Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 30, 1994, Image 133
MM FARM EQUIPMENT JD 714 A chuck wagon, 1265 running gear w/ flotation tires, 5' sides, nice to use in feed bunks. 610-469-9633. JD 7720 1985 Titan 11, 1800 hours, w/JD grain loss monitor, very good condition. Come see in the field. $45,500. Heads avail able. 717/423-6719. FARMALLA 1 TRACTOR Restored, in good condition asking $2375.00 080 DX 120 DEUTZ 4x4 On Steel Wheels, Tires Avail. V. Good Condition, Asking $11300.00 080 CALL 717-445-9382 HERR & LEAMAN R /front wheel assist s JD 42'fSgQjB, quad 1976 JD 4430 SGB, quad JD 4430 SGB, quad JD 4230 SGB, quad, very nice JD 830 D 2 cyl. JD 316 hydro lawn mower JD 318 hydro lawn mower, nice JD 332 3 cyl. In-line diesel, hydro lawn mower (2) JD 322 hydro, lawn mower, like new, 118 hrs., 3 cyl., In-line, gas engine 1991 Case IH 7120, 18.4-42 tires, 3 hyd., radar, 1500 hrs. w/factory warranty IH 3088, Fender Tractor, 1 Owner, 1012 Hrs. 1979 IH 1486, Cab, Air, 2460 Original Hrs., Very Nice IH 1486, 79 model, red power, cab, air Implements & Misc. AC, HD IS dozer w/671 Detroit diesel Stocking New Koyker Quick Attach Loaders For Most JD & IH Farm Tractors, 40 HP To 180 HP. IH 720 6x18” auto reset IH 720 6x16” auto reset IH 720 5x18” toggle trip plow, semi mount IH 720 4xlB auto reset IH 710 auto reset, 7 bottom 16” on-land IH 710 5x1,8 auto reset, on-land hitch IH 710 4x16 auto reset Kewanee rock flex wingfold disc, 21V4 ’ Glenco soil saver, 7 shank, like new JD 12T chisel Case IH stalk chopper #6O IH 60 stalk chopper Factory JD WF to fit 520 thru 730 Factory JD WF to fit 3020 thru 4020 (1) ‘9O Case 1840 skid steer Nl 324, 2RW, 12 roll bed, very nice IH 1850 loader off IH 574 Combines 6620, lafagmid. 1900 hrs., sharp MF 850, hydro, 2100 hrs. levs) land, 1983 model, very nice MF 550 diesel hydro, 1 owner w/1069 6620, good 1 owner machine original hrs., very nice 4400 diesel, nice MF 410 diesel, hydro, cab, late model 1984 model, 2300 hrs. Have Part Number Ready We Ship U.P.S. Used Parts 1983 JD JD 6620 1980 JD 1976 JD IK 1440, Dual wheals - 34’a and 38's Tractor Weights JD & IH IH 544 diesel, hydro Farmall IH 504 utility IH 856 diesel IH 706 diesel IH 1256 Box 191 New Providence, PA 17560 (717) 786-1606 Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-12 FAX 717-786-4773 *4T 4 A ' JO 420 gas crawler w/ winch, scarifier, subsoiler, $4200. 717-334-9273. JD 4320 tractor, new clutch, new brakes, final drive bearings, 138 hp, ex cellent condition, $12,800. 717-388-2495. JD 5440 self-propelled for age harvester, 1550 hours, excellent condition. New Badger forage wagon, 14', single axle. Call evenings, (814)684-7486. rm Equipment Sales & Service s S. of Lancaster along Rt. 222 QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT/REASONABLY PRICED/SERVICED i AVAILABLE WITH A 100% WARRANTY ON ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAIN DELIVERY AVAILABLE Tractors IH 70 hydro IH 806 diesel & gas IH 560 D IH 706 gas tractor IH dual PTO units IH 826 diesel IH 1026 hydro JO 7720 wide spread chop per, complete w/drive and belts, $lOOO. 717-249-2317. JD 7' chopper head, $2,450.; IH 863 com head, $5,950. Larry Stalter "The Combine Man" 1-800-248-2151 JD 95 Diesel Combine, 4RN Com Head, 13' Float ing Grain Head, Straw Spreader, Good Condition. Best Offer. (410)795-6484 After 6PM. All Steel Frame Hay Wagon, 3xlB All Sizes, Steel Hay Feeders 24’ Feeder On Whls. Self Locking Panels J & L EQUIPMENT St. Thomas, PA 717-369-2637 1979 IH 1Q9&2433 hrs., radlals, 1 owner, very IH 1086 Factory cab, air, 1979 model (2) IH 986 factory cab, air, 38" radlals IH 886 4 post, 2900 original hrs. IH 786 fender tractor, 1 owner, 2600 hrs. IH 684 w/2250 loader IH 84 hydro, 2800 hrs. IH 1466 fender tractor IH 1066 black strip, factory