838-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. AUG. 20-9 AM, Farm Real Estate, Farm Equip., HH Goods, Car. Located From E-Town Square Take E High St, Continue Approx. 3.5 Miles On Eli zabethtown Rd. To Here ford Rd., Turn Right And Continue To Third Farm. Selling For, Estate Of Allen E. Gantz Long & Long, Aucts SAT., AUG. 20 -930 AM Estate auction, period Queen. Anne armchair, Chippendale Wlngback chairs, Sheraton wall mir ror, Grier-Mt. Jordan blue dec. stoneware, antiques, furniture, collecibles, etc. 6100 Balt. Pike, Oxford, Pa. Estate of Ralph J. Grier, 11. Jeffrey E. White side, auct. SAT., AUG. 20 -10 AM, Mel's Stable Selected Con signment Morse Sale. Located At 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, Go South On Brim mer Ave Go 2 Miles South On New Holland Road To Hill Rd Turn Lett On Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 Miles To Sale On The Left. From Rt. 340 East Of Intercourse Take New Holland Rt 2 5 Miles to Hill Rd., Right On Hill Rd. to Sale On Left Mel Hoover, Auctioneer. TUES. AUG. 23 - SPM, Brick & Aluminum Sided Rancher, Real Estate, Fine Household Goods & Appliances Located At 502 N. Elm St (Comer Of N. Elm & Humming Bird), Lititz, Lancaster Co., Pa. Terms By, Sharon M. Daw bar. Horst Aucts. THURS. AUG. 25 - 5 30PM, Ben Streaker, Jr. Night Auction Selling Farm Machinery. Located Addi son (Steuben Co.) New York. Pirrung Aucts. Inc, 716-728-2520. FRI. AUG. 26 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 South Off 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. FRI. AUG. 26 - 6PM, Real Estate, 1 Story House On Lg. Lot. Located Exit #8 Of 2-78 Old 22. Dwight D. Mill er, Auct. FRI., AUG. 26-7 PM Leba non County Holstein Club safe, Lebanon Area Fair grounds, Lebanon, Pa. Harry H. Bachman, auct. SAT. AUG. 27 - 46 Acre Farm, Personal Prop, Anti ques, Farm Machinery. Ray S. Lorah, 700 Laus chtown Rd., Denver, Brack- Public Auction WEDNESDAY AUGUST 10,1994 33.9 ACRE FARM BEAL ESTATE 6:30 RM ‘ RD 2 Jonestown, Union Twp., Leb. Co., Pa. from Rt. 72 in Lickdale off Exit 30 of 181 - N. at traffic light .9 mile to Monroe Valley Golf sign - left onto Bohns La and cross over 181 to stop sign - right on Fort Swatara Rd. .5 mile to farm. Location * 52,000 laying hen fully automated building w/attached egg & refrigerator rooms built by Hershey Ag. (2) 5 ton feed bins - loading dock - (2) wells - generator room w/generator - Big Dutchman equipment - manure pit under building. * 2'A story house w/aluminum siding. First floor has comb, kitchen/dining room, living room, full bath and heated enclosed porch w/laundry facility. 2nd floor has 4 bedrooms. Attic & basement. 2 yr. old oil hot water baseboard heat. Storm windows & doors. Drilled well and on lot septic. 20’x40’x40’ inground pool w/fence & bath house. * Frame 2 story bank bam w/6 horse stalls, fenced paddock & pasture. * Other features include stream through property, appx. 2 A. woodland and 17 A. tillable. Good road frontage. Terms to be 10% down payment auction day w/balance due at settlement within 60 days. Inspection by calling 865-6746. owner anxious to sell - call today for an inspection time to view this property. HARRY H. IT^ACHMAPf UiaaMiildQUEElßa* MCeltofaAmtmm Anm«* PAI7OU (717) M 7 1809 nock Twp, Kline, Kreider & Good Aucts. SAT. AUG. 27-9 AM, Valu able Real