Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1994, Image 85
V 'Msu, ■SfV li' 4\ f/<i' 'Mi,. ■SH Xv® FANS FANS FANS 36” & 48” Keep Cool With y MiSen Citation systems mJ ▼ BELT DRIVE OR DIRECT DRIVE PANEL FANS FOR AGRICULTURE Guaranteed Lowest Price PROPELLER All galvanized blades rivaled to matching heavy gauge galva nized spider. High performance camber twist propeller, stabi lizes air flow through lower speeds FAN STRUCTURE • All galvanized frame and orifice - corrosion resistant, long lasting „ t * t u«fi h ail r SEE US FOR TOUR REMODELING NEEDS Compare the difference! ffkSCHAMFMR Bam Kooler ■t v i '* i ji rzzzt , I .*B| The on, y Patented air clrcul- Ymn. “T* ■ * Btion ,an on th# market! JfflM x M k 'l9 Because of Its design, It provides more air movement and xffijsa v \ffi)Si therefore more cooling effect than >< - pjU NB» »ny other circulation fan. aT Use Flovuescent Lighting For Energy Savings U-TUBE LAMP & SUPPLIES "...tha blggaat advantaga ol thaaa lamp* la aconawic aavlnga avar tha Ufa of tha bulb. Onea initial Invaatmant la paid back, which wM ba dona laaa than ala manlha, tha Ineraaaad clactrl aaanamy maka auah bulba tha moat logical way light.." MICHAEL J Dot • PHD AflfcnM B*m» Unfcwaty * CcnMeum u It’s Time To \ Bulb 9 PAR HEA NA FMturu/ DOSATRON LIQUID DISPENSER Accurately Matar... Antlblotlca • Coeeidlostata • Drug* • Dlalnfaetanta ■ Sulfaa • Vacclnaa • Wormars • Vitamins • Fertilizers • Chemical Additives... Into livestock and poultry drinking water or Into irrigating systems. Adjuatabla ralloa: 1:100, 1:12*, 1:200 Doaatron 7 GPM Taehnleal Spaclllcallona: AdjualaUa Ralloa; jf Minimum Flow: Maximum Row: 7 Min. Opar. Ftaaauraa: Anu Max. Opar. Praaauraa: Connactiona: MODEL Dimanaiona: Walghl: Full Um Of Part* In Stock For Your Poultry And Hog Heads & FARMER BOY AG. MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 ,NC ' 6-*r ■' >■ YwirComplete Poultry ftSwine Building It EqaipmentCeßter Tidb. universal controller * Simple and Automatic Control of Water Flow * Dependable Solid State Circuitry * Ideal Control For Livestock and Poultry Cooling Systems * Line Filter and Protective Check Valve Included UCS23 3W Sprinkler e.fjn.) • 175 W • 30% Wattaga Radi Ovar $37 Par Lami Tha Lamp ■ Enarg; • Long Lila 1:100,1:12i, 1:200 13 GPH 400 GPH 7PBI 72 PSt % " NPT Haight 11" Width S" 3.5 Iba. Swlns & Poultry Systems Spsclsllsts 410 E LINCOLN AVE (RT 422) PH. 717-866-7565 & [fflucsw pfi l V Ml,tw ®*V 6?/. \\N UCM4 ' 1 , \ \ IN* Sprinkler ,6 I \ can arm CEILING FANS 56" Metal ■HKH Blades *• ,4 < ' A f < ('*' * w&- US. Pat 04.819.183 a Bartk Light Caflacliop lampa pay far thanwhna many tinaa ovar by providing togfaficant aavinga on aaargy, i—intww and taplaca* IBM, OeofaW to vfavjr incan 4mmit lanpa. Earth Ugh Colltc ion lamp* am «p to 76 panant on anargy Tfaa SLS23, for cun?la will uva S47* ovar tha Ufa of aaeh taap. What'a man, thaaa anargy aatiagi aia aaßyatindad by uv* in# m maimmum mi replaca aato. With ai avaraga lift of 10,000 baa. Barth light Collac* lias laapa brt 10 to 13 tinaa Itotogar than ordinary Oft OX 10 12 14 16 Com per KWh PUMP OUT PIT FAN FAN MODEL MOTOR H P PROP RPM POPF 10 Hours: M-F 7:00-5:00; Sat. 7:30-11:30 SHH> 9S UPS m lIIKW Wh en it says BIG HUSKY HO OUHIT its gotta mean quality POLY WATERER ■ K) Gal capacity • Total polyethylene • No mat or eoiroalon HOG WATERER • Bull Unrig and niggad Ike our nanu. • 100 galon Capacity. • Flva drinking apacaa on aadi (Ida. • Drinking trough 314' deep, 6* wlda. • Trough mad* from heavy 10 gauga ataal. • Heavy galvanized ataal body, lock aaamad wtth heavy awadglng. • Drain plug on and lor aaay draining. • Side atrape made Irom atalnlaaa ataal. Sensaphone 1100 