Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1994, Image 66
826-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1994 H E 3 pt, 2 btm. rollover plow. Lehigh Co 610-797-9676. Black refrigerator in good cond., oak roll-top desk, any cond Wild mml-roses & ‘lambs ears’. Leb. Co. 717-867-2452. Used and/or repairable 3 pt. snowblower 4' to 5' width. Montour Co. 717-437-2467. Tobacco rails 12' to 22'. Lane. Co. Henry B. Stolt zfus, 1733 Valley Rd., Christiana, Pa. 17509. 6 section scaffolding metal. Snyder Co. 717-374-4024 after 6 pm. Used 11-2 38 tractor tire 50% or better tread. Centre Co. 814-364-1356. Cracked poly sprayer tank prefer 300 gal. or smaller. Cumb. Co. 717-691-7257. Blade for 1965 Int. Cub. Bedford Co. 814-733-4705 anytime. FOURTH ANNUAL ALL JOHN DEERE Antique Tractor Show and Pull July 23,1994 ind Tumble Enjiim Show Grounds Located in Lancaster County, PA Midway between Lancaster and Coatesville on Rt. 30 ee 14-19 Music by the Lanchester Bluegrass Boys Tractor Pull Begins at 1:00 PM (For Insurance Purposes, all drivers must be members to pull) Sponsored by: WATERLOO BOYS TWO-CYLINDER CLUB OF SE PENNA. BRUCE POWELL, SEC 2805 OLD CEDAR GROVE ROAD, BROOMALL, PA 19008 Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers Pressure Washers & Hydraulic Hoses Metal Fabricating Brake & Shear Work General Welding & Repair 858 Pumping Station Road Answering Service Kirkwood, PA 17536 717-529-6553 CUSTOM PRE-CAST WORK Silo Staves I Door Frames • 3 Popular Styles • Patio Blocks • Landscsps Edgsrs • Walk Blocks . Splash Blocks • Lawn Steps • Tree Rings BRICK-TILE PAVER BRICKS —^ y. "xav. "x7*/i" We Uh Fiber M»h Colored Concrete In Our Concrete Ayellebte On Outer IllllilllilUllH Nickel Mine Brick Works Elmer F. Stoltzfus 406 E. White Oak Road • Christiana, PA 17509 Located one mile east of Nickel Mines 610-593-1172 Call Between 7 & 8 A.M. Magneto & rocker arms for JD 3 HP type E engine P/2 call collect 908-735-9640 Hunterdon Co Ruffed grouse chicks or one year old call after 4 PM 717-656-7440 or write to Charles Getz, 1125 Short Rd , New Holland, Pa. 17557. Lely or Cosmo fertilizer spreader in good cond. 91 N Soudersburg Rd , Gor donville, Pa. 17529. Lane. Co. Old toys before 1960 press steel Buddy L Smith-Miller, Tonka other tin toys, Cast iron Hubley plastic model kits, promotional cars. Lane. Co. 717-367-5874. Sawmill to be relocated, also small dozer, or loader, any oond. but reasonable call anytime. Berks Co. 610-682-0968 Major collector is buying unusual harmonicas. Call Alan Bates in nearby Hock essln Del. 302-239-4296. Phone 215-356-4872 Motorcycles, antique & old er bikes, complete or parts, memorabilia & anything related. Camden Co NJ. 609-767-5994 Used 7' snow blower in excel, cond. Garrett Co. 301-334-9063 after 6 p.m. Tobacco lath Jacob S Blank, 370 Camargo Rd., Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Used cattle self feeder please no Sunday calls. 717-637-4887. Old documents, stocks, autographs, photos- espe cially Pennsylvania Canal, railroad, trolley, fireman items wanted. Estates wanted. 215-395-1027. Rifle large bore double bar rel will pay fair price. Har ford Co. 410-838-6196 call eves. Oliver 77 wheel wghts. for front, good seat assembly, ffat belt pulley, grill guard. Diane. 410-398-7680. Dearborn 14-3 or 14-4 side mounted mower for Ford 8N for parts. Bergen Co. N.J. 201-337-1353. JAY ZEIGLER Standing Seam Metal Roofing Since 1963 ‘‘Simply The Very Best Roof Available" FREE Estimates Use on Bams Or Garages Good For All Roof Angles Beautifies All Homes Old & New Boforo Applied Over Existing Roof Int. truck parts model BC-180 1959 5 spd. trans., 16" flywheel & radiator for 6 cyl motor model 8110644-R1 fair prices Juniata Co. 717-463-2016 Nl wagon rims 6 hole 16” need four. Cumb. Co 717-776-5299 anytime. 13.6x28 tractor tire in good cond., Vi ‘ metal stamps, numbers, letters needed. Miff. Co. 814-542-9217 or 814-542-4807. Industrial overlook or straight stitch sewing machine. Franklin Co. 717-328-5233. Black Welsh Mountain sheep, ewes or lambs or wish connection w/ someone breeding them. Adams Co. 717-359-5658. Small storage shed, give price & cond. RR2 Box 64 A 2, Honey Brook. Pa. 19344. Used Choreboy double milk parlor & two in pipe line. 717-966-2004. Snow plow for Dodge pick up, must have power angling, no junk! Jarrettsvil le, Harford Co. Md. Ask for Stanley 410-557-9795. B'xl6’ or longer trailer pre fer gooseneck at least 10,000 GVW in good cond Leb. Co. 717-865-6206. Ford commander 6000 tractor good cond. For Sale Case 960 Combine 3RN 10’ Hummehsp. reel $1250 080. 