Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 30, 1994, Image 48

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    812-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 30, 1994
Lancaster Farming Staff
LEBANON (Lebanon Co.)
No other flower generates as much
excitement as a rose. It’s fragrance
and beauty appeals to people of all
ages. It’s the flower that gardeners
raise in many different varieties.
Unfortunately, not only do roses
have thorns but also some obsta
cles in cultivating them.
The Lebanon County Extension
Office recently held a workshop on
how to handle those obstacles in
order to produce the perfect rose.
Ginger Pryor, part-time horticul
turist for Penn State Extension,
and Guy t Forty, rose specialist,
taught participants how to design,
plant, maintain, and prune roses.
Bed designs depend upon time
and energy required to maintain it
and the space available, Forry said.
He showed slides of the many
types of roses available from thou
sands of varieties. Regardless of
the variety chosen, Forry stressed
the importance of buying healthy
vigorous plants. When purchasing
roots or container-grown roses,
look for the label (AARS) All
American Rose Selection. Roses
are also graded according to qual
ity. The top quality is graded #l. In
descending order are #!'/> and #2.
Look for these grades when pur
chasing bare root, container
grown, and pre-packaged plants.
Roses need the following condi
tions to thrive;
• Light five to six hours of
direct sunlight Morning sun is
• Air helps dew and rain dry
quickly, which reduces fungus
growth. Too much wind can
destroy plants.
• Drainage poor drainage
causes death to roses.
• Soil should be loamy.
A delicate rose remains a favorite among flower lovers.
After the worskshop, Guy Forty, who has practical exper
ience in rose gardening answers individual questions.
The Pleasure Of Roses
dry off tho morning dew quickly In order to prevent disease.
Improve soil with organic manner.
• Space to expand—don’t plant
near other plants or under eaves of
'Access—plant where you can
see the rose everyday and you will
take better care of it and enjoy it
When planting.
15-18-inches deep and mix organ
ic manner in soil. Roses may be
grown in containers if planted at
least 14-inches deep and 18-inches
wide. Must be fed and watered fre
quently. Outdoor roses need to be
watered at least one-inch of water
each week.
dig hole
Several pests feed on rose buds
and leaves. These include rose
midgets, beetles, spider mites
aphids, thips, and leaf hoppers. It is
imperative to spray underneath the
leaves of the plant in the morning
as soon as the dew dries.
Prevent pests by doing the
• buy quality plants
• choose disease resistant plants
• water carefully
• destroy diseased parts
• be watchful and remove dis
eased parts or insects immediately.
• spray carefully
Do not use insecticide sprays for
rose petals that are used for eating,
drying, or potpourri.
In order to promote rebloom,
flowers should be removed as soon
as they are no longer attractive.
Pruning must be part of any rose
grower’s routine. Proper pruning
contributes to outstanding roses.
County extension offices have
Ginger Pryor
Horticultural agent
Pest Control
(Turn to Pag* B 15)
See your nearest
Dealer for Dependable
Equipment and
Dependable Service!
AnnvUl*. PA
BHM Farm
Equipment, Inc.
RDI, Rte. 934
Carlisle. PA
RSW Equipment Co. New Holland. PA
35 East Willow Street A.B.C. Groff, Inc.
717-243-2686 110 South Railroad
F&S Supply Co.
Enterprise St.
iwn. PA
Messick Farm
Equipment, Inc.
Rt. 283 • Rheem’s Exit
Halifax. PA
Sweigard Bios.
R.D. 3. Box 13
Honey Brook, PA
Dependable Motor Co.
East Main Street
Honev Grove. P/>
Norman D. Clark
& Son, Inc.
Honey Grove, PA
Loysville, PA
Frederick. MD
Ford New Holland, Inc,
Rt. 26 East
Outside MD,
Bridgeton, NJ
Leslie G. Fogg, Inc.
Canton & Stow Creek
Landing Rd.
Hughesvllie. PA
Farnsworth Farm
Supplies, Inc.
103 Cemetery Street
Olw. PA
C.J. Wonsidler Bros.
R.D. 2
Pitman. PA
Schreffler Equipment
Pitman, PA
Quakertown. PA
C.J. Wonsidler Bros.
R.D. 1
Tamaaua. PA
Charles S. Snyder, Inc,
R.D. 3
West Grove. PA
S.Q. Lewis & Son, Inc.
R.D. 2, Box 66
Washington. NJ
Smith Tractor &
Equip., Inc.
15 Hillcrest Ave
Woods town. NJ
Owen Supply Co.
Broad Street &
East Avenue