Advanced Desktoi Environmentai/Process monitoring over telephone lines with full capabilities ‘ n The venatile Model 1100 it designed for programmu* flentnliiv V anabk power failure recognition and listen-m time with alarm (table, aecuniy cole acceat, remote tensing, and other prapamnung features [J Monitors pm er temperature, and other important environmental conditions to protect computers, equipment, anl processes Automatically contacts vou at up to 4 locations if unsafe conditions Allows vou to Luntaci sour system using any telephone, to receive status reports and listen in to on site sounds Helps vou delict problems belt n they turn into disasters Now you can protect your equip ment and processes even when you can’t be there Ihe Semaphore 1 100 monitor* your computer rooms, equipment centers, offices ur any unattended facility to detect power failures temperature extreme*, miru stoiu water incursion sounds such as smoke and butylar alarms, and other Conditions of your choice Auxiliary temperature input lets >ou monitor isolated process** such as trre/en and refrigerators while the unit remains in a separate room Alerts you immediately if problem* arise Hie Sensaphone 110 U auto- maticallv contacts you by phone at up to four different phone numoerv « den you of unsale conditions ihe svs em communicates in voice svnthesi/ed Jtglish and even lets you listen m o actual on-site sounds Check Our Warehouse Prices MUMCrt SEE PAUL, JAY. OR STEVE FOR YOUR PARTS AND EQUIPMENT NEEDS • Itrprovad UV stability over companion • Our dependable Oalrln vaVa and float • TWO YEAR GUARANTEE • STAINLESS STEEL CHEW GUARDS • Optional holdown brackets • Optional heal for winter • Large map down 12" Cover • Special graved aide tor healer cord protection • Gallon caUbrNlon molded Into sidewall SPECIFICATION* CAP ACHY mBSm truer « BIG HUSKY SUMMER FOUNTAIN • Dapaodabla float valvo. , .jnopniboto. ''*»» • Haavy 11 gaugaand , , PUll • Oak «Ktd«. SPECIFICATIONS Muwfcar WWh Unfits 33V 36" Monitoring S: 'Stem C ALERT CONDITIONS I 1 MONITORED: | to*dial on I nl i>< .ui il»Vncn*.,K 1 .it, imuic.ll Ail | >. u Jrr I i il> *, «I* Pn»l n I ItaMMUy I Sumhrr. ,* r I" l*i . h | • * with our tc& X rulv w c ate 1.1 . I BacoMtV hmk» 9mm4 l)w Sciuaptunc n m uncle unft "jS ''' /'% V>, V.: y , s, "* * s. , '*\ f A TWO STAGE PAN The first 7-10 days of a broiler's life are critical. The eating habits they develop then establish their growth pattern for life For those very young birds the Cumberland HI-LO Pan Feeder, resting on the house floor, presents a lip height of 2.1’ (the average height of traditional ‘chick lids’) Because they can easily and safely get in and out bf the pan; they're eat ing out of the pan from day one And because the pan needn't be birds qk ' HI-LO Pan Feeder E-X-P-A-N-D-S into It bird pan' wall and feed saver lip prevent waste id billout and cause the birds to eat ide edge of the pan, assunng a more irst out 1 utilization of feed (which also maintains freshness). • Two large 18 x 20 massed drinkers • Easy dean out with messed drain plug • Wslerer Is lightweight but 19% thicker and 20% heavier than competitors An-493 w’VsL 1000 wait heater lor reservoir I IJ) 7W 250 watt lor trough mm ema rr inm w 10516. ENERGY EFFICffiNT ENCLOSED MOTORS • Heavy-duty totally enclosed motors with sealed ball baarings are designed for continuous work load • Available In two-speed • Built In thermal overload for low line voltage protection on ail single phase motors " All Aluminum Construction t “TB • Counter I Balance i •sr Bearing j • Stainless ' Steel Hinge Pins • Low Air Resistance* • Reduces Sacking in Dusty and Moist Conditions* i i £ *r V 'AS M R AS‘ / #2 t. A '/ < •v