Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1994, Image 60

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    820-Lancasler Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1994
Carroll County Dairy Princess Tanya Stambaugh, left, participates in the training
seminar held for Pennsylvania dairy princesses. With Tanya are other Maryland royal
ty, from left, Maryland Dairy Princess Dawn Downey, Garrett County Dairy Princess
Heidi Hauser, and Central Maryland Dairy Princess Cheryl Leisher.
Carroll County Has
New Dairy Princess
Maryland Correspondent
Mary Ellen Seraydian, the 1993
Carroll County Dairy Princess,
handed over her title to Tanya
Stambaugh recently at a ceremony
held at the Carroll County Agri
cultural Center.
Tanya is a member of the Car
roll County 4-H Dairy Club and a
junior member of the county and
state Holstein Association. She is
president of the Union Bridge 4-H
Club and secretary of the Francis
Scott Key Future Farmers of
Last year was her first time to
show at the Carroll County 4-H &
Gibson chest freezer, 20
cubic size, good cond.,
$220. Lane Co
2 seated carriage w/
rollerbearing wheels &
lights in fair cond Lane Co
McCormick gram binder.
Adams road grader. RR 1
Box 55, Meyersdale, Pa
Van body 12' RU door.
Franklin Co. 717-263-4475
after 6.
Telephone poles used 20‘
approx 50 at $2O ea , plus
some 8’ at $lO ea. Dau Co
1940's or 1950's year white
& Ford dual wheels, 1 ton
truck tilles for them Wash
Co. Md 301-824-4501
Rheas gray & wHte 3 mths.
& older starting at $6OO fair
quantity discounts, birds in
Pa 201-935-1253 after 7
p m
1974 Ford 250 V 8 Cat.
diesel 13 s* OD trans,
air seat 27-500 GVW good
cond , $5550 Chester Co
FFA Fair. But being a beginner
didn’t hold Tanya back. She won
first place in the senior division of
the dairy judging contest as well
as reserve grand champion in fit
ting and showing with one of her
Although she says her dad, Bar
ney, and her mom, Debbie, have
been working on farms for as long
as she can remember, the family
just began operating their own
farm near Uniontown about three
years ago.
Tanya helps her mom and dad.
and her four younger siblings,
work the 165-acre dairy farm near
Uniontown. They have almost 100
Holsteins and currently milk about
1954 Ford F5OO 56K miles,
excel, cond., 12’ stake
body, 1986, very orig.
ready for show or work
Chester Co. 610-469-6913
days, 610-327-0692 eves.
Llamas 2 bred reg.
females, 3 yr. reg male, 3
mth. old male $BOOO or sell
separate. Ct
7 feeder pigs 25-40 lbs., $1
per lb more avail, later.
Hunt Co. 814-448-2821
MF 2200 loader tractor,
mechanic special front
mount broken, $2,000 or
best offer. 610-444-2725.
IH 510 gram drill 16 disk
$7OO, NH 270 baler w/
thrower $lO5O, JD 10'
transport disk $250. Blair
Co. 814-944-0818.
JD 7000 conservation,
planter 6 RN, dry fert, new
coulters, openers & cost
packer wheels, excel
cond , $9500 Col Co
Straw for sale, great for
landscapers or construc
tion, $1.50 a bale, approx
120 bales. Lane. Co.
“I take turns helping my dad
milk along with my 15-year-old
sister, Crystal,” Tanya said.
Up at 4 a.m. on the days she
helps milk, Tanya says she gets
the dairy ready while her dad
brings the cows in. ‘Then, I milk
while he feeds.” On the second
group Tanya feeds and her dad
“It has always been Daddy’s
dream to run his own farm,” Tany
a said with green eyes dancing.
Like her father, Tanya says dairy
farming is her dream, too.
As she goes from feeding the
calves to woiking in the milk
room, Tanya jokes about her
future. “I’m going to have to mar
ry a rich dairy farmer!”
Massey 82 combine works
shedded $6OO or best offer,
60 combine $2OO. Berks
Co 610-693-5719.
Emus over 3 mths. $1750,
discount 3 or more, plus
rhea & yearling peafowl.
Suffolk Co. N.Y.
40' aluminum ladder, $125,
concrete mixer, $75, 4-15"
Chevy pickup wheels, $2O,
new garbage disposal $5O.
Burl. Co. 609-953-4074.
NH 717 S chopper new
knives bar, NH 1469 hay
bine, NH 1495 DHCA hay
bine, AC 72 pull type com
bine PTO. Hunt. Co.
Chilton trailer good cond.,
$7OO, good stokee elect,
motor large w/oonveyor A
bin best offer, 566-3546
after 4.
NH model 70 bale thrower,
excel, cond., $B5O or best
offer. David F. Click, 1475
Lane. Pike, Quarryville, Pa
Beautiful antique brewster
buggy, maroon, gold pin
stripe, excel, cond., ideal
for showing Haflingers,
show hutch wagon.
Ayrshire, twin heifer calves
bom, 6-24-94, gr.dam &
g.g.dam both elite cows,
Conebell Farm, Chester
Co 610-286-9467.
Oliver 1955 tractor, JO 55
combine 12' grain 2 row
com head wide shed kept.
Monroe Co. 717-992-6295.
Baler 430 Int. ready to
work, NH manure spread
er, good 4 universal pail
milkers. York Co.
Heavy duty cattle trailer, for
farm use w/2 1 /. in. ball
hitch, trailer is bull tough,
$l,OOO. Berks Co.
1951 Chev. I'/i ton stake
body truck always kept
inside $lOOO, 2 tanned
deerskins, $25 each, two
antique lodge swords $5O
ea. Berks Co.
1982 Fl5O 6 cyl., 4 sp. AM/
FM cap. A-title high tender
miles garage kept no rust
blk/slvr, $lBOO. Berks Co.
Mute swans bom June 6th
$5O breeders $4OO.
1978 Fl5O front end $lOO,
1952 flat head V-8 $l5O,
old JD 112 tractor in rough.
York Co. 717-456-5332.
Open buggy excel, cond.
Lane. Co. Jacob P. Beiler,
1753 Noble Rd., Kirkwood,
Pa. 17536.
Windwheel & tower for
parts & hand-hewn barn
beams. 22A Pequea Valley
Rd., Kinzers, Pa. 17535.
4" jointer, Amish type wood
stove, elect, clothes dryer,
elect, outboard motor. York
Co. 717-662-3478.
16' flatbed wagon w/grain
tight sides. Carroll Co.
8’ fiberglass truck cap high
top w/tmted windows dark
blue $275 or best offer.
Lane. Co. 717-367-8608.
Swenson hydr. salt spread
er $6OO, elec drain cleaner
$4OO, Clark elect, pallet
jack $650, globe s/s sllcer
$450. Bucks Co.
JD diesel tractor orig. fen
ders running cond., good
tires, JD 210 riding mower,
1 owner. Lane. Co.
67 Ford flatbed dump,
$l2OO, 67 Ford flatbed
parts, 10 ton economy
ioboy, $2600, 10' snowp
low for dump, $2OO. Lane.
Co. 717-285-3782.
Butler V-11 silage distribu
tor unloader. St. Mary's Co.
Md. 301-475-9381.
5 yr. old TB marc, sound,
would make nice pleasure
horse, $lOOO. Lane. Co.
Tires 4-11R22.5
3-10:00R20 first time caps
traction tread 50 to 80%
tread mounted on Dayton
rims $9OO, less w/exc. rims.
Dau. Co. 717-545-7956
after 6:30 p.m.
87 Ford XLT El 50 passen
ger van 300 EFI PB PW
PDL 77,500 miles gray
auto, $6,000. Mifflin Co.
Morgans- 2- 3 yr. olds,
$l5OO ea„ Tenn. walker.
gelding, goes western &
english $2500. Sussex. Co.
Va 804-535-0141
JD 430 S w/plow $3BOO,
11.2-24 tractor tire 50%
$3O, Ariens lawn garden
tractor mower & tiller $825.
717-367-3494 eves.
06 McCormick 1944 resent
ohaul, good rubber w/one
hyd. remote, 6 volt lighting
system sserial
08K7114W1 $3,500.
Adams Co. 717-642-6278.
AKC reg. Labrador retriev
er pups, black, yellow,
choc., exc. disposition &
confirmation $250. Lane.
Co. 717-733-6997.
