Sale Reports Williams Grove Historical Steam Engine Assoc. 9th Annual Consignment Sale Sat., Sept. 3, 1994 8:oo a.m. WANTED - Consignment items, steam & gas engines, tractors, machinery, riding & garden tractors, antiques, tools, etc. NO household, junk or tilled vehicles. Free Advertising On Sale Bill Deadline July 31 Phone - Harold Scheib 717-939-6717 Terry Scheib 717-846-1161 PUBLIC AUCTION MONDAY, JULY 25, 1994 AT 6:00 P.M. PARADISE SALES BARN, PARADISE, PA. Directions: Approximately 8 miles east of Lancaster PA, turn left on Me’adow Lane. Woodworking Equipment • Sm stroke under u if, 8" jointer, misc. shapers, table taws, large lot of all sizes dust blowers, Brooksman dowel borer, Detroit automatic screwdriver, automatic double end hinge inserting ma chine, shopmade stapling machines, shopmade boring machines. Other misc. machinery, misc. blades, shaper and router cutters, drill bits. Finishing Equipment Explosion Proof Exhaust Fans Approx. 9 Grayco Pumps, 4 Kremlin Pumps, 2 Nordson Pumps, 1 Bink Pump Air Tools & Supplies • 2 New 800 lb. cap Anver Vacuum Lifters, Misc. Staplers and Nailers, Onsurd Air Turbine Router head, Large lot foot valves, screwdrivers, Other air tools, large lot FRL’t lots of air cylinders and other air related items, airclamps, etc. Large Quantities - of Misc. machine parts, junk parts, junk motors, misc. conveyor belting. Belts, pulleys, sprockets, bearings, chains, misc. hand tools, large lot of hand clamps and morel For Detailed list contact M.B. Click Co. 2190 Pequea Lane, Lancaster, PA 17602 Auctioneer: Sale ®y : Mel Hoover Moses B. Click AU-003111-L Arts Serv: (717) 464-5460 Food on Premises. Sale Terms: Cash or PA Check. Everything sold as is, where is. Auctioneer or Owner not responsible for items advertised that sue missing before the sale. All an nouncements beginning of the auction lake precedence over tiny other announcements or suivertising. 6% PA Sales Tax will be charged unless exempt MAILBOX MARKET AD FORM Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. Please NO PHONE CALLS (Attach Your Mailing Label Here) For Sale Check One: Notice 18 LARUE SALE Long’s Auction Ser- A Public Auction of vice conducted the sale, real estate was held July PLANK SALE 9by Suusan R. Larue, A Public Sale of an sale will be held 1 mile china and glass north of Port Royal at ware was held July 9 for Juniata Markets, JcL of A - Clarence and Stella Rts. 75 & old 22. K - Plank of New Hol- The 5 acres with a 2 land at the Horst Auc story house and a pond l' on Center, Ephrata, was sold for $46,000. Pa - There wci ;e 360 re- AUCTION SALE SALE BY ORDER OF SECURED PARTY WHOLESALE FLOORING DISTRIBUTORS TUESDAY, JULY 19-10 A.M. ESJAY DISTRIBUTING CO. 22 RUDDLE ST., WILKES BARRE, PA. 575 ROLLS CARPET, 390 ROLLS VINYL FLOORING 3 FORKLIFTS, CARPET CUTTING MACHINE, '9l ASTRO VAN, 130 CARPET RACKS, OFFICE FURNITURE, COMPUTERS, ACCESSORIES INSPECTION: MONDAY, JULY 1B -10 A.M. - 3 P.M. TERMS: CASH OR CASHIERS CHECK - 25% DEPOSIT REQUIRED LlDMDT ductfafiee/i d, 1825 East Boston Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215) 634-2500 FAX (215) 634-0496 PA Auctioneers License No. RYOOOOB7-L Wanted FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORMI Rtqulrnnmto: 1) Subscribers allowed •one’ free Mailbox Market per month only, 2) Lancaster Farming Mail ing Label must be attached. 