610-845-8629. Gravely “L” model walk behind mower, also wood kitchen cabinets. Lehigh Co. 610-264-3025. MAILBOX MARKET NOTICE 100 pcs. of tin sheets, over 100 rafers and weather boarding, must be taken down. Free. Leb. Co. 717-933-4333. Dodge van seats for sale, (blue), trade, old seats wanted & narrow 16" 8 lug rims 717-768-3387. Stud service saddlebred stud chestnut with dark markings mane & tail. Lane Co. Earl Twp. 717-354-4773 after 6 p.m. Free for taking, pole com crib, s'x4B'xl3‘, frame building, metal roof, 12’x 16‘. Berks Co. 610-286-5387. For Rent pasture for heifers high tensile fence. Leb Co. 717-933-9186 call for details Events at the Friendly Horseman, July 9 Fun Show, 7-17 POA Show, 8-6 Fun Show, 8-13& 14 Driving Show. 8-21 POA Show. a irUf ADVu • Roof can last for 100 years • cost efficient • Can be installed over existing roof (Asphalt, roll roofing, wood shingles) • Is environmentally safe • Beauty - colorful (galvanized, 40 lb. terne, teme-coated stainless, and painted steel in over 20 different colors.) 4 ■ Ison, Route 549 just east Sale ° f Some items sold were: J.D. 750 tractor $7700, Farmall H trac tor $ 1200, signed “Han del Co. 2565” iron table lamp $l3OO. Depres sion bedroom suite $250, butler’s desk $260, blanket chest $165, “Cooper” rocker $320 and curly maple drop leaf table $350. Randy Jellilff Auc tion Service managed the sale. DUNKLEBERGER SALE A Public Auction of farm machinery and lumber was held July 9 by E.L. and Martha Dunkleberger, 5 miles north of Trout Run, Pa. Some prices includ ed: A.C. Dl9 tractor $5OOO, Farmall C trac tor w/family $1775, an vil $lOO, Little Giant elevator $9OO, 15,00 watt generator $BOO, Dewalt saw $4OO, 7-tooth chisel plow $lOOO, J.D. 1240 plant er $9OO, Hesston PT 7 haybine $lBOO, drill press $l2O, set for mak ing door hinges $l9O and cherry & hemlock lumber $7OO for 1 lot. Fraley Auction Co. conducted the sale. STONE ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate, guns and an tiques was held July 9 for the estate of Sam Stone, 636 Manor Street, Columbia, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 242 registered bidders at the sale. The semi-detached house, 3 storage build ings and a second house and garage on a lot was sold for $24,000. Other prices includ ed: Pennsylvania Long Rifle with Berley maple stock $2600, Winches ter model 42 410 pump gun $llOO, Winchester model 12 16 gauge $650, dining room suite $550, pocket watch (14 karat) $lBO, A 303 30-06 with scope $4OO, frog fishing lure $75, mounted porcupine $BO and small basket $BO. Robert (Bob) Sholly was the auctioneer. HEISEY SALE A Public Sale of farm equipment and guns was held July 9 by "C ''.N> PO Box 231 Rehrersburg, PA 19550 (717) 933-4666 (717) FAX 933-5305 Kreider M. and Esther S. Heisey, along Route 897 between lona and Flintville, Lebanon Co., Pa. Some prices were: grain cradle $260, Farmall McCormick tractor $2410, Ford 861 tractor with N.I. loader $4OOO, gravity bin wa gon $5OO, old Reming ton .22 single shot octa gon barrel $675 and Remington 12 gauge pump gun $l4O. Weik & Hitz were the auctioneers. ZIMMERMAN SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held July 7 by Carl H. and Anita W. Zimmerman, 385 W. Swartzville Rd., Reinholds, Pa. The 6.35 acre farm ette with a 2'A story sandstone & frame house, frame hip roof bam and 3-car masonry and frame garage was sold to Lamar Sensenig of East Earl, Pa. for $137,500. Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider and Roy Good, Jr. were the auctioneer. DIZE SALE A Public Auction of antique cars and horses was held July 9 by Rod ney Dize, 12455 How ard Lodge Rd., Sykes ville, Maryland before a large crowd. Some prices received were: 1955 Chev. Ec lair car $BOOO, 1963 225 Buick $2700. hors es $575 & $6OO, Cones toga wagon $7OO andn 1926 license tag for mo torcycle $7O. Cashman Auction eers, Inc. managed the sale. GARRISON SALE A Public Auction of tractors and household goods was held July 9 by Mrs. Bessie Card- Call For Information PAGES: • Can be installed on flat roof with as little as Vt " pitch per foot. • Good for homes, farm buildings, garages, commercial buildings. * Sheet in continuous length installed with concealed fasteners with double lock scam for water tight application. EBERLY ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of antiques was held July 9 for the estate of Martin M, Eberly, Spring Grove Rd., between Blue Ball and Good ville. Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices were: blanket chest $llOO, small Carnival bowl $95, 6 chairs $7BO, small desk-stand $425, copper kettle $l5O, quilt $175 and “Wil low” pattern plate, cup & saucer $2lO. Homing Farm Agen cy, Inc. conducted the sale. MITCHELL SALE A Public Sale of tools, lumber and guns was held July 9 for Magdalena R. Mitchell, Gristmill Rd., Martin dale, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 252 regis tered. Some prices received were: Remington model 870 12-gauge shotgun $2lO, 222 over-and-un dcr 20 gauge rifle/shot gun combo $225, ma chinist’s tool chest $275, jointer $l3O, Craftsman table saw $175, heavy-duty band saw $4OO, belt sander $4OO, mortising ma chine $175, drill press $l6O, shaper $lOO and old wood chest $260. Kline, Kreider and Good were the auction eers.