Cat 02 dozer, 5U17629,
direct elec, w/glow plugs,
3200 hrs., canopy, nice
machine, needs some u.c.
work. Lane. Co.
4400 Gehl skid loader
hydrostatic runs good
works, all on 2 levers
$4BOO, NH 456 trailer mow
er has double gards & cyl.,
$1550, big kicker wagon
$695. 717-354-9144.
Nl 7060 uni-system, 737
picker, 728 4RN com head,
710 combine, 715 grain
head, good cond., $5OOO
cash or certified check
only. Mont. Co.
Direct cut harvester 555 Int.
self propelled JD haybine
12' brady flail mower 22’
field cult. 717-834-4017.
Hay wagon, IH 3x16 trip
plow, 10’ spring tooth har
row, crop sprayers, Ford 3
pt. hitch cult. Franklin Co.
Batch grain dryer $lOOO,
Taylorway XHD disk,
$4900, Nl 41' elevator
$l2OO. Harford Co. Md.
no te t f u P nTa e y WkS cali American II high diving
?17 «7q<;ol y board 15' also 15' slide &
717-354-9584. pool | adders a|| fo( . SSOQ
1973 Chev. C-65 chassis Soh. Co. 717-345-8367.
5+2 PS needs 366 motor ... ———;
$650 080. Fred. Co. Md. % 3 y mi d *t kdo ~ key
oni qqo K 037 $2OO. Montg. Co.
301 898 5237. 610-367-8024.
Frick sawmill 4 head block ,— —
70' track double edgar & equea boy ted-
GM power unit firm $7500, der usedt °l® d '® ss < har| 9 o
Royer topsoil shredder Berks Co
model 362 $12,000, TD9 610-682-2491.
dozer good cond., $3500.
Luz. Co. 717-788-2746, aft/
5 30 PM
64 Ford F-700 grain dump,
361 5x2,26,000 GVW, dual
hyds., $l5OO. Lane. Co.
45' American posum belly
livestock trailer w/loading
ramp asking $5,500, very
good cond. Bucks Co.
Heat-a-lator complete w/
glass doors ClO-363-7948,
$5O 080, Chester Co.
2 male, 1 female, mute
swans keep wild geese off
your pond. Lane. Co.
JD 2010 bulldozer needs
pins, bushings $2BOO, 'BO
Rabbit diesel engine, Ford
2N restored $2BOO firm.
Chester Co. 610-495-6170.
GSI grain bin 18' dia. 3,000
bu. bin sweep aeration fan
unloadar auger new 1983,
$lBOO cash. North'd. Co.
Angora goats male &
female breeding pair, pro
duce mohair for nandspin
ners, high quality reg. ani
mals for low price.
Kubota 46’ snow blade,
model #2750 w/hyd. lift, for
86000, 85100, 86100,
87100 tractors, like new, w/
all fittings & hardware,
$2OO. Del. Co.
1984 32' holiday rambler
travel trailer in ex. cond., in
storage in Florida $6OOO.
Leb. Co. 717-273-5231
leave message.
Gleaner F 2 com soybean
sp. 2 heads, clean, 400 hrs.
on motor $ll,OOO or 80.
Montg. Co. 610-287-8748.
Started muscovy duck
lings, Craftsman tilting
arber table saw. Lane Co.
Daniel Hoover, 343 N.
Maple Ave., Leola, Pa.
17540. 717-656-6863.
Dayton auto, store scales
25 lb. no elect, good cond.,
$25. York Co.
Farmall A-B-M parts old JD
horse drawn manure
spreader rough but restor
able, Ford 750 cab over air
brakes $550, Ford F 350 dbl
wheel lift gate auto., $675.
1955 Chevy Belair sedan
rear windshield, asking
$lBO or 80, homart oil bur
ner, 96,000 BTU, BO good
cond. Bucks Co.
Boat 87 16% ' four Winns
140 H/P, Mercury cruiser
I/O runs great looks good
load rite trailer, $6500 neg.
Mifflin Co. 717-699-6002.
JD 690 A excavator w/2
buckets, good cond. St.
Mary's Co. Md.
301-994-1788, after 6 p.m.
Chicken starter flock, 8
hens laying, 1 rooster,
healthy mixed reds & buffs,
some may set, $35. Cumb.