cab & air, 1976 model IH 1066 cab, air, new TA, nice IH 966 fender tractor WF 3 pt., 300 hrs. on engine, clutch & T/A, very nice IH 966 w/cab & air ‘B3 Case 2090 cab, air, Power shift, 2063 hrs., very nice Case 2090 Power shift, cab, air, very nice Case 1070, power shift, 4 post Heads MF 1163 6RN MF 1143 4RN MF 11444RW MF 4m»ml. nice MF 1859, 16’ 6 Bat UN Reel MF 1859, 13’ flex MF 14’ rigid head IH 943|2slS!lvary nice IH 943 4RN IH 944 corn head IH 843 4RN, Good IH 820, 13’ flex, very nice IH 810 rldgld head, nice condition JD 443 lo tin, 4RN JD 443 4RN High Tin, Very Nice JD 444 hl-tin JD 216 flex Black Reel JD 213 black reel, S.S. Seals JD 213 yellow reel JD 13’ rigid head JD adapter for ear corn head to chopper Nl 763, 3 Row Chopper Head Farmall 400 & 450 D & gas Farmall H & M Ml 713 & 715 grain heads Ml 702 D & 701 G & 702 G Ml 717 combine JD 4020 dsl., powershlft JD 3020 G JD 4040 fender, quad, nice Midwest tractor, $14,000. 410-833-9091 Harvester Knives 1-800-WEAVER D • 77 Ford F 250 4x4 pickup w/John Blue 400 gal sprayer w/foam marker • Farmall F2O • Various sizes used tires & rims • IH 1456 new rubber, TA, 3 pt hitch, rebuilt motor • Farmall 400 • New IH fertilizer attachments for IH 6R 800 planter •IH 5100 Soybean special, 18x7« • Parts: MTAD, 560, T 6 Crawler. 460. 450D.H John Thompson 302/492-1186 "12-3287 TANEYTOWN FARM & HARDWARE* 6710 4x4 w/Cab & Air $15,900 lours 1000 hours w/loader tccllent. tors, one owner id baler Leaman Tractor Parts ||i 329 Branneman Rd., l'| Willow Strati, PA 17584 J JL (Lancaster Co.) 717-464-2874 SBSBr (Turn Left on Brenneman Rd. mr- A from 222 S at Refton) " Fax 717-464-4130 y DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED V TORQUE AMPLIFIERS & CLUTCHES * New Wider Heavy Duty Super Sprag 1-1/32” Wide ■k 5 Tr. Warranty Against Sprag Failure * Price $695.00 *5 yr. - 100% parts & labor against sprag *2 yr. -100% parts & labor on remainder of unit Our standard heavy duly TA Is still available at $645.00 and carles a *2 yr. • 100% parts A labor warranty. * Certain restrictions apply and there will bo a maximum labor pay-out of $450.00 We also have units & parts available to rebuild old style TA's, Including ramp & carrier sets. NEW price on ramps & carriers - $200.00 COLLECTORS IH 450 distal (2) JD 730 distal, slsct. start WF, com plats 3 pt. 2 rsmota valvas, axes), cend. JO 8020 good maehtnleal cond., (rash paint, llald ready TRACTORS JUST IM FOR PARTS: IH »0a»; 885; 906; 424; JO 2020 Lanwttr Faming, *S«tuni«yr Mf 3(r.IW»M" 410-751-1500 Bush Hog® King Kutter Ingersoll Garden Tractors OMC 14 HP Skid Loader, Good Cond $2,495 NH Sl9 Manure Spreader NH 513 Manure Spreader Davis 3pt Backhoc Attach, New Cardinal Field Sprayer N 1 272 cutdmoncr NI cutdmoner #270 NH 256 rake JD 336 JD 9’ bItQQ Shaver drivers HDB SI,O9SHDIO Rubber rake teeth 20% off list on all Bush Hog® loaders . Call For Prices lo’Hay Tedders $1195 I .... $4,900 . . $3,000 .Coming In Coming In Coming In $4,900 $6,900 52,750 $8»W.56,200 $4,900 $1,595 $1,350 $4,250 \WOQ $4,900 $4,900 USED TRACTORS IH 1566 retyUJlr. excellent IH 1086 cab, air, duals, low hrs. IH 1066 black stripe, cab, air, 3100 hrs., sharp IH 966 lender, new T/A, very nice IH Super H Several seta of 18.4x38 axle duals Wetline powered Carco winch mod. U 358. 35 ton capacity w/2 apd. gear box (new cost approx. $12,500) IH D 429 fits 4100 & 4156 IH C2OO engdSSDt 544, 574, etc. 12,000 gal. anhydrous tank w/ pump & meter system John Blue 5 shank anhydrous applicator, and several 1,000 gal. John Blue tanks on 4W chassis Hawk Built model 170 manure spreader, like new We specialize in IH tractors but wa also have Caaa, AC, JD, Oliver, Massey and White trac tors In our inventory. ■I $1,250 $1,995 $2,900 $2,495 $995 $795 $1,195 $2,000 $1,150 ) $1,695 $1.59 USED PARTS