3) Limit; 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. " The Lancaster Farming staff haa tha right to reject any Mailbox Mark* ats that do not mast lhaea raqulramanta. ** Mali To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markata P.O. Box eoa 1 E. Main 8L Ephrala, PA 17522 No Phono Call Plaasol gistered bidders attend ing the sale. Some prices includ ed: 3 wood chests $l3O, $3OO & $335, pine bench table $5OO, green blanket chest $2OO, red painted blanket chest $550, schoolmaster’s desk $345, 2 pine blanket chests $l5O & $220, hanging comer cupboard $l9O, 2 hang ing lamps $ll5 $2lO, walnut mantel clock $2OO, pair of tin wall sconces $220, student lamp $395, 2 Cowden and Wilcox jugs $lBO & $450, 2 decorated butter crocks $4lO & $750, copper kettles $llO, $l3O & $2lO, butter churn $240, wooden wheelbarrow $l4O, antique wooden work bench $350, pedal-powered grinder $135, brass barrel $llO and 2 iron trivets $l4O & $3lO. T. Glenn, Timothy G. and Thomas A. Horst were the auctioneers. HOFFMAN ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of anti- ques and collectibles was held July 9 for the estate of Eva Hoffman, Hoffman Road, Har leysville, Montgomery Co., Pa. There were 425 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices includ ed: secretary bookcase $450, crock stand $l3OO, 12-pane comer cupboard $3250, 3 piece bedroom suite Subscription Information • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $21.00 per year or $40.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA AND WV. (All other areas - $31.00 per year, $59.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. No phone subscriptions accepted. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. When writing us about your subscription please attach your Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to. LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check Appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective May 1,1994 PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV OTHER STATES □ $21.00-1 YEAR □ $31.00-1 YEAR □ $40.00 - 2 YEARS □ $59.00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION □ RENEWAL NAMI ADDRESS. CITY. ZIP + 4. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July is, 1994-827 $B5O, oak table w/ boards $5OO, two draw er blanket chest $6lO, jelly cupboard $3lOO, Sessions clock $l2O and Regulator clock $240. Ralph D. Freed was the auctioneer. EISENBERGER ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of real estate, cars and household goods was held July 9 for the estate of Ben and Dorothy Ei senberger, 5342 Mine Road, Salisbury Twp., Gap, Pa. The 214 story house with attached 2-car gar age on .2347 acre lot was sold for $72,000 to Leroy Fisher of Gap, Pa. Other items sold were: 1972 Pontiac Ventura $1025, 1966 Chev. Belair $875, set of salt & pepper shakers from Gap Town clock $35, homemade 8 h.p. tractor $420, butter chum $B5, 6 oak chairs $390, oak extension ta ble $4OO, Westinghouse refrigerator $255, wash stand $220 and modem sofa & chair $3OO. Miller & Siegrist were the auctioneers. SWARTZENTRUBER SALE A Public Auction of excavating and farm equipment was held July 9 by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swartzentruber, ,<r~~ —. •RENEWALS STATI COUNTY. NON-REFUNDABLE Silver Knob Road, 2 miles north of Red House, Md. Some prices received were: J.D. 310 backhoe w/cab $9500, 1974 Mack dump truck $6500, J.D. 4020 tractor $6500, J.D. 336 baler $3400,60 ft. grain aug er $875 and N.H. 352 grain-mixer $lOOO. Custer’s Auction Service conducted the sale. HERSHEY BENEFIT SALE A Benefit Auction for the leukemia fund of Bret Hers Key was held July 9 at AI Starr Com munity Building on Route 272 Willow Street, Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices received were: Fisher Steel Win ross truck $lO5, Hess gas trucks $35 & $4O, Texaco truck $3O, Log Cabin crib quilt $165, Center Star quilt $370, White quilt $550, Raw linsville Camp Meeting Friendship quilt $770, Victorian doll $65, 4 box seats to Phila. base ball game $l9O, box of coins from Bank of Lancaster County $75, baskets $5O & $BO, oak clothes tree $55, cherry end table $lO5 and old jelly cupboard $2OO. Randall L. Ranck, Robert E. & Jeffrey R. & Michael Martin were the auctioneers.
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