Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 23, 1994, Image 169
Kubota L24SHC w/Cult., 450 hrs., 3 pt. Hitch, PTO, Like New $10,500 f 908) 806-4923 or 782-7657 PLOW BIG SAVINGS ON GENUNINE GARRETT TURBOS Don't trau this opportunity to plow tome big savings on Genuine Oanetl factory Rcmanufactured turbochargers. Your Authonzed Garrett Distributor Penn Diesel Service should have a turbocharger or cartridge that fits your tractor, combine, or other farm equipment If it's a turbocharged Ag engine, there's most likely a Garrett turbo on it. Look at the following list of OB's There’s a reason why they specify Garrett turbochargers for their engines • Allis Chalmers • J I Care • Deutz Alhs • John Deere Fiat Alhs International Harvester For those same reams, when it's time for a replacement trubo, it's time for flenunta Garrett All n T Miw " Garrett turbochargers are re manufactured to anginal equipment specifications at the Garrett factory. It's your assurance of ongiiMl equipment quality and performanoa with a warranty that matches the new turbo. Genuine Garrett turbochargers am remanufactured with this same high quality parts as nsw and reengineered for die most recent upgrades and refmamsnts to the exact performance ehenctmstica into the on final turbo. For more information on Genuine Garrett Factory Reman Turbos, see your local Garrett Distributor or call or write: I PENN DIESEL SERVICE CO. 1 337 North Farivillt Av#., 141 Exit 27, Harrisburg, PA 17112 I I (7X7)545-4207 (800)535-2913 1 LEADERSHIP YOU CAN COUNT ON JOHN DEERE BALERS DELIVER Building "wjuarc-cr,” suitable, solid bales is what our proven hay control system is all about Once hay is inside the baler, a continuous-flow, floating auger moves the crop into a tapered chamber... precompress mg the hay before it reaches the bale chamber. This makes John Deere bales denser, and more consistent A difference you'll notice when stacking and feeding bale after John Deere bale. Model 338 Mid Size Baler With /* Turn Chute Sale Price s lo,Bso°° (i only) • Masrey Ferguson • Navistar • Iferidns CRACKED or BLOWN OUT CASTINGS? •Now a permanent repair process that adds strength not stress •Cylinder Heads-Blocks-Housings Cast Iron or Aluminum •Many repairs possible without disassembly or removal •Industrial & Agricultural Crank Shafts Available ALL WORK GUARANTEED ' M&A REMANUFACTURING 964 S. Main St. Gt. Barrington, MA 01230 (413) 528-2130 JOHN DEERE...THE FASTEST MOVING BALERS AROUND Why do more pooplc choose John Deere balert? Because John Deere balers are easy to use and they deliver the belt bale,. Bales that hold their shape, and quality. And they deliver quality bales in tough crops and conditions, 100. Just customize your John Deere baler with one or more of these productivity options. IN STOCK Model 435 Round Baler Sale Price $16,500“ ATTENTION FARMERS If you have deteriorating con crete masonry or stone walls, have it repaired with GUNITE* For information and estimates call MARTIN SILO REPAIR (215) 445-9834 NOBODY DOES BETTER^*? ■ Speed up drydown with a John Deere 9-foot 1219 Mower/Conditioner. ■ Exclusive urethane conditioning rolls apply more pressure per square inch over more crimping points. ■ Easy adjustments for pressure, roll spacing, platform float, shoe height. IN STOCK NOW 1219 9 Ft With Options $9,490°® (1 Only) rABC^ GROFF mi m ifIMIMCMhA Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 23,1W4-D33 Complete Irrigation System 1 - 6x6 pump with 110 HP. Deutz 1 - 6x6 PTO pump 1000 R.P.M. 6000 ft of 5 to 8 inch pipe 24 valved stations with 4 Rain Bird guns Misc. Fittings • Pipe Wagon Will cover 20 acres in 1 setting Willow Dell Farm Lebanon County 717-866-7543 450 SERIES END-WHEEL DRILLS ENHANCED PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY MAKE THESE DRILLS THE BENCHMARK IN END-WHEEL DRILL DESIGN r ' V The 4SO Dnll accurately and easily seeds in a variety of conditions, thanks to up to 124 pounds of opener down-pressure and a hefty I'/«-inch-square pressure shaft. IN STOCK Model 450 8 Ft. With Grass Seed Attachment $4,750°° Model 450 10 Ft $5,195°° 110 South Railroad Ave. New Holland, PA 17557 (717) 354-4181 Saturday