Depression Can Occur With Illnesses When people are medically ill, they often feel “down” or sad. But if the sadness is serious or long lasting, it may be due to clinical depression. Discussing the symp $> QAiowen Societies Berks Society 3 Group #3 of the Berks County Society of Farm Women held a mother-daughter tea in May at the home of Mary Bartholomew, Boyertown R.D. 7. A magic show presented by Tigger-N-Trixann, Fleetwood, was the entertainment for the evening. Approximately 35 people attended. Group #3 recently held its 40th anniversary celebration at St. Andrew United Methodist Church, New Berlinville. Lydia Cleaver organized Group #3 in January of 1954. Mary Hill was Lebanon Society 20 Lebanon Farm Women Group #2O met at the home of Sally Mar tin for the family picnic with 47 present Members enjoyed a cov ered dish meal followed by games for the children. A short business meeting was held. 16 members answered roll call to the question Did you have enough to eat? Plans were finalized for the toms with a doctor is important First if the depressive symp toms are part of the illness or side effects of medication, treatment can be adjusted or changed. Sec honored as the only living charter member. Mary Bartholomew read a poem entitled “Do You Remem ber” reminiscing Group #3’s forty years. Jerry Crowely, Boyertown R.D. 4, presented a program on the fine art of garnishing. Refresh ments were served and door prizes awarded. Approximately 75 mem bers from all of the Berks County Farm Women Societies were in attendance. The next meeting will be a fam ily picnic at the home of Jeanette Miller, Barto. Each member is asked to bring a covered dish. food stand for the District FFA Show July 19 at the Leb. Fair grounds. some volunteered to help serve. Leb. Area Fair Committee asked for volunteers to help in the food stand. Next meeting will be at the home of Christine Williams. Prog ram will be 4-H Special puppies. ond, if clinical depression is also a problem, it can be treated. And treatment is effective and can start to work within a few weeks. Your doctor must first find out whether you have one diagnosis or two. This requires careful evalua tion, especially in illnesses with similar symptoms. Weight loss, sleep disturbance, and low energy occur in depress ion and also in diabetes, cardio vascular disease, vitamin or min eral imbalances and pituitary, adrenal, or thyroid disorders. Symptoms of apathy, poor con centration, and memory loss are found in both depression and dementia. Chronic fatigue syn drome is a medical illness, howev er, as many as 75 percent of per sons with depression experience ongoing fatigue. Depressive symptoms also include achiness which is present in many other conditions. Depression and medical illnes ses may occur together for diffe rent reasons. For example: • Medical disorders may contri bute biologically to depression, as with an underactive thyroid or Cushing’s disease. • Medically ill people may become depressed as a psycholog ical reaction to the prognosis, pain, and incapacity caused by the illness or its treatment, as in cancer. • Though occurring together, depression and a general medical disorder may be unrelated. Free Brochure For free material on depression, write: DEPRESSION, Dept N. Rockville, MD 20857; or call 1-800-421-4211. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 30, 1994-B7 ‘BOoa<i wmmm atZE-'iSi'Z.'W a HERBS FOR SALE Growing and Marketing Herbs Herbal Products and Herbal Know-How by LEE STURDIVANT Thinking about starting your own business? Interested in combining your business savvy with your love of growing herbs? Don’t take the plunge until you pick-up a copy of “Herbs for Sale: Growing and Marketing Herbs', Herbal Products, and Herbal Know-How” By Lee Sturdivant, Herb grower and active small business woman from Washington State. The book is necessary reading for anyone interested in owning and operating an herb business, Numerous case studies are detailed featuring individuals who have established their own herb business in towns and cities across the United States and British Columbia. Each case study combines relevant interview-type questions and answers with thorough detail, including costs, prices and profits. The case-by-case format makes the book a valuable reference guide for the herbal newcomer or existing entrepreneur. The case studies feature businesses that range from growing and selling culinary herbs from a backyard garden; manufacturing and selling herbal vinegars, extracts, and potpourris; leading herb walks; operating a herb farm; wild crafting; and much more. Readers will learn how to stay profitable, how to solve problems, as well as how to grow and sell herbs. Additionally, each chapter offers a comprehensive reference list of sources, suppliers, and resources for further study and inquiry. With more than 250 pages of useful information, “Herbs for Sale” is a must for the herb lover interested in taking the next step selling and marketing herbs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers