Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 30, 1994, Image 132
D»tancaswr Fantilng, 'SatuWayr JUty 5 301 IfW' CASE IH 600 blower, about new, $2,950.; JD 2-30" chopper header, $2,750.; IH 844 or 843 header. Call Stephen 717-249-2317 CASE SC. new rubber. LPTO. outlet, tri-cycle, runs excellent, $1,200. 410-833-9091 Cardinal Sprayer w/35' Booms, New $2495. Ta neytown Farm Equipment (4101751-1500 Case 1737 gas skid loader, $1,750. (814)667-3870. Case 2670, excellent con dition, transmission recen tly rebuilt, 3000 hours, $20,000. (717)872-9152 (717)872-4058. Case 660 combine, gas engine, good, 10’ grain platform, £R corn head. Will part out or sell whole. (814)793-9574. Case 660 combine 13' self propelled, good condition, must sell, $1475; Ford 1R mounted corn picker, $3OO. 814/634-8745. Case IH 600 blower, nice, $2950 almost new. 717-249-2317. Case IH baler model 8540, high capacity, 14"x18" bale chamber, excellent work ing condition, excellent ap pearance, $5500/neg. In MD 800/287-1634, outside M 0 410/348-5014. Case industrial loader to fit Case 380 or David Brown 885 tractor, $lOOO. 717-752-7131 Case tractors 38CC, 415 C, both good tractors; Case 660 combine, 10’ head, cab, reasonable priced. 717-437-2330. CIH 550 spreader, 220 bushel, single beater, tail gate, excellent comtion, $3BOO. 717-328-2336. Culvert Pipe, 10'x40', $650. 717/354-3105. Custom standard loader material buckets, $9O/per foot. 717-672-3139. DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED!! Deere 343, $2,975.; 643, $7,450.; 843. $9,950.; IH 863, $5,950.; 843, $3,250.; 844, $2,750.; MF 1163, 1144, 1143, 43 & grain heads Head Quarters for 6620 & 7720, 717-249-2317 DISC ATHENS 12' plowing disc, $BOO/o(fer. 410-833-9091 Dismantling for Parts: Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders. Call for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. DISMANTLING FOR PARTS: 4-108 Perkins and Ford 3 Cyl. 201 Cid. Diesel Engines; S6SOG Satoh and 155 Yanmar Tractor; L 553 New Holland and 342,330, 440, Mustang Skidloaders; New and Used Parts for Kubota and Wisconsin En gr es, Complete Repairs on Skidloaders Including Hydrostatic. GD Equip ment (717)859-3533. F-2 Gleaner corn and soy bean special, 13' flex head, 438 corn head, 430 corn head, grain saver. All for only $14,000. (717)374-4124. FARMALL 340, WF, 3 pt, LPTO w/disc, $2,200. 410-833-9091 FARMALL SUPER Mw/trip bucket loader, nice, original, good rubber, $1,850 410-833-9091 Farmall A w/starter, PTO, Woods rotary mower, $1,795. Lancaster County. (717)336-2031. Farmall C w/r&l plows & 2R cultivators, 12 volt system, recent overhaul, good rub ber, $2500. 717/784-0250. Farmall C w/snowblade, lights, starter, hyd. chains, new rear liras, good condi tion, $975. Lancaster County. (717)336-2031. BELTING: We specialize in flat belting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unload ing wagons, long table blower belts. Franklin Co. 717-263-0573. NO Sunday calls. Big Windmill for farm, $l6OO OBO; 88 Ford Ran ger w/box, 17,000 miles, excellent condition, $4lOO. 717/838-4017 after 5 or anytime weekends. Boggs Potato & Onion Grader, working condition, $175. 814/839-2441. Brand new round bale feeders w/bottom. (301)898-7426. BUSH HOG 7 w/twin tail wheels, original Bush Hog not a copy, excellent, $l,OOO. 410-833-9091 McCormick corn binder w/ loader, $lOOO. Samuel K. Stoltzfus, 5125 Peters RO., Kinzers, PA 17535, Metal side for 20' hay wa gon, $650 080. 410/833-1847. MF 1135, 3,700 hrs., cab & cold air, excellent runner, $7,500. 410-833-9091 MF 510, diesel, only 986 hrs., air, almost new yet, $11,950. Sheded. Trade & Finance. 