Estate, Antiques & Personal Property. Located At 1108 North George St., York, Pa. Exe cutnx, Phyllis D. Brenne man. Jacob A. Gilbert & Bridn L. Gilbert, Aucts. SAT. AUG. 27 -10 AM, Public Consignment Sale. Consignments Wanted. Call Us Early To Receive On Items And Prime Sale Time Advertising. To Con sign Call 717-275-2880, Ask For Mel, Todd Or Kirk. Located Danville Auction, Danville, Pa. Old 11 Betwen Bloomsburg & Danville, Next To SPCA. “HORST AUCTION CENTER” PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, TOOLS WED.. JULY 20. 1994 AT 2 P.M, Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center located at the comer of Rt 322 & Durlach Rd (approx. 2V4 miles West of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster County, PA FURNITURE Blanket Chest, Empire Bureau; OAK; Bowed Front China Closet, Pressed Back Chairs, Cane Seat Rocker, Plant Stand, Depression Server; Parlor Table, Sofa Table; Modern Bedroom Suite, Maple Bedroom Suite, Decorated Rocker; Maple Breakfast Set, Hide-A-Bed Sofa, Living Room Suite; La-Z-Boy; Wooden Folding Chairs; Porch Swing; Patio Furni ture, Iron Patio Set APPLIANCES: Auto. Washer & Dryer; Freezer, Pfaff Sewing Machines, Victrola; Gingerbread Clock, Electrolux, Excerciser; Scanner, Lights; Table Top Roaster, Cookware; Iron Pans, Kettles; Sturgis Pre tzel Tin; ANTIQUE BRASS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER; FINE CRANBERRY SATIN GLASS PARLOR LIGHT; Gold Leaf Mirror & Pictures, Framed Prints. CHINA & GLASSWARE Ironstone; Transfer China; Set of "Ceylon” China; Set of 'Knowles* China; German, Nippon & Oriental China; Pitcher & Bowl Set; Umbrella Stand; Shirley Temple Mug; Pressed & Pattern Glass; Depression & Milk Glass; Peanut Butter Glasses. LINENS: Quilt; Fancywork; Jewelry: Hamilton Watches; Watch Fob; Dresser Set; Baskets; Adver tising Items; World's Fair Items; Postcards; Building Blocks; Dolls. TOOLS: 10 H.P. Garden Tractor (w/Mower); Step & Ext. Ladder; Wheelbarrow; Axes & Splitting Malls; Digging Iron; Sprinkling Can; Cigar Cutters; Egg Scales; Lantern; Hand Tools; Wrenches; Clamps; Shop Vac; Park Bench; Set of Golf Clubs; Military Rifle. No Out Of State Checks Unless Accompanied By A Current Bank Latter Or Prior Arrangement With Auction Service. Horst aucts., au«.l Teton (TIT) M»-1331 ■ (717) 7M-3010 Timothy G. F« 7M-2132 Thome* A. -VOICES OF EXPERIENCE- (717) 865-6746 GEORGE PORTER - Attorney (717) 533-7130 Alan Diffenbach, Auct. TUES. AUG. 30 - CAM, Good's Greenhouse Inc. Public Auction & Liquida tion, 4 Separate Tracts Real Estate, Equipment & Personal Property. Located 1745 & 1749 Bowmansville Rd„ Brecknock Township, Lancaster County. From Ephrata Take Rt. 272 North Thru Adamstown Past Boehringers Drive-In To Bowmansville Rd. Turn Right Go Approx. IVt Mi. To Auction Site On Right. Auction Conducted By Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider & Roy Good Jr. Aucts. SEPTEMBER FRI SEPT. 2 - 6:45PM, Farm Machinery & Pro duce, Click Farm Disper sal. Located Wayne (Schuyler Co.) New York. Pirrung Aucts. Inc. 716-728-2520. FRI. SEPT. 2-7 PM, Horse Sale. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, AUCTION FOR ANDREA WEIKEL Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, ment A Tods. Located Mt. ucts - Plesant Mills, Pa. Owner, SAT. SEPT. 3 - CAM. Lg. na Haines. Hassinger/ Selection Of Garage Equip- Courtney, Aucts. LARGE AUCTION OP SURPLUS RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT COMMONWEALTH OF PA DEPT OF HEALTH & WELFARE MONDAY JULY 18,1994 AT 1:00 P.M. Located at warehouse on Maclay St., Harrisburg, PA Directly across from State Farm Show Bldg. Look for signs day of auction. EQUIPMENT 6 Glenco single door refrigerators S/S, 4 Glenco single door S/S freezers, 2 True single door S/S freezers, 3 Victory single door S/S ref., 2 CRC single door ref., 2 Victory 2 door S/S ref., 33 Scotsman ice machine 85-150 Lbs., 15 Counter top self contained ref pie cases, 25 Star hot dog makers, 28 Amana microwaves, Nine 4' ref sandwich tables, 16 Star/Hotpoint counter top warmers, 13 Blodcett stack convection ovens, 19 Derkle 10" slicers, 10 Runn coffee makers, 12 Hatco rotary toasters, 15 Ice tea dispensers, 3 Ice cream freezers, Toastmaster 4 burner/oven, 2 Bay S/S sink, 40 3' & 4‘ Formica top counters, 24 Wooden cabinets/storage, 12 Fire ext, 10 Cash registers, 6 Toastmaster toasters and more. MISC. EQUIP. Ten 10' Sections chain link fence, 4 Trailer axles (New), 6 Sentry safes, 7 A/C's, 30 Stack chairs, 2 Cigarette machines, 2 Bill change machines, Plus other items! Note: Inspection day of auction only 9 AM! Removal by Fri. 7/22/94 @ 3 PM. All items sold as-is-where-is. Buyer premium of 10% will be applied to all purchases. 6% Sales tax collected unless exempt & form signed. KERRY PAE AUCTIONEERS Harrisburg, PA (71 7) 23G-3752 AU1367 Oliver A.L Fegley Estate Public Auction Valuable 23 Acre Farm, Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Tools, Antiques, Oak Furniture, Guns, New Holland 474 Hayblne (Like New), New Holland 256 Rake (Uke New), 1951 Chevrolet Pick Up Truck. Troy Blit Rototiller Saturday, August 6, 1994 at 9:00 A.M. Located Between Tamaqua And Hazle ton At Still Creek Turn West At Walt’s Drive Inn Travel Approx. 1 Mile To Sec ond Macadam Road Right Take Wert man Road Approx. 1 /« Mile To Farm, Schuylkill County, Pa. Look For Auction Signs Real Estate Consists Of A 23 Acre Farm w/2’/* Story Frame Home, Ist. Floor Has Kitchen, Diningroom, Livingroom, Foyer w/Powder Room, Enclosed Front Porch. Second Floor Has 4 Bedrooms, Full Bath, Oil H.W.H., Well Water, Also On Property Is A Frame Bank Barn, And A 3 Car Frame Garage w/Upstairs Storage Area, And Other Outbuildings, This Farm Has A Beautiful Setting. For Inspection To See Real Estate Call 717-386-4586. Terms- 10% Down On Day Of Sale In Cash Or Certified Check. Balance With in 60 Days. Not Responsible In Case Of Accidents. Estate Of: Oliver A.L. Fegley Executors: William J. Fsgley and Sara Mae Tomlin Attorney: James Bows Tamaqua, Pa. 18252 Auctioneers: Robert A. Arner AU-000024L Dean R. Arner AA-002004L Route 2 - Box 216 New Ringgold, Pa. 17960 Phone 717-386-4586 PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IK STORY, S BDRM. STONE A CEDAR SIDING HOUSE ON VA ACRE COUNTRY LOT - FURNITURE - PERSONAL PROPERTY - GUNS THURSDAY. AUGUST 11. 1994, 5 P M. LOCATION: 150 Whit* Oak Road, Paradise, PA. Prom Strasburg taka Rt. 896 South approx. 