840-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M, of each week's publication SAT. SEPT. 10 - 9AM Household goods & anti ques, tools & woodworking machinery. Located along Lancaster Ave. in Martin dale. Terms by Noah N. Zimmerman. Paul W. & Leroy S. Horst, aucts. SAT, SEPT. 12 - SAM Lebanon Valley Aution Co. fall machinery consignment auction, Lebanon area fair grounds, Lebanon, Pa. Harry fjl. Bachman, auct. SAT SEPT. 17 - All Day Auction To Benefit The Clinic For Special Children At Leola Produce Auction Bam By Paul Horst Auc tioneer And Other Local Volunteer Auctioneers Will ing To Lend A Helping Hand SAT. SEPT. 17- Glenn H Hoover Estate. Real Estate, Personal Property. Located W. Earl Twp., Leo la. Clyde S & Patricia H Hibshman, Executors Kline, Kreider, Good Aucts SAT., SEPT. 17 -10 AM, Mel’s Stable Selected Con signment Horse Sale. Located At 834 Wallace l4th ANNUAL BENEFIT AUCTION HINKLETOWN MENNONITE SCHOOL PUBLIC AUCTION 272 Wanner Road EphraU, P* 17522»717/354 6705 FRL, JULY 22 - SAT., JULY 23, 1994 Location Take Rt 322 E from Ephrata to Hmkletown Turn left onto Wanner Rd 1/4 mi to school on right Watch for signs Fri., July 22 4 PM Pig Roast Dinner & Ice Cream Sundae Bar 7 PM Gospel Concert Outdoors! The Royal Sounds The Centurions Bring Chairs or Blankets Admission Adults $6.00 Age t 4 and Under $2.00 Age 3 and Under FREE In case of ram (he concert will be in the gym 3-D ART A Winter Scene crafted by Earl Sensenlg and painted by Mary Sensenlg, featuring Keller's mill covered bridge. The finely detailed picture Is mounted In a cherry wood frame. Also take advantage of this opportunity to buy 3-D art work by Aaron Zook, who is no longer producing new pieces. A rectangular 17x24 piece featuring blue jays will bo auctioned WILDLIFE AND OTHER Attention Art Collectors 1 Featuring over 50 framed or untramed prints, many are from nationally known artists including Carl Breeders, Robert Bateman, Jim Daly, Terry Redlin, David Maass. Official presi dents conservation print "Lone Wolf by Helen Rundell signed by former President Gerald Ford "The Air, The Forest And The Watch" (Eagle) by Robert Bateman; •Rapsody In Bloom by Kevin Daniel (Girl & Violin) "Setting Sail by Kevin Daniel. Other pieces from Jim Lamb, Dave Barnhouse, Bonnie Mohr, Rosemary Milletle Darrell Dush Linda Nelson Stocks, Kovin Daniol Los Didier GUNS Winchester Mod 94 30/30 (pre 64) in excellent condition, also 12, 16,20 gauge shotguns LC Smith 12 ga dbl - barrel shotgun Marlin Mod 81 22 cal bolt rifle SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! Children s activities pedal power tractor pull prizes videos Plus excel lent selection of food chicken barbecue, Chicken corn soup, baked goods fruit ice cream more l CERTIFICATES Sight and Sound tickets Meals at local restaurants 2 truck loads of stone . . . . . , , . . Auction conducted by 03 0 w Randal Kline, Paul Snyder Aaron Martin, Alvin Horning, Roy Good Jr Auctioneers AU2II6L QUILTS Pine Burr, Winners Circle, Log Cabin Fan and more WINROSS TRUCKS Conestoga Wood Specialties (Numbered). Pa Farm Show Tanker, Saud er Auto, Earl Sauder Good's Store, Boehnnger's Jemson Cabinetry, Engle Business Equipment, And More ALSO; 100th Anniversary Horshey Chocolate toys. Misc Ertl bank trucks Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, Go South On Brim mer Ave. Go 2 Miles South On New Holland Road To Hill Rd. Turn Left On Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 Miles To Sale On The Left. From Rt. 340 East Of Intercourse Take New Holland Rt. 2.5 Miles to Hill Rd., Right On Hill Rd. to Sale On Left. Mel Hoover, Auctioneer. MON.