717-249-2317 MF7SO combine parts, drive belts for standard trans., top beltffno. 833858M4, bottom 833859M4 $lOO for both; clutch plate and disc, $100; more 717/294-3407. MF 760 combine, V 8 hy dro, $6500, 1859 13' flex head, $3200, good condi tion. 717/445-5611. MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE PARTS NEW AND USED AND TRACTORS. EVERETT BROS. 614-922-3335. MOVING LONG DIS TANCE, MUST SELL IM MEDIATELY. 8006 Deutz tractor, 1835 D Case skid loader, Kuhn rake, 1514 Knight spreader, IH 56 blower, Badger tandem axle silage wagon, 489 NH haybine, Case IH 4R culti vator, 30' bale elevator, 2 spinner fertilizer buggy. 717/762-9458, No Sunday Calls NEW HOLLAND ELEVATOR COMPANY New 30’ and 36' Elevators; rebuilt elevators half of new. New parts for Model 155. We will trade, buy or rebuild your used or da maged NH Elevator. Thank You. Thom Wheary, Jr. 717/687-0102. Need Soybean Header? Call Larry Stalter ‘The Combine Man’ 1-800-248-2151 New 55", 3 point, rotary till ers, $950. J&M TRACTOR, 410-756-4036; 410-775-0559. New and Used JD tractor parts. Used plow parts. Will ship. 6600 combine; 1209 haybine parts. 1-800-730-4020. New Ford BSD444T turbo diesel 95hp power unit with radiator and electrical sys tem, $3500. 717/569-3359. New Holland Baler Wa gons; 1030, 70 bales, $2,400; 1034, 105 bales, nice. $5,500. 1033, 105 bales, $4,900. 51049 self propelled, 160 bales $14,900. 1048 self propelled, been widened to haul 160 bales, $9,800. Boeder Impl. Seneca, KS (913)336-6103. NH 1033 stacklmer for sale. 105 bale model. $4,000 080. (607)243-5136. NH 1495 12’ self-propelled haybine, gas. pianatary, new rolls, works well, $5,600. JD 15’ quick-'tach rigid grain head tor sidehill combine, $1,200. JD FM 6x30 cultivator. JD 1350/1450,6x18* bottom plow, $l,lOO. (717)229-2346. NH 258 rake, needs paint, $1,350. 410-833-9091 NH 27 whirl feed blower. JD 3pt rake, rubber teeth, $250. Nl wheel rake, hy draulic lift, $3OO. (717)626-1386. NH 352 grinder mixer, $1,350. (2) Gehl 970 for age wagons, 14' $4,850, 16' $5,800. Hesston 1014 12' hydro-swing $2,500. (814)364-2123 (814)364-2125. NH354 grinder; steel hay wagon; 323N1 picker; 115 JD wagon; Gehl 1R harvester; set cutting tor ches 814/685-3345 evenings. NH 499, hydro-swing, 12', haybine, $5,800 (615)863-5326. NH 716 Chuck Wagon and Myers 1800 chuck wagon w/tandem running gears; JO 6500 and 65 blowers; Martin V 1575 manure spreader w/tandem axle; Wickes Bhp bedding chop per. 908/454-2614. NH 717 chopper, 2R 30- corn head, $1,500. (301)898-7426. NH 718 harvester, 2RN head, $2500; #8 forage wagon. Lancaster 717-859-1955. NH 770 forage chopper, 540 RPM, pickup head & 2R corn head, new knives in 93. Will separate heads. $2OOO. 717/776-4261. NH 770 harvester w/corn head & pickup head, $1750. 717/786-1640. NH 778 skid loader w/Ford diesel, 1 hydrostatic out, $3,700. (717)354-0266. NH TR7O, Cat. 4-30” & 13’ bar, low hrs., excellent. 717-249-2317 Days NH TR7O combine, 320 S CAT, 430, 13' FCB, nice $15,000. 717-249-2317. Nl 323 1R corn picker. Nl 34' elevator. 2 round metal corn cribs, 14x15- 17V4 xl6, (2) gravity wa gons. Drag elevator. All items VG condition. Be tween 10am-Spm, (610)845-2331. Nl #323 1R corn picker, $1475; Grove dump wa gon, $625, Farmec bin wa gon, $725. 610/562-4464. Ml 323 1R picker, like new; Ml 325 2RN (12 roll beo) picker, good condition. 717-768-3197. Nl #323 1R picker, like new, $3200; Brillion 10' 4’ axle packer, $775; Nl #212 spreader, $775; Woods 6‘ pull-type rotary mower, $750. 