Farm Photographs Of 1994 Dairy Of Distinction Winners The scenic farm of Denton Powell, Cranberry Twp., In Butler County has been photographed and painted by artists many times. In fact, this year this new Dairy of Distinction Is featured on Atlantic Breeders “Cowlendar.” The farm was purchased In 1963 and has 32 milk cows and an additional 30 head of young stock. Seventy-five acres are owned, and an additional 150 acres rented. Powell has a stall barn and grow the crops to feed the cows. Dairy Distinction We are anxious to meet you and help you with all your farm machinery needs. Call us today. Ask for Ken Molt, Ray Peters, or Gene Walker USED HAY E( NH 575 Baler w/Hyd Ejector $12,900 JD 337 Ejector $6,250 NH 846 Round Baler.. IHC 430 Baler w/Ejector.. IHC Baler w/Chute JD 1219 9’ Mower/Conditioner $6,250 JD 1219 9’ Mower/Conditioner $5,250 NH 489 9’ Haybine. NH 495 12’ Haybine BUTLER DENTON POWELL o«, r M.wiMM*l*inEn>WW m ...$5,500 51,650 ...$6,950 ..$4,950 USED Fi JD 3970 Forage Harvester w/Electric Controls $17,500 JD 3970 Forage Harvester w/Electric Controls $12,500 JD 3960 Forage Harvester w/Electric Controls.. bfUsed Forage Heads $550 JD 3960 Forage Harvester w/Electric Controls.. NH #8 Forage Wagon w/Tandem Axle NH 30 Forage Blower Gehl 7200 Flail Chopper.. >Dalry -of Distinction