Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 30, 1994, Image 106
C26-Uncaster Farming, Saturday, July 30, 1994 |K| FEED i SEED Rye Seed for sale. Lancas ter Co. 717/653-5663. Rye Seed. Northumber land County. No Sunday calls. (717)672-9690. SWEET CORN SILAGE: Good protein content, keeps well in warm weather, $l4/per ton; mixed with field corn. $24/per ton. Will deliver. CLYDE KREIDER, Lan caster PA 717-898-8927. High moisture shelled corn for sftle High Quality! Delivery available JAMES GARBER & SONS Mt. Joy, PA 717-653-0432 50 acres of clean 3rd Cutting Alfalfa Available early August. Chop for haylage or will bale and load on your truck Lancaster Co. 717-285-5159 Excellent For Dairy, Horses and Poultry Delivered In 20 Cu. Yd, 50 Cu. Yd. and Trailer Loads * Fresh Poplar Sawdust * Baled Pine Shavings Lancaster County sail I— 9 fvV A LOAD OF MIRACLE BREWERS WET GRAINS . . .LOADS MORE MILK Have you considered brewers wet grains to give your herd's produc tion a boost? Brewers wet grains from Miracle Feeds are an excellent protein and energy source. They can readily make up to 20-30% of the ration's dry matter. Combined with McNess vitamin and minerals they can provide a very efficient rumen bypass way to feed. Researchers estimate that between 45-55% of brewers wet grains' pro tein escapes rumen degradation compared to only 25-30% for soybean meal. This bypass protein is more efficiently digested and absorbed in the cow's small intestine. For more information on the use of brewers wet grains and other by products, plus McNess premixes, call toll-free 800-888-0230. MIRACLE FEEDS INC. 150 Washington Avenue *ST Batavia. NY 14020 fpTTTI KEYSTONE MILLS |A|\MI <Stiving — J>< . < >»*< Buying Shelled Com Also Buying Wheat and Barley During parvest Season Call 717/354-4616 or 717/738-4251 Galen W. Crouse 717-336-6726 , r q ELGIN CARTA( LIMITED ICC MC 187701 RISSER GRAIN Buying & Selling Ear & Shelled Corn, Wheat, Barley & Soybeans. Roasted Soybeans For Sale IHoltwood, PA 7,17-284-4628 717-284-3362 ©M.H. MARTIN CO. LANCASTER COUNTY. PA (717) 738-1312 WHITE PINE SHAVINGS Picked Up At Bam $3.50 Per Bale 30 bain sl2o°° Delivered eobaiM s22s°° (4 eu. ft.) 120 balM s4so°° Bagged Dry Shavings For Dairy Picked Up @ Barn • $2.50/Bag Bags (4 cu. ft.) Delivered 1 so for sloo°° J 60 lor slBo°° Saw Dust and Shavings for Honrs Picked Up @ Barn - $2.25/bag Bags (4 cu. ft.) Delivered 1 30 f0r..... j 60 for SUPER TARP™ SLEEVE STYLE TIE DOWN METHOD A QUALITY PRODUCT AT A REASONABLE PRICE * 5 to 7 years of service (when secured properly) * Triple sewn seams * Silver on outside to reflect sunlight * Long life UV fabric * One of the heaviest materials on the market SLEEVE GOES FULL WIDTH OF THE SUPER TARP™ SO PIPE CAN BE USED TO TIE DOWN TARP ADVANCED SCiENTIFICS, INC. RD 2, Box S 2, Millersburg, PA 17061 1 -800-724-4 158 Dealers Wanted In Many Areas Corn Quality? Hominy Feed Free of mold and toxins Made from Human Consumption Graded Corn Higher In Energy Than #2 Corn Already ground into useable form Available in most Md, Del, Pa., W. Va., Va., N.Y. and N.J. Points Call PACMA Today for details: 717-838-7050 1-800-PACMA Inc. s9o“ ....$150“ CONCERNED ABOUT SUBSTITUTE SHREDDED NEWSPAPER A Vary Practical. Coat Efficient Bedding 300* . 3,5 & 10 Ton Loads Special $45/Ton cStock Your Barn Nowl All Dallvarlea Made After 11/1/94 s6s+/lon Prices Subject To Change Without Notice (Order Early Limited Supply) FOB Honey Brook Write: Stoltzfus Enterprise RD 1 Box 704 Honey Brook, PA 19344 or call 610-273*9266 Between 7 and 8 AM for personal contact or alter for Answering service CONTACT OUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE Irvin Martin 717-768-3076 Or Contact Your Nearest Dealer JAMES KfIEIDER Quarryville, PA 717/786-3938 ARMSTRONG BROTHERS Port Royal, PA 717/527-4554 MONN'S FIREWOOD Shippenaburg, PA 1-800/782-0945 Dealers Welcome • 10x30 Silo Mill in Stock - Demo - 93 unit • Ag Bag Model Available Call For Demonstration Dates In Lititz Or For Your On The Farm Demonstration F.M.I. -1-800-528-6693 717-626-2680 DAVID ROHRER Mlddleburg, PA 717/837-5256 ROD PARTHEMER Mansfield, PA (almost Al Tha NY Una) 717/682-2756 /NO*