610/562-4464. Nl 323 corn picker, excel lent condition, used very little, $3,000 080. (717)365-3898 after 6PM. Nl 402 hay rake, rubber teeth, runs excellent, $650. (301)898-7426. Nl 701 w/710 combine and 711 grain head, field ready. 814-349-5118. Nl 705 Unisystem, diesel, 727 husking unit, 3RN head, $4500. 301/834-5123. Nl corn picker, 30* row, 12 husking roll bed. 316 A JD forage wagon. Good condi tion. (717)263-3521. Nl Uni 707 D, 1150 hrs„ 769W/N, 3R, 767 super chopper, 6' hay pickup. 410-836-1198. Oliver 281 manure spreader, totally recondi tioned, ready for work $lOOO. 717-949-2567. Oliver 2R “PTO Driven" po tato digger; 2R potato planter & grader. $lO/273-3487. Pequea manure spreader working condition. Abner Click, 330 Mt. Pleasant Road, Quarryville, PA 17566 POWER UNIT. 371 Detroit, over center clutch, runs good, $ 1 500. 410/335-2539. Radial Tires. 20.8-42,95%, like new, 10 available, $450 each. 410-833-9091 Same Delfino 35 diesel, 3pt, PTO, only 1000 hrs., like new, $7OOO 080. 716-394-3743 after 6PM. Set of IH axle mount dual wheels w/18.4-38 tires, 70% rubber, fits 3Vi ’ axle. $BOO. Lackawanna Co. 717/587-1725. Shaver Post Drivers: HDB $1095, HDIO $1695. Ta neytown Farm & Hard ware. 410/751-1500. SICKLE MOWER FORD 515, 3 pt. balanced head, 6', $5OO. 410-833-9091 Single row potato digger, pull behind, conveyor pow ered by Bhp Briggs Stratton motor, good condition. Lanco, (717)786-1146. Skid Steer Loader, Mus tang 442 w/Kubota diesel, needs work, $3400. 410-833-9091 Small knife kit, like Dura Drum for JD self propelled choppers. 1-800-248-2151 Straw Choppers for JD & other brand combines. 717-249-2317 Days SUB SOILER WANTED: Used, heavy duty, 3ph w/ shear pin, within 25 miles of Lancaster/York area MD. 410-877-7015. T-6 International dozer with hydraulic blade, man ual parts books, new bat tery, $3OOO. 717-443-8057. TR7O NH combine, 3208 turbo Cat tower includes 6RN corn head, 16' JD flex head and adapter. Will sell as unit or separate. 717-436-5625, USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt clutches and torques. We ship UPS. Hill- T Farm Sales = Service, 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio 45346. 513-548-0718. Used aluminum irrigation pipe, 40'x4‘, 30'x3". 40’x3". Berkeley County, WV. (202)363-8913. Used Gates; Round Bale Feeders; Rubbermaid Wa ter Tubs, All in Good to Ex cellent Condition. Call Days (814)695-8478 Even ings (814)695-3421. Vermeer 605-H Baler, Like New; SO' JD Skeleton Bale Elevator; Gehl 99 Forage Blower. (717)733-4516. Vicon KM 321 discbine, used 3 years, new cutter bar. (610)693-6158. WANT: Crawler tracks, rails maybe thin, bushings should not be worn clear through. JD 450, 350, Cat D-2, D-3, 931, 941, Ko matsu D-31, IH TD-6, TD-8, etc. Pitch no more than 6 5/8’ measuring from center of pin to center of next pin. Will pay $5O extra if pads are removed. Bed ford Co. (814)766-2246. WANTED: IH Lovers to join Central PA International Harvester Collectors As soc. Meeting at Nittany Antique Machinery Show grounds at Penn's Cave, 7PM, 8/9 or write to: Ben Trapani, 130 Eyer Road, Danville, PA 17821. WANTED: Large square baler, 3x4xB bale. 717-524-2673. WANTED: Old (arming ma gazines, hunting maga zines or PA. Game News. 717-692-2645. WANT: Ford 1910 4WD tractor or similar, excellent condition, w/loader. (609)896-0515. Want to Buy; Frontend loader for a Ford 801 trac tor. (717)362-3402. WHEEL LOADER CAT 988, 87A 3000 Series, ex cellent rubber, ready to work, $18,500. 410-833-9091 Wheel Driven Manure Spreader; Hay Elevator electrically driven. Best Of fer. 908/852-0679. WOODS 121, 10', new. $3,600. 410-833-9091 WOODS Batwing MD3IS, new, $5,400. 