Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1994, Image 58

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    818-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1994
Dairy Royalty Assume
(Continued from Page B 17)
Erie County Dairy Princess
Jill Shepegi wears the Erie County
Dairy Princess crown. She helps
her parents, Larry and Susan
Shepegi on their 100-acre farm.
They have a herd of 70 Holsteins
and Jerseys.
“All the Jerseys are mine,” she
said. She received her first one for
her sixth birthday and has been
building her own herd of Jerseys
since then.
A senior at General McClain
High School, Jill is a member of
the National Honor Society,
marching band, concert band, and
Melissa Rose
Needed immediately:
new housing for
■ Breeder Contracts ■ Broiler Contracts
■ Layer Contracts ■ Turkey Contracts
■ Pullet Contracts
For information on now contracts being
, offered by local feed and livestock companies
Authorized OSSA master distributor
Jill is president of her 4-H club.
After high school, she plans to
study business management at
Alternate Melissa Rose helps
with dairy promotional duties. The
16-year-old daughter of Dave and
Lynn Rose of Union City has an
18-year-old brother, Chris.
Melissa helps her aunt on her
farm. She beds cows, feed calves,
and has her own calf.
A junior at Union City High
School, Melissa keeps wrestling
statistics and is a member of chor
us. She plans to attend college.
icess Jill Shepegi with Alternate
Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. [QJ
Flyway Business Park s,ore hours Mon " Frl 7 30 to 4.30 2HK
“~ ad
1-800-673-2580 H
Ph: (717)569-2702
Jefferson County Dairy Princess „
REYNOLDSVILLE (Jefferson c * f™°T at . Brockwa y High
Co.) - Coleen Mowrey reigns as Si 001 ’ Colecn is secretary of the
the Jefferson County Dairy Prin- „ and part,cl P ates in National
cess. The 17-year-old daughter of I ? onor Soc,et y* band * J 322 band,
Dwayne and Karen Moweiy helps “onis and Academically Inclined
on the family’s 250-acre farm in *f™ L c 5 he I s Pf 68 " 16 " 1 of her 4-H
Reynoldsville. The family milks C ! ub - ? he als ° 18 a . of her
90 Holsteins. church council, unit council, synod
council, and a worship assistant
Butler County Dairy Princess Jennifer Blair with Alter
nate Audra Knauf.
Butler County Dairy Princess
BUTLER (Butler Co.) - Jen- belp ? miUc f 79 Br ° wn S ™ ss c ° ws
nifer Blair reigns as Butler County J “ K f ned y-
Dairy Princess Jennifer also works as a doctor’s
Her parents, Wendell and Mari- a doc
lyn Blair sold their dairy herd ‘or s office butshe likes her dairy
when Jennifer was 11 years old. far l n J ?j? * )est ;
Now 21 years old, Jennifer never k Je " mf ® r shows Ara k bian horses ;
lost her love for the cows and she sh ® raises °" bcr P arents
700-acre farm in Butler.
(Fomwly Long Lumbot)
7:30 A.M. -4P.M.
Monday ■ Friday
Let Us Come & To/£ 'With you About
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• Installation & Maintenance of
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We're ‘lfie "Concrete Specialists"
Gunite Construction • Precast Concrete Products
Brldga Hapair • Tank Rapak • Holding Tanka • InataMlon • Pw-QuaWM by PannOol
20 Cocalico Creek Rd.
Ephrata, PA 17522
(717) 859-4921
Coleen Mowrey
Jefferson Co. Dairy Princess
Helping Jennifer with dairy
promotional duties is Audra Marie,
Knauf of Evans City.
With her parents, Roy andj
Audrey Knauf, and two brothers >
and a sister, Jennifer helps with ■-
milking, feeding, shoveling man- ;
ure, and crop farming on the fami- •
ly’s 245-acres in Evans City.
Sixteen-year-old Audra Knauf
is a junior at Seneca Valley.
(Turn to Page B 19)
Deary Foods 1
• Dam, Reservoir & Spillway
• Slatted Floor Systems
• Silo Repairs