B3o>Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication TUES. JULY 19 - 6PM. Real Estate Auction Of Two Premier Commercial Lots. Located On Rt 422 In Myerstown, Pa. Conditions By, John R. & J. Randell Musheno. Forma's Auct. TUES. JULY 19-TPM, Wil liam Wilcox Machinery Auction. Located At The Farm On Co. Rd. 4 Just Around The Comer From The Ontario Co. Fair grounds. From Rte. 5-20 Turn Onto Co. Rd. 10 At Walmart Store, Follow To Co. Rd. 4 And Turn Right To Farm. PiiVung Aucts. WED. JULY 20 - Belleville Livestock Market, Com plete Herd Dispersal. For More Information. Gene Click, 717-667-2703, Sale Bam. 717-935-2146. TUES. JULY 19 & WED. JULY 20 - 9AM Quilt, Craft & Buggy Auction, A & C Dif fenbach Auction Inc., 100 W. Jackson St., Box 186, New Holland, Pa. 17557. WED. JULY 20 -10 AM, $425,000 Wholesale Inventory. Located On Pre mise Of Lacey Building Center, 441 Rt. #9 Forked River, N.J. A.P. Natoli & Co. Aucts. & Appraisers. WED. JULY 20-2 PM, Anti ques, Household Goods, Tools. Located At The Horst Auction Center, Cor ner Of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd. (Approx. 2V4 Miles West Of Ephrata). Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. Horst Aucts. WED. JULY 20-7 PM 23’/. acre Farmette, 4 bedroom, 2 story frame house Fayette Twp, Junia ta Co Kenneth F Hass in ger, Non A. Courtney, aucts WED. JULY 20 & THURS. JULY 21 - Large Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipment, Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa., One Mile East Of Marion Along Rto. 914, ’/« East Off Rte. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auction Service. THURS. JULY 21 & SAT. JULY 23-3 PM, Sat-BAM. 2 Day Public Sale. Located At 3985 Oregon Pike (Route 272 South), Midway Between Brownstown And Oregon, (’/« Mile South Of Intersection Of 772 And 272), Lancaster County, Pa. Terms By, Margaret M. Ressler. Dale L. Putt Auct & Richard Harry, Auct. THURS. JULY 21 - 4PM, 2-Day Auction Selling Tools, Planes, Butchering Items & Misc. Located 116 Main St., Refton, Lancaster Co., Pa (Dir.: From Rte. 272, Take Rte. 222 South Approx. 5 Miles to Refton. Turn Right Onto Main St. Follow Signs To Sale.) Sale By, Sara M. Bowman. Roy & Eric Probst, Aucts FRI JULY22-Silverßrook Farm, Scott Buchsen Farm Auction. Located At The Farm On Fishing Creek Road From US. Route 6 At Roulette, Penna. (Between Coudersport And Port Allegany At The Potter/McKean Co. Line) Turn North Toward Cone ville And Clara, Go One Mile, Turn Left Toward Dur ward Follow Three Miles To Farm Owned By, Scott Buchsen. Pirrung Aucts FRI. JULY 22 -11 AM, Complete Reg. & ID Grade Holstein Dairy Dispersal. Located At The Farm One Mile Off Route 590 At Lake ville (Turn North Of 590 At Hemlock Hollow Gift Shop), From Interstate 84 Take Rt 191 To Hamlin, Then Take Route 590 East 7.5 Miles To Lakeville, Turn North One Mile To Farm. Arrows Off 590. Owner, Karl Eisen hauer. Howard W. Vis scher, Auct. FRI. JULY 22 -11 AM Estate of Hubert Griswold Complete Dispersal, Hols tein Dairy Cattle and Machinery. Located at 1644 Prebie Rd„ 20 mi. S. of Syracuse (Cortland Co.), 12 mi. N. of Cortland, 1 mi. west of Rt. 81 and Preble; use the Preble exit off Rt. 81 S. onto Rt. 281 to the blinking light, then west to Preble Rd. Wm. Kent, aucts. FRI. JULY 22 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle PUBLIC AUCTION SALE «ENEIY,AY2O,MM3I $425,000 WHOLESALE INVEKTORY LOT SIZES FOR DEALERS, DISTRIBUTORS & INDIVIDUALS ON PREMISE OF LACEY BUILDING CENTER 441 RT. #9 FORKED RIVER NJ BUILDING MATERIALS, DOORS, WINDOWS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES. CERAMIC TILE, MARBLE, INSULATION, KITCHEN CABINETS, CARPETS, HARDWARE. TOOLS, PAINT. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Home Center Items: 100 Asst. Anderson Windows All Sizes, Double Glass Sliding Doors. 