce-Ar row, and Wiilys-Knight. My fa ther drove an Overland with run ning boards, a foot rest in front of the back seat, and a blanket bar. When it rained, we got wet unless he had the celluloid curtains in place. Even our clothes were different. I wore brown cotton stockings • Agricultural • Commercial • Residential Partial In-Ground Tank Featuring Commercial Chain Link Fence (5’ High - SCS approved) • Retaining Walls • Bunker Silos • Manure Storage, Etc. LET OUR EXPERIENCE WORK FOR YOU-ESTABLISHED SINCE 1979! WE ORIGINATED THE CONCRETE SYSTEM! Sizes And Layouts To Your Specifications We Work Hard For Customer Satisfaction! August 13. Throughout the three days, the public is invited to enjoy outdoor livestock displays and competitions, indoor exhibits of Ida Risser held up with garters fastened to a bodice. One year I had to wear boy’s high-topped shoes to school and I was embarrassed. My mother had some of her Sunday dresses made over for me to wear to school. Remember those candy cigar ettes with one end red as though it were lit. And, doctors who made house calls when the children were sick. Our letters carried threc-cent stamps and telegrams had words pasted on strips on the paper. Now you seldom need an ice pick or see a milk bottle made to collect cream on the top. Few swings are hung on front porches and children play in parks instead of big front yards. One thing that hasn’t changed is the joy that children get in catch ing fireflies at nighttime. Our grandchildren, who visited us re cently, ask for a jar to put them in as they have very few of these in sects near their home in Georgia. INC. 430 Concrete Ave., Leola, PA 717-656-2016 clothing, foods, crafts, woodwork ing projects, photography, rock ets. animal science, and 4-H club displays. On Thursday evening, the Daisy Jug Band will perform from 7 p.m, to 10 p.m. On Friday eve ning, there will be a DJ and Coun try Western dancing from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. On Saturday, The Deep Creek doggers will perform at 12 noon. For youth, a horseless horse show, model horse show, Make it and Take It projects, a Tallest Structure Contest, Fun Olympics, and a Pet Show will be highlight ed. In addition, you can find out who will be chosen as the Mont gomery County Outstanding 4-H’cr, meet our scholarship win ners, and meet celebrities who will participate in our Celebrity Goat Milking Contest on Saturday. There will also be plenty of food, particularly, the World’s Largest Sausage Patty cooked and sold Friday evening, and game booths. The 4-H Fair is held at the Montgomery County 4-H Center located on Route 113, one mile south of Route 73, near Skippack. The Fair will be open to the public on Thursday, August 11 from S p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Friday. August 12 from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Saturday. August 13 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more informa tion. call (610) 489-4315. There will be a parking donation of $3 per vehicle, which includes a Fair catalog. Authorized Dealer For KEYSTONE CONCRETE PRODUCTS • H-Bunks • J-Bunks • Trench Silo Walls • Hog & Cattle Slats More than 2,000 varieties of roses are available for the rose gardener. Pleasure Of Roses detailed diagrams on how to prune at different seasons. Ask for these free handouts, but here arc a few tips. Summer pruning, generally in July, is the best time to prune the oldest canes while leaving approx imately the same amount of new canes to take their place. The rule of thumb for pruning weak, diseased or small plants, prune the cane down from the spent flower to the first set of leaves (usually three leaflets). On strong plants, prune the rose down to the first set of five leaflets where the stem is at least the size of a pencil. Careful pruning must be main tained, but be careful because a rose bush that is severely pruned will revert to its original state ★★★★ DOLLS CAROUSEL 23795 The centerpiece In any collection of carousels, this masterpiece represents the highest achievement in authenticity and craftsmanship. A festive, finely-detailed merry-go-round with alabastrite canopy and mirrored center column 9 '/• high Tune- “Carousel Waltz ’ $99.95 Mail to: A. B. CRISAMORE P.O. Box 376 Mount Joy, PA 17552 (717) 653-8045 Free catalog with order NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE i I I I Lancaster Farmlni (Continued from Pag* B 12) rather than the hybrid if the grafted part is severed. Remove injured or thin stems. Pruning supplies needed: • pruning shears • long-handled lopping shears ■ small pruning saw • leather gardening gloves. Do not use anvil type shears as it crushed stem rather than giving a clean cut Keep shears sharp and cut at 45-degree angle. A clean cut hcalr quickly and reduces the possibility of diseases entering the stems. If you grow or want to begin to grow roses, check with your coun ty extension office for fact sheets on topics related to growing roses, pruning, pests, and disease control. The information is free and extremely informative. / 23782 A vision of loveliness in waves of fnlly lace, this little darling sports white shoes to complete the ensemble $39.95 23780 A lovely porcelain lass with discreet bloomers beneath her lace-trimmed satin frock Matching bow completes the ensemble 16' tall $39.95 23781 A porcelain beauty in soft pink and Inlly lace White shoes to match, and a lovely pink and lace hat-all set off by flowing blonde hair and a nch rose corsage 16" tall $39.95 23783 Ready for the coldest of winter chills Is this porcelain doll In white-trimmed red-velvet dress and cape Topped by a snuggly white fur cap, she also sports a cozy, furry hand warmer. 16* tall $39.95 3092 Doll stand adjusts from 9’ to 16’ 6’ base $3.99 Carousel # 23795 Qty. I Is_ Doll stand # 3092 Qty. I Is_ Doll #23782 Qty. dl] $_ Doll # 23780 Qty. HUD $ - Doll #23781 Qty. [ZD $_ Doll # 23783 Qty. CZ] $ - Pa. Residence Tax 6% $ - All orders S & H $3.95 $ _ TOTAL $ - by check □ By mone □ Pa' ST. I I I ZIP I I I I f~l 30. 1994*815 I, Saturday, Jul Thank you for your order orde