Farm Photographs Of 1994 Dairy Of Distinction Winners Louis and Natalie Hawley and their three teenage sons, Ben, Mike, and Nick, have put together several farms to make this Dairy of Distinction. In addition, they rent land all around them to provide feed for a mixed herd of Jerseys and Holsteins. Recently they have also bought several Dutch belted animals that attract attention as people pass by their farm. They live one-fourth mile from the boro line of Montrose in an ag security area. The farm has been in the family since 1950. * 'i >'*' '' ‘ “,V ' v x • ’-" ;"..v .. >', * - : i^v Our and ffisr fqmUies from the 33 tfuithave Bee% destorisW&t tpiwetioti* • x *r.‘- -> v. * a* <*• > i SUSQUEHANNA LOUIS AND NATALIE HAWLEY Dairy of ■ Distinction Dairy Farm Beautification Program XT V* Jfe| ' V;* * Ur . < * * Dairy of Distinction Supplement to Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 30,1994—Page '■* J?.. Dairy JH? Distinction American Dairy Association & Dairy Council and Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program Congratulate the 1994 As sponsors of the dairy of Distinction Program ADADC and PDPP are committed to projecting a positive image to the consumer * A FARM STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM * Dairy Farm Beautification Program Dairy M] of H Distinction Award Winners