-SEPT. 19 - TPM, Historic Stone Checker board House, Circa 1754. Located At 312 E. -28th Division Highway (Rt. 322), Brickerville, Elizabeth Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. Terms By, Jeffrey B. Herr. Horst Aucts. TUES. SEPT. 20 - 6PM, Real Estate, 4.38 Acres, 1/i Story Home Located From Ephrata From 272 North To Reamstown Den ver Traffic Light Turn Right Onto Church Street To Stop Sign. Turn Left Onto Main St. Through Ream stown To Kramer Mill Road, Turn Right Onto Kramer Mill Road Cross Over Route 222 Bridge Straight Onto Peiffer Hill Road Continue On Peiffer Hill Road (Road Turns Left) To Property On Left. East Cocalico Twp., Lane. Co. Terms By, Amos & Mabel Zimmerman. Kline, Kreider & Good Aucts. WED. SEPT. 21 & THURS. SEPT. 22 - Largo Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipment. Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa., One Mile East Of Marion Along Rte. 914, ’/* East Off Rte. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auction Service. FRI. SEPT. 23 -10 AM, 23 Acre Farmette, Personal Property. Located 345 Little Britain Road, Peach Bot tom, Pa. Take Route 272 South Of Lancaster To Wakefield Stay On Route 272 To Little Britain School, Turn South On Little Britain Road, Go 2Vi Miles To Sale On Left. Terms By, Thomas C. Galbreath & Rebecca G. Quinn. Kreid er, Kline & Good, Aucts. FRI. SEPT. 23 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 South Off 1-81 Left Onto Alexander Spring Road (717) 249-4511. FRI SEPT. 23 - 7PM Dis aster Relief heifer auction, Lebanon Area Fair grounds, Lebanon, Pa Harry H, Bachman, auct. SAT SEPT. 24 -10 AM, Heifer Sale Reg. & Grade Hols Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. *2* Echo weed trimmer (new), Blower with gas can, Animal feed, 3 T Barn- Dn, car batteries, 10 T top soil Rabbit cages, Live animal traps, Incubator, 1974 VAHAMA 175 cc trail bike (used) small step ladder, 2 elbows (or feed pipe, 2 (ire extinguisher, 2 pressure cookers, turbo hand blender, shower faucet, lavatory faucet, wooden rocking chair, wooden outdoor chair, 2 McLane lawn chair, automotive supplies Numerous craft items including hand made braided rug, doily, and more Handcrafted model truck from Earl Horst Buyer can choose either the dump trailer or refrigerated van Only one truck will be sold plus a wood carv ing by Abe Rissler Hinkletown Mennonllc School It Not Responsible For Any Contributions Claimed For Ttx Deductions. HINKLETOWN MENNONITE SCHOOL Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. SAT. SEPT. 24-IPM, Real Estate. Located Along Route 23 In The Village Of Goodville, Owners, Moses & Edna Horning. Nevln Martin & Sons-, Aucts. WED. SEPT. 28 - 34 Acre farm. Farm machinery, per sonal property, antiques. From Rt. 897 in Fivepoint Sat., July 23 7:00 AM Breakfast Buffet Egg Omelet, Peneekee, Seutege 9:00 AM Auction Begins 10:30 AM Certificates Noon 3D Art by Earl and Mary Sensenlg and Aaron Zook Wood carving by Abe Rlssler Oak Truck by Earl Horst Certificates Set of HMS Ertl Trucks 12:30 PM Quills 1:00 PM Wildlife Ait, Guns, followed by Winross Trucks FARM ITEMS NEW & MISC. ITEMS SPECIAL CARVED ITEMS AUCTION FOR BENEFIT OF 717-354-6705 or 717-354-6069 KLINE, KREIDER & GOOD AUCTIONEERS vllle, take Fivepointville Road approx. 