FRANKLIN CO. DAIRY TOUR Bob, Sr. & Tom Hartung Lisa & Steve Mellott with children Maria, Stevie & Shawn Mill Creek, PA New Enterprise, PA 717-483-6940 - 814-766-2364 John Yoder, Mgr. Ken Bupp, Mgr. The results you miy achieve with your Harvestore® Syitem depend! primarily upon your management skills and may vary (tarn successful results achieved buy others. Any application in a particular farming operation requires the advice of qualified expert! and la subject to limitations of good management, weather or other conditions present at the individual location. Hanes tore is a registered trademark of AO. Smith Harveatore Products, Inc. Thursday, July 21 PENN JERSEY PRODUCTS, INC. YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT AUTHORIZED HARVESTORE® SYSTEMS DEALER P.O. BOX 7 • NEW HOLLAND, PA • 717-354-4051 NOW SERVING ALL OF MARYLAND AND DELAWARE Berlin, PA Newvllle, PA 814-267-3308 717-776-3397 Joe Simpson, Mgr. Maynard McCullough, Mgr. ROHART FARMS 808 & KATHY HARTUNG & SONS Over 22 years experience feeding Harvestore -processed high moisture corn. BECK’S HILL VIEW FARM ROGffI&SHARONBECK Very low off-the-farm purchased feed costs. STEVE & USAMELLOTT 25x70 Harvestore structure for high moisture corn built last fall To make a reservation or for more information, contact Tom Johnston at 717-337-1151 or the Penn Jersey office. Roger Beck Columbus, NJ 609-298-7136 Charles Van Mater, Mgr. In Maryland 800-354-4082