Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 30, 1994, Image 128
M-Lancastet* Farming, Saturday, July 30, 1994 ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Young Angus enthusiasts paraded 251 entries at the 1994 Eastern Re gional Junior Angus Show in Raleigh, N.C. The judge for the event was Greg McCurry of Ml. Hope, Kan. In the owned heifer division, Judson Dalton, Altavista, Va., look home the grand champion fe male title for his entry, Daltons Belle Dominique. Dalton’s entry is a January 1993 daughter of TC Dividend 963 and first topped the junior division. Reserve grand champion own ed female was Stonylonesome Elude Erica 37 j She is a January 1993 daughter of Midas 9051 L C R and was exhibited by Michael Roddey Jr., Travelers Rest, S.C. She was earlier named reserve junior champion. Judson Dalton of Altavista, Va., received grand cham pion owned female laurels at the 1994 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show in Raleigh, N.C., for his entry, Daltons Belle Dominique. This champion is a January 1993 daugh ter of TC Dividend 963 and first topoped the junior division. JUNIUK AMOUO .inun Wfk* ** Sarah Hill of Bldwell, Ohio, led Champion Hill Stone Im pact to the grand champion bred-and-owned bull title at the 1994 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show In Raleigh, N.C. Hill’s winning entry is a September 1993 son of Century Touchstone 131. 1994 ENTERS REGIONAL JUNIO? '-‘IGBS SHOW . . • calf sired by TC Divi dend 963 were named champion cow-calf pair at the 1994 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show In Raleigh, N.C. This winning entry was exhibited by Douglas Dalton, Altavista. Va. She is a July 1991 daughter of R&J Extraordinary 1345. Junior Angu Grand champion bred-and owned female laurels were pre sented to Wynn Dalton of Altavis ta, Va., for his entry, Daltons Monel She is a February 1993 daughter of R&J Expresso and was first chosen junior champion. Andrew Donnell, Jackson, Tenn., was awarded the reserve grand champion bred-and-owned female title. The reserve junior champion, D B Blackbird 304, is a January 1993 daughter of Leach man Prompter. In the bred-and-owned bull di vision, Sarah Hill, Bidwell, Ohio, paraded the grand champion bull, Champion Hill Stone Impact. He is a September 1993 son of Cen tury Touchstone 131. Daniel Wall, Morganton, N.C., captured the reserve grand cham pion bred-and-owned bull title «sr MC s Show Names with his entry, H A F Jestress Jump N Jack. He is an April 1993 son of TC Stockman. Douglas Dalton, Altavista, Va., earned grand champion c6w-calf honors with Krueger Belle Mon eck and her bull calf sired by TC Dividend 963. She is a July 1991 daughter of R&J Extraordinary 1345. Deanna Bloom, Westville, Ind., led Car Don Miss Devotion 8244 and her bull calf sired by G A R Sleep Easy 1009 to the reserve grand champion cow-calf title. She is a January 1992 daughter of Rito 2100 G D A R, Neenah Hill, Bidwell, Ohio, was presented grand champion steer laurels for her entry, Cham pion Hill Stoned. He weighed 1,110 pounds and had a weight per day of age of 3.27. He is a July 1993 son of Century Touchstone 131. Car Don Barney was named re serve grand champion steer. The winnign entry was shown by De anna Bloom, Westville, lnd„ and is a March 1993 son of Rito 2100 G D A R. He weighed 1,195 pounds and had a weight per day of age of 2.63. In other owned heifer competi tion, Hale O Lucy 411 shown by Michael Roddey Jr., Travelers Rest, S.C., was chosen heifer calf champion. Reserve owned heifer calf champion was Lemmon Erica 0034 exhibited by Toby Suddcth, Woodland, Ga. Owned intermediate champion heifer honors were presented to Jonathan Scarlett, Snow Camp, N.C., for his entry, V O Pride Ever 333. Jeff Coveil. Clarksburg. Md.. led J D H Miss Tessie 9304 to the owned reserve intermediate cham pion heifer title. Owned senior champion female was Shiloh Casey Duchess shown by Christy Bell, Snellville, Ga. Greenestar Precious exhibited by Meredith Duke, Kinston, N.C., was chosen owned reserve senior champion female. In other bred-and-owned heifer competition, A C Executives Bar bara won bred-and-owned heifer calf champion honors for Ran dolph Clary 111, Brodnax, Va. Re serve champion in the heifer calf bred-and-owned division went to Sarah Hill, Bidwell, Ohio, for her en'ry. Champion Hill Jestres Athena. D M E Eulima Lady C 2 is the name of the bred-and-owned in termediate champion heifer that was shown by Darren Eversole, Blacksburg, Va. Reserve cham pion in the intermediate division LANDISVILLE (Lancaster Co.) The Mid-Atlantic Soy bean Association will hold its 1994 summer members meeting Tuesday, Aug. 9, at Penn State University’s southeast research farm near Landisville. As many as 100 farmers and agribusiness representatives from the four states represented by the association Maryland, Dela ware, New Jersey and Pennsylva nia are expected to attend. Although billed as a “members” meeting, MASA officials empha sized that non-member farmers and agribusinessmen and women are cordially invited to attend. They are asked only to telephone the association offices at (410) 742-9500 for reservations. The event will convene with a Mid-Atlantic Winners -<jpu Hill of Bidwell, Ohio, at the 1994 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show in Raleigh, N.C. Hill’s champion Is named Champion Hill Stoned and Is a July 1993 son of Century Touchstone 131. He weighed 1,110 pounds and had a weight per day of age of 3.27. Wynn Dalton of Altavista, Va., led Daltons Monet to the grand champion bred-and-owned female title at the 1994 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show in Raleigh, N.C. This junior champion Is a February 1993 daughter of R&J Ex presso. went to Derek Lutchka, Grass Lake, Mich., for L A Queen Hi Hand 2293. Bred-and-owned senior cham pion female was D M E Laura B 2 exhibited by Darren Eversole, Blacksburg, Va. The reserve senior champion bred-and-owned female award went to Kate Repair, Natural Bridge, Va., for her entry, KLR Rito Caroline 9258. Taking home the junior show manship title was Whitney Brown of Williamson, Ga. Christy Bell, Sncllville, Ga., earned the inter mediate showmanship title and Chris Mullinex of Woodbine, Md., was named champion senior Soybean Meet! In Landisville catered “Dutch Country” picnic. A business meeting and a tour of soybean research plots at the farm will follow. The cost of the luncheon and post-tour refreshments will be Sl5 per person, member and non member alike. Payment may be made at the meeting. The guest speaker will be Mike Rohan, executive director for research, industry and consumer information for the American Soybean Association. He will dis cuss the increasing opportunities showman, Members of the Virginia Junior Angus Association exhibited the outstanding group of five. Virgin ia Junior Angus Association also won the best state display award for 16 head and over. The best state display for 15 head or less went to the members of the West Virginia Junior Angus Associa tion. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lemmon, Woodbury, Ga., were named the premier breeder at the show. The premier breeder award is given to the breeder of the three highest placing animals in the individual classes bred by a breeder in the show. ng for the domestic marketing of U.S. soybeans, particularly through the continuing development of new uses for the crop. Members also will elect new directors and officers for 1994-‘95. The current officers are Patrick Boova, a commodities broker in Bala Cynwd, Pa., presi dent: Douglas Corey of Seaford, Del., vice president; Bill Bradley of Salisbury, Md., treasurer; and Jerry Kennedy, MASA’s execu tive director, secretary.