Shannon Hoffman Reigns In Four Counties SELINSGROVE (Snyder Co.) Shannon Hoffman of Snyder County is the new SUN Area Dairy Princess. SUN Area in cludes Snyder, Union, Northum berland, and Montour counties. Shannon is the daughter of Sid and Sue Hoffman from Mt. Pleasant Mills. Shannon received her crown from Taryn Laidacker, Milton. Her Alternate Dairy Princess is Missy Ranck, daughter of Glen and lleen Ranck, Watsontown, PA, Northumberland County. The SUN Area Dairy Princess Pageant was held Saturday eve ning June 25, at the Susquehanna Valley Mall, Sclinsgrove, at 7 p.m. The Boscov Store in the Sus quehanna Valley Mall, sponsored the Dairy Days along with the help of the SUN Area Dairy Promotion Committee. The 20lh Annual Dairy Salule was filled with fun and excitement for all ages. On Thursday, June 23, The Country Twirlers, provid- # AL ™ KIC & | LANCO I I U CONCRETE |LL|| WALLS | Agricultural » Commercial« Residential | WE DO SCS WORK - ALL TYPES OF POURED WALLS • Retaining Walls • Bunker Silos • Manure Pits (circular or rectangular) • Slatted Floor Deep Pits • Footers * Flatwork CONTACT: STEVE PETERSHEIM, JR. P.O. Box 256, Bird-In-Hand, PA 17505 717-291-4585 • (FAX) 717-291-4686 ed music and dancing on the Bos cov Mall Stage. The North-Mont 4-H Club served milk shakes. Friday evening, June 24, at 6 p.m., a seven-foot-tall Giant Ice Cream Sundae was built on the Mall Stage. Turkey Hill Dairies of Conestoga, PA, furnished 138 gal lons of ice cream, 10 gallons of chocolate sauce, 25 pounds of pe cans, and 5 gallons of strawber ries. Contestants, Dairy Maids, Dairy Misses, and the SUN Area Promotion Committee dipped and served the public free ice cream sundaes. More than 2,000 sundaes were served. Saturday, June 25, began with a “Dairy Pelting Zoo” area in the front of the Boscov Store, under a tent. All dairy breeds were repre sented. The calves were provided by area 4-H Clubs. They were a striking contrast to the “Turkey Hill Giant Cow.” Snyder County Holstein Club served popsicles on the sidewalk. At 3 p.m. a celebrity milking contest was held under the tent with 16 contestants com peting against each other. The ‘highlight was the competition of the Snyder and Union County Commissioners. During the day the Snyder Co. Holstein Club had a “Dairy Bean Bag Toss” with the Dairy Misses helping. They also served seven different cheeses to the public. The Swineford National Bank, Se linsgrove, sponsored and served ice cream from their “Scooper Bowl” with proceeds going to the Beaver Fair 4-H Pavilion. Ice cream was donated by Kemps, Sunset, Breyers, Schwan’s, and Taryn Lairdacker straightens the crown on Sun Area Dairy Princess Shannon Hoff man. Alternate Missy Ranck is on the right. * HEALTH INSURANCE * COSTS GETTING YOU DOWN? GIVE US A CALL AFFORDABLE MAJOR MEDICAL PLANS DEDUCTIBLES FROM $250-$2500 THE FINANCIAL SERVICES CO. CALL FOR DETAILS AND A QUOTE t 1-800-795-7334 fc GOOD FOOD OUTLET STORES See Our Original Line Of Golden Barrel Products Bus All Kinds Of Beans, Candies, Dried Fruit, Snack Mixes, Etc. At Reduced Prices * BAKING MOLASSES * MAPLE SYRUP * FUNNEL CAKE MIX * o%*, * BARBADOS MOLASSES * PANCAKE * WAFFLE * PANCAKE * WAFFLE * BLACKSTRAP SYRUPS MIX A VILM PBLiAf molasses * sorghum syrup * assortment of AEAlr* A corn syrups a liquid a dry sugars candies TtL* HIGH FRUCTOSE A PANCAKE * WAFFLE A DRIED FRUIT li** SYRUPS SYRUPS A SNACK MIXES /T A vM A CANOLA OIL A BEANS J : / A COCONUT OIL A HONEY h \j If your local store A CORN OIL A PEANUT BUTTER v .. doea not have it. A COTTONSEED OIL A BAUMAN APPLE 1 SEND FOR A OLIVE OIL BUTTERS free a peanut oil a kauffman presew brochure a vegetable oil a spring glen relish A SHOO-FLY PIE MIX Processors Of Syrups, Molasses, Cooking Oils, Funnel Cake Mix, Pancake ft Waffle Mix ft Shoofly Pie Mix GOOD FOOD OUTLET Located At Good Food, Inc. W. Main St, Box 160, Honey Brook, PA 19344 215-273-3776 1-800-327-4406 Located At L & S Sweeteners 388 E. Main St., Look PA 17540 717-656-3486 1-800-833-2676 - Wl2 UPS DAILY - IB SB H Rakestraw. The SUN Area Dairy Promotion Committee sold T shirts, milk pitchers, cookbooks, and hats to help support the local Princess Program. The 20th annual Dairy Princess Pageant began with Mike Daniels, Wiggle radio announcer serving as Master of Ceremonies. This year three dairy maids, Jolene Adam, Lisa Heimbach, and Lola Shanner, participated. Also for the first time nine Dairy Misses parti cipated in the program. All girls took part in the Fashion Review, with commentary by Jane Hawn, public relations manager, at Bos covs, they also provided the cloth- ing. Karen Auker, a singer from Drums, provided the music for the Pageant. Phil Durst, dairy extension agent for SUN Area, announced the two winners of the Dairy of Distinction Award. They were Mi, and Mrs. Lee Shaffer, Selins, grove, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Dale Groff, Dalmatia. Nationwide Insurance Com pany also gave away a color T.V, for a prize. Also 12 former Dairy Princess es returned for this special anni versary Pageant. They were recognized with i gift and flower. CLOSED SUNDAYS, NEW YEAH, EASTER MONDAY, ASCENSION 01 WH,r MONDAY, OCT, 11, THANKSGIW FVIIIII|E WffIETMAS | DECEMBER 26TH FISHER’S FURNITURE, INC NEW AND USED FURNITURE USED COAL A WOOD HEATERS COUNTRY FURNITURE & ANTIQUES BUS. HRS: BOX 57 MON.-THURS. 8-5 1129 GEORGETOWN RO. FRI. 8-8, SAT. 8-12 BART, PA 17503 SPECIALS FOR JULY GOLDEN BARREL SUPREME TABLE - 32 0» Regularly $l.OO now $1.59 GOLDEN BARREL CANOLA OIL - 112 Gallo* Regularly $2.80 now $2.29 ZOOKIES MOLASSES COOKIES Regularly $2.40 NOW $2.29 With Any Purchase Of $lO.OO Or Mo* Receive A FREE Taste Of Lancaster County (WIOV] Cookbook!