Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1994, Image 65
I MAfLE X MARKET _ F R SALE i w 1 double, 1 single, BBQ, smoker, cooker, roast hogs, chicken, ribs, steaks. Bradford Co. 717-596-4230. Cypress lumber Chester Co., 12” & 14” wide, also other widths. Samuel King, RDI Box 2128, Atglen, Pa. 19310. Rhino B', 3 pt. blade. NH 62” skid loader bucket, 300 gal. fuel tank on skids. Berks Co. 717-933-8302. Woods 5' deck mower M 5-4, medium duty hardly used slip clutch & stump jumper $lOOO 080. Ches ter Co. 610-539-8293. 1924 IT Ford truck, 1921 T Ford running gears, ready for body. Fulton Co. 717-987-3516 call eves. Oockboard, Al Mag heavy duty 3’/.’xl2', $350/080, dock board, steel 3'x9' $lOO, tractor 10 HP 36” cut good cond. Bucks Co. 215-968-5604. Plamsa cutter, model SXR 'A " capacity. Greentree Machine Works, 123-A Greentree Rd, Quarryville, Pa. 17566. 16" metal lathe, 310 gal. milk tank, 24’ disc sander, blade grinder, mortar mix er, 16’ belt conveyor, mez zanine. North'd. Co 717-286-5306. SQUARE DEAL Gehl's introduced two new square balers to complement our great line of round balers and other Gehl haytools Both balers make standard 14x18 inch bales and offer these proven features SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR GEHL FINANCE _ . A DIVISION Of- CASH DISCOUNTS OR ■ FINANCE OPTIONS UMBERGER'S MILLER EQUIPMENT OF FONTANA CO. RR 04 (Fontana) RR 01 Stauffar Rd. Labanon, PA Bachtalavllla, PA ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT RR 02, Box 24A Naw Ringgold, PA TOM DUNLAP Rt. 220 • Main St. Jarsay Short, PA 2 forklifts see classified ad under construction equip ment. Lane. Co. John Stolt zfus Co., 2857 Church Rd., Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 17505. 717-661-5972. 315 NH baler & thrower $3900, bin wagon BTII LIS $950, 16' hay wagon BTIILIS, $1250. Franklin Co. 717-532-7837. 12’ truck bed w/14 ton hoist $lOOO, 26' bale elevator $lOO, 2 corn shellers $75-$3OO. Perry Co. 717-444-3968. White portable sewing machine was $399.99 now Vi off $199.99 one only call MaiyLee at 717-866-5555 9 to 5 daily. 3 spd. transmissions for 1949 Plymouth & '69-72 Dodge Dart, 21* self-prop. Lawn Boy mower; 22* Craftsman 4.0 engine mower. Lane. Co. 717-665-5848. Refrig, truck late model in good cond. 609-259-1102 leave message. Purebred German She pherd pups. Samuel Stolt zfus, 1140 Brunnerville, Pa 17543. Chevy single axle truck tractor C-65 66,000 miles, 1973 needs some work $l5OO. Cumb. Co. 717-243-1281. Dependable knotter - Has fewer parts for more reliability and stronger knots, tie after tie s Wide pickups - With close spaced tines, flared side sheets and standard gauge wheel, the pickup brings in all of the crop mm Plunger system - Self-aligning fo r reduced wear Bale tension - Easily adjusted with two handles Hydraulic bale thrower - Has a self-contained hydraulic system and electric controls on the tractor loptionall Big twine storage - Holds 6 balls of twine Available From Your Local Participating Dealer HINES EQUIPMENT PO Box 5, Rt. 22 Craason, PA RR 03, Box 550, Altoona (Ballwood) Reg. polled hereford breed ing age bulls cows weined calves bakfy cows calves steers, excel, breeding. Perry Co. 717-589-3941. Kalamazoo wood cook stove, cast iron oookstove, oriental rug, coaching top hats, horse farm items, much more! 301-416-0879 Fuel tanks above ground 300 gal. w/skid pump $195, 500 gal. w/pump $275 Somerset Co. 814-267-5282. 