95 Premium Interior & Exterior Doors, 50 Prehung Steel Exterior Entrance Doors, 200 Asst. Vinyl Clad Windows All Sizes, 100 Post Form Kitchen Counter Tops, Medicine Cabinets, 200 Rolls Owen Coming Fiberglass Insulation, Large Qty Asst. Roofing, Rolls, Shingles 15 & 90 Lb., 100 Gal Cans Dutch Boy & Glidden House Paint, 200 Cans Asst. Spray paint, 4,000 ft. White Pine Molding, 50 Cases Rubber Base Cove Molding, IxB Cedar Siding, ceiling Light Fixtures, Car Wax, Polishes, Asst. Cleaners and more. $40,000 Hardware and Tools Inventory: Locks, Key Machine, Electric Tools, Glass Cutting Machine, Lawn &. Garden Supplies, and General Merchandise. Fork Lift* & Vehicles: 11on Motor Cat MO #T -508 5,000 lb. Propane, 1 Clark MO# C-500 S-30 3000 lb. Cap Propane, 1 International Stake Body Truck w/12 1 Bed, 2 Storage Trailers. Dimensional Lumber: 2x4 - 2x12 80 Sq., Ixlo Cedar, IxB Cypress Plumbing Supply: Kohler & American Standard Whirlpools, Tubs, Sinks, Bowls, 50 Vanities w/Tops, Cooper tubing 1/2’ -2” PVC Pipe w/Fitting. Restaurant Equipment: 60 Restaurant Chairs, 25 Asst. Tables, Stainless Steel 2 & 3 Door Refrigerators, Grease Traps, Mixers, Hobaut Butcher Brand Saw, Milk Dispenser, Steam Tables, Stainless Steel Pressurized Kettle, and other Asst. Equip. Carpet: 10,000 yds Asst. Carpet, Large Rolls & Over 150 Rem Rolls All Colors and Sizes, 100 Rolls Carpet Padding, 7,000 yds of Inlaid Mannington Gold, 10,000 ft. 12x12 Marble. Office Furniture & Equipment: 3 Cannon Copiers (1 w//Collator), Wood Gram Office Refrig., Asst. Desks, Chairs, Etc. TERMS: 10% Buyer Premium, Cash Approved Certified Funds 25% Deposit INSPECTION: Mon. 7/18 & Tues. 7/19-9 a.m to 4 p.m. Weds. 7/20 9 a.m. Morning of Sale DIRECTIONS: From North Take Garden State Parkway South to Exit 74 to Lacey Rd. Turn Left onto Lacey Rd. To Rt. #9 South Turn Right onto Rt. 9 South 1 Mile on Left to #441 Rt. 9 Lacey Building Center. Call Auctioneer for Exact Directions. Sale Held Rain or Shine ** No Children Day of Sale. ** Food Service Available. ** All Vehicles Subject to Withdrawal or Replacement Without Notice. ** Auctioneer Acting As Agent for Seller. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Wide Variety of Merchandise. Huge Selection. Something For Everyone. Great Opportunity to Buy All Types of Materials at Auction Sale Prices. DON'T MISS THIS SALE! A.P. NATOLI & CO. AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS MONMOUTH OCEAN (908) 988-3499 (609) 693-6899 Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 South Off 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. FRI. JULY 22 - 4PM, 50'xlOO' Straightwall Steel Building (Blue), Disas sembled On 1973 Fruehauf Trailer. (Ready To Move For New Owner - Building & Trailer To Be Sold As 1 Unit), 1986 Ford 250 3/4 Toi. Diesel Pickup, 1973 Harley Davidson Cycle, Int. Dump Truck (26,000 GVW). Located Indoors At The Leesport Farmer’s Market Banquet Hall Just Off Rt. 61 At The North End Of Leesport, Berks Co., Pa. Sold For, Rudolph Letsche Estate. Kenneth P. Leiby, Auct. Flint Hills Farm Complats Cattls & Machinery Dlspsrsal Mohawk, N.Y. Having sold his (arm and changing careen, we have been authorized to sell on the farm located on Kingdom Rd, Mohawk, N.Y. from Rte. 28 Dennison Comers, turn east, take nerd right to farm From Rte. 20, take Rte 28 north approx 5 miles to Robertson Rd, turn right, take first left to farm Saturday, July 23,1994 10.30 a.m. RalnorShlna 10:30 a.m. Cows I Heifers • Farm machinery 70± Head of HyGrade Holstein Dairy Cattle 70± 24 Heifers Consisting of 46 cows of milking age, all Holstelns with the exception of 2 Jerseys of which 13 fresh May through July, 14 fresh March and April, balance milking or bred back 24 heifers consisting of 3 bred heifers, 7 heifers breeding age, 14 heifers from 3 months to 15 months. Majority of cattle home-raised from better dams and artificial sires. This herd paid the bills and mortgage and fed the family for 12 years All cattle bred 60 days vet checked for pregnancy. Catalogs at ringside Cattle handled under ordinary farm care TVaclors • Hayblne • Forage Equipment Partial listing includes 1989 Belarus 822 4WD w/cab & allied 594 OA loader, 1500±hours: Ford 5000 diesel tractor w/select-O- Speed, Oliver 77 row crop gas tractor w/tricycle front end; Hessian 7020 forage harvester w/2-row com head & p u head; Hessian PTIO 9-ft hayblne; Kuhn tedder; Nl 270 cutdltloner; NH 273 baler w/Super Sweep & bale thrower; 2 HISIde hay wagons: Nl 362 manure spreader w/end gale, NH *8 forage wagon 3-beater w/roof on NH tandem gear, Gehl forage wagons on electric wheel gear; NH #27 Whirlafeed blower/new bearings & 60 ft. of silo pipe; McCormick 125 ST self-propelled combine w/12-ft. head & Chrysler 6-cyl. engine; Cross mobile hay & gram elevator; Oliver 3-pt 4-bottom plow, AC 2300 mobile disc; Ford 3-pt. 3 -bottom #lOl plow, Ford 3-pt #309 4-row com planter: Wix bedding chopper w/Honda power; feed & ensilage carts; large bandsaw and many other Items both large and small, too numerous to mention. Refreshments available Terms of Sale: Cash or good check day of sale All new buyers must have a bank letter guaranteeing funds D. Luther, CAI f Auctioneer, Appraiser Sale by order of Amenta, NY 12501 Carl Flint (914) 373-9900/8215 Mohawk, N.Y. 1-800-D. LUTHER Site phone (315) 866-5534 ILJ3Z3D PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY & ANTIQUES, ETC. FOR MR. RUSSELL PAUL THURSDAY, JULY 28th at 4:00 PM LOCATED; Off Rt. #24 South of Red Lion almost to Stewartstown, T/R onto Plank Road go approx. 5 miles T/R onto Hametown Church Rd. go approx. 1 mile, Farm Is on left, watch for Auction Signs Sale Day. Inspection of Items sale day only. 1970-IH 444 Tractor ONLY 958 Hrs. gas, new rubber W.F.E. w/front end loader also 3 pt., Woods 6 ft. rotary mower 3 pt., 1965 Ford pick up over 100,000 miles but runs good, Leinbach 3 pt. disk, IH Mod. 420 2 bottom 3 pt. plow, JD 3 pt. scrapper blade, 3 pt. wookers, IH 1300 3 pt. cycle bar mower, electric cement mixer, Craftsman radial arm saw, table saw, Rockwell grinder, 1/4 AMP air compressor, floor jack, 2 wheel cart, snow plow for pick up, 3 ladders, hand tools and other around the farm items. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Grain painted blanket chest, Empire chest, Marble top Victorian stand, Oak mirror hat rack, Oak buffet, plank bottom rocker, sq. Oak stand, 2 old quilts, Oak chest of drawers, cedar chest, Oak rocker, 2 Mahog. drop leaf tables, microwave, dinette table & chairs, gas grill, sofa & living room furniture, weed trimmer, 2 chain saws and more not listed. Mr. Paul bought all equipment new. INSPECTION: AUCTION DAY ONLY TERMS: CASH OR GOOD PA CHECK, FULL SETTLEMENT AUCTION DAY. Be on time auction will go fast. BRADLEY K. SMITH, AUCTIONEER LIC. #B6O Ph: 717-927-6949 PUBLIC SALE TO BENEFIT - MOWERSVILLE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY A MINISTRY OF THE MOWERSVILLE BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH JULY 23, 1994 9:00 a.m. Located in Franklin County 3 miles west of Newburg, on 641, turn left on Paxton Run Road at Otterbein Church - proceed to top of hill, turn right on West Creek Road. Sale short distance on left. Watch for Mowers ville Church signs. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES, ETC: China Closet, 2 Stereo’s, Portable Electric organ, Antique Radios, 10x12 Rug, furniture. Office Desks, file cabinets, 2 New Replacement win dows from Church, large Metal window Lawn Mowers, Jewelry, Tank-suitable for checking tires or radiators Decorations, Miscellaneous items. FARM MACHINERY: John Deere 80 in excellent condition, John Deere R, John Deere 40 Restored, John Deere A-Locked, Silver King- needs restored, 1 Bottom plow for John Deere LA, 2-1 Bottom Plows for John Deere H, 1 Bottom Plow for Massey Harris, Gravely 812 Riding Mower w/50” mower deck. Case 444 14 HP Riding Mower w/48” Mower Deck, 275 Gallon Oil Tank. GUNS: Winchester Model 61 22. Remington Model 760 222, Remington Model 760 223, Remington Model 760 257, Remington Model 777 243, Remington Model 700 22-250, Saus age 300 Winchester magnum. VEHICLE: 1983 4 Wheel Drive, 1/2 ton Pickup - tan. Many, more unlisted items/items being added daily. Accepting items you may wish to donate or we will sell your items for you. Call for consignment fees. (ALL CON SIGNMENTS MUST BE IN BY JULY 22.) Lunch stand reserved For more information (717) 423-6654 or 423-6291 Not responsible for accidents TERMS: Cash/Good Check Auctioneer: Robert R. Foust - PA Lie. #AUOOIIB9L
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