410-833-9091 Woods 8106 mower, JD 24T baler with thrower, heavy duty 3 pt„ like new good condition, $1,500 w/warranty, $2,000. 080. AC haybine, good 410-633-9091 condition, $l,OOO 080. (717)365-3806. Lamco Three Beater For age Wagon with Roof. Ex cellent Shape. $1800; Util ity Truck Body Bin Doors. Brand New. Various Sizes. (717)367-9494 Days/Early Evenings. Late model IH 715 com bine, corn and soybean special, 1920 hrs., gas, chopper, monitior, 23.1-26 rubber, 13' 810 flexhead, $6250 080. 814-398-2789. Like New Case 1394,65 hp turbo diesel, 635 hours, garage kept, everything or iginal except battery, ask ing $12,500. 717/784-0250. LOADER ATTACHMENTS New Du-AI, fits all makes & models, 20% off. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR FORD 6610, 4x4 w/777 loader, new engine, $15,000. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR JD 2640, rebuilt motor w/245 loader, only $9,500. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR JD 1020, gas w/IH 2000 loader, rebuilt engine, $6,000. 410-833-9091 M 2 Hydro, low hrs., A-630 header, super condition. Trade, Finance, $21,900. Call Stephen. 717-249-2317 MANURE SPREADER NH 371, tandem tank, 1,000 RPM, needs minor repair, $4OO. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER NH 520, sharp, ready for work, $2,000. 410-833-9091 Magnum 7120, FWD, 150 HP, 177 Hrs, $56,000 (814)796-2050. McCormick-Deering 2R Corn Planter, Good Condi tion, Extra Plates, On Steel Wheels, $100; 1R Potatoe Digger on Steel Wheels, Works Fine. $100; Tractor Hitch Dump Brake, Good Condition. $5O. (717)266-5917 or (717)266-5333. IH Deluxe pickup baler teeth, half price; ‘‘Semi" road tanker manure spreader with hydraulic spinner: 1000 gal. non hydraulic honey wagon. 610-286-5530. IH HYDRO 70. low profile (30* rubber), 2 outlets, ready for work, $5,000. 410-833-9091 IH & JD Combines and others. Deere Financing. Larry Stalter The Combine Man’ 1-800-248-2151 IH TRACTORS; 560 diesel, pulley, PTO, T/A, P.S., rubber or steel; (2) 660 diesel; 650 diesel; 600 diesel; WD9, Case 930 CK diesel; 500 diesel; New pulleys available for 600, 900, 930. Case tractors for Fall use. Call repair your pulley. RENTAL tractors available. KINGS TRAC TOR, 1426 Noble RD., Kir wood, PA 17536. In-line bale wrappers, for any size silage bales. Self powered, high speed, low maintenance. For more in formation: Glenn Beidler, (717)539-8993, JD 1040 3 cyl diesel tractor w/cab, 1986 model, hi-10, indept. PTO, similar to JO 2150. 717-445-6156. JD 1209 haybine parts. Single seat Mennonite Car riage. Union County. (717)523-6135. JD 215 14' Disc Harrow w/ Leveler, Good Condition. $2OOO. (717)524-7009. JD 213, 215 or 216 flex heads, $4,450.; 444, $2,950.; 443, $4,250.; 643 4 others. 717-249-2317 JD 237 corn picker/husker, very good, always shed ded, $5OO. Montour Co. 717/672-2382 after spm. JD 239-T engine, 7Shp, good condition. Ask for Sam, (717)649-5595. HERCULES, CONTINEN taI Waukesha farm, indust rial engine parts. M&M Surplus Sales, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9851. Hesston 1580 130 hp, 1932 hrs., CAH. Hesston BP2O bale processor. Hesston (H&S) manure spreader. Hesston soil finisher. Hes ston 5545 baler. Hesston 2140 chisel. Gehl 135 grin der mixer. IH 510-DD drill. White 5400 planter. Van- Dale TMR wagon. CMC 330 skidloader. wheel rake. (301)739-4692. Hesston 2150 chopper w/ hay and corn head; 1 Bad ger forage wagon; Dion for age wagon. (717)532-7905. Hesston 3RN chopper head, good condition, $9OO. Fresh Guernsey heifer. (717)529-2382. Hesston 4800 big square baler, field ready, $15,500. (215)598-7687. Hesston 7160 forage harvester, 2RN corn head, T hay pickup, electric con trols, good condition, $3,975. No Sunday calls. (301)797-5370. HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee. Call Gary D. