Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 23, 1994, Image 158

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    D22-Lancaater Firming, Saturday, July 23, 1994
JOHN DEERE | | | 1
SINCE 1955 * 1 1
Woods RMS 9 3 pt. Cutter
JD 60 Tricycle Good Working Order Orig. Paint
Ford 821 Ind. Tractor w/5 Ft. Hyd. Mower
Farmall Cub w/New Woods 60" Underneath Mounted Mower
Hyds, First Paint, Low Hrs., Nice
• Farmall B Cultivision Tractor w/Cult. Original, Low Hrs.
• JD 6600 Combine w/13 Ft. Grain Table, Gone Over
• JD 1219 Mower Conditioner, Excellent Condition
• JD 13 Ft. Grain Platform w/Hume Reel, Good Condition
• (3) 2 Row Potato Diggers 1 IH & 2 Deeres
• NH 328 PTO Spreader w/New Floor, Fair Condition
• Allis Chalmers 16 Ft. Wingfold Disc w/Hyd. Cyl.
• 3, 4 & 5 Bottom Plows
• (4) 7 Ft. Sickle Bar Mowers Universal Mounted
• Used 250-300 Series Mack Diesel Engine for “U” or “R"51,500
• Cushman 3-Wheeler w/Utility Box, Cab, Work or Play $795
• Used Miscellaneous Wheel Weights
• (New) Pequea 18 ft. Bale Wagon, Complete w/Wagon Chassis &
r v/e°° *
- \n'S aimB ' v
• No compaction equals
greater crop yields.
• More gallons put on the ground in less time
• Extends your spreading season
If you are interested in savings $
You need to consider manure irrigation!
We Sell: We Sell:
Agitators • Injection Rigs
Lagoon Pump • Hard Hose
Manure Management Specialists
New & Used Trailers In Stock
Manure Irrigation
• Handles any manure
• Gets manure out fast!
• Affordable
(Call for Details!)
• Soft Hose
Complete i
Systems - froi
pPump to gun,
Toyota SDKS Skid Loader, 1990,
1,100 Hrs $B,OOO
NH 352 grinder mixer $l,OOO
NI 213 PTO Driven Manure Spreader $BOO
10’ High Clearance Chisel Plow, Gauge Whls $5OO
JD 2010 Utility, Gas, Good Condition $3,500
CAT 933 $2,500
NH 411 Discbine $3,000
Krone 150 Round Baler, 4x4 Bales $4,000
Woods 15’ Batwing Mower, Good Cond $3,500
Kubota 84200,4x4 Mid Mount Mower,
300 Hrs s 4 « s °o
JD 930, Front Cut, Runs Good $3,500
OnanISOOKW gas generator $BOO
410-429-1927 or 410-857-7102
“Will buy or trade tractors”
JD 2140 MFWD, 1986, Same as 2750 $13,400
JD 2940 hi/lo 2 hyd.. tnd. PTO $ll,BOO
JD 4030, QR trans., SOB, original $11,200
JD 1530 diesel w/JD 48 Idr $9,800
JD 4230 Overhaul Creeper trans 1976. $0,200
JD 2840 hi/10, 2 hyd. ind. PTO. nice... 59,100
JD 4000, 1972, WF, Good Rubber. Nlce.s9,ooo
JD 2030 MFWD Cab, 60HP, 1980 $8,900
JD 1040 hi/10, ind PTO cab same as 2150. $8,600
JD 1130 dsl, 50HP, same as 2240 $6,800
JD 4020 diesel SR trans WF, org $6,800
JD 2030 diesel, ind. PTO, 1982 $6,700
JD 3130 Hi-lo 2 Hyd. Cab, 80 hp $6,600
JD 2030 hi/lo 5 to choose from $6,300
JD 2120 hi/lo ind. PTO. 60HP, diesel—sB,Boo
JD 4020, gas, WF, dual hyd $B,OOO
MF 65 dsl., nice condition $3,400
Wide front ends for JD 4020, brand new.... 51,300
6x43 Allied grain auger, PTO or electric .... $l,OOO
JD 4020 or 3020 topllnks brand new.sl6B ea.
Zimmerman Elevators, Hay Tedders
Wagon Gears & Forage wagons
Farmco Metal Feeder Wagons, Bale
Bodies & Country Boy Gravity Bins
JD Front & Rear Weights J&L Hay Savers
Reiff Farm Service 4
275 Goodhart Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257 j
Interstate 81, Exit 10. 174 East, Goodhart Rd Right
(717) 532-8601 l^a^inanof^
Oliver 88
Case IH 5140 w/MFD, cab & air, power
shift, 325 hrs., like new
w/warranty till Feb. 1997
Mitsubishi MT2SOD w/625 Hrs.
Case IH 7110 Magnum, 1,496 Hrs.,
Very Clean
Case IH 7140 Magnum, MFD w/20.8x42
duals, 960 hrs, very nice
JD 1209 Mower Conditioner
NH 469 hayblne
NH 499 12 Ft. Hydro Swing
Just Traded...
Square Baler
Very Nice
Ford 246 Offset Disk Harrow
JD 845 4 bottom rollover plow w/coulter
Int 450 auto-reset plow, very nice
(3) Int. 642 4 bottom rollover plows
Int. 700 4 bottom auto reset plow
Int. 45 Vlbra Shank 12.5 Ft.
JD 845 3 btm. roll over plow
Bckroth Bros.
Farm Equipment
RD 2 Box 24A, New Ringgold, PA 17960
7:30-5:30 Mon.-Fri. 7:30-4:00 Sat.
1 - Stoll tedder rake
New Vlcon Seeders In Stock
Nl Uni 802, 4WD, 2,300 hrs. w/844
corn head w/819 combine
w/straw chopper w/813 grain
head, very nice
JD 4&4&ab, nice
IH I4iffi&ery clean
IH 1440
Ford 642 combine, 4WD, 4 row wide
corn head, 15’ grain head
saner F w/4RW corn head, 13’ grain
head, nice
(2) IH 810’S 13’ & 15’ heads
IH 496 Cushion Gang Disc Harrow, 24’
w/new blades & bearings
Int. 461 4 Row Front Mounted Cultivator
Dunham Lehr 10’ Cultlmulcher
JD 8350 Grain Drill
Case IH 5100,18x7 Grain Drill, Nice
Gehl 315 Scavenger Spreader, good