Co. 717-249-8694.
V/t yr. old white caramel
pygmy goat buck, $6O,
horned, vacc.,' wormed.
Lane. Co. 717-336-7068.
DeLaval #4 cream separa
tor w/elect. motor hookup
or crank $lOO. Wayne Co.
RRI Box 67, Pleasant
Mount. Pa. 717-785-3353.
NH 718 harvester 1000
PTO 2 row corn head &
grass head good cond.,
Gehl FBBB silage blower
good cond. Lane. Co.
Int. 4 bot. trip plow 14*
David Bradley 4 bar hay
rake on rubber good cond.,
$75. Somerset Co.
Open & bred polled Here
ford heifers, also one year
ling ball, good bloodlines,
gentle cattle, can deliver.
NH 778 skid loader w/Fm
diesel one hydrostatic'a.
$2500. Lane, C ?
717-354-6706. • ’
9” Southßendcabiiiw
model lathe, 3&4
chucks, etc., quick chan*
gear box, ex. cond., Jinan
Leb. Co. 717-273-3982
Int. 205 combine sicE
mower fits Farmall B com
sheller. Lehigh cT
132' feed wagon Int nol
flail chopper. 2 Gehl
chuck wagons. Balt Cn
410-374-9795 call after s
NH 269 baler & thrower's
bale wagons. Franklin Co
Storage trailer 45' fiber?
lass sides, no title- dn
$9OO. 610-269-6777. '
Nl #4l semi-mount siSJ
bar mower w/new Dare
$125, NH *36 flail chopce
$650. Southern York Co
Used Pequea manure
spreader, working cond
$1250, AKC Boxer stud
service. Jonas S Beilei
196 Blank Rd., Narvon Pa
Ford 100 farm truck w/BxS
wooden bed $75 need*
battery. 8' topper $25, gooc
glass. York Co
Complete set of blades for
MF cut conditioner $5O,
4-15” white wagon wheeb
for Ford Ranger $5O. Boris
Co. 610-582-5910
79 Ford dump 27,500 Ibe
good strong truck, asking
$4,200. Berks Co
Purebred rat terrier pupst
wks. old, wormed looking
for a good home. Lane. Co
Rotary mower, pull type, I 1
Ford model 902, no rust
$6OO. Lyc. Co
JD KBA 17 disc fold up
wings, good cond , $lBOO
neg. Berks Co
Haflinger reg. mare good
mother very quiet drive
single/double best oHir
over $2,000 buys. Adam
Co. 717-677-9359,
Ml 12A manure spread*
very nice. Chester Co
Andy King, 4403 Mid*
Rd„ Oxford, Pa. 19363
8‘ Case transport dirt
$BOO, NH #66 baler w/
motor $4OO, Case ground
drive manure spreadn
$2OO. 717-754-7522.
Whirlpool elec, double wd
ovens, good cond., $5OO
Lane. Co. 717-284-4647
call Mon.-Sat, 7-12 am
Mules two-50" coon
hunting mules, one 132 k
trail riding mule, miniatu*
paint mule, 16.2 h mull
green broke to ride. Conti
Co. 814-349-5536.
2 F-350 trucks 1 for pull
1987 6 cyl. auto full
injected 86 Ford Rina*
make offer. Cambria Co
Girton 500 gal. diplomat*
bulk tank w/Copeland com
pressor very good. Luz.Co
717-868-3732 after 6.
Miniature donkey- whi» •
brown spotted yearW
jack, very affectionate 31
tall, $650. Balt Co. Mi
410-592-6789. _
Polled purebred simmasM
bulls & heifers, all ajd
some black. Bedford W
814-733-4705. _
All used- 10’ rails .75.
3-hole posts $1.50, loflj
posts $2.00, treated pow
& gate posts $3-$5 CM*
ter Co. 6 1 0-25 5-4826.
610-255-5580. _
Blacksmith anvil post vis*
post drill, forge $3O;
Montg. Co. 610-272-07”;
JD 2010 like new tires, njj
good $l4OO or best oj* r
Cumber. c °
717-532-3990. .
Arabian horses- weaajj
colts to 4 yr. mare, jW
loving dispositions, athj®
egyptian bloodlines, »2W
& under. Perry