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 rou need a JO self elled chopper calf me. Larry Stalter 'The Chopper Man’ 1-800-248-2151 IH 1086, CAH, digital, fresh engine, 3,400 hrs., $11,500. 410-833-9091 IH 1460, 1961, electric over hyd., 2200 hours, very good condition, $28,000. Heads available. 717/423-6719. IH 1466, cab, dual PTO, dual hyd., new TA, good condition, $10,500; MF 680, hyd. reset, 5x16 plow, $BOO. 717M23-6719. IH 440' bai- . wire tie baler, excel lent condition, $2,000 ne gotible. (717)872-9152 (717)872-4058. IH 540 Spreader, 2 Bea ters, No Tailgate, 180 Bushel, Excellent Condi- 220 tion. (717)328-2336. IH 5488 1982, cab & air, 3000 hours, new radials, excellent condition, $23,500; JD 2600 6x14-18 adj. ASR plow, $3500. 717/423-6719. IH 706-D, 2pth, NF. 4950 hours, original, looks and runs great, $4,500. (717)328-2336. IH 715 combine, German diesel engine, 13' grain table, nice, $7950. 717-249-2317. IH 720 harvester, 2RN, hayhead; Badger BNS4 sil age blower; JD FB-B grain drill w/grass seed; Hesston 6200 windrower; Kubota M 4950 1 700 hrs. 703-828-3172. IH 806, WF, dual PTO, 3pt, runs good, $4700; JD 2000, 6x14-18 adj. ASR plow, excellent condition, $3200. 717/423-6719. IH 8530 baler used very little, $5BOO. 717-768-3197. IH 856 tractor w/loader, $10,500. IH 966 tractor, new tires, new TA, nice, $9,800. Miller's Repair, (717)656-6109. IH 863 corn head, nice, $5950. 717-249-2317. IHC PTO corn binders, $BOO to $1,500 (2 rebuilt). Gehl C4O silo fillers, gear boxes for cutters, tandem axles for binders. Nickel Mine Welding, 2133 Mine Rd., Paradise. PA 17562, (717)786-7363, 7:30-BAM. IHC PTO corn binders. Gehl C-40 silo fillers. Com ing Ist week of August from Wisconsin. Nickel Mine Welding. 2133 Mine Rd., Paradise, PA 17562, (717)786-7363, 730-6 AM. JD 3020, gas, NF, power shift, nice condition, $4,500. 410-633-9091 JD 3020 tractor, WF, side console, very good oonfli tion, $7,950. (717)776-4897. JD 312 lawn and garden tractor w/mower, good con dition, $1650. Lancaster Co. 717-354-6829. JD 336 baler w/thrower, excellent condition, $3,800. NH 56 Rolabar hayrake $l,OOO. 3 wooden rack wagons. Call (717)423-5196. JD 347 baler w/kicker, ex cellent condition, field ready. 717-530-5404. JD 4020 power shift dual hyds, WFE, front weights, dual wheels, plow, $8,500. (609)935-7585 . nS TRACTORS JD 4630 Tractor w/Cab, Reconditioned JD 4030 Tractor w/Cab JD 3b20 Tractor, WF JD 3020 Tractor JD 2840 Tractor JD 2755 Tractor 2WD w/Cab JD 2750 Tractor 2WD JD 2640 Tractor w/loader JO 2555 Tractor, 2WD, ml Cab JD 2SSO Tractor MFWD w/ Loader JD 2350 Tractor MFWD w I Cab & Loader IH 1086 Tractor IH 504 Tractor IH 454 Tractor IH 404 Tractor IH 284 Tractor Ford 8N Tractor David Brown 1210 Tractor Ford 1700 Tractor HAY EQUIPMENT JO 346 Baler w/EJeetor JD 337 Baler w/Ejector JD 336 Baler w/Ejector JD 1219 Mower Conditioner Nl 456 Round Baler NH 1499, 1100 Hra., Excel Rolls NH 489 Mower Conditioner JO 3940 Forage Harvester NH 890 Forage Harvester w/5'4 ’ Pickup $ 2 Row Wide Used IH Rake PLANTERS AC 333 4 Row, Air Champ. Dry Fertilizer JD 315 Olae, Lika Naw Used JD 8250 Grain Drill COMBINES JD 6600 SMa Hill Com bint, RacondHlonad JD 220 Fltx Platform JO 643 Corn Haad MF 850 Comblnt w/13' Plat form A 6R Com Haad MISCELLANEOUS Krauaa Wing Fold Dlae w I Cultlpackar JO 1508 Rotary Mowtr Rhino 20' Bat Wing Mowar JD 1506 Rotary Mowar Caaa Modal 14, 9 Shank V Rlppar Uaad JD 27 Rail Shtaddar JD 2500 5 Bottom Plow, Spring Raaat JD 230 Olae WlngfoHf