Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 23, 1994, Image 139
Robsons Host Farm-City Day (Continued from Page D 2) for ventilation, the petting zoo was a hands-on experience for young and old alike. Shawn Norris, his wife Barbara, and their 1-year-old son Steve, all of Wellsboro, attended Farm-City Day with Shawn’s parents Tracy and Emilie Norris of Muncy, Indi ana and their friends Shigcharu and Minori Kawakami visiting from Fukuoka City, Japan. While walking around the petting zoo, Shawn explained to his foreign friends how their visit to Gray Valley Farm had turned into a learning experience even for him as he read display cards providing information about each animal in the pens. “For instance, I didn’t know until now that a pig ‘far rows’ when she gives birth,” he said. Shigcharu, enjoying the experi ence, grinned broadly and said Jennifer Giles of Mansfield visited Farm-City Day for the first time and found these little pigs to her liking at the chil dren’s petting zoo. Northeast Agri Systems! Annual Fan Blow-Out! GB-36* Direct-drive 36” fan With 115-230 volt, 1/2 HP motor in wood crate with guards *177 America FD 24 Direct drive 24’ fan with 115-230 volt, Vi HP motor in galvanized crate with guards *149 Electrical cords, hanging hardware, shutters, thermostats and all other fans on special Call for free estimates, etc. 1-800-673-2580 Authorized 83SS9. master distributor since 1982 NOW OPEN Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. Flyway Business Park store hours Mon f,i 730 to 430 9B 139 A West Airport Road 24 Hr 7 Day Repair service StilM store HOURS LltltZ, PA 17543 gg 7.30 AM -4P.M. Ph (717)569-2702 1-800-673-2580 I®? @52*5 Mond,y ' Frld,v lortheastl Farm-City Day was “wondrous.” Tracy said the day was a totally new experience for the Japanese couple because Fukuaka City is on a small island with a population of 1,200,000. This was the first time the Kawakamis had ever seen a farm. Next door to the petting zoo, Tom Horton and his son Mike from Towanda gave several sheep shearing demonstrations. Horton used a set of hand-cranked antique clippers to sheer the woolly beasts. Mike provided the muscle power to run the clippers. Horton, who has been known to shear as many as 240 sheep in a day, taking as little as 42 seconds a sheep, said the machines can also be used for clipping cattle and sheering mule manes. After the demonstration, Horton threw wool over the fence for spectators to feel before his son bundled it up. * Minufocturod for Choro-Tlrrw by Aorotoch S Coala FD 4S Direct drive 48’ fan with 115-230 volt, 1 HP motor in wood crate with guards *289 ■ Molor/bearing mounts feature parallel "L beam" design for solid stability with minimal air resistance ■ Aerodynamic galvanized steel propeller delivers high efficiency airflow ■ Galvanized steel housing with spun orifice provides strength rigidity and smooth efficient airflow If! FANS NCF 48 Belt driven 48’ fan with 230 volt, 1 HP energy efficient motor, in wood crate with guards *309 Mama Mac Kay of Covington and Ruth Cooper of Millerton spin wool for the on lookers. At the other end of the complex was an exotic animal exhibit. Jak ki and Anthony Folcarelli of Mansfield brought a pair of Scot tish Highlander cattle, a pair of emus, two peacocks, several black bellied barbados (sheep), three Australian black swans (protected by Henry the Goose), and a pot bellied pig. ‘The pot-bellied pigs are or phans,” Folcarelli said. Once someone’s pets, the pot-bellied pigs outgrew their homes and wound up being “adopted” by the Folcarellis who started collecting exotic animals “for ourselves, for fun.” Of course the Robsons had their own animal exhibit at Farm-City Day, with 56 registered Holstein and several calves in the bam. While the size of the live cows was a bit intimidating, Brittany Lynn D’Angelo found the fiber glass model of a cow in the yard just her size. With a little help from her father, Thomas, she “rode” on its back. This was their first visit to a Farm-City Day. As Pickle Hill residents, Thomas said the deciding factor for their visit was the petting zoo and all the other animals his daughter could see. Another mainstay of Farm-City Day was the field tours by tractor drawn wagons. As Gray Valley Farm raises primarily hay because of soil conditions, those who went on the lour witnessed a round bal er and bale wrapper in action. At the apple orchard, county exten sion agents Lee Hoar and Earl Robbins provided information on how to bring old fruit trees back to life by proper pruning and dis cussed the benefits and liabilities of the multiflower rose. Howard Rutledge, from the Agricultural No hernia is unrepairable, even after several previous railed attempts. We specialize in outpatient hernia repairs, and most patients are able to return to full work with-in several days. PLEASE CALL COLLECT OR WRITE FOR MORE INFORMATION MID ATLANTIC SURGICAL SERUICES 217 Harrisburg Ave., Suite 201 Lancaster, PA 17603 (800) HERNIA 8 MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 23, 1994-D3 Rebecca Webster places second in the pedal tractor pull for 10-year-old girls. Stabilization and Conservation Service, was on the trail further along the tour to talk about the Robsons’ conservation practices. While on the surface one exhib it, the mobile museum World War 11, Pennsylvania on the Home Front looked out of place among all the agricultural dis plays, a few surprises were inside. Like a time warp 50 years into the past, the museum offered insights on what it was like for Pennsylva nians back then: the rationing of food and fuel, war bond sale drives, and even agriculture was recognized in panels showing how victory gardens provided extra food and scrap metal drives recy cled such material as broken plow points. With so much to sec and do in one day, no wonder Tioga Coun ty’s Farm-City Day is having an impact on neighboring Bradford and Poller counties. According to Sherri Elder, a member of the farm-city committee, “This year several persons from Bradford County attended, not only to enjoy the day but to learn from our ‘ex pertise.’ We keep telling them, it is only due to the tremendous ‘team effort’ that we succeed.” Farm-City Day Contest Winners Pedal Tractor-Girls: Bnttam Smith, 4, Kern Evans, 5, Megan Moore, 6, Krysti Hilfiger, 7, Raquel Loud, 8, Amanda Forsburg, 9, Renee Booth, 10, Annie Dyke, 11, Michelle Hilfiger, 12 Pedal Tractor-Boys: Kendal Sny der, 4, Eh Morgan, 5, Brandon McMul len, 6, Russell Brown, 7, Ira Nienhues er, 8, Tim Johnston, 9. Josh Cheves, 10, Travis Comfort, 11, Jeremy Shoen, 12 Mary Shaw of Tioga won the door prize of a free year's supply of ice cream BALE THROWING Jr. Boys: 1 Blair Chapel, 2 Jacob Tomlison Jr. Girls: 1 Bell Booth, 2 Renee Booth Men; 1 Mike Brown Sr, 2 Earl Wood Women: 1 Gene Brown, 2 Sue Giles WIRE SPLICING 12 yr. olds and under: MattCabag naro 13-16 yr. olds: Matt Tice 17 yr. olds: Jason Knner SADDLE UP! TO BETTER EQUIPMENT Hml It In Imraifar Farming's Cfnssiffnrf Fngns.