1975 Ford Fl5O 4x4 pick up, good for young man to go in the snow, $1,500, kid goats $5O. Leb. Co. 717-865-6836. Greenhouse 50x50 Lord & Burnham to be removed, $lOOO Lane. Co 717-768-3544. Trail bike Kaw. K 0125 good cond , needs r-brakes $695 neg., (2) mini-bikes $5O & $7O. Lane. Co 717-569-9654 after 6pm NH 3 row corn head for parts $lOO. 717-733-2808 Beef & La. Co. hi-choice & prime steer freezer beef, corn fed, no drugs, $1.20/lb. plus cut, wrapped & frozen. 717-426-3135. Cedar shavings 2.2 cu ft. bale $3 50, wild bird seed several mixs, low low prices. 717-665-9793. EHL LEBANON VALLEY GUTSHALL’S, INC. IMPLEMENT CO., INC. »» * 85 « w 700 E. Llndan St. Loyavllla, PA Richland, PA _ 1201 Spring Rd. Carllsla, PA BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Rothsvllla Station Rd. Lltitz, PA 12 HP Gilson tractor $5OO, 12 HP wheelhorsa tractor $l,OOO. both have 36’ cut. both in good cond. Berks Co. 610-026-9726. Trailer 6000 lb. cap. 4'/. 'xB' elec, brakes like new, removable sides 4' high commercial built for fire wood transport $650. Berks Co. 610-582-3066. Nice dorset & Suffolk ewes, must sell, good B'xl2', t axle trailer, 10,000 lb. $950, culvert tanks B'xlOVJ B-X2l'. Berks Co. 610-926-3841. Light 6-spring hitch wagon new spring wagon restored meadowbrookcart. Farmail cub manure spreader A-1 cond. Fred. Co. Md 301-845-6650. NH 36 flail chopper, NH 717- 770- 790 and 900 grass heads. 1200 bu wire corn crib, dismantled, 60' blower oioe 717-665-4743. 9x9 Wakin cooler 300 bu. apple crates 2 antique organs new Bridgeville. Amos Howard. 717-927-6672. AC C tractor daffin offset disc slicer manure spread er rotary hoe. Berks Co 610-589-4083. JD H tractor w/plow. Lane Co. 717-445-8204 no Sun day calls. CUT HAY THE DISC WAY! Gehl has two all-new disc mower conditioners to cut your crop down to size, fast and easy. The 0C2340 has 7 discs and a 9 foot cutting width; the DC2360 has 8 discs and a 10-1/2 foot cutting width. mm High speed discs - Each disc has two knives to slice through the toughest crops and conditions; the disc gear drive operates in an oil bath for long life. Sturdy frame - Cradles the cutterbar for extra protection and durability. mm 540 or 1,000 rpm driveline with equal-angle hitch for smooth power transfer. mm Standard hydraulic tongue - Makes it easy to position the unit without leaving the tractor seat STOUFFER BROS. INC. 1066 Lincoln Way Wast Chambartburg, PA JO 214 self unloading box wood needs little repair or for parts, $lOO. 301-733-2547. ’Monte’front dip 1979 $75, Ford 2000 as-is best offer, 1985 F-150 six auto topper $3OOO nog York Co 717-927-9263 no Sunday Siberian husky puppies w/ papers $2OO, Mastiff pup pies $750, fawn, apricot & brindle. Lane Co. 717-665-4537. S’xT 1 refrigerated box, 378 cub. ft. works well on elect $3OO 080. Bucks Co 215-346-8301 Planter transplanter Powell No. 15 1-row3pt like new, $750. 412-832-1112. Must sell moving to Color ado 20 Sex Sal link laying hens 2 young white roos ters 2 pullets. Chester Co. 610-692-9297, 610-692-5077. Storm front carriage 4 yrs. old excel, cond. Abner King, 1927 Horseshoe Rd., Lane. Pa. 1 7601 . 717-397-9525 answering service. 2 styled hand start JD BS $550 for both, JO A parts. Jeff. Co. 814-856-2885 after 9 p.m. Ear corn for sale $6O a ton, around 3 ton. 717-354-0080. D.W. OGG EQUIPMENT CO. Main Location 5149 Cap Stina Rd. Fradarlck, MD 961 Laistars Church Rd. A.L HERR & BRO. Waatmlnatar, MD 312 Park Ava. Quarryvilla, PA MILLER-LAKE RR 02, Box 273 A LEHIGH AG EQ. INC. Ballavillo, PA Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 16,1994-B2S 4 btm. trip plow NH crop chopper 36' Smoker eleva tor all are good cond. Cumb. Co. 717-258-5542. Oliver 88 gas w/PS w/hyd. row crop good cond., tires good, $lBOO. Lane. Co. 717-653-4470, 717-653-2172. 