5 mllaa to Whit* 0* Rd. turn right approx 2 mil** to property. Eden Townahlp. Conalata of unique cuatom bulk Cap* Cod style houa* with over 2.975 SP living area. lat Floor (aaturaa country aat-ln kitchen vtfjann Aire Rang*, Disposal, A Dlahwaahar, formal dining rm„ apacloui family rm. wdlrsplsce, ofdcafdan, laundry, maatar bdrm. A full bath. 2nd Floor haa 4 large bdrm*. A ful bath. Plenty of doaat area. Lower level feature* 2nd Mohan, bath, living rm., A bedroom. Private walk In entrance from outald*. (Meal for In-Law Quarter*). OH forced air heat, on lot aeptlc and wall. Tall mature Oak A Poplar bee* on Rural 1H ACRE LOT. Thla I* an exceptional property w/cuatom features throughout and quality workmanahlp. For detail*, term*, picture bro chure w/land plotting, Call Auctioneer* 717-733-1006. Inspection By Appointment or Open House - Sat., July 23,30, A Aug. 6 from Ito 4 PM. -Property Must Be Sold." owner* relocating to Virginia! Real estate offered 6 PM. TPRMR RV' CHRIST P. & KAREN L FISHER #717-687-0967 Douglas Good, Esq. Auction By: Randal V. Kilns, Lloyd Krektsr Roy Good, Jr., Auctioneers Lie. «499 L *717-733-1006 KLINE, KREIOER & GOOD PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, AUGUST IS, 1994 12:00 NOON A Beautiful 2 ’A Story Brick Farmhouse, (Total Country Decor) w/2 Story Bam, Horse Bam, In-Ground Pool, And Other Outbuildings On Approximately 2 'A Acres. Note: An Additional 20 Acres Will Be Offered Separately LOCATION: RD #1 Box 496, Martins burg, PA, Blair County (Rte 866 Adja cent To Entrance Of Blair County Airport). FARMHOUSE; 2 Vz Story Brick w/Addition and Finished Basement- Ist Floor Front & Side Entry Hall- Kitchen- Dining Room- Living Room- Family Room w/Fireplace- Office, Den- '/* Bath-Lauhdiy Room-Solar Room w/Brick Floor and Sliding Doors to Family Room. 2nd Floor 3 Bedrooms- 2 Full Baths- Walk In Closets (Master Bed room Has Private Bath). 3rd Floor 1 Bed room in Attic Area. Basement Woodbur ner, 220 Amp Service-Heated & Cooled by Geothermo Heat Pump- Basement is Finished. The Interior is a Country Decor w/Barn Beans, Hardwood & Carpeted Floors - Central Vac System. OUTBUILDINGS: Approx. 53'x44’ 2 Story Barn w/Loft (Cement Block & Wood Frame)- 10’x30’ Silo- Lg. Com Crib & Overhang. Horse Barn 1 Story w/6 Box Stalls, Tack Room Approx. 20'x63'- An Addition Building on Ground 3/Box Stalls. GROUNDS: 2 V 4 Acres, Well Groomed w/Small Fruit Orchard and Lg. Garden 16’x32’ In-ground Cemented Pool, Fenced in w/Bathhouse- 2 Drilled Wells- Septic System w/Drain Field- An Addi tional Parcel of Ground (Approx. 20 Acres) Will Be Offered Separately. EQUIPMENT (IF PROPERTY IS SOLD): Ford 770 4WD, 3 pt. w/Unloader, Buck saw, Sprayer, Rear Scoop, Rear Blade, Posthole Digger, 2 Row Corn Planter and 2 Bottom Plow. TERMS OF SALE: Cash or Check w/ Proper I.D.- Checks on Personal Ac counts Used for Purchase of Real Es tate Must Be Accompanied by Bank Letter. Real Estate 10% Nonrefundable Down Payment on Sale Day w/Balance Within 45 Days Upon Delivery of Deed- Owner Reserves Right to Reject Any or All Bids on Real Estate- Due to Occu pancy, the Real Estate Will be Shown by Appointment Only- Call the Auction eer at (814) 793-4704. The Real Estate Will Be Open for Inspection 2 Hours Prior to Sale. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: An Excellent Property for "Country Lovers” Yet Within 1 Mile from Center of Martins burg Borough. Close to Churches- Schools. Owners, Peggy & Harold Metzler Ralph R. Sheffy Auctioneer AU-2453-L Phone (814) 793-4704
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