2V4 miles to farm on right. Brecknock Twp. Lane. Co. Also known as 888 Fivepointville Rd. By Daniel H. and Lydia W. Martin. Kline, Kreider, Good, aucts. FRI. SEPT. 30 - 7PM, Feeder Cattle. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. nr T nDCD Located: On Alvin Wen- I WPcn gee's Farm, Port Trevorton, SAT. OCT. 1 -10 AM, 225 7 a Mart" 4 Sons Head Of Feeder Cattle. Aucts - MMS MCT©I (READY TO MOVE FOR NEW OWNER - BUILDING & TRAILER TO BE SOLD AS 1 UNIT)' '4 TON DIESEL PICKUP. LEQE DAVI GVW) FRIDAY, JULY 22,1994 AT 4:00 P.M. LOCATED: Indoors at the Leesport Farmer's Market Banquet Hall Just off Rt. 61 at the North end of Leesport, Berks Co., PA. EQB INSPECTION QE BUILDING & Call Auctioneer at 610-562- 3929. ABOVE ITEMS TO BE OFFERED AT 7:00 PM FROM LEESPORT MARKET MALL. SOLD FOR: RUDOLPH LETSCHE ESTATE ATTORNEY: FREDERICK O. BRUBAKER EXECUTOR: BANK OF PA AUCTIONEER: C a a KENNETH P. LEIBY z R.D. #2, Box 2674 2 Hamburg, PA 19526 W lfiby 610-562-3929 * AUCTIONEER I PA L# AU00541-L Service REAL ESTATE AUCTION!' A BEAUTIFUL, LUXURIOUS, HISTORIC BRICK MANSION HOUSE DATING TO THE EARLY 1800 s, ON 10.5+ ACRES OF LAND IN YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. SAT, AUGUST 6,1994 11:00 A.M. On the premises at R.D. #3, Grove Road, Red lion, York County, PA. Rt 1-83 north or south to York Exit #6. Rt. 74 S. smu to Red Lion Square. Turn right and go 1 mi. to traffic light. Continue straight onto Felton Rd. and go 2 3 A mi. to Felton, across bridge and immediately turn right onto Lebanon Church Rd. Go 1/2 mi. to right turn onto Herbst Rd. Go 3/4 mi. to right turn onto Grove Rd. and go 1/4 mi. to property on left. REAL ESTATE 10.63 acres of land. Approx 3 acres in lawn. The balance is woodland. Improved with a historic two-story brick Mansion House which dates to just after 1800 and was part of the buildings of one William Sechrist, and included 250 acres and a Grist Mill. The Mansion House, having 3266 sq. ft. was lovingly updated, restored and added-to by "Lou” and “Tammy” Schroder, beginning in 1982, preserving much of the original woodwork and trim. Dwelling contains a center hall with open stairway. Hall opens onto the kitchen, laundry room/office, living room with stone fireplace, formal dining room and spa/workout room with in-ground spa and dry and steam saunas on first floor. Second floor has 3 bedrooms and bath, plus a master suite with large sitting room, bedroom, clothes room and bath with bidet, and adjacent deck. Additions include a large two-story wing, plus a satellite dish which is controlled from the master suite. The added two-story wing has a three car garage with automatic openers on the first floor. The second floor contains a 1241 sq. ft. apartment with two bedrooms, bath, kitchen, dining area and living room. Separate heat and electricity, which are paid by the tenant. The apartment currently brings in $4,800.00 annually. INSPECT: For private showing, phone (717) 246-0415. Open House, Sunday, July 10 & 17 from I to 4 P.M. TERMS: A non-refundable down payment of 10% of the gavel price is required on day of auction in cash or guaranteed funds. Balance down in-full on-or-before October 6, 1994 at closing. LOWELL W. SCHRODER & NADAA. SCHRODER, OWNERS S3VE, A4U9 RED LION. PA ||! Lie. No*. 820 & 821 Phone for photo brochure, *Subject to immediate confirmation
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