700 sq. ft. cherry lumber, air dried 6-13' wide. Lane. Co. 215-445-5203. Corn binder w/loader engine tandem wheels 2 hyd. cyls. used smucker manure elevator. Jacob S. Allgyer, 332 Fairview Rd„ New Providence, Pa. 17560. also portable batch dryer PTO 200-300 bu. Columbia Co. 717-925-6491. Tailgate for 1985 FI 50 Ford truck. Chester Co. 610-296-7536. Free rabbits, male or female 717-786-4088. Windrow pickup for AC all crop 60. 607-844-8102 Tompkins Co., NY. One row potato planter in good working order. Fertil izer need not work. Adams Co. 717-524-2786. ICKES FARM SUPPLY Rt. 1 Hwy 869 West Oslerburg, PA 6670 Ruppsville Rd Allentown, PA 18106 Pony or horse sleigh, good cond. to bo used for child nursery. Mkfdlesex Co. NJ 609-448-0800. Wanted by collector: old guitars by Marlin, Gibson, National etc. Also catalogs Tom Wentzel, Box 21 Lititz, Lane. Co., Pa. 17543 717-626-7854. Good used tin or alum, roofing, also used Honda engines, Noah Yoder, RDI Box 107, Reedsville, Pa. 17084 Mifflin Co. Evaporator for small cooler 27. 3 ft. 6000 to 7000 BTU Also Hiller shovels for Cub tractor. Chenung Co. 607-529-3480. Yearling steer & six month old pig raised without hor mones or antibiotics within or close to Columbia Co. 717-437-3525. Used log splitter, running cond. Berks Co. 610-856-7392. Perennial flowers early fall blooming, prefer types like Veronica Asters, Russian Sage, Physostegia Rubedeckia Platycodon also ornamental grasses 410-374-6088. Large Simplicity or Allis Chalmer garden tractor with attachments, 4040, etc 717-265-6465 Brad ford Co. Headlight and tail light and front weights for Allis Chal mers Model G tractor, must be original. Roanoke, Va. 703-929-4738 call collect Person to manage rabbltry operation, also person to work rabbit processing plant Lackawanna Co 717-842-6464 daytime, 717-842-7082 evenings. Generator, motor driven 3 ph. 30-50 KW. 412-245-2437. German giant angora rab bits, will purchase or trade for Angora Goats or Engl ish Angora rabbits, Bucks Co. 21 5-257-8847 evenings. Either a loader for A MF 135 Tractor in good cond 717-245-2690. Clean milk cans, cooler for cans, compressor for Wes tinghouse cooler, commer cial lawn mower 908-697-2360 12 noon or after 6 p.m 6600 JO combine straw spreader, must be in good cond. 610-683-8074 Berks Co, Crosley auto, '49, 50 or 51 any style, need not be pre fect, must have title York Co. 717-432-3117. York rake, fair to good cond reasonably priced Prefer pull type rather than 3 pth, but will take either. Northampton Co 610-759-5516. Loader for JO 110. York Co. 717-755-5272. Tobacco rails 3x6x20 also tobacco lathe, Aaron Speicher RD 2 Mlllersburg, Pa 17061 or 717-692-4009 7 AM to 8 30 PM Dauphin Co. Used fiberglass cap for Ford F-150 shortbed 87'-93' with sliding rear window Sch. Co 717-429-1044 anytime. Bridgeport milling machine must be 1 ph. hitch & attachments for early mod el 110 JD L&G tractor 717-755-4797. Engine for Farmall A, and Dodge diesel 4x4 pickup truck in good cond Mont gomery Co. 610-631-1890 Trac vac vacuum system for picking up grass and leaves. Montg Co 610-754-7366. CASH FOR YOUR MORTGAGE II ,ou sold your home and are receiving payments on a mortgage, We will buy It FOR CASH! Call Stan at SJS Investment Assoc. (215) 449-0402 